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Posts posted by Markri.9475

  1. This I assume is for PvP/WvW? I do not PvE but I can assume these changes aren't considering that game mode.

    Cloak and Dagger is not "just stealth", It deals alot of damage and enables a stealth attack right after, its very good dmg per initiative. Cloak and dagger I don't see the frustration with it's stealth. It's melee and used to make a fast stealth attack mostly. WvW using it on critters or guards still has to be done in melee.

    It's replacement I assume is meant as a 1,5s channel that only blocks after the first ,5? But for something to be reactive with that cast time..or is it a ,5s aftercast? Pretty brutal.

    The deathblow idea I do find interesting. Dunno how "generic or moderate" you are making them though. Or if they are "Free" like stealth attacks. Their bonuses would be hard to use though, deadeye has its ways, others have to bring utilities. Or a smokefield-friend. Rather than " with damage/utility bonuses if used in stealth", maybe "resets its CD if you gain stealth". 


    You have to remember, even if thief were to not use stealth for more than 1s, that stealth attack is a big part of its damage per initiative.

    I voted No.

  2. I've always felt that sometimes (When dazed/interrupted) my character will move and not respond. Or simply not respond to input. Couldn't find much info about it, or how to get around it.

    Now with specter, I can atleast easily show what I mean.

    Use scepter/pistol#3, start the follow up beam but stow-cancel it. You can now not do anything for the duration of what would have been the beam.

    Now do the same thing, but after the stow, move in a direction and press Withdrawal. You will not cast it but your character moves without input. This stops once the beam would have stopped.

    In pvp I'm not good enough to not get interrupted, but a short 0,5s daze. if I was beaming this turns into a 2s unbreakable daze. (Actually did not test if you can stunbreak this lock-out-period.)

    Pretty sure if in pvp my beam gets dazed, it's my own character that's "locking" me and a stunbreak won't solve it.


    Other finicky things; "facing target" abilities going on CD if used too early when turning around, I don't play with Action-cam mode, but in my testing I didn't seem to have this issue.

    On Action-cam; if I use About-face, then right click then aboutface etc; to make my character go forward, backwards forward on the spot. It has a very clear delay in turns. Using action-cam using W, S alternating is more instant and frequent. My speed of inputs did not change.

    Also; auto-cast AA has a different priority than non-auto AA; abilities won't interrupt non-AA but instead queