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Everything posted by kima.3045

  1. is horrible to start a gain and see someone chat, "i am here to farm/dailies" is people they don't care the competitive aspect of pvp and they will just sit there doing nothing or they don't even know how pvp works =( this makes very lame games since well.... they will get the rewards either way .... can at least they make it count if the team wins?
  2. well, they to the spinning sith skill and they just rush directly to me... and well i die =( or if they have piston the lunch the green goo.... and i don't know how that is so powerful.... (i try to LOS if i can )
  3. they do the syth attack that spins and just insta kill.... how you fight a necro?
  4. robot - has a lot of armor/hp - way too much damage - chase you so you can't get LOS (loss of sight), compare to other pets that are slower. - low CD time, if you kill the robot very quickly can be summoned again. is really boring for the player or the enemy to fight a robot, as player i have no challenge, send robot. sit down and nap as a player fighting a robot? for that i go pve, there is no set of skills that challenge the players. even damage is so much that can kill a player while downing an engineer. if the CD was longer like 4 min. or way less hp, and for sure less damage
  5. robot can kill you while you down the engenier warrior bladeswornd that doesnt recive any damage necros with 3 hp bars? deatheye kill in 2 shots? form super range? do i continue?
  6. i roll back 2 nvidia drivers and now is better, (still take some time) i think might be with the update of the expansion well now is back to 4 5 min loading screen time, i updated my drivers, i roll back te drivers, i lower the settings on the game, up the settings, .... etc... and still takes forever, and then take along time to load all the objects in the screen =(
  7. mmm if after like 30 ish min of repair, deleting the temp, and still takes several minutes to log into mist of arenas for pvp? any other ideas?
  8. after buying the expansion just going to the pvp lobby takes forever, i get into some match's and it already begun. has anyone else encountered this?
  9. get thicker skin is a competitive world, you let this affect you? look what kind of person is? and pvp is a competitive place, there is ranking involve, want cute place to be? pvp is not really a place. the lobby is a cute place, in the arena gloves are off.
  10. but how data can be good when you mix stuff from one build version and another? this is so wrong in any type of IT development. plus interrupts the game play of players is affecting the product, this week for example is terrible to play any type of content.
  11. i don't want to play with people testing stuff... and they figure in out their life, why do i have to play with them? can be like wow that who want to test it have a different build # with its own server? i am not a TESTER! i don't get paid, want to play like every normal day,
  12. is good to apply poision? vs burning? is it better as an elemental with the dagger that i can dash around to put poison or like burning dots?
  13. sadly, some players are not ready to go rated, don't know how to use the minimap, signals or drawings, others can't even read. others pretend to be better and go 1v4 to die over and over.... if you want to have respect and friends in a competitive environment, be competitive, be up to the standards of the challenge. want to be respected by the flame tribe? be capable of stand on the flames. want to be respected by the tribe of water, hold your breath as long as them. you cant be expected to be respected when players dont use the tools of the game, there for unrated is for them.
  14. is not real life first of all. and you mean they force them to shake hands at the end of the match? HAHA yea lets be bestys! Look at Michael phel he doesn't go down to his lvl to shake hand with the losers, he splashes them, 3 times gold medal in the Olympics for over 12 years and still hold the record. no one in the world has gone to Olympics that many times, he even did drugs, and they forgive him. yes they live of the sport there for they need to do pretend to be nice, look at mm fighters you think they are best friends? they are there for literally blood. you cant expect to all grab hands and sing cumbaya
  15. you need ticker skin why you care so much what they say? also they might have a reason if you are a bad player, this is pvp competitive stuff not for you to learn builds and make friends. is a competitive environment
  16. yes the balance is disgusting, necros with 3 hp bars, warrior bladeworn cant die and just kill everything, te robot of the engneir does like 3 times his damage? you can just target a person and robot will do all for you, or even when is down, the robot can take 100% of your hp will you trying to down the enemy. but they sell the expansion and forget about the development of the game,
  17. why he log and mess every ones game? is been 1 or 2 years, just get into the pvp fight walk a little and afk. why? also why arena doesn't ban him after so many reports? or they don't change the game mechanics to exchange afk players?
  18. there are no bots, is just player that afk, they still get the same rewards for legendaries, so no incentive why to play
  19. aoe does so so much damage, the red circles on the floor, than single target skills
  20. is crazy how standing in a aoe pool for 1 or 2 sec can kill. and the radius is just crazy! aoe should be a damage that is just ther doting, but if you dont get out you die, other radios are so big that 2 rolls is not enough
  21. sadly, today society is about report report, everyone is offended. i was in a game i said we were pathetic since no one took home, and we are a bad team. (All went mid, and we all die) team was report! ow you dare to talk like that, hate speech all that. well today people can't accept the true we were a bad team, we didn't use the map to see where the team was moving, we didn't kill engineer with robot, team targeting a tank class( i think was necro, they have 3hp bars) sadly society/games have become toxic by nature if you don't do or say what the other person thinks. people doing pvp should have a thicker skin to begin with i understand keep it, friendly and don't curse, might be kids playing as well (and they should have the chat filters on, that on them if they don't) but now the little things that trigger people is out of proportions, maybe is me been old when people had to win to receive trophies. so i move to wow, pvp in gw2 is toxic with the report situation, compare to the rest of the game where everyone is friendly and nice.
  22. i had 22k hp had 80% after fighting a engineer, i put him down, and just the secs of my raising the hand to kill him, robot took like 18k hp of my life. that's really bad. is like 100% damage from engineer and 200% from robot.... my 100% damage, vs 300%, that also is been done at the same time, since the robot and engineer attack at the same time.
  23. they did beta? robot should be a pet / bring utilities to the game, like extra skills not be 200% dps and high hp, while engineer have all defenses - hide, send robot hide, you die - send robot, invulnerability you are death - you down the engineer robot can kill you in 2 or 3 shots. more fun a pvp game with 2 robots, like 5v7.
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