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Everything posted by Flowki.7194

  1. Well, thats where I agree, way to much AOE, and way to many abilities doing 3+ things at once. Utility/CC/Damage should be completely seperate, so that their is room for concious use (or lack of) which opens up the range of player skill, allowing more room for being outplayed. How do you outplay the likes of staff warrior or blade? when nion everything they press also gives sustain, which is also leached into ranger maces. Rev scepter is basically the same, just not that good, and specters scepter is also like that, so many mechanics baked into 3 buttons, its unreal.
  2. You are the walking definition of denial. Drop your egotistical desire to be right, and re-read the posts.
  3. In honesty the concept of Duo does not bother me, its just very badly implimented. The system should place 1 duo on each team as a complete rule of thumb, and it has to go on the player with the highest rating. People care about rating at top level, its unlikely a true plat is going to duo with anything less than another true plat with this change. This would solve so many issues, firstly, it means you as a plat solo, get a team plat duo, and an enemy plat duo, and all other solos are plat (one or two solos on each team could be G3, if you are all P1, but no wider MMR than that). Second, it stops plats having a true plat friend who is sand bagged as a low gold player, the average then puts them in a game with golds, despite them both being true plat.. that is horrible for the golds to deal with, and a great way to kill off a playerbase. With all similar skill levels, duos can't just abuse certain spec combos to carry, spec diversity would also incraese. With an overall cap on MMr range, it is also far less likely that plat duos can Q as mech engis etc, becuase at the higher locked MMR range, their is next to no chance of the game matching them with mechs anyway.
  4. I played hammer cata for a while, across multiple itterations that were not bunker. Even the "bunker" build took considerable skill to do well on, which was my point, it is easier to make mistakes on hammer cata when your survival depends on comboing for the right aura at the right time (and stability), which requires full knowledge of every spec, and what current weapon they are using. That is even more difficult now, when almost all specs now have access to both ranged/melee damage, and enough mobility to jump between the 2 at a whim (they are all like power untamed, a nightmare to fight as hammer cata, go try). Hammer cata is the bench mark of a skill indexed side noder that requires high game knowledge to push a player off the point, something that is not required from the average druid/warrior, who are tanking TWO people <TWO> 2 <2>. Get it yet? There is no reason to mention condi cata as a spec.. it was a short lasting thing that was broken, and does not represent ele as a whole. Thats just like slating all of ranger across all of time becuase SLB was busted for a few month. Tempest is not just support, there have always been DPS or hybrid builds that did good damage, which where destroyed as specs, thanks to ANET sledge hammering scepter condi to deal with the monstrosity that was condi cata. They were not bunker builds, they were group fighting dps builds, which could top damage, the opposite of bunker. There were more than a hand full of power scepter and D/D specs that I mentioned, which you conveniently neglected. You then talk about weaver builds, which have been the least played of all over the last 2 year, its not my fault you're a weaver main and didn't realise their were plenty of "none bunker none support" cata/tempest builds.
  5. There is no real chance of this happening though. Most of the specs spewing out toxic levels of CC or boons actually depend on them. Adding to that, a lot of the new weapons come with yet more "1 button does 3 different things". Ranger maces are the most funny in this way, sustain/utility/cc/dmg which refreshes X2 -dmg, so you can smash the same 4 buttons again; Bladesworne 2.0.
  6. Obviously not condi cata. FA is neccersary across many power specs, no mobility would otherwise make it unplayable in a lot of cases; Comparable to DD/DE thief with no stealth, or holo with no blocks. Just look at hammer cata, 0 mobility, everything can kite it, not suprisngly almost nobody plays it, despite it pumping out high damage. Thats a load of rubbish. There were power and condi dps builds (before condi cata bs) for both scepter tempest and scepter cata. There were some d/d duel builds, and hammer cata was also a lot more viable 6-12 month ago, as the game was not massively mobility/bunker creeped. Support tempest was the most represented at that time (is it much suprise it was also the most forgiving ele spec?) while cata was meta, but hard and punishing enough that they were not massively represented at all (EU), aside from the echo chamber of the top 5% of plats.. who would have us beleive cata was easy to play and at 100% rep. Thats all echo chaber bias bs, I know plenty of good players who tried power cata, and stopped playing it days later becuase it was too much of a headache to do well on. The rune and relic changes impacted ele more than most classes, lowering its already low HP pool, then the scepter nerf, stab nerf. Then the all specs weapon update, and now new weapons (ele didn't benefit much from any of that), then buffs to some other specs along the way. So now its at the point where specs that take half as much effort are as good, or better than any ele spec. The proof is in representations, its druid/warriors on sides, not hammer catas, its WB/SLB/Holo roamers, not scepter cata, its core gaurd support, not tempest. The only thing that seems to get any representation now is a nion meme 1 shot weaver build, which players would probably have been laughed at for playing 12 month ago, thats how far ele fell (rightly or wrongly so). Game doesnt benefit when some of the most difficult specs in the game (hammer cata) or being outclassed by some of the eaiest (insert multiple current side noders). How do you draw mistakes from such specs when they have fool proof mechanics baked into them, just like they did with the monstrosity cata signit build "how to do kitten damage/area denial with 0 effort"; gw2 theme. So again, this is the meta you all voted for, low skill side noding, and a scoruge+DH+core gaurd face tanking for days on mid.
