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Posts posted by Ariurotl.3718

  1. I love how the OP is mostly concerned with the aesthetics/concept but the thread immediately devolved into gameplay complaints. Welcome to the Professions forum! 😁


    Honestly, I don't think there's a dearth of shotgun-like skins in the game. Sure, you don't get any proper double-barreled shotgun skins but I don't particularly even want that. There's a ton of blunderbuss-type skins with a wide bore that work well enough aesthetically.

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  2. For the Vinetooth Prime, definitely pick a day when Auric Basin events is a daily, you might have more luck there if you try organizing people a few minutes before the event. I've actually randomly come across people doing the Prime event not that long ago while map-completing on an alt, stopped by and helped them beat it.


    As for the other item, you can get it from ANY champion icebrood quaggan so if you can't get it through that quest, try doing Claw of Jormag (especially when it's a daily and there's a lot of people), I'm fairly sure champ quaggans spawn during the event. Also, take a moment to report AFK farmers. It's a small thing and I'm not sure they're even getting punished, but it's the least we can do.

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    You've heard from people who have taken this whole thing seriously, now let me (a regular but very poor player who's been sucking consistently since 2014, wouldn't ever consider even doing a "rotation" (that just sounds like the most boring way to play) and only really enjoys the open world PVE) rank all professions from best to worst from a PvE scrub point of view.


    1. Necromancer (in particular, Reaper).

    Reaper is easy mode. It just is. Currently my main is a signet Reaper clumsily optimized to spend as much time in shroud as possible. Press 4 and see everything melt. It's immensely satisfying but even seems too much on occasion. The only class with which I don't ask myself the question "should I solo this champ or is it too much of a hassle?", I just do it and win. I've got a minion master core Necro as well (don't ask why it's not a Reaper... okay, you may ask but I can't promise to answer) which is a bit more finicky but still easy mode.


    2. Guardian

    Core guardian with Sword and Shield was one of my previous mains, it was cheesy fun until Retaliation got nerfed and I could no longer just completely IGNORE precision and still crit 100% of the time, most of the time. It was a shout build with boon duration maxxed to +100% and I enjoyed helping others at least to some degree (Necro chars mentioned above are selfish as heck and sometimes that makes me feel a bit guilty). Never got on with the elite specs though as ground-targeted skills are my kryptonite and being able to insta-cast all my virtues was something that I enjoyed way too much. Elite specs might be great for a more skilled player but I just found DH's versions (particularly 2, screw that ground-targeted nonsense) and especially FB's tomes a massive unfun chore.


    3. Warrior

    I only really got into core Warrior once ANet reworked it to heal on Might application (two traits, Carl! TWO TRAITS) and heal allies on shouts. It's one of my favorite alts, I really enjoy hopping around on it constantly healing myself and others, dodge rolling into groups of mobs for a free heal and damage from that one trait, waving the GS around and slicing through crowds with GS3... it's just really really fun to play for me. Gets more tedious than Reaper because DPS is lower but still, can't argue with "it's fun". Tried condi Berserker at some point, it didn't stick at all. Tried Spellbreaker, it was kinda meh. Core works for me.


    4. Engineer

    A nostalgic favorite if nothing else. My oldest surviving character is an engi (Scrapper) and I still play it occasionally. It's a special case anyway cause that character was a HIGH CONCEPT one and does nothing but camp Flamethrower and drink elixirs. And while yeah, perma-stability is nice, the elixir tool belt skills are clunky as all heck and are in dire need of an update (especially underwater, they're TERRIBLE underwater) and there's entirely too many ground-targeted skills (*shakes fist*) for me to feel like I'm doing as well as could be expected from someone like me. I might be an awful scrub but even I don't particularly want to just spam autoattack until everything dies.


    5. Ranger

    Ranger is just... okay. I have a Soulbeast alt that barely gets used. I could play it more often but I just... don't. I don't enjoy Longbow at all, GS is fluid and somewhat fun but I've got a Warrior fulfilling that need. I genuinely like Shortbow as a concept but I don't have a condi build because SB as it is just feels too weak. If it got the ammo treatment and got buffed in PvE across the board, I could see myself trying it out again. Currently though? Meh.


    6. Thief

    I really want to like Thief. Actually, scratch that, I really like Thief but I'm not good enough at it. As a general concept, Deadeye is my favorite thing in the dang game and staff Daredevil is somewhere near the top as well. But I am too bad at Thief to play it effectively and that is why I can never really enjoy this profession fully. Also, I love the idea of Venoms but I hate the fact that the trait for them is in Shadow Arts for some reason where it doesn't really synergize with anything, and I can't justify taking the spec JUST FOR ONE TRAIT while sacrificing all the good stuff from other specs, and at the same time, it feels... wrong to focus on venoms without taking the trait. I've got latent OCD, gimme a break.


