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Posts posted by Ayrilana.1396

  1. Please refer to the wiki and complete all of the steps required.  If there are open world steps after the instance then obviously you'll have to progress the episode's story from the beginning up to that point.


    I did it with a character who has already completed the story before.  The first attempt was no credit before I realized there were steps after the instance.  It helps to look at the wiki prior to doing the episodes this way.

  2. 3 hours ago, Zoid.2568 said:

    I have played ESO and FFXIV and both lacks in endgame content, FFXIV has not so great combat, ESO though has great combat. GW2 wins over both those games.

    No they don’t lol. They have a ton more endgame content than GW2 and the endgame content in those games is actually actively developed. GW2 has relatively so very little endgame content. 

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  3. 34 minutes ago, NotTooFoolish.7412 said:

    What if we were to reduce the number of deaths or whatever required to get the achievement? There isn't much to entice people to fight the Horror. It would be nice to add a reason to kill him.


    There already is an achievement to do it as well as a rotating daily.  You also get additional loot as well.  Out of the three bosses on the map, he's the one killed significantly more than any of the others.  I daresay he's killed as least twice as often as the other two combined.



    Achievements should not be tied to failing and most definitely not in a group setting.  It doesn't matter how many times you have to do it to complete the achievement.  You, and the OP, are not realizing the impact that an achievement like that would have.

    • Like 1
  4. 49 minutes ago, maddoctor.2738 said:

    So reducing the quality (and number) of players around doesn't "impact graphics". Good to know. And no, just playing with model limits will never be enough because the game has horrible performance even when you are solo inside the home instance or the guild hall where no other players are around.


    Please read what I said and/or not twist what I said.  I said: "Not every option which I was speaking of impacts the graphics.  For example, players can reduce the player model limit to significantly improve FPS".  I'm not sure where you got that I said reducing the quality does impact the graphics nor do I get how you equated the the number of players did.


    53 minutes ago, maddoctor.2738 said:

    You where talking about the upgrade being expensive and Anet being a poor company that doesn't have money or resources to accomplish it.


    I said that I didn't think they had the excess resources.  I have $5 and a Starbucks drink costs $5.35 so when I say that I don't have the excess resources for it then I'm imply that the Starbucks drink must cost a massive amount according to a previous post of yours?  I simply stated that they didn't have the excess funds/resources.  In no way did I state what the size of the funds would need to be.  That is completely all on you for making up that bit.  Even my post that you quoted as your "proof" doesn't support that claim of yours as you're simply making assumptions.  Please stop.





    • Confused 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Essence Snow.3194 said:

    I haven't spent 7000+ posts going after other users for their ideas. Just a few calling you out. If I had the ability to block you, that would make my day.


    This thread......the idea is valid based on how it would benefit not only the player base, but the game's health as well. Idk y you have to be so negative to everyone.

    There’s a difference between having a different opinion (or disagreeing) and “going after someone for their ideas”.  It’s rather toxic to attempt to paint someone as the villain simply because they have a different opinion. 

    As for this thread, I simply stated why I felt it would not work. I don’t feel that Anet has the resources to accomplish something like this. There are other things beyond that which could some into play such as whether management feels that it’s actually worth investing into. 

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  6. On 6/1/2021 at 10:43 AM, notebene.3190 said:

    I did the intro, and did some stuff in Iron Marches, and none of the achievements are updating. Would rather not have to do this 2-3 times. 😟


    The achievements are tied to specific story instances which are listed on their respective achievements.  If you have a character who has already completed the episode, you can replay the episode and just go directly to the instances themselves. 

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Essence Snow.3194 said:

    I know enough about you to know what kind of poster you are. There's a few of you that create a toxic environment for other posters. Idk why Anet puts up with it....but I don't. So I will point out your hypocrisy when you go after other posters.


    PS nice touch going through and "reacting" to all my posts....shows class


    If there's toxicity then it's coming from those who would take a statement and then distort it for their own purposes.  It's not toxic to be in disagreement.  It is toxic to see someone's post and say something like "Still shooting down everything I see....what a contribution. "  Not everyone will agree with everyone and that's perfectly okay.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Essence Snow.3194 said:

    And your dead.......that's how not seeing other players works in WvW.


    As if seeing every player within a zerg would have made a difference.


    2 hours ago, Essence Snow.3194 said:

    You can back peddle all you want, but it's not changing what you said.


    Read my previous posts.  It's not backpedaling when trying to counter you two who are intentionally twisting what I said. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Essence Snow.3194 said:

    While playing WvW that's not really a good option.


