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Everything posted by Nokaon.4603

  1. basically the elite condi duration doubles if you got 10 blight, so a well timed elite into a shroud 5-3-2-4 can obliterate most classes in the game, so what the previous guy is stating is that elixirs get buffed the more blight you got (within a certain limit) also if you run bloodbank you no longer need to worry about reduced health since your barrier generation makes up for that hence removing blight management in general.
  2. It's very clear that you haven't tested scepter for yourself, because in its current state its absolute horse, no player would let themselves get hit 6! times by an auto attack the damage and range also needs to be buffed or they could make it ranged instead, because ranged autos are far easier to hit with than melee
  3. oh but they do, a well timed elite elixir can oneshot most classes in the game, but you can run blood+curses you'll have less cleanse but you'll keep the tankiness, but you will also get crazy burst, shroud 2 can do between 40-60% of your hp even if you're cele. and most classes dont have access to enough cleanses to the amount of condis a harb can put out. salvation vindi, guardian, water eles, a good hammer cata+ other necromancers are the only one i can think of atm that can possibly sustain the condi output
  4. read the rest of the comments, i was refering to stealth on steal, i just had a poor memory.
  5. ah yeah you're right, but yeah i still think that stealth spam needs a nerf, like i play vindi and im very dependent on LoS, i dont mind counters, but a good deadeye cant die at all vs LoS based classes/specs.
  6. i might have fake memory but i recall thieves in the past had stealth on dodge outside of deadeye
  7. they can keep all that, the problem is the stealth spam, they removed stealth on steal for thief, now its time they remove stealth dodge for deadeye.
  8. the 10k barrier comes from the heal itself, not the passive barrier, i can maintain the heal barrier in 1v1 fights because of vampiric traits, and by the time the heal is off cooldown, i can refresh it again, i've literally had 10k barrier then it was reduced to like 3k during the fight, and then i just popped the heal again. (you don't even need to dodge vs many matchups, your barrier generation surpasses their damage. also vampiric presence synergises extremely well with this build and since you have quickness it stacks up really quickly since you're basically a machinegun in shroud, ANY healing is converted into barrier and that includes damage. the whole point of bloodmagic is Blood Bank, so ofc im a fan of it being combined with deathmagic which essentially turns you into a minstrel tank with dps. so yes maintaining 5k+ barrier permanently is very much so an option, especially if you're good at the game, most fights people wont get through your barrier before you can refresh it again because the heal has a very VERY low cooldown. go into your harb, add bloodbank, pop a few elixirs on yourself to get 15-20 blight, enter combat pop heal, and tell me this is not op afterwards and doesn't need a nerf. you can also juice things up with dagger 2 for even more barrier. i know im not wrong here JUST TEST IT FOR YOURSELF INSTEAD OF SCREAMING IM WRONG, it takes you like 2-5 minutes! lmfao i used to main blood harb, and im honestly surprised it hasn't been nerfed to the ground yet. Try it you'll see how little that 5 second barrier text matters once you get the rotation going. ask any roamer out there thats not new on what class they want nerfed most of all, they will all say blood harbingers, this isn't even up for debate that they are the tankiest of tanks in the current meta with an obscene amount of dps to back it up. their only weakness is cc which yes surprise surprise means nothing if you're running bloodbank and cele. And finally since im not here to argue my points im gonna end it with a challenge if you think im wrong i challenge you to find an above average necro player, record it and have him put on full cele with bloodbank traits+deathmagic and tell me how that goes for you. (but im sure none of you would even attempt that since its clear you don't play the game and only argue on the forums) Have a jolly good christmass! 🙂
  9. if you're too scared to be proven wrong just say so, or perhaps you already knew this and you're trying to defend your class that you know is op in hopes people would not catch on that it is by discrediting any attempts to shed light on it in hopes it won't get nerfed. have a nice day.
  10. im a roamer main so i understand perfectly how good harb is in roaming terms, the barrier managing is stupid easy to do, lets not try and be dishonest here, harb's currently the most hated spec next to dagger mirage because harbs in its current state is 2-3x tankier than a core necro. also the health pool reduction has no difference whatsoever if you're running bloodbank, to put this into perspective a harb using bloodbank+deathmagic can 1v3 people, without it he can be downed in a 1v1, pm me in game i'll show you how stupid easy it is to maintain constant barrier with harb, in fact if you run blood it removes blight management as a whole, you get rewarded the more stack of blight you got (1k heals per second passively at 25 then even more if you can apply damage) so by kiting well enough the hp screen could say you got 18k health, but in reality you got 40-50k because the barrier keeps stacking and stacking nonstop and in the regards of it being support traits, deathmagic applies carapace which gives you a crapton of toughness, then you have mass cleansing while in shroud, combine this with bloodmagic which is used for support scourges, they shouldn't have a consistent dps output when they can be as tanky as i would be with full minstrel, so yes in a sense its ''support'' you don't see elementalists obliterating people low effort while using water+arcane, so why should necros with blood+dm?
  11. the only thing i see needing nerfs in this thread is Harbinger why? they can run bloodmagic+deathmagic and still get a crapton of dps thanks to their elite while having perma 5-10k barrier, im talking about roaming in wvw ofc if a full zerk+devastation vindicator can't as much as scratch a bloodnecro, then its a problem, they legit get rewarded for doing nothing special, while the rest of us need to bleed our fingers out to win (which is impossible vs a necro main) And yes im a vindi main, and i'd gladly take a salvation nerf if it means in return necros cant spec full support and still win.
  12. idk tbh, i did see a herald mess up a power vindi yesterday with scepter, and that vindi wasn't a noob either. it just feels weird in general, but atm at least it has potential with heralds kit for dps purposes, but im still on the rework train. the herald was using scepter/sword and staff fyi.
  13. -Increase damage anet, don't make this hammer 2.0, let us pve/pvp/wvw'ers have fun with it -increase attack speed -reduce amount of attacks needed for the tether to 3 (nobody got time for 6 successful auto attacks) -increase range on the auto attacks to 600 at least (its a scepter not a mace) -make tether more interesting as you build it up in wvw nobody cares about you at all and dont consider you a threat when they're below 6 stacks. -skill 2 needing LoS does not feel very good at all thats my thoughts so far at least.
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