    7. Revenant

    I only made minor attempts at Revenant and they've all left me unsatisfied. Long story short, you can't escape ground-targeted skills on Revenant (at least when it comes to ranged options) and the class in general felt clunky as heck to me from the very start, and despite the edges having been smoothed, still feels somewhat clunky now.


    8. Elementalist

    Did I mention that I'm bad at the game? The only time I played Ele to some degree of satisfaction was on my Tempest alt that just camps Fire and melts stuff to bits. However, survivability was a major issue, I couldn't dream of soloing most champs in the open world, and that soured me on Ele. Piano-playing Ele mains, I salute you.


    9. Mesmer

    How do you even Mesmer? One of my earliest GW2 memories is that of a Staff Mesmer alt FAILING TO GET BRONZE on the Fire Elemental WB event despite definitely hitting it a lot but with DPS so low, it wasn't enough somehow! A lot has changed since then and I'm not nearly as crap (but still crap), but I still regularly forget that you're supposed to shatter and whatnot. Everything just feels so... weak on Mesmer for me, and while I made some attempts at getting better at the class, the feeling persisted. Love the idea behind the profession but feel terrible playing it.


    P.S. A lot of this was somewhat tongue-in-cheek (for instance, I know that I can do some open world stuff better than other forumites complaining about not being able to beat some challenges that I found trivial) but essentially true. I had a lot of time on my hands. Cue the O_o emotes, this post was made for them. Thank you.

    • Confused 1
  4. It's such a tiny thing but I'm very disproportionately annoyed by it: when you use a Gemstore mount skin (especially a relatively elaborate and different one, like the Goat Springer or the new Roboskyscale) and you haven't mounted for a while, the next time you do mount, the default mount skin shows up for a split second before your custom skin loads up. Somehow that breaks my immersion in half which is silly but whatcha gonna do. Not sure if it can be fixed, sure would be nice if it was.

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  5. Nothing, really. I'm too crap at the game to be of any use to anyone and I generally don't enjoy the mode.


    I guess it's pretty good for getting elite specs for your alts without doing any expansion content "out of order" because you accumulate those heroic notary things or whatever they're called very quickly and then you can just spend them on your alts.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Obliviscaris.6937 said:

    Breaking news: If this keeps coming up, even after so long, from a UX point of view, it's badly designed. Fact.

    I don't think it's particularly poorly designed but it's definitely not clearly explained what you're supposed to be doing. Whether you treat that as a challenging "puzzle" to try and solve or an annoyance that should have been tutorialized better is up to you.

    • Like 2
  7. 12 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

    Your best bet would probably be checking on days when Verdant Brink daily event is part of the daily.

    Absolutely this. It's also great advice for any other map that doesn't have a very popular meta. On the "daily days" you have a much better chance of finding people organizing the metas.

  8. First I'll repeat myself (it's been a year since I last asked): Please make the headpiece of the Inquest Exo-Suit Outfit into a separate item. Usually I get the reasoning behind not wanting to split outfits into pieces but this headpiece is a tiny thing that won't clip through anything even if you try. Just do it, please. It's such a cool item but it's lumbered with the rest of the outfit which is a bit of a holographic mess.


    And my new request is very very simple: prioritize completing existing mount skin "sets" when releasing new batches of mount skins. There's only, like, 4-5 complete mount skin sets in the game and you severely underestimate the average MMO player's desire to have a full set of something. So why not give us what we want and boost sales on older adoption license batches in the process?


    Thank you.

  9. I don't tend to get frustrated by the game much, you certainly don't see me complaining a lot on here. But somehow the only two frustrations I had over the last year (ever since they fixed the lag) hinged on the same thing: I wanted to buy a festival-related thing and the vendor for it was only available during that festival. First I wanted to make the endless whatshisname raven tonic but it was in spring, months away from the next Halloween, and I couldn't buy... uh, the recipe, I think? Some vendor-only item, anyway. And then recently I figured that I wanted to buy a specific imbued holographic weapon. I have the regular version unlocked so all I needed was access to the bloody vendor but that'll have to wait till summer. I can't even be sure that I'll make it! There's deliberate time-gating for big rewards and then there's waiting for six months to buy an item that I have the currency for.


    On the other hand, I understand that it would be a bit weird to have a bunch of vendor NPCs retained year-round for that purpose. So I dunno, what do you folks think? Could the basic festival vendors that we have year-round already use a couple more store inventory tabs?

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  10. Once upon a time, ANet wanted to keep all skills exactly the same in all game modes and tried to balance accordingly. One of those balancing decisions was a nerf to turrets' survivability across the board just because they were too sturdy for WvW and/or PvP, I honestly don't remember which cause I barely ever set foot in those modes. It's safe to say that the paradigm has well and truly shifted and now barely any skills are the same across all modes. So can we (the PvE players) have our turrets that aren't made of cardboard back?

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