  7. Stab should be shared only by support, and things like SPB should be some of the very few specs that can CC, and are braught along to coordinate with dps burst, CC the healer at the right time, or peel etc. Instead, you have multiple specs that do it all = death of coordinated attacks. 10 players randomly spamming CC/dps in a race to see which red circle dies first. Its truly bottom of the barrel gameplay, no defined roles in that way.
  8. Maybe not, but on the other hand the most fun duels ive ever had were against core engis. I also liked fighting holos around g3/p1 level, holos above that are pure god mode, its no longe fun when you have 0 chance.
  9. Just about every ele spec has access to projectile denial and immunes, its border line ironic for you to complain about hammer vindi projectile denial/dmg when you have similar denial, and pheonix 8-12k crits, which is not massively broadcast either. Tempest of all is complete projectile shutdown, even on dps builds. To reach that level of projectile denial on rev you have to play vent dome, which eats energy, and does not work well with dps power builds. Go and play it, you will also realise how cumbersome it is to do damage with. The damage co's are high, but again, hammer/gs-5 are highly broadcast, its a lot more reliable to land burst as ele when the enemy know how eaither spec works. Dragontooth is easily dodged, but pheonix/trident are not near as obvious unless at high range 1v1, and both do heavy multi target dmg. You also have superspeed-swiftness nion on demand with FA, rev does not have that, but makes up in other ways, such as more dodge/evade. What would you rather have? I sure as hell miss superspeed on demand when playing rev, so easily took for granted. Power rev is quite different to ele mechanically, but they are both quite similar in terms of effort and punishment for mistakes, and both can't attack while immune/blocking (like so many other specs can) youre shitting on the wrong class becuase you don't know how 1 weapon works. You would be more correct to compare hammer vindi with holo, is holo a problem?
  10. I remember when I said ele at top of meta was the best thing for the game, becuase the specs were hard and punishing enough that any random couldnt just get on them and deny area. But now here we are.. specs that punish so little, the average player requirs a 2v1 to kill <30 seconds. You fkers deserve this meta 😜
  11. Telegraphing should scale with damage, but on the other hand I see no excuse for any ability doing over 6k in 1 hit, but there are many, and some doing double that. CC doesnt exactly need telegraphing, but the problem is the shear amount of CC (soft/hard) along with eye watering power damage/condi bombs. Gw2 is a fking mess of a game. There are builds now that are doing it all, decent mobility, decent sustain, decent damage, decent CC, decent boon access <the demi-god era>
  12. Duo MMR should go on highest rated player. MMR range needs hard locked, plat 3-2 should never be in games with golds, and gold 3-2 should never be in the same game as silvers. I played on and off-peak all the time, and getting players like Boyce in the same game, multiple games in a row, while I was at G1>3, was far from rare. I genuinely think 80% of the people currently running around with plat badges are G3 at best, if surrounded by equal skilled dps/support. Their ratings are inflated from duo/off peak abusing the kitten poor MMR range, and farming players with 2/3 of their skill. Shameless playerbase. If anything, its deminished returns at current. The more people that try to duo/Q dodge, the harder it is for said people to que dodge AKA they are meeting players of similar skill levels and being put in place, G3.
  13. In my head, you are that second last boss from the original mortal kombat "GZoro" Take it or leave it, I won't change 😜
  14. Rofl.. after playing hammer vindi for long enough, I can tell OP has never played it, and doesnt know how to play against it. There are 3 highly telegraphed abilitys to dodge/mitigate (if using hammer/GS), and if you miss those, you eat damage. That is working as intended. Ive dueled with Zoro enough, he is the best hammer vindi I know, yet, even on core condi rev, if I dodge the right things, and apply damage, he has to reset. Power specs can very much deal with hammer vindi, once they know what to dodge.. and it is by no means an easy loadout, difficult sustain and difficult damage application. Try it. Btw, if dodges are used for damage buff on hammer, then the vindi has less mitigation if you close the gap. I don't agree with damage on dodge, but for this kind of loadout the dodge is often used for the dmg buff. If this is about close range combos where dodges also double up as damage, I agree.. its too much. Damage just for dodging is stupid, just like SPBs getting stability for stunning. It isn't healthy game design.
  15. Only a tiny minority of players are going to stick with full support in this current MMR. A lot more off meta support/hybrid specs are viable, at different levels, where dps are more equally matched. Even engi support would be viable if you are happy to sit around low gold/high silver, but given an enemy plat off-peak duo, vs your low gold dps in this current MMR, forget it.
