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  1. Well it really depends on your play style if your used to playing glass cannon like me then it's a glass cannon without the glass, I'm used to playing good old SD no stun breakers hahaha. I would prefer to take plb over supply crate but until conduit surge is made to be less janky crate is a lot better for setting up the burst combo, I also use PBM so I want to overheat.
  2. pbm is very consistant ive found since the whole build is quite melee heavy, I did think about running elixir gun for that melee problem and for the swiftness which I don't have 100% uptime on but since there's not a great deal of downtime on skills I already use I feel like elixir B provides a lot more oomph in fights. prime light beam goes alright for setting up conduit surge since its knock back can push enemys into the spot where you would normally over shoot
  3. Hey http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQEQLLgVxsYXsSMptUf7A-DaoOjEUAZMBcwfBAA So the whole strategy is to absolutely condi bomb the kitten out of anything you can touch threw conduit surge->devastator, those 2 skills alone can wreak anything by themselves but since conduit surge is the jankiest skill I've ever used we need to make sure we can set up landing it, the 2 ways I've found that work best are being as close as you can to your target or engaging from about 500-600 range on an immobile target which we can achieve with electric artillery, rolling skies or supply crate, now provided you land the setup follow up with a holographic shockwave->photon blitz. Landing this combo i get upwards of 8k burning stacks for 2 seconds and 4k burns for a further few seconds, Things I do to help along the way are using lighting rod going into the combo to deal with any blinds or aegis, generally if you preload lighting rod going into photon forge it'll be charged and electric artillery will be available when you leave photon forge and its capable of hitting oos enemies which and with its immobile makes it fantastic for finishing enemies or engaging a new target. one of the most overpowered parts of this build is its burning reapplication for example you land 2->5 that's 5 long-lasting stacks of burn and 6 short the enemy likely won't react fast enough to stop that 1 second of 6k burn but if they did cleanse it you activate photon forge and photon blitz 2 long stacks 8 short stacks of burning okay if they did cleanse that before it did its damage then you use 3->2 and another 4 long stacks of burning reactivate photon forge for a further 2 from solar focusing lens and photon blitz again and if they manage to avoid all that you overheat use conduit surge to get in range to hit with photonic blasting module for 2 burns plus an extra 6 from solar focusing lens, obviously this requires landing conduit surge which is way easier said then done but after a few hours of matches I started getting used to setting up combos and straight reading my enemies movements to land conduit surge. obviously with tools and alchemy with elixers you get a kitten ton of condi clear and decent protection uptime along with the large health pool from carrion aumlet so you will be surprisingly tanky with a possibly one of the best burst potentials I've seen on engi in a long time, I was running firearms over tools for more damage but honestly you really don't need more damage personally I could see both tools or inventions working depending on your playstyle, i did try out a power variant for a while with explosives/alchemy/holo but i felt like i was doing more damage with condis while also speced into more tank, running firearms i did manage to get a 13k burn tick in spvp, I am looking at a WvW roaming version with cele but will see anyway enjoy lads and ladies
  4. well until its fixed ive found facing away from my target makes it way less likely to over shoot and more likely to hit
  5. well weapon looks sick but mechanically we got some problems. Conduit surge is to janky it needs to be far more reliable in hitting its target, the skill has 2 parts a dash and a leap, the dash is slower and is only 450 range and the leap is vastly faster and seems to activate when your within a certain range threshold of the target and adds that extra range to make the whole skill have a total range of 700 the leap finisher is also only on the second part of the skill so no target no leap finisher, I understand what anet was trying to accomplish in making the skill function like this but I feel it would be better if the either made it 2 skills rather then 2 animations baked into one skill and gave us a bit more control or and probably the better idea is just used the second part of the skill only that would make it likely much more reliable at connecting. Was the original idea for Rolling skies to launch the focused target out of position? And then followed up with devastator, feels like that was the idea at some point. Devastator feels pretty good except for the landing portion of the animation, speed that up and I just know the devs made it slower because of devastator nade barrage combos lighting rod feels alright but electric artillery is kinda janky make it an aoe and make a decision on where you want to put the cast animation, it seems like you wanted electric artillery to be instant cast but thats not so good for very obvious reasons so you slapped a cast time and immob and hoped for the best. overall I feel like this weapon from a PVP perspective at least was modified after it was made to compensate for the constant balance problem that is grenade kit, if it wasn't janky id expect it would very quickly get nerfed.
  6. just wanna touch on this point, i very much doubt she created everything but rather originally most things created before the dragons started losing it to void magic would have been more similar to the sylvari. Think of real life before civilization started kicking off we lived like animals with all of our time put into surviving until we started learning stuff like farming and fire, but in this case it would be soo won came along and used void magic (electricity irl) to bring structure that allowed life to flourish and evolve. That's the idea i got at least anyway.
  7. i see what your saying but given how stupid the ai can be sometimes and how large a part our mech plays in the build having a skill that moves our mech around some of the terrain is necessary, it dosent have top be instant and could probably have a decent cool down, when ya unsummon it ya know how it packs in its arms and legs and fly's off takes around a second or two well that animation with the landing animation on top of that no damage no buffs or debuffs just straight more modular mobility so not quite like shift signet but at least something to help us overcome some of the terrain issues since our mech plays such a large part in the spec
  8. I fully agree with this change and also request we get a new f4 that allows us to teleport our mech so we can reposition the mentally handicapped thing
  9. I'd say it needs a 30% nerf on the default attack for spvp but because its relying on ai its probably just going to be a mid/low rank pub stomper The damage and survival comes from how you use the mech, I didn't realise it was bugged whats the deal there?
