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  1. idk man then maybe you could try to articulate your posts in an human resembling behaviour instead of doing RP on forum posts
  2. Did you expect a major balance patch to old specializations 3 weeks after an expansion dropped? Warr was s tier before xpac, then SS tier after launch, now it will probably be s or a+ tier again no need to whine about it :)
  3. That's because anet does not care about tournament mode as a whole so people don't care about it too, the lack of spectating system (wich they didn't even bother to update with relics in the ui) is a big part of the reason about the alienation of many players from high end pvp content Yesterday Mat wasn't even streamed by teapot, wich was the only reliable source of seeing it, people were spamming in every pvper twitch chat where to find the EU mat. TLDR: anet does not give a kitten about tournament and high end pvp so no one does too
  4. The rewards are indeed more rewarding, i didn't complain about it, i was complaining about the fact that we went from a system that let you chose from a variety of objectives in every single gamemode to one where you have 1/3rd of the choices and you have to decide the gamemode one day in advance, i still can't really decipher their toughts process about such direction, why not just put the old 12 objectives and cap it after 3 or 4 of them are completed? The only possible reason i can think of is that they didn't code it properly and they rushed it in this state (hence why the hotfix with simply +1 daily) but that would be scary about their yearly releases quality control
  5. So have they spelt a single word about the daily system? I keep not enjoying the fact that i have to chose 1 day (or 1 week) in advance the content i will have to play to get my dailies/weekly, it's embarassing to have radio silence on a system that has worsened the QoL of every single player playing the game
  6. To push out an expansion with a core part of it still in beta and not having the option to modify it (i don't believe they didn't foresaw the outcome of the community not liking having 1/3 of the options about the dailies) and being forced to implement an extra free daily just to throw a bone is pretty concerning tbh. Yearly xpacs are going to make the game packed with beta features like the vault
  7. you just can't do it anymore while running in a straight line against people sitting on a node.. stealth is still way superior, you can still stealth + superspeed to gank people busy in fights or simply stealth behind corners or angles where they're less likely to see you coming
  8. So a single new daily has been added. That's asinine lol, what most players complained about is CHOICE not the amount of rewards, i don't care having extra astral i just want to freely choose different options just like it has been for a multitude of years. Give us the choice to decide from the old 12 dailies from both pve-pvp-wvw and set a cap to the daily astral (put random non-astral rewards after the first 5 dailies?) - everybody wins, no reason for this downgrade
  9. scrapper has both 2 stunbreak (if you play with oil) and toolbelt skills provide a cleanse each. since now he's the only oneshotting stealth class he's probably going to become the next problem with pvp but oh well next balance patch is pretty far away so let's get comfy
  10. i'm sure everybody will miss those 20+k combo in 4 spell
  11. Just like with the videos you keep resorting to arguments that bring nothing to the topic and has nothing to do with it, like my post history. Yes i complained against prime fa cata, wich was arguably the strongest spec this game has seen. As for vulture stance brought as an invulnerability, it gives you 1 second of evade and a dodge worth of endurance during that invulnerability timeframw, hence why it's listed as invulnerability, maybe you should learn to play the classes instead of defending an op spec wich is probably the only way you got to get outside gold3. Anyway you rangers whiteknights don't really matter in the grand scheme of things, anet is actually decent at recognizing and nerfing broken specs, only problem is that they're slow af, so enjoy your boosted elo while it lasts
  12. kitten arguing with out of context random clips is just a new level of cope for ranger mains. Mesmer do burst a lot, but it's a squishy class that relies only on blink and distorsion as actually strong defensive cd sb on the other hand has: -5 combo finisher for stealth (lmao) -3 skill to make distance (GS #3, S #2/3) -one block (GS #4) -6 stun/daze/immob (smokescale f1, boar f2 f3, GS #5, S#3, WH#5) -2 invulnerabilities (griffon stance, smokescale f2) All of that on dmg coefficents that makes no sense on pretty much every single spell
  13. the OP is a mess and makes little to no sense as a whole thiefs use firework, not antitoxin, if they use SA and antitoxin they hit for low dmg The only class that hits like a truck and has high amount of damage/stealth/mobility is soulbeast tbh
  14. Just give back all the dailies, new system is nonsense and no one likes it. If the problem is that you can get too many points by completing 12 quests just lock them after completing a certain number of quests
  15. Just give back the 12 choices for the daily and make the UI understandable, and booom the wizard's vault becomes from a messy system that forces you to do specific unwanted tasks to an upgrade of dailies
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