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Purple Effects.2503

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  1. If they did this they’d have to nerf it lol, it’s not balanced to have full effects on every ability press. for mind the gap itself, I don’t think it’s a problem really, can’t say I ever struggled to get this thing to proc or had to pay that much attention to push its effects. Warrior got the exact description you give and it’s caused uproar several times the size of this, that could be why lol. People seem to get real mad when there isn’t some form of mechanic behind the weapon, imho, the additional mechanics seem fine to me, their pretty kitten simple, they don’t require a lot of maintenance and overall just add a small twist on 1 or 2 things. simplicity is beauty, in a game that demands difficulty, in gw2 the games so easy the complexity has to be player sided lol. You can’t have a bonk stick in the same game that majority of the difficult content is also a DPS golem. I don’t think clarity is that bad really, mind the gap is fun and outside of that one detail that requires little planning I think the weapons very simple to really use, each to their own however haha
  2. 5 abilities? On a class without weapon swap? I feel like elementalist spear mechanic isn’t that complicated realistically and delivers on the caster mage feel, I do definitely disagree with the notion of only 5 abilities however. Yes elementalist has more buttons but I don’t realistically believe more buttons is increasing complexity. Nor do I think spear is a good example of complications in elementalists kit, I think it is one of the more simpler ones. 5 ability weapons won’t work. It would be a balancing nightmare realistically, as the way elementalist is balanced. The weapons abilities would require such overbloating it’d either be absolutely terrible and unusable or absolutely broken. I think this is too much of an extreme to try and request a balance wise and I think enough options exist which have only 5 buttons that we don’t need to reduce more down to this.
  3. This has got to be a troll post. lol, while I’m sure there’s many things to critic, the vast majority of spears are definitely not slow, nor alike one another lol if you could provide some examples of skill sets that are similar it’d likely help here
  4. Time length isn’t that relevant to the fact it’s impossible for it to serve any other purpose. The issue isn’t the support weapon, rifle is success at what it does for chronomancer the issue is they had to create a professions stand alone weapon, to be so niche and directed in the first place. Mesmers asked for years, for an elite hard spec with bow and support. Mesmers had a support specc originally. the issue is the weapons are now having to fix the problems created through them making elite specs too similar to one another we now have chronomancer, mirage and virtuoso which are all damage orintated, regardless of the want for a proper instilled support elite specs. Tempest, spectre and scourge are all amazing examples of support classes which were dynamic and supported several playstyles. they waited years to give Mesmer support with chrono to then Gut it and over 5 years later use a weapon to bandaid the original act. virtuoso should have been bard, support should have had a deeper options then being so niche we can only support in one specific way with one specific weapon, while a elite spec could have had traits which allowed several weapons to be used in a supportive way as well as offering a more dynamic skill set,
  5. Nothing to do with this, was exactly as I stated, with a elite specs it is possible through new traits to create Several builds instead of 1. look at firebrand, that brought several Support builds to guardian, yet it also brought a condi dps Role. Druid, tempest these have all seen DPs builds while being generally support concepts. I ain’t saying support can’t exist, I’m saying support requires MORE effort to prevent being a niche option, support chrono is good because it’s fotm as soon as they decide to juggle up the support roles, it will be a dead weapon, there is nothing else it can possibly do outside of being a meta DPS which will in time disappear.
  6. Tbh it’s prolly less then a third, when u consider things like rangers have 3 flip over skills, thief’s have 6 lots of flip skills a new stealth attack. the list kinda goes on. Not to mention, melee animations have to be adjusted to each races animation set, while casting doesn’t.
  7. I don’t consider weapons used by 2% of the player to be successes though realistically. I consider them failures, the objective of changes is the hit the majority, not invest in the niche corners, yes support has to exist, but objectively we are at the point where every role exists for every class. How much further can you really go…
  8. Might be pressure to do it, however I find it unlikely to happen, I believe this is done intentionally to push accessibility to content through easier builds. Any weapon can fit in though. It doesn’t need to specifically be something brand new, to realistically hold it. So it’s a weapon for 2% of the playerbase sure. I ain’t arguing that it didn’t work for what it’s susposed to do. i am arguing the fact, that when a weapon is this niche, the core majority of players go into a expansion with NOTHING new, which is a huuge problem in a game that has set the bar at a level where this is a absolute expectation, it feels bad. When you spend money on a game and 0 changes. If Janthirs weapons followed this same pattern, buying the expansion would be 100% redundant, it ain’t selling you a new level cap, it ain’t selling you new gear, this expansion isn’t of any real improvement to you if the weapon is worthless, that in itself is a problem for the game to solve. you can’t sell em another meta event, while retaining all the others to be absolutely equal to it. And consider it a selling factor. if your gonna ship a new thing to front load the reason to buying a expansion, making it that niche doesn’t work. elite specs simply allowed support choices to exist without being strictly bound to support, stand alone weapons however have to gap the fact their the sole choice of said role introduction.
  9. There are plenty of solid melee designs it doesn’t change the fact being ranged is a direct advantage, this is across all mmorpgs lol. it’s nothing to do with ease of play, it’s just the natural advantage. when classes are doing 45k DPs in a game that demands 10k it simply comes down to secondary factors entirely. necromancer would have benefitted far more from a ranged power weapon, then a melee condi weapon. If we were to come down to this, as it equally lacks a ranged power option, which is ironically far more damaging to the class then the lack of a condi weapon melee wise
  10. How does it not care about fitting into open world, being condi or power at large as no pros or cons in that environment. regardless of being power or condi, it will fit perfectly into open world content. the only boxes that require ticking for that is simply: can it do at least 3k DPs. Lol weather spear is fun or not, will be opinionated, however spear being power doesn’t take away from class fantasy lol, spear is very obviously necro. Because thematically it screams necromancer. No ones gonna look at necro spear and mistake you for a Mesmer… Spear has problems and concerns to critise however this isn’t it. Spear can be great for open world content regardless of dmg type.
  11. A condi melee weapon will never compete against its ranged options, it’s pointless to exist. why do the same damage with melee limitation when u have ranged options with higher uptime, your just naturally better. the only reason power spear could be useful is because it only competes with other melee options lol
  12. I wouldn’t really say they look stupid. They can look stupid if your aesthetic don’t fit sure, but with or without this option, everyone else will think you look stupid, because u can’t turn them off for other players even if this was a option the only time they gonna look stupid would be when your designing ur char without considering em really. and tbh even without virt in all honesty it still looks stupid when u don’t fit the colour. Mesmer literally the only class that PURELY only displays all effects in class colours consistently throughout colours, everything explodes in purple, all ur utility makes purple effects, even ur melee swings are glowed purple in animation. with or without the daggers, if you wanna be a Red Mesmer, or a green mesmer, ur gonna look weird the moment the purple highlights began lol. I think the blades look awesome, I doubt it’s going to be a turn off / on thing. Because coding an entire disable on graphics to fit 1 elite specs in the entire game seems like a large investment for a very small gain. but we are almost 3 years past its launch, and it’s still present. lol people have wanted this for Infusions for a decade and that’s still absent lol
  13. Not sure it’s entirely work. even if the game was 100% balanced, the easiest classes would gain popularity, not because it’s stronger or more met, just players tend to flock to the easiest options
  14. In all honesty, you could pepper spray me in the eyeballs and on a 10 pixel screen I could identify that spear is Mesmer lol. what do you honestly believe represents Mesmer, if those animations don’t…
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