    Well certainly not at the lowest setting but you don't need to see each individual player of the zerg either.


    1 hour ago, Essence Snow.3194 said:

    You said they didn't have the resources. Resources scale with the size of an undertaking. So, yes you did imply it.


    Please take a look at what I actually said.  While it's true that resources usually scale with the size of the undertaking, I was not making any reference to the actual size.  The other poster was the one who was making that by injecting it into the discussion and passing it off as if I had said it. 


    Am I really the one that implied it?  I simply stated that they didn't have enough resources.  I'm not the one that said it requires massive resources.  I'm not the one who stated that "resources scale with the size of the undertaking" implying that they either believe it requires massive resources or is a massive undertaking.  I can say that I don't have enough resources to craft a piece of ascended armor.  This could mean that I'm short a few items or short all of them.  There's a wide range but you two decided to take it to the far extreme and make it out as if I had stated or implied that.  You both are incorrect.

  10. 1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    For me it took a bit longer - at least when I tried it the first time. (Also listened to the dialogue but played it without challenges.) I think the 10-15 minutes is maybe for a pro player (not the average player) without the challengs. With challanges and for an average player it would take a lot longer.


    Well with the timers, they wouldn't take that much longer otherwise they'd fail.  When I did daily DRM runs with groups, it took around 15 minutes on average.  Based on the HP of the mobs and bosses when doing it solo, the average player should be able to do them in about that long as well. 


    1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    For both of the meta achievements. No reason to not have a reward track for the other one as well. (Mainly for it to unlock the option for that back item where you need the infusion box I think.) Would be on the same level with most other meta achievements that have a reward track for the item you get there.


    The other meta achievements didn't give an infusion that I'm aware of. 


    1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    There seems to be a lot of other group content. Map meta events. PvP, WvW. Strikes, Raids, dungeons, fractals.


    Compared to how much you of the game you can solo, it's small.  DRMs are an even smaller piece of that.


    1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    It is high if you only solo play them without without challanges. (To prevent them from taking too long - when challenges need a group to do them faster.) Should have added a node that gives defense seals. (Instead of only the one for the prismaticite thing that is not needed that much - as long as you do not want to craft skins.)


    Challenges do not need a group to do them faster and quite often it's quicker to do them solo rather than play the RNG lottery on who you'll get in your group. 


    I'm not sure why you said that it's "high if you only solo play them without without challenges" as that's wrong and I indicated why it's actually higher by doing challenges.  Doing challenges gives you more loot chests at the end which gives you more seals. 


    1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    I was talking about the challenges. 15-20 minutes seems fine - without challenge. I might be able to do them in that time. When ignoring the dialogue that I read at the first time when doing them for story it took me about 15-30 minutes. The destroyer ones I think were more around 25 mins and the Jormag/Icebrood ones seemed faster around 20 mins or so. With challenge mote though it migh take longe rsince the boss is tankier. (And bosses are already tanky without challenge.) And I would not say that I'm worse than average. (Still far away from the top raid players though. But for open world/story and solo content maybe in the top 33 percent lol.)


    I think it heavily depends on the allied faction (where chosing it reduces the amont of seals you earn cause you have to pay). Some really make it a lot easier - I remember the exalted there the thing does a ton of damage and helps a lot to speed things up. Maybe there should have been a diffetent cost based on the usefulness of the allied faction and based on the amount of players playing in the DRM. (If one player solo plays it only cost 5. Then costing more if more players play - since they could share the cost - if it was implemented that everyone had to pay.) But that only for the useful factions lol. Skritt and stuff ... not even worth 1 ... you just get them for the achievement. 😄


    If you're taking 20-25 minutes on normal then you're likely going to fail the timer challenge.  If you're in the top 33% then you should be clearing them quicker.


    The allied faction that really only makes a difference would be the deldrimor because the acid is a little OP.  The others are marginal at best.  I used to use the seraph for Lake Doric as they could solo a few waves of the north area while I did the south but I stopped when Anet changed things by adding more vets and such.


    1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    As mentioned above: Solo play without challenge for the story + reading the dialogue at the beginning (losing a bit time on the pre event which might have saved me some time in those DRMs where it is possible to quickly solo the pre - in some it seems possible ... then saving some time if the pre event tim also counts to the timer for the challenge have not checked this).


    I know the challenge timers from the wiki. And I know how long it took me without challenges (but reading dialogue). The other stuff was an estimation - when I knew that the boss is already tanky without challenge. And got a lot tankier with challenge.


