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Posts posted by Ayrilana.1396

  1. 18 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:


    I envy people who kill Teq every day for years without dropping anything, or dropping only a few things and not getting frustrated...

    I just doubt that most people do teq for these things. I mean, why do people do the other world bosses that offer absolutely no good loot and not even something special like the worm or Teq?
    Sure there are people who do that. But I doubt that a collection or so would ensure that Teq is run less.

    That would be up for Anet to determine as they have access to the data. Considering that this has been requested for many years, and that we still don’t have it, it’s clear that they don’t find it as a pressing issue over other things at the very least. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, ShroomOneUp.6913 said:

    oh nice non argument, taking 10 people who have been raiding for years, are coordinated and trained in the raids, KNOW the raids because of those years managed this WOW. whats next? gonna use a 30 years master in black smithing showing how possible it is for the most inefficient way to smith a blade and expect everyone else to do it?

    It shows the range of what is possible in order to successfully complete raids.  A lot of non-raiders are under the misconception that specific meta builds and high DPS are required. You don’t need any of that to successfully beat any of the raids other than maybe Largos. They then make suggestions, such as removing enrage timers, expecting that to have a significant impact on resolving their issue. 

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  3. 15 minutes ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

    I think the argument is that RNG should never be the sole acquisition method for anything.

    It exists to prolong player participation.  Let’s assume that when Teq was revamped a token system was added on top of the RNG drop. That token system would have allowed players to have all of the weapon skins within 5 years. Out of all of those players that farmed the tokens, how many do you honestly expect to keep doing Teq after they have the skins?


    RNG drops have been a thing in MMOs and numerous other types of games. I know that Anet designed the game around the hyper casual player base but that doesn’t necessarily mean that some drops cannot exist solely as RNG drops. Especially if said drops are pretty much just cosmetic. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

    I don't even understand what this intermission means.

    it means that they felt that players would get overwhelmed from doing two hours worth of old living story content on top of doing old festival content where it’s more efficient to just do the dailies and then complete any unfinished achievements at the end for the meta achievement. 

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  5. I’d go with berserkers if doing a lot of PvE. Marauders doesn’t give you all that much survivability to make up for the damage loss. Besides, the majority of the game requires very little skill level so it shouldn’t be necessary to go with additional survivability. If you do play the areas of the game that require players to play at a certain skill level, it’d be expected for you to use berserkers anyway. 

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  6. Silverwastes isn’t that great for obsidian shards. If that is one of the OP’s goals then they can just farm the LS3 maps. They’’d get 10 times as much obsidian shards in the same amount of time they’d spend in SW. 


    It’s also not the best place for XP in the game if someone is trying to farm spirit shards. Nor is it the main source of karma as you can get considerably more from the LS3 and LS4 maps with the karma buff you can purchase. 


  7. 19 minutes ago, Styopa.2538 said:

    Did you notice in whose forum we're having this discussion?


    What is this WE'RE?  You entered the thread to counter my disagreement about the usage of immorality.  You haven't participated beyond that and certainly not about Anet needing to change their rules and make leeching against the rules.


    Leeching is not against the rules.  Changing it to be against the rules will have negative implications throughout the game over something which honestly doesn't really impact you to begin with.  The most impact that they have would be against your personal distaste when you see them standing around.  The impact of the group of players that are being accused of leeching is significantly less than the impact of those who do not pull their own weight although they're participating whom other people can accuse of leeching.  What about those who practically do the pre-events for a world boss by themselves while everyone else sits at its spawn location and only participates in the final event?   What about those who contribute significantly more damage against a boss compared to others?  What about those who contribute significantly more in collection type events?


    What if the event systems was completely overhauled (it won't happen) and rewards are scaled based on your overall participation compared to others?  Someone who did the most damage to a world boss would get considerably more rewards than someone that just sat there and auto attacked.  Those at the lowest end of the participation would receive very little rewards.  Does that seem fair to you?  Leeching is immoral and that includes all forms of it.



