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Everything posted by Tanuki.4603

  1. meta is horrible, everything is a cheesy 1shot spec. miss HoT with thought out complete specs. this game went from extended fights where thought process matters to zug zug zoomer league of legends spamfest.
  2. This community was so fast to screech at Blizzard when we compared GW2 content scheudle to WoW but now you can bypass hours of gameplay with real money wallet investment. Absolute SHAME on you ArenaNet. We are nothing but coins in your wallet. Truly disgraceful move and there is no second guessing your intentions anymore. The community is EXTREMELY disappointed. First you rebrand living world as expansion and give us less content than living world, and if i'm wrong you're clearly selling unfinished product which i won't even call an expansion seeing as last episode had 20 minute story content, now we're becoming true pay to win. After 12 years of being a dedicated consumer, I, Unironically shed a tear.
  3. how many in a row is it now? 3?4? even the biggest gw2 fanboy MightyeTeapot doesn't care anymore. And this is the biggest eye opener that ArenaNet is a greedy company that doesnt care about their playerbase? How hard would it be for one of them eployees,ANY of them to start the stream and spectate the mat to do something for the community? the game clearly has no future and you are just coins in the pocket for this company
  4. Arenanet is lying to the playerbase. Arenanet Manifesto: They promised a no grind phiklosophy, now the ONLY expansion feature we got is braindead grind. (Rifts).
  5. The expansion features are not there, we have Rifts which everyone hates doing and a forced press F mastery track. Why not just make it a spawn randomly in all zones everywhere without warning event that could give unique cosmetics and rewards (objectively way better content which gets people torevisit old maps group on the go and make new friends) ? beacuse they wouldn't sell it as an expansion feature. Now we have uninspired depressing Rifts which u have to grind for legy armor. Braindead grind against arenanet manifesto.
  6. The point is that there is no community whatsoever around and about strikes. Its always going to be a side activity. It was meant to be a replacement for raids. Now there is 2 strikes a year with questionable difficulty. Compare it to raids and fractals which had dedicated passionate communities that created content, got new players invested in the game, helped players get better with better resources and overal everyone had an amazing time playing quality content. Now we have no standards, I want the game to be better. The expansion features are not there, we have Rifts which everyone hates doing and a forced press F mastery track. Why not just make it a spawn randomly in all zones everywhere without warning event that could give unique cosmetics and rewards (objectively way better content which gets people torevisit old maps group on the go and make new friends) ? beacuse they wouldn't sell it as an expansion feature. Now we have uninspired depressing Rifts which u have to grind for legy armor. Braindead grind against arenanet manifesto.
  7. Tanuki.4603

