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  1. The patch will buff axe condi is not even out yet, ppl complain preemptively on forum now? Probably, probably not, seems we are in wonderland. I am not a condi mesmer fan myself but may you guys please inform yourself about what the class is doing, so you know what to complain about? No one can take any complain serious being so clueless about the build gets complained about. All i read here is " i have no clue what hits me when but it feels op".
  2. One change Devs do not need to be competent at balance or at playing the game to make it right, and they do not deliver. Sadge...
  3. Yes that is more a sign of Ele not being as bad as Ele mains like to think, and not a sign for Ranger being fine.
  4. I guess you still use Shattered Concentration? I see some mesmers going Egotism instead, i am not sure what to think about that choice.
  5. So all Engis can do, is stand on no port spot and spam aoe on point, and die the moment just one opponent knows how to climb? Sounds just like the creative and engaging playstyle Anet is looking for 😂
  6. Why not? I think Engi needs some other ranged aoe spam kit.
  7. What a threat 😂 I press my thumbs for you, that the game's servers stay up long enough for your next 10000 games
  8. Facts. Btw any changes to your power builds with the new relics?
  9. There are axe thieves and there are axe thieves, some know how to abuse some precast shenanigans and some do not. Still needs a fix.
  10. Right? Heard something like that too. Whatever it is, it needs some attention
  11. Make it a 4th golem, no one will do the effort to port back and back from golems to ffa for elite reset. Or make it one golem far away from the waypoint in the golem area. Also who cares abotu ffa? You want serious duels or some skirmishes? Go duel server or hotjoin, those deserve some population anyway.
  12. Missed that thread as well 🤯 Nice guide if portal would be playable... I have to admit i prefer mirage with Illuionline or with Superiority Complex trait in Duelling over your build and no Infinite Horizon. I know you dislike that playstyle 😀but it is way easier to have impact and that without doing your high iq combos and you also get some crazy condi remove on dodge with Elusive Mind. But i agree that the damage on ambushes needs to be lower and that people actually should be forced to play IH by making it baseline, it is the trait forces to play mirage more differently to a core mesmer, it is actually THE mirage trait as such. Anyway thanks for all your guides, tips and the great ingame training time you did spend to people for free. Helped a lot to improve at mesmer and conquest. Very sad to see you not playing anymore sensei 😢
  13. Since at least 5 pages this thread is not about Split Second damage anymore xD
  14. Playing support in ranked is self-torture (in particular in lower ranks, where you play). But you can check Mat vods from Teapot and check higher ranked games streamer Boyce; Sukaya etc. and see that they have a support chrono in team frequently. Btw i was able to play chrono a bit now and the dmg was in average (i prefer to work in average instead using statistical abnormalities and footage where it was just wrong played) around 1200-1500 crit for the first of the two hits of Split Second on medium armor with only melee gs2 amount of vuln and might. That means 2400-3000 dmg in total. It is not that far away from what i suggested, but it doesn't feel overwhelming in current gamestate that is for sure.
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