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  8. 10 minutes ago, joneirikb.7506 said:

    They're talking about WvW Queue's, this thread is probably going to get moved over to the WvW section.

    I wasn’t sure because they stated: “reshuffling of everything a couple times each week”. It seemed as if they were speaking about something else as I don’t recall any reshuffling going on in WvW that occurs several times a week. 

    But then, their recent post history appears to be WvW oriented so you’re probably right. 


  9. It can be done by DPS as many have already done so. You’re also making it harder on yourself by trying to do the CM along with one or more of the other instance achievements. If you can reliably damage it in melee then use ranged attacks. 

    For the sand attacks in the other instance, it’s simple: don’t fight on the edge of the battle area. 

    The timer in the other instance is fine as well. Watch videos to see how people do it. 

    These achievements/instances are not badly designed simply because you expect to get all of them without trying. 

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  10. On 6/16/2021 at 2:00 AM, Mortifera.6138 said:

    So because it’s easier than before, it’s not outrageous? 

    When they state easier they’re referring to the timegates and additional methods to acquire the LS4 map currency. A player who isn’t in any rush can acquire all of the currencies within like 25 days and spend like 10 seconds a day during that timeframe. 

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  11. I’ve never encountered any issue. While it’s possible that there could be a bug, I personally believe that the majority of the issues are caused by the players not knowing what to do. This is one of a few fights that are entirely mechanic driven and don’t actually require you to fight anything. 

    You need to get a handle on the timing of the robots and when they change directions. You want to interact with the devices when they are not looking at it. The field the devices leave last awhile and I typically destroyed them just as the boss was moving to the one before mine. When he’s stunned, interact with him to damage him. Don’t be cause by the robots when doing this. 

    The second phase it simply the same as before except you have to avoid the AoE field of the robot by the button in the middle. Destroying the outer devices will cause it to try and repair them which allows you to interact with the button. This requires proper timing as well. 

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  12. 7 minutes ago, Sumpfkraut.7195 said:

    Anet should use the Karma system to make leechers losing karma and gold if they get to many reports in one instance. And make it 100% NOT profitable.

    There are also tons of leechers at other events, not only dragonstorm.


    Yeah that won't get abused.  Reddit has a karma system and it certainly doesn't get abused...

  13. 2 hours ago, Styopa.2538 said:

    Yes, you're bitterly defending collecting rewards for others' work.

    Obviously your moral standards are unimpeachable.

    If they meet the threshold for participation then they deserve the rewards. That is how the game was designed. If you disagree then take it up with Anet. 

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  14. 22 minutes ago, Styopa.2538 said:

    If you don't understand that morality applies in literally every aspect of how you live, you really don't get it, do you?

    ESPECIALLY in instances where it's simple/easy to abandon it.


    Rationalize it however you want.  You're tap-dancing pretty kitten hard.  Who are you trying to convince?


    I see morality as being on a much higher level than someone doing something which doesn't affect you and that you dislike.

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  15. 49 minutes ago, BiaNoYami.6310 said:


    It's mind-boggling to me how few people here understand that the complaints about people botting / leeching / whatever you want to call it have little to do with whether or not an event is successful and how quickly and efficiently, and more with the morals. Yes, morals in a video game, because even in this video game there are people behind the characters, and where there are people there ought to be morally correct, respectful behaviour.


    But going afk while others do the "work" is simply disrespectful. I don't care if the event I am currently in is successful or how fast it all goes. People who already enter as afk or go afk shortly after the beginning don't deserve a reward, end of story.


    Why should someone who isn't helping be rewarded? On top of being rude, this doesn't even make sense.


    It's about the principle of the thing.


    Mesmers opening a portal to teleport others to the end of a jumping puzzle, for example, doesn't even compare. Most of the time the Mesmers offer it themselves, because they want to be kind. And if they did not offer first, perhaps someone at least asked. It's an entirely different situation.


    Not pulling your weight with DPS while others do considerably more is immoral as well.


    Taking a mesmer portal, aka cheating, is immoral.

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