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  1. Yeah, of course => https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unyielding_Dragon
  2. Hello @ArenaNet Team.4819 Can you please provide an update on when you plan to fix the spear bug? The nerf came just three days after the expansion, but we're still waiting on a fix. Right now, the weapon is unplayable with quickness, and its clunkiness makes it worse. At the very least, please acknowledge that you're aware of the issue and working on it. We, as paying customers, deserve that much!
  3. Anyone else having an issue with the timing / chain of the Spear Stealth Attack ? I breaks 80% of the time even when i am not attacking because of the auto-autoattack which i usually have enable on #1 . It's only happening with spear. @ArenaNet QA Testing.7408
  4. Hello Anet - one question , does anyone of your team play thief ? The new spear was so kitten to begin with, and now, 3 days into expansion you nerf the only , really the only fun skill on that weapon. And it was not like you state "Thieves to remain permanently stealthed while moving. " - its a chain , it was the third skill, that put a thief into stealth, it was interruptable, you still have reveal and dont enter stealth then, and tbh. the 3spam and autoattack often times broke it before you could make use of an opener. How on earth should one play this weapon now in any gamemode outside of Pve? Its not like this attack is unavoidable / unblindable as many other attacks (on other classes) so we could at least rely on it - no, everyone with half a brain and skil will deny your stealth. And even it, the stealth attack of the spear is trash , is melee its low dmg and does not even track the target ... This game is so full of **** OP abilities that exist since ever, but thief spear #3 must be nerfed three days in the expansion. Yeay ...
  5. I don't understand Arenanet, i really dont. Why do they hate thiefs ? It was the ONLY good thing with spear, to be able to stealth now and then, and 3 days it is gone. No compensation, nothing. This weapon does have no finishers, no leaps, not projectiles nothing it's so sad 😞 One a side note, on every other professions the Spear hits like a truck and sometimes has rediculous abilities and the kittening thief spear has to be nerved. The argument for the nerf is also so stupid, mirages, rangers, and thiefs can still "abuse" stealth , so will all this be deleted as well ?
  6. Dear Team, Can we please have a way to repurchase already unlocked versions of the Hero Weapons (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hero_Weapon_Box) required for the new Corrupted Hero weapon set? I recently deleted all of mine a few weeks ago as they seemed useless at the time. Now, I have to regrind this track 18 times again 😞. I believe others might be facing the same issue. Thank you!
  7. Again Anet failes to bring anything useful. Those updates are weak and boring. We will end up playing the same 5 utils and the same traitlines as the past 12 years .. And why the kitten are thief changes always like +/- 0.1% but for other professions its like +/- 50% ??? Engineer Elixir s Cooldown from 60 sec CD to 30 sec , or ranger Signet of Stone 80 -> 30 , Engineer Crate 120 -> 75 . But thief still has 90 and 120 sec Cooldown on Elite skills ... f
  8. I get a lot of frustration lately as main thief player since launch. Comparing "our" toolset with the rest of the world feels like we have been left in 2015 or so. Everyone can now port, stealth, have endless vigor or ways to return endurance and hit like a truck. In the end you have to try for yourself, but don't be too surprised if everyone kicks your butt in 2 sec or less.
  9. Coming from a Thief main since launch >> I'm having a hard time understanding why the balance changes always seem to target the Thief class negatively without addressing the core issues. Since the game's launch, we've been locked into using the Trickery Trait line, and this issue has yet to be acknowledged or addressed. It's as if no developer has spent even an hour playing as a Thief; otherwise, they would immediately recognize the problem. Skills that consume more than half of your initiative leave you idle, waiting to use your next skill. This is while Rangers enjoy the luxury of recharging all their abilities or receiving multiple charges. It seems like button mashing in every other profession wasn't deemed sufficient. Moreover, the recent updates grant every single boon in the game through mere attacks, while also automatically applying every condition. A 2-second chill on auto-attack for Necromancers? No issue there. Yet, Thief skills now require even more initiative, leaving me utterly speechless. I had intended to support the game further by purchasing the Black Lion Patron Pack, but I've decided against it. While it might not make a significant difference, it's the least I can do as a dissatisfied customer.
  10. How on earth do you lose to a DE nowadays ? Perhaps with another thief spec but as anything else you laugh and farm them 24/7 .. Ever heard of reveal ? Ever heard of reflect and dodge key-skills ? As an ele you really should never ever have an issue with DE (or any thiefspec for that matter) unless there is differnce in skill.
  11. Has anyone of you found a remotely playable axe-build for WvW or PvP ? It feels like a waste to play axe, every other weapon combination makes more sense. The setup of damage feels clunky, if you are not controlling / kiting your opponent or are stealthed it's an uphill fight as thief and Axe needs setup. The Damage is okay, but nothing that would justify the setup. Perhaps i did not yet find the right combination, tried a lot though. *Engi Shortbow is nice, btw, check it again perhaps.
  12. So, what is left now ? Just when it made fun again to play specter or deadeye again they must nerf us again. It's so frustrating everytime, makes me want to reroll or quite everytime :(
  13. Guess who is playing ele in balance / pvp team ... there is really no other explaination to this. How can skills like ES exist in that way for so long, while EVERY other spec / ability / utility / passive , you name it, that was slightly to good get instant treatment ??
  14. 500:499 games are great, because they actually are win/losable . And only losing 10pt for that is good , really don't know what you are talking about, its literally the opposite.
  15. Yeah or like fighting vs ppl that are 300 rating above you, that duo-queue and your game ends like 500:<100 and you still lose -15. Nice job Anet, really makes me want to quit this kitten forever.
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