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  1. Etherbound Chest and Shoulders. I don't want the helmet that has been active for 3 months in a row.
  2. I agree, I like the concept of how it works, just needs a little polish here and there, and little adjustments. Overall I am pleased with it.
  3. Yes I have noticed this as well. I am guessing its due to the full animation not going off, perhaps being interrupted? I don't think this is the case every time. Something just feels off about it though.
  4. I feel like the 4 skill is the opener though, landing the 4 (if you don't land it you wont engage) is the most important part of initiating (Yes I reiterated that). If someone dodges it, kudos for them, but necro landing it, then getting countered after landing it just seems like a bad design. So I have to double dip on my attack in order to get in close with it? Na, that is redonkulous. Give me the evade on porting. If I wanna get in close, and I land my get in close skill, I wanna get in close. The fact that it refreshes the 2 is just a bonus in my opinion. If these other people really wanna give it more damage, I'm not going to complain, maybe leave the life steal as it is though, feels really good TO ME landing it as is (2/4/2) or (2/4/2/Shroud(pick your poison here)/4/2). Combine that, IF you get lucky with sword/focus for more chase/boon hate/burst, it feels fine. Most of the issues I have with shroud mechanics, are the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death's_Charge not sticking to targets, so you get left away from moving targets which is bull. Either the target should be interrupted/stunned/immobile/ All 3 because no kitten trash here, or I need to be able to advance to the target location. That's a different discussion though. Dunno why someone else is comparing GS pulls at 900 range vs 1200 range porting. They are similar, but also different. Similar in that you still get yourself closer to your target. Different in that, You cant pull multiple people, or pull them off a wall with spear. Speaking of porting, and I think its been mentioned before, but it would be nice if the throw could also pierce, to actually reach your target, with this (ASSASSIN) type weapon. Would be nice to get some burst off with a preemptive spectral walk, and port back after you pew pew a little on your selected target. Too bad it gets interrupted by anything standing in the way.
  5. Increase addle range to 240. Increase Extirpate range to 300 and make it AOE, not just facing target (unless it already has it, I can't tell.) Speed up the auto chains by 1/4 each Give the teleport evade. Those would be my changes. If you wanna get spicy, give the 5 unblockable. For extra kitten killing.
  6. The damage is fine in my opinion. I just have an issue with the teleport, getting interrupted during it. That doesnt make sense to me. I have no problem with the 4 skill recharging the 2 skill either, especially since exiting shroud will give you another 4 skill, which can also give you another 2 skill, so when ur up close, you can get a decent combo with it. I have also had combos on enemies who surround me, being able to use the 2 into 4, back into 2 when they are below 50% health was really fun. I like to Reaper and Run Spear as well as Sword/Focus, using power gear. My heals/utility are the heal shout, Nothing can save you, spectral walk, spectral armor, and chilled to the bone. If I screw up, sometimes i can escape with the sword, or reaper 2. If I engage I can 4/Cook 5/Port4/3/2 Shroud, sometimes i pre-empt nothing can save you, if they have block strings on, to make sure all the 5 hit, or instead of the 3/2, jump into shroud and use shroud 3/4 with the cripple/boonstrip trait. The boon hate is so strong with necro now. I love it. So many characters with like 5-7 boons having uptime, just negate them all, because I like the deny buttons. Ive even been surprised by core necro and the damage it can deal with spear, and swords for that matter.
  7. Id rather 4 have evade on teleport. I don't want to be feared while porting.
  8. Nothing to see here, just a blank window, legacy tab, and current astral rewards tab are working. I have 2 objectives I would like to collect, but I cant, because there are no objectives showing on the objectives tab. No daily, no weekly, no special. Its a blank window.
  9. "The account name or password you entered is invalid. Please check your information and try again." Recover Account - Link = ERROR
  10. Seems like they could implement this, they have it in WvW which disables enemy or team skins. I think mounts dont change though, ANYWAYS.....
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