    30+ minutes with boss + mob challenge active seems like a reasonable amount of time. (At least for the destroyer ones.) For an average player that has a bit skill. (The not so skille average player migh take longer.) Further than that you proably need a lot of optimization. (= not "average player" anymore.)I read from some people that actually go full dps build using buff food + destroyer potions.


    Nowhere did other solo (I am comparing it to solo cause we we are talking about solo challenge times) story content require this amount of optimization. (I did most other instanced story content without trouble even without buff food. Though I think there was not many that was focused on maxing dps. More for skill and evading attacks stuff.)


    Here also checking gw2efficiency stats is interesting: Not a lot of people seem to complete DRMS a lot of time. Mentioned this in another more general thread about DRMs: More people have completed (example) the 15  times bjora eastern meta - though this is 15 times the same ... same boring stuff.


    DRMs that technically require less repetitions and have more diversity (well actually it is 10 times copy pasted the similar content on different maps) have less people that completed the associated achievements. Even the one for just completing 20 playin DRMs has only about 7.x percent of players on gw2efficiency.  (And that should count even completions without challenges I guess? But not counting one you did for story I think.) The "Dragon Response Expert" is only done by 4.xx percent.


    There's voice acting so you don't really need to read the dialogue.  Even if you do, you can still multi-task.


    I don't believe any of the timer challenges for the DRMs are as long as 30 minutes.  I vaguely remember the Metrica was being something like 16 minutes. 


    A lot of people skipped doing DRMs because they're boring.  I only grinded them out because I wanted the achievements completed but not everyone cares about that.


    GW2Efficiency isn't reliable because only a small percentage of the playerbase use it, you don't know how many of those players are active, and it's not representative of the playerbase. 


    One of the issues that I did have with the achievements is Anet staggering certain ones which could have been completed during their release window.  For example, those ones that require you do use specific allied factions, they could have released those achievements with their respective DRMs.  Instead they held them back until the very last release to artificially keep people busy.  The same goes for the achievements to complete 20. 30, and 40 DRMs.  The grind for a player doing them now with everything released is much less than those of us who did them as the episode was piece-mealed to us over the course of like six months.

  11. 1 hour ago, maddoctor.2738 said:

    At the cost of making the game look very very ugly. Players can make the game look even worse than Guild Wars 1 to have better performance, but is that even worth it on systems that can run the latest games at max settings without any problem? I think not.


    Not every option which I was speaking of impacts the graphics.  For example, players can reduce the player model limit to significantly improve FPS. 


    1 hour ago, maddoctor.2738 said:

    Just using DXVK provides massive performance improvements and it's completely free. Making the engine use Vulkan, instead of DirectX 9, is not the massive undertaking you make it out to be.


    People make the same claim about DX12.  There is a cost for it and messing with the engine could break a lot of things which they could have created workarounds for in the past.  I also made no indication of the size of the undertaking.  That was you alone who injected that into what I said.


    1 hour ago, maddoctor.2738 said:

    I'm quite positive Arenanet still has an engine team that is responsible for engine related code, nothing to do with most kinds of game bugs, long standing or not. Furthermore, fixing a bug can take a great amount of time/effort, while implementing something entirely new can be indeed easier. That's how programming works more often than not.


    They're not implementing something new.  They're revising an existing system.


    1 hour ago, maddoctor.2738 said:

    Performance and engine problems is gonna be noticed before anything else, in fact, while loading into the game for the very first time. Those "many other factors" you claim will be noticed much much later than performance.


    Do note that most (recent) games that had/have performance issues was/is destroyed on reviews (especially on Steam, but in general as well) even if it was/is a great  game gameplay-wise. Performance does break/make games.


    The performance issues may be a factor but but it's not as large of a one as the poster was making it out to be. 

    • Confused 3
  12. 6 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    I'd say they should remove/lower the need to do DRMs - since they are not really fun. And technically they are considered story content and there is no other story you need to repeat that much to grind. (Other story parts have their grind stuff in the open world and it is less grindier and more fun.)


    Each DRM is about 10-15 minutes long and have a piece of the story included with them.  You only need to repeat them for achievements and if you're an AP farmer, there are far more grinder achievements in the game.


    6 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    First I would like to see reward tracks for the strech emote and fo rthe other champions meta achievement - so people that do not like to grind could just to them instead. (Still optional grind needed for the weapon sets - for people that like these.)


    For the emote... sure.  Not for the infusion.


    6 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    Second: There is already enough other group content and while the DRMs seem to be fine to solo without challenges ... I'd recommend to also scale them down so solo players can do the challenges solo. (Especially if they are needed for the meta achievements and when there is no reward track as alternative yet.)


