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Robert Calais.8425

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Everything posted by Robert Calais.8425

  1. I didn't expect that problem to exist in the first place. Had I known this beforehand, I wouldn't have crafted a legendary rune to begin with, because nothing I could possibly gain from that would justify the trouble I've got from doing so. There are reasons to why after eleven years (game's runtime, I have no idea when they added legendary armor because it was never an option for me anyway), I don't have a single piece of legendary armor and unless ArenaNet does a 180 in terms of accessibility options, I'll never have any.
  2. Honestly, I didn't even think of upgrade extractors, because I never have any. *sigh* Neither did I realize that having legendary runes not destroy non-legendary runes would practically give someone an infinite upgrade extractor. Simply because I'm not one to look out for things I can abuse. I'm just trying to get along. Which, by the way, is unbelievably difficult in a game that has literally zero accessibility options. Yet another thing I have been begging for for years and since given up on. Side note, in case a moderator reads this: Yes, I know I shouldn't be posting multiple messages after another, but I don't know how I would have been able to have this block of text in my previous message, so that's just how it's gonna be.
  3. I don't have 87 character slots, I have 87 characters. I still have enough space for more than 20 additional characters, but there's only so much you can do within 16 hours, especially when you're forced to stay logged in on chest farmers for over a minute because you cannot manually arrange and lock your character selection. Something I've been begging for for years and since given up on. I'm upset about 300 gold because 300 gold is a lot, especially when your only source of income is flax. Gets boring fast, profit is negligible and constant farming eventually makes you have enough and leave. I've spent hundreds of thousands of gems on this game. The #1 theoretical spender pales in comparison and I don't regret supporting the best MMO developer there is. "Chump change"? Good for you. I have a different opinion on that.
  4. Exclusively ascended. Edit: I've got one Black Lion salvage kit. It has six uses. Because all my characters used to have different stat combinations which all made combat a living hell for me (Berserker's, for example) before I eventually got them all Marauder gear and I was in a similar situation years ago, where I had a ton of characters stuffed with Scholar runes on equipment I wanted gone. And ArenaNet eventually removed Black Lion salvage kits from the login rewards and Black Lion chests, so I would have to get them through the gem store and that's just not going to happen.
  5. First off, how many characters someone has shouldn't be your concern. I have 78 gold and I owe someone 220. Those characters developed over the entirety of this game's runtime. Most of these runes cost me twice as much as they go for nowadays. (In other words, 300 gold is a gross understatement.) I said I'm interested in opinions, not insults.
  6. No, it IS weapons, because weapons are the kind of legendary equipment I own. "on that 1 slot where you have a legendary" Excuse me, I'm ignoring what? The situation is that no matter where I'd put the damned thing, I'd lose one Scholar rune per character.
  7. I have 87 characters, but they didn't fit on the same account. Is that really the thing you deemed the most important in my post?
  8. ¹ Last time I checked, said legendary rune was legendary. ² That's weapons. You cannot apply runes to weapons. ³ How is this relevant? ⁴ To be honest, I didn't even think of it this way. I just don't think it's nice to destroy over 300 gold worth of runes.
  9. No, I'm serious. Unless you want to repeat on page five what's already been said on page one or are just here to ninja-react to posts because you have no hands to type with. And if you're simply a fan of thread necromancy, then go ahead.
  10. I've been seriously considering joining for over half a year and here I am now, finally having made my decision after recently disbanding with a guild that wouldn't have done me good in the long run. Normally, I'd write quite the paragraph detailing who I am as a person, but I decided that I'll do this internally instead, should I receive an invitation to the guild. 「1」 Why do you play Guild Wars 2? - I've been there since Guild Wars 2 launched in Europe on August 28th, 2012 (over 43k hours of total playtime) and while it was the character- and style customization that initially made me stay with the game, it would be the community that made me never want to leave again. 「2」 If you could be any Guild Wars 2 NPC who/what would you be and why? - While I'm not overly interested in him as a character, it would be the Inquest researcher Gorrik, because we share many personality traits. The decisive factor here isn't the "what I would like to be", but rather the "what I have always been". 「3」 If you could be any non-human animal, real or mythical, what would you be and why? - A lion. Lions are breathtakingly beautiful, deeply caring and they don't bow to anyone's will. I'm hoping to hear back from the guild's leadership, be it here or in-game (preferably in-game) and will be on my way for now. Through Discord, you can reach me under "robertjfcalais". Best regards, Cal
  11. Greetings! I'm a soon-to-be 30-year-old altoholic fashion warrior with so much playtime down my sleeves that I'm on the GW2Efficiency leaderboards with more statistics than any sane person should be. Having barely escaped yet another drama-heavy environment without completely losing it, I am now looking for a new place to stay. Your guild's introduction hit dead-center on so many levels that I couldn't just ignore it. If you're still open for recruitment, I'd love to join and have a good time with you. Regards, "Don't call me Robert" Calais
  12. Just thought I'd let everyone know what if you activate an embiggening tonic between two contests and keep it active until the cooldown timer hits zero, the game will remove your transformation, but won't give you the skills to support contentants (7,8 and 9). If you then re-enable and disable your tonic again, you can use back pieces, novelties and mounts. You're welcome.
  13. As the title says, the achievement "Build Your Own Backbone" cannot be completed unless you either equip a non-transmuted Spinal Blades back item or craft an entirely new one. Re-equipping transmuted ascended variants does not progress the achievement.
  14. No, I mean any possible combination of the selected elements. I've never done that before. Not even once.
  15. I'm sure anyone who plays a weaver these days already knows exactly what I'm about to bring up. Using mounts randomizes a weaver's selected attunements. And it's not like this is a newly-occuring issue. According to some reports of people I've talked to about the issue, this has been the case ever since Path of Fire launched. And it's pissing me off, because it makes the profession practically unplayable... unless you're a fan of Maulevekian Roulette (in-universe joke). There's no definitive solution to this that's available to players, at least none that I'm aware of and the issue can be replicated by virtually anyone with access to the weaver elite specialization and any mount that can be dismounted from mid-air (or, to be more precise, without any form of solid ground directly beneath you as you're dismounting by whatever means). While I probably shouldn't, I'm hoping that someone somewhere at ArenaNet will read this, realize just how incredibly game-breaking the issue is and find a way to fix it. If anyone knows a solution, please do tell me. "Elementalist - Multifaceted spellcasters who command primal forces" ...as long as they travel by foot.
  16. It's the fact that my main account is. And my other accounts are only there to provide me with certain materials.
  17. OP said "Triumphant Hero's", which is the second set of exotic precursor armor. Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor is both the ascended precursor and the legendary variant.
  18. You must be doing something wrong then. I'm new to WvW and I just finished my first Triumphant Hero's armor set after roughly two weeks. I can link a screenshot of my sylvari Sylvanas Windrunner wearing it with my WvW rank window open to prove it, if necessary.
  19. Yes, I'll just go about unlocking everything again on nine other accounts, including all the gemstore items and legendary equipment. 👍 Edit: This thread needs to be locked down. There's nothing productive going on in here anymore.
  20. I like how you just assume that all the character slots on my other accounts are filled, when in reality, there's hardly more than one character on them.
  21. No, I don't. And I never gave you any reason to assume that. I have exactly 80 characters.
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