  10. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PewAk6RlxycZLsXWJOuPVxPA-z5gfGFMBqYBYrB There's the build, most important thing you need to do is set a convenient hotkey for the "attack my target" button on your mech if your not spamming that button on your main target while your fighting there's a good chance your mech is going to spend majority of its time chasing that one target that ditched the fight to heal up and not actually doing anything useful, this next part i cant stress enough your mech has a massive distance it can engage enemy's at and there's a good chance its going to deal some fantastic damage before an enemy gets to you or before you get to them so always make sure your finding a target and getting your mech to engage well before the fight starts, know your positioning know your maps and pick your fights if there's a ledge that you can easily jump up or jump down your mech will take the 10km path instead field your self in more open areas and use your mechs massive engagement range to your advantage and last important piece of information your mech's default attack will deal incredible damage if its left to free fire on enemy's so always make sure its attacking a target, shift signet is massively important for landing big juicy jade mortars point blank (Shift signet to target->your CC of choice->jade mortar->energizing slam) this isn't to say you cant use shift signet for anything else but landing that combo point blank just deletes people so keep that in mind rather then using it to save your self a 2 seconds of traversal time, your healing over time is quite significant especially if someone is giving you regen before you decide to pop your heal see if you cant los and avoid damage while your mech shoots away at enemy's and you can recover without using a cooldown, condi clear is good if your comparing it to pre hot non elixir builds so condi bombs will be the death of you but facing condi enemy's is very doable and thus far have defiantly been preferable targets for me to face, your mech will do a large chunk of your damage but your autos and 2nd skill can do some pritty decent damage to so dont be afraid to whack on people if your confident you can come out on top of blow trade, the build isnt all just about sitting at range and letting your mech do all the work you have alot of cc and blocks that also cc so get into the fights and cc kitten. is it better then scrapper or holosmith? couldn't tell ya thus far but if you can micro manage the kitten out of that mech i think itll be competitive. also feel free to use what ever runes and sigils ya like they arnt that important.
  11. Discharge array needs to cast where the mech is standing other wise he runs around like an idiot trying to get into melee range to cast it which is technically where you want that skill but using discharge array and follow it with rolling smash is vastly more smooth
  12. Yeah, I thought the same after seeing them. This is how our rifle turret should look like...Actually made another thread saying that this new story episode was the absolute best opportunity to give us a turret rework. Updating their skins, like giving us that gatling turret. And especially with so many Charr engineers using turrets on the map.... i feel like we might see a turret buff on the next balance pass Do we have any idea when this is going to happen? Seems like a while the last real balance patch happened and if I remember correctly, then they stated that these will happen more frequently now.If I had to guess I'd say sometime between the 3v3 mini league and the next conquest league
  13. Yeah, I thought the same after seeing them. This is how our rifle turret should look like...Actually made another thread saying that this new story episode was the absolute best opportunity to give us a turret rework. Updating their skins, like giving us that gatling turret. And especially with so many Charr engineers using turrets on the map.... i feel like we might see a turret buff on the next balance pass
  14. So this is the misunderstanding. There is plenty of build diversity at least until the end of Plat 1. You can run off meta builds and still do well. Game gets pretty sweaty Plat 2 and above, but even there you can run your favorite build if you play it extremely well. For example, I'm running a duelist condi Soulbeast that eats average prot holos for breakfast, as well as other meta side noders like core ranger. I've also seen well played scepter/focus weavers do well in Plat 2 as +1ers, although the build isn't meta at all. Just a few examples. "bUt tHeRe'S nO bUiLd dIvErSiTy" is a fairly popular excuse that is really masking a l2p issue. A lot of top soloq players don't run meta builds, they're just really good and they do well against whatever. I will argue that until at least Plat 2, you can do well with an off-meta build, as long as it's GOOD at something (side node, +1, etc). There's enough build diversity. I will also continue to argue that spvp is largely held back by Anet continuously beating the dead horse (Conquest). If anything, build diversity is held back by the game mode more than anything else (I.e. lack of balancing). Everyone hates this game mode. we've played it for 8 years, and although I'm in Plat 2 after not playing for 3 yrs, I'm getting pretty bored already. This isn't like Dota where the map is a sandbox for many different playstyles. So I'm running around WvW instead these days, which is more along those lines. Tldr; build diversity is fine. It's the game mode, people just don't wanna play it. Burn Conquest and Stronghold in a fire, make something new or balance around 2v2/3v3. Plenty of build diversity for good players no doubt about that but your talking about a separate solution to the same problem you want a reason for people to go back to spvp im looking at an option to get new people into spvp and both are important to maintaining a strong population. There is already alot to learn in spvp of the gameplay alone so there's defiantly a benefit to help new players get invested to become better players by making the bad skills a little less bad even if they still suck for high level PvP so their choices of skills don't discourage them because they can't play what they want
  15. I think a good place to start in bringing more people to plat would be increasing viable build diversity leading up to the higher levels of game play, if you want more skilled players playing the game mode they first need to get invested into the game mode and giving huge amounts of options that are just as shit early on as they are in the end game isnt exactly a good way to get people invested and more rewards dosent make people invested it just turns it into another grind just with the added benefit of dealing with the saltiness of pvp
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