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Posts posted by Ariurotl.3718

  1. Just flip camps for a few hours with some reward track boosts to keep participation up and it'll be done in no time. It's tedious but not too bad. I usually listen to some music or a podcast to keep myself entertained while waiting for the camps to be flipped back.

    Heck, I even have an extra GoB right now and I'm not even sure how that happened.

    Also, skirmish tickets you get are pretty useful if you want to level elite spec on an alt or pick up some extra infusions.

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  2. 30 minutes ago, porkchopMCgee.6193 said:

    Any core traits should work with elite specs in some fashion. But unfortunately it's all an after thought, as core traits get reworked for new stuff coming out and don't factor in all specs.

    Also core specs should be more usable. 

    Yes but I'm just saying that there will always be major traits that would be useless with your build. For instance, if you don't run any Corruption skills, the Master of Corruption trait is useless to you but it doesn't mean that the trait needs to be changed, you just don't pick it.

  3. The real problem with Soul Battery is that it's a minor trait, one you have to take if you want to run SR. It's absolutely fine to have major traits that are dead with your build/spec (and there's a ton of them already) because you can just pick one of the other two, one that actually does something. Not the case here and it has to be fixed. Minor traits absolutely should add something to any build running the traitline.

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  4. I'm not really the sort of person to make things personal but I looked at your recent post history and it's astounding enough to comment on. You professed to hate JPs, fractals, WvW, metas, the entire SotO expansion, Wizard's vault and dailies in general, and now story.

    What do you LIKE about the game, Spook? Why are you here?

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  5. That's because the chest there does not mark the completion of the JP. Counterintuitively, it's the bit opposite the chest (some platform, I can't remember exactly) that marks the end. Just get to the chest, then turn around. The platform is there, to the left of the path you came in from. Or to the right if you're facing the chest. You don't even need to open the chest to finish the JP, you can just jump onto the platform.

  6. Mine are mostly weird observations and personal hangups, tbh.

    Engineer and Revenant: They both feel clunky to play, the former due to lack of polish over the years and the latter, well, due to lack of polish when it came out and mostly ever since.

    Guardian: Every elite spec messes with the Virtues in a way that I find disappointing somehow. I want them all to be instant-cast non-ground-targeted skills I can just pop at any time but you have to play core for that!

    Elementalist: I can't play the piano and playing the class makes me feel like an even worse player than I generally am.

    Necromancer: Uhh, I don't hate much about Necro tbh. Reaper is still the slickest elite spec in the game. Harbinger feels underdone though and its shroud skills are a bit of a mess (very much a personal opinion).

    Mesmer: I always forget to shatter!

    Warrior: So much of its stuff just feels mundane stylistically. Mace and Shield in particular could send you to sleep while you're playing.

    Thief: Largely the same problem as with the Ele. It's fragile unless played really well and I can't play it really well.

    Ranger: This is the most bizarre complaint of all (and goes to show that I don't find anything much wrong with Ranger) but your starting pet is written into your character bio despite rarely ever being "always by your side" cause you tend to ditch it for a superior option. Yes, that genuinely bothers me. Latent OCD, I guess.

  7. Okay, after pondering Mesmer changes, I only have one problem with the new Inspiration line: Ego Restoration being just generally bad (a clone on healing skill use and literally nothing else? come on now) and other Master traits being Focus- and Glamour-specialized means that for a ton of builds, there is only one choice and that choice is massively underwhelming.

  8. For casual play, anything BUT Virtuoso. People on these forums in particular always overestimate your average player and underestimate the breathing/thinking room that having AI helpers provides when you're exploring alone or soloing a difficult enemy and all aggro is on you. I'd recommend Staff Mirage over Chrono and both of them over Virtuoso.

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  9. Crafting licenses are such a dumb, obsolete concept. Just let us learn all the crafting disciplines without having to switch between them like our characters have selective amnesia. A bit off-topic but just saying.

    EDIT: and on topic, maybe please don't gate Heavy Crafting Bags behind SotO after the refresh? It's not a good look. And yes, I made a thread about this but it sort of devolved into a multi-page abomination with people largely twisting my words.

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  10. These changes to the Inspiration spec are going to take a while to wrap my head around. Always happy to suddenly provide more support but two of the traits I use are now on the same tier which sucks. Does Blurred Inscriptions really need to be a GM trait? I remember Anet balance folks talking about moving skill type related traits to lower tiers some time ago.

  11. Augury of Death is no longer supposed to reduce shout recharge but it still does it at least for "You Are All Weaklings!", making it 16 seconds instead of 20.

    I'm actually leveling a Reaper right now so I can't tell you how it behaves with most other shouts but it works as currently described with "Your Soul Is Mine!", no recharge reduction with or without the trait.

  12. I fixate on them because it's a dangerous first step towards a very unhealthy practice. Like I said, it's not about the bags themselves but about the fact that someone at Anet thought it was a good idea to gate them behind SotO. If you're willing to let that slide without raising any concerns, you must live a very carefree life and I am genuinely envious.

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  13. For the life of me I can't see a dedicated thread to the subject that's still open (and "Secrets of the Obscure feedback thread" is too broad given that I don't even own the expansion) so here goes, merge with whatever you wish.

    1. I'd like to see bounties back in the PvE daily rotation

    I haven't been to Elona ever since the new system came out because bounty dailies seem to have disappeared. This might be a problem because outside of rare "do the event chain" dailies, there's no real reason to go back there now and player population on Elona maps may suffer. Again, it might be suffering now but I haven't even gone there since the change went into effect.

    2. Gating heavy crafting bags behind SotO feels very scummy

    It's not even about the bags themselves, I don't even particularly need more of them at this point and heck, you can get a laurel from the Vault rewards and exchange it for a bag. The problem is that it looks scummy and extortionate on your part to gate NON-EXPANSION REWARDS behind the expansion. You're better than this. Add new expansion stuff and gate it behind the expansion as much as you like, it makes a lot of sense. But core game crafting bags? Really?

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