    There really isn't that much group content in the game and the DRMs are perfectly soloable.  In fact, for capable players who do decent DPS, it's actually quicker to do it solo.  The challenges do scale like the normal DRMs and can be done solo.


    6 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    Third: Another source for Tyrian Defense seals. The prismaticite crystals seem to have the home instance node you could just farm repeatedly instead. Defense seem to be harder to obtain. (Unless you really grind - which is boring - the DRM.) It also costs a lot to activate an allied faction of your choice.


    Dragonstorm meta gives a bunch of seals once per day.  Doing the DRMs give seals and you can get significantly more if you do them with the challenge motes on and have the boons.  The current cost of 10 seals for selecting the allied faction is reasonable.


    7 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    If you get only 10 seals + 4-6 from soloing (and another 5 from the daily chest) it means just about 10 seals earned - for example ... if one wanted to slowly solo the tide turner achievement by doing 1 drm daily (can't see myself doing more than once ... since it gets boring/repetetive too fast) and taking the 20 minutes or so which it takes to solo I think. (With challenges much more minutes to solo.) For average players - not talking about the the pro optimized 1 percentage that can do solo quickly with every challenge activated lol.


    You don't have to be in the top 1% to solo DRMs quickly.  Average players should be able to do most of them in 15 minutes maybe 20 minutes at most.  You earning less seals is because you're paying for the convenience of selecting the allied faction.  If you want to earn more seals then activate more challenge motes and/or don't choose the allied faction.  Players can choose the timer challenge mote as it's largely irrelevant if it's the only once selected.


    7 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    Aaaand most important: Give the boni from the mastery already when you do not have the boon from killing a DRM champ. This is basically forcing you to do more than 1 DRM/day to actually start to profit. I mean: People have earned their mastrery which already was a lot of work. And they should be able to feel free to do just one DRM daily if they want. No need to punish. (Actually the first DRMs should give more ... and the later ones less. Diminishing return on rewards would make more sense. And giving a bigger start and slower diminish rate the higher your mastery is.)


    It's an annoyance.  It should have been based on the essence instead.


    7 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    Edit: I also wonder why the later 5 DRMs where you fought about Jormag's champions felt so much easier. Though I have only done them once so far for story - ever DRM once without challenges. And just tried to solo one with 2/3 challenges - without the timer - and it was a pain. Was the one in Metrica. The later ones felt a lot easier which I also noticed on the timer. While playing story I listened at the beginning to the dialogue slowly first. And noticed already that I got a lower timer (while some even list a higher challenge timer in the wiki) when finishing them normally as compared to the first ones. I guess destroyer bosses just have a more annoying mechanics and here group play with party makes it much easier?


    So you've only done the DRMs once without the challenges with the exception of the Metrica one which you tried to solo with 2/3 challenges?  If that's true then how could you say whether the others are easier or not based on the timer as the timer isn't shown unless the challenge for it is activated?


    Wait... are you referring to the actual challenges that you activate by speaking with the NPC or the bonus events at the beginning?

  13. I’ve played ESO and FF14. GW2 isn’t that great compared to them. There are many elements about them which has helped those games flourish which GW2 lacks. 

    I honestly don’t believe that there would be a GW3. I feel that this next expansion will determine the fate of the game/series. If they were to do a GW3, they’re better off doing something like GW1. They can’t handle doing something on the scale of an MMO. 

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  14. 24 minutes ago, DeathsRival.7845 said:

    😄 "a fix will come on next week's update" ? But that means we can't finish this week's achievements and they will be gone next week. So we are unable to get the final reward


    None of the achievements are temporary per the blog posts and news articles about this.

    • Thanks 1
  15. On 5/25/2021 at 12:42 PM, mindcircus.1506 said:

    The Dry Top JP isn't required for the current achievement

    On 5/25/2021 at 6:24 PM, DarcShriek.5829 said:

    What was stated as a fact is that currently no jumping puzzles are required.  It is a fact.


    The jumping puzzle is one of this week's achievements.  This is why I stated multiple times that going by just the first week was incorrect.

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  16. There was a small discussion last week about whether the new story achievemenets for the new meta achievements we'll be getting every week will require you to play the entire episode's story in order.  I just tested this with an alt that got the episodes unlocked last week and who also hasn't even initiated the story in the hero panel.  I carried the alt through the first instance of the first episode of LS2 and the achievement for it completed.


    So this means that those who have already completed an episode's story can simply restart it and go to the specific instances that the story achievements are targeting.  This will save a lot of time for many episodes as you don't have to do any of the open world tasks.

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