  16. None of those bunkers are hard enough to justify the tank, and next to none of the roamer specs are risky enough to justify the mobility. It is complete polerisation of low effort vs low risk game play. People choose to play like that, the DEs and druid types.
  17. Ive been banned many times, I don't care, and I also don't care about being "toxic". Issue you don't get is, I am considered toxic by an ehco chamber of selfish gw2 sPVP players who lack any ethos of team work, players who actively play the most degenerate specs possible, duo, and off peak, to get an edge in a game where titles mean jack kitten. The same slightly above average to good players who defend the MMR while they abuse its loop holes, and then spend the rest of the time farming solo newbs at spawn in unranked; killing off the playerbase.. becuase they are too scared to lose rating in a game where again, titles mean jack kitten. Im pretty sure darkenss finds light toxic, its a matter of perspective. Freedom of speach my friend, I will say what I want, when I want, you don't have to like it, and ANET can ban me if they want, its their product. Keep coping on toxic low level game play/mmr, or are you the exception?
  18. I played some of it, the power co's are not that great, spread across multiple attunements. Thats not a bad thing in itself, but multiple other specs/weapons (including ele) have abilities with high power co, which allows more spike burst. It is likely outclassed by many power specs. It deals decent condi damage, but it is again outclassed by multiple other condi builds that stack 4+, including poison and/or confusion. Ele is also one of the easiest condi to cleanse with just fire/bleed mostly, I think only condi gaurd might be easier to cleanse. Tempest has the best bet of applying prolonged condi around cleanse heavy teams, but it depends on earth overload, which is not hard to avoid with all the mobility in game.
  19. I am toxic in-game, everybody knows that. It stems from the fact I am a team player, in a playerbase where 9/10 players think they are Boyce roamers who have to single handedly win games by sitting on far. The type of player that I blow 3 CDs to res, who then run off and leave me in a 1v1 with the very dps I just resed them from "becuase they have to go rotate". Why do you think the game has so few supports? sPVP has the most selfish playerbase I have ever seen, who have no core value of team work first. Ive ressed more people than you have probably killed this season, which is ironic, considering most of the time its due to over extend (especially WBs), thanks to forgving front loaded mechanics. You seen me play zerker weaver once, as spec that dies on the spot for the slightest overextention, and you wanne talk personal bs to get back at me for calling out specs? not individuals. That says everything about you. But it also says what I need to know about the "vets" in this game who will shamelessly abuse specs like DH pre-nerf, while admitting its a toxic newb slayer spec. Most people in this game have 0 sense of team work, and 0 sense of fair play. Just go unranked and see the amount of pre-made vet groups with rank anxiety (absolute chicken shits) hard sweating fotm specs and spawn camping solo newbs. 90% of my games are on support or support hybrid, specs that are not strong enough to 1v1 a competent plat level player, I avoid 1v1/sides unless it is manditory. I had over 300 games this season, got in plat once, was 2 games off plat last week, solo que as core rev on and off peak. Salty sure, feeder? no, get it right. I mightwell be a feeder around plat vets, thats probably true, but that kind of skill gap, we should never be in the same ranked game anyway.
  20. Ive played weaver once in the past year or so, try again. Legit 90% of this playerbase copes on easy face tank specs, druid/scourge/warrior, or easy dps, WB/DH/SLB <then pretend they are good at the game>
  21. The first few hours I played DE I used bow secondary as a safety net, in one game a gold+ herald and an avg WB were focusing me, it really wasnt hard to escape with TP and bow-5 till stealth was usable. It completely wasted their time to the point they stopped bothering with me. Then sit back and spam 2, dodge 1 snoozefest. And now axe thief lol.. auto spam then 3 @900, as if DD wasnt low enough risk at average level. What a game this is becoming. If I was a thief main I'd be pretty pissed at the new playstyle, how on earth people find that engaging and fun. Auto > 3, cmon.. no risk, no mechanical difficulty, whats the point.
  22. Well I wish to fking god you were in my games, 90% are lost becuase of idiots going far, in any and every situation. 9/10 games at this level can simply be won by holding home/mid... but the wanne be 1v1 roamer experts.. FARRRRRR.
  23. I was not trying to say the mace 3 combo is OP.. im simply being objective on what untamed now has at hand. From my short time playing m/m it, and dueling against it, it is not the "difficult and punishing power untamed spec" that I remember playing or fighting against last year or so. Thats what I am getting at, the bar for untamed has dropped, across condi builds or this build. Free sustain for essentially pressing the buttons you were about to press anyway, it genuinely has a bladesworn feel to it, smash buttons, get barrier.
  24. There are 4 specs for ele. Core, temptest, cata, weaver. All specs have a condi or power varient, while cata has additional hammer varient and tempest support varient. That is 10 potential "cookie cutter" specs (but their are more). So 9/10 eles are now playing 1 signle spec, in a very specific way.. and you don't think thats a sign of something? Sure, ele is a nightmare. Ranked is full of them.
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