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Posts posted by Ayrilana.1396

  1. 30 minutes ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

    What do strawberries have to do with whether or not jumping puzzles are included in the meta?


    They don't.  I'm showing a flaw in your logic and the other poster's.


    You're assuming that because someone stated a fact that the current week doesn't include any achievement for an episode then that means all future weeks will not.  While they stated a fact, it really has no correlation nor proves that future spotlight weeks will not have any of the jumping puzzles as a part of their achievements.  We simply will not know until the spotlight weeks for the episodes that have jumping puzzles.

    • Like 2
  2. 9 minutes ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

    Do you have a link?


    The same one that you linked............................ (breathe)...................


    Actually, I'll just make this my last post addressing you on this matter.  If the below doesn't satisfy you then I will make a mental note to post later in this thread or another a source that directly/explicitly proves that LS4 and LS5 episodes will also be given for free.


    Let's look at the section of the very article that you linked above paragraph by paragrap.





    Living World is the story of the dragon cycle, and now is the perfect time to look at everything that’s happened on the path that brought us here. Join the mission to catch up on Living World episodes you’ve missed—for free—and jump-start your legendary journey in Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons! (Legendaries confirmed.)


    With the first sentence you can see them speaking about the dragon cycle and everything that has brought us to here.  "Here" being where we are in the story with both Jormag and Primordus dead.  Living world also isn't just seasons 2 and 3 as it didn't suddenly end when LS3 did.  Looking at the final sentence you'll see that they say we'll be able to catch up on all Living World episodes which we missed and unlock for free.  Did they state just LS2 and LS3?  No.  We know that the Living World episodes are LS2, LS3, LS4, and LS5.


    Here's a link about the Living World in case you have some confusion: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Living_World



    Starting May 25, Living World episodes will be in the spotlight chronologically. Episodes are free to unlock during their spotlight week, and we’ll update them with new achievements. Complete all the new Living World Season 2 and 3 achievements to earn a voucher for a Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons precursor weapon. When the expansion launches, you can redeem it and begin crafting your very own third-generation legendary weapon.


    The first sentence simply states the order that the episodes will enter the spotlight with the second sentence stating that they will be free during their spotlight week.  Again, nothing here states that it'll just be for LS2 and LS3.  They've been speaking in the context of the entire Living World with includes all of the seasons.  The third sentence speaks about one of the rewards which is what players get for completing the second tier of the meta achievement.  The second tier being for seasons 2 and 3 if you're doing them in order.



    After completing the new meta-achievement for all three playable Living World seasons and The Icebrood Saga, you’ll receive a legendary amulet as a powerful reminder of your role in shaping Tyria’s destiny.


    The meta achievement that they're referring to is the one with 24 items that you will see in current events.  Currently only only complete the first item which is the spotlight week for the first two LS2 episodes.  Note that they state that the meta achievement is for all three playable Living World seasons and The Icebrood Saga. This means that LS4 and LS5 (they call it IBS) will be a part of that achievement.  Currently progressing that achievement requires completing a smaller meat achievement specific to a spotlight week.  It pretty reasonable to assume that this would continue past LS3 and the other two season will have spotlight weeks as well with their own individual meta achievement.


    Now if you don't want to believe any of this then that's fine.  I will post here, or in another thread, a source that directly proves that LS4 and LS5 will get spotlight episodes which will be free to everyone.  Whether this is a post by Anet, a blog post, or the actual patch notes.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

    Well, they need to release the new expansion some time.  Show me your source that says season 4 is coming.  This is not the hill you want to die on.


    Show a source stating it isn't.  The meta achievement includes LS4 and IBS and it's safe to say that the individual meta achievements will be weekly just as they are now meaning that those seasons will get spotlight weeks for their episodes.

    • Like 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

    After only a few hours you are invalidating predictions that there will be no jumping puzzles, despite the fact that there is no evidence to suggest that jumping puzzles will be required.  I don't understand what makes a prediction that jumping puzzles will be required more valid than the opposite.