    Kryptis lame

    Kryptis used reused Chak skeletons, they look very lame as monsters. The only cool ones reuse Deimos model. Convergences are reused wyverns. I feel I've seen all those enemies before they just put a random skinwalker on top of the model. They are so boring and uninspired.
  8. Great suggestion, sounds awesome unlike the boring strike with forced press F mastery track...
  9. The thing I'm sick of the most about this Game ( even though I love it) is that ArenaNet overpromises everything and cannot be honest with its playerbase. Remember the realsese of Raids in HoT? We were told we're going to get many small Raid wings in the open world and total of 7 wings per year... When you first pitched the idea of strikes being essentially reused story encounters so you can cut on development time, us raiders were skeptical, but optimistic Fast forward to SotO and we are faced with only two strike missions since the release of Old Lions Court. I really don't want to get into discussion regarding the quality and difficulty of the strikes, right now cuz its rather subjective and that is essentially a topic worthy of its own thread, but for now I will focus on the quantity. Again we got two new strikes and only 1 CM, for now. I repeat two in one year. Back in the day we used to get a new raid in 6-10 months, which wasn't reused assets and was at least 2 or 3 bosses, each with CM. Why wasn't Lhir fight made into a strike or Isgaren or the last boss of Gyala Delve story? Wasn't the focus of developmening the game back? Why does it feel we are getting less content than what we were getting during season 4, while being charged way more for it? Also there is ZERO, I reapeat, ZERO actual, strike-focused guilds in the game. And that is beacuse the quality of strikes is way lower of old instanced content. The newest "expansion chunk" release was another underwhelming, short Gyala tunnel release. Last new sPvP map was 7 years ago... Even though 7 years ago we were promised a 10v10 map and showed a working verison of it on stream. WvW alliances? The most overpromised thing in the game. Kryptis used reused Chak skeletons, they look very lame as monsters. The only cool ones reuse Deimos model. Convergences are reused wyverns. The story? Rushed and cut in multiple places. After we rescued the small kryptis in this update apparently Heitor kidnaps it even though it's been with us and there was no screen time for it. Even the title of the patch "Through the veil" is already a name for a paersonal story instance. We can't even be creative with patch names anymore. We are constantly being promised "expansion features" as part of the new chunk releases, but I fail to see any. Everyone I know thinks Rifts are boring and repetitive, they are a mindless grind, against ArenaNet's manifesto, You lied to the people in Your mainfesto. And yet that was one of the main features we were being sold. I miss the days of Living World, with full scope updates. Nowadays i just feel lied to as a customer. ArenaNet, do better. I'm sad.
  10. Dear ArenaNet. Stop making kitten content just to tick a box every year. Either make good, polished and fun content (fractals/strikes/dungeons/whatever, even drms) or don't make anything at all. Don't listen to people telling you they want MORE content, as you clearly can't satisfy the quantity and quality standards in any way. At the moment 80% of strikes are complete bloat that nobody actually likes. There are 0 (ZERO) strike-focused guilds.
  11. Anyone else think they are super repetitive and easy? Being touted as the grand full feature of an expansion they are an immense disappointment. No one in m guild likes rifts. I just wish we got more fractals or raids.
  12. Horrible designed mechanic with no counterplay. The worst designed stealth in any game ever. Reveal being an excuse is a joke when its on 6 skills in the game. (ALL of them are niche too) Thief is the reason most casual but commited GW2 players leave WvW for good.
  13. Wrong. He did not stream the last 3 mATS and they are not on his youtube either ( since he didn't stream them). And he said that he cannot be bothered hosting them anymore, he always had a drop off in viewership so you can tell there is no interest. Last ditch effort to blatantly lie from a fanboy i guess, sad to see Trevor
  14. How can anyone defend last patch btw? This was the worst update in GW2 history since LWS1. With the least content. I get it, you care about the game, I once did too but we cannot be content with what we're getting and being asked to pay for it. We used to get more regular, great updates for free. Arenanet is dropping the ball and we should expect some sort of standard or we will keep getting less. This is the gaming industry. If companies get good press from fanboys like you they never have a reason to change
  15. So you just proved that they make it horrible on purpose... all you have to extend your brain power to realize it's not just on a whim
  16. take your head out of your kitten, no one watches the mat or cares about it, even mightyteapot stopped streaming them because there was no interest, for a regular player it absolutely doesn't matter that they're playing some cheesy specs because that's not going to help them do well in ranked
  17. You guys need to understand that people don't like talking about all the AFK and botting problem because the discussion is straight forward and reaches the same conclusions. But it getting burried just lets ArenaNet get away with it so that they don't have to fix the problem.
  18. Yes same because the activity keeps growing, everyone complaisn about AFK it just gets burried under all teh balance complaints...
  19. Half of the players are afk gold farmers/bots. Try playing 3 games today. I guarantee you at least one of them will have an afk. There is ALWAYS an afk in a match if you play at least 3 games. There is so many people that go afk after first fight. Most of them are afk gold farmers, there is also bots. Its easily to spot them beacuse they always walk out in the same exact way. Play this twitch clip, starting at 45 seconds: https://www.twitch.tv/grimjacke/clip/BetterRamshackleHornetMoreCowbell-Zubyr_sJh4_78Aat?featured=false&filter=clips&range=all&sort=time I've been so SICK to the core lately with the afk, literally hafl matches have players afking. THE REASON BALANCE IS HORRIBLE: ArenaNet makes balance horrible ON PURPOSE in order to protect bots and afkers and create a scapegoat. All the afk/bot threads get burried under the amount of threads with balance complaints. People are way more passionate about balance because they want to talk about the game they love, not playres destroying it. Truth is that those bots and afkers keep buying accounts and buy gemstore items so ArenaNet doesn't want to get rid of paying customers, even if they are the ones ruining the game. In order to deter our attention and keep their paying cusomters protected, a solid plan of CONSTANT, UNEDING HORBILE BALANCE DECISION is CONCIOUSLY implemented at the company. This is not a conspiracy, it's relaity and the faster you realize the better for you.
  20. The real conspiracy is that ArenaNet makes the balance terrible on purpose so that they can leave the afkers be and have paying customers buying gemstore skins. Balance is bad on purpose, so that AFK complaining gets lost in the mass amount of balance complaints.
  21. The same people that keep yapping about WoW sub fee now defend GW2 gemstore because you can "gem to gold". Isn't it ironic. In WoW you can also maintain sub with gold, you can even buy BatlteNet balance with gold and EVERY COSMETIC AS WELL. and its very easy to do so, especially since you can earn respectable amount of gold doing anything while in GW2 u have to torment yourself in a few select meta events that's been out for many years and are overplayed content. Not a good argument whatsoever. Cosmetics in GW2 are SEVERLY overpriced, ESPECIALLY mounts.
  22. I have so many afkers in my matches :( and the problem always persists, every time i come back to the game afkers are in my match, every time i play more than 2 games there is surely to be an afk. These days u always have afkers in 50% of matches at least. I just don't understand I always report them and they come back like Flavius Deenza he is always AFking after first fight.
  23. In WoW - farm 400 mounts while having fuin doing variety of content enjoyable with friends. In GW2 = 20 mount skins = 400 euro in the cash shop
  24. In a game that gives you zero cosmetics/ cool rewards for just playing the game. Every cosmetic you have to apy for with dollars. In WoW you can literally earn few hundred comsetics ingame every patch. Here it is priced with money. We don;'t get nice things we can work towards we just have to open our wallet. If you want to get new cosmetics ( which are added in low amount) u have to pay 10 $ every 2 weeks for the gemstore new cosmetic.
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