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hedix.1986's Achievements

  1. Joy of yet another day of linking single-language servers with international ones. screen in link
  2. Hello. I despise grindy content (and vertical maps) and can't bring myself to do it, so it would be nice to get a party or support to have company/support for annoying grindy things like skyscale hunt, or LW achi hunt. Lmk in-game if this is of interest! LFG tab is beyond useless for this; I had it up for hours on end without anyone joining.
  3. WvW always had it's issues, but what is making it unbearable-for-weeks recently stems from being linked with a wrong server. Different servers have different cultures and that takes getting used to, which is fine. But we're (Piken Square) again linked with a German-speaking server, meaning a language chaos in the chat. 1) It's a challenge to find a commander on voice chat. 2) It's a challenge to find a commander willing to type, and then only in German. 3) There is less clear coordination in teamchat about cross map objectives. We will be stuck in this link up for 3 more weeks. Being linked to Underworld and later Blacktide was a lot of fun, but here, unless you're in a guild with dedicated own wvw raids, the situation is not enjoyable at all. This Tower of Babel came up multiple times, in the beta as well. Anet, everyone would have more fun if you link servers that speak the same language and don't force international servers with a single-language ones. I know this isn't a big deal for NA, but it is on EU, and it makes me not want to play until next linking. But I'll miss wvw. Before someone suggests to transfer servers, paying that many gems every 4 weeks is not feasible.
  4. Same/similar issue - the crystals that need to be destroyed to kill the Lieutenants do not appear. I've run around the instance a bunch, but they don't seem to be visible. I should also say, crystals are not on the roof either. Or not visible. Bug reported.
  5. Maybe a long shot, but I was wondering if there an option to skip steps in the story and still be able to progress with it? I can't for the life of me complete the Cleanse the corrupted Wolverine Spirit shrine event, part of the Icebrood Saga. I don't care to get the achis or rewards, I just want to see the story. I've done the other two, but that's not enough to progress the story. If the only option is to grind an annoying event, to me it's not worth it. If someone suggests 'git gud', that's fair, but also life is short and I'd rather be doing enjoyable things.
  6. The bazillion languages on the map is a real issue that leads hinders organization.
  7. The fun certainly depends on where people have been placed. As a returning player, it's a bit miserable. It's a Tower of Babel! Previous servers were largely set by languages on EU. Now, we got stuck on red with a commander that only uses chat in German. Great for German players, but not so much for the rest of us.
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