    The poster invalidated my guesses by stating their opinion as a fact which is very much different than what I had done to counter them. 

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  5. 14 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:


    But the precedent set with this release didn't involve the JP, nor collecting map currencies.


    It's clear they are planning to just hand over a legendary amulet to everyone for just doing the story, a few events and mining a few nodes as a method of on boarding people into the Armory and jingling the keys to distract from a clear content drought.


    One week is hardly enough to base what they'll do with future episodes. 

    • Like 1
  6. So based on the new information, it'll be 24 weeks until players can actually acquire the legendary amulet and it appears that you get it outright without having to craft it.


    The achievements for each of the week's meta achievements will revolve around completing the major story instances for the episode(s) for certain.  My guess is that the LS3 and LS4 meta achievements will require heart completion as well and possibly require the map currencies in some manner such as purchasing collection item from the heart vendors.  I'm also guessing that completing the jumping puzzles will be required.

  7. 1 hour ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    This thread is about support for the input and display of different writing systems.  That's why the OP wrote "cyrillic" and not "russian".  He's asking for a QoL change with the input and display of characters.  Russian can also be written without cyrillic, but those localized systems aren't always set up to do so by default.  Again, please stop confusing writing systems with language.

    I’m not. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Chaba.5410 said:



    What you're attempting to describe is called a writing system.  Graphemes are not language nor do they create language.  They are only small units of symbols used to encode/decode language (often called character sets in computer lingo).  Written forms, as I stated, change all the time.  There also exist languages without writing systems as well as languages with multiple writing systems.


    Language is created from human psychology and evolution, the details of which linguists are still trying to piece together.  It's an unanswered question.  Please, stop confusing character sets with language.


    Hence the statement in my post that you quoted that said:  "All of this conveys a means to communicate a language in a written form."  Language is seen as both written and verbal with it usually complementing the verbal.  As this thread is about text chat, I'm obviously referring to the written aspect.

    • Sad 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    No, that's not at all how language is created.  Writing systems change all the time, even today.  The only costs are programmatic and the reason I mention Unicode is because it was purposely designed to remove the costs of adding multiple character sets to programs.


    Your opinions come off as extremely uninformed.  I wish you had better knowledge of linguistics and multilingual programming before engaging in conversation with people who do have experience in these subjects.




    Umm... what I stated about a language is true.  It is comprised of characters whether it be multiple to represent a word or the word itself. It can even go beyond that.  All of this conveys a means to communicate a language in a written form.  So before you claim me to be misinformed, make sure that you are not.


    1 hour ago, Raizel.1839 said:

    You can already do this with the languages not supported in-game but which use latin-text (like most central europe languages).


    What you said has already been posted in response to my post and has been addressed.

    • Confused 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, Malitias.8453 said:

    ..Are you against it for the sake of against it? 🤨

    No. I’m not for or against it. I’m just stating one potential reason why your request is unlikely to be applied to the game. 

    • Like 2
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  11. 2 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    Are you saying your words "languages not supported" is not about language support?  It seems you are confused about the difference between language support and character set support.  Hopefully my example below will illustrate why.


    This forum utilizes UTF-8 encoding.  You are reading it from a browser that most likely uses a font that supports a huge variety of character sets.  ᛊᛟ ᛁ ᚲᚨᚾ ᚹᚱᛁᛏᛖ ᛖᚾᚷᛚᛁᛊᚺ ᚢᛊᛁᚾ ᚱᚢᚾᛖᛊ (So I can write English using runes.  At least on my browser I see it displayed in runes.)  This is no different from someone using latin characters to write potentially offensive chat in a language not supported.  The character set doesn't obstruct offensive chat nor "make it worse".  It's not a "potential issue".


    Besides, if you don't understand the unsupported language, how exactly are you affected by offensive chat when you can't even understand what was said?

    Characters are formed together to create a language.  There are costs associated with having additional languages available in chat. 

    “Because it doesn’t affect you” isn’t a valid argument.  I can apply that towards almost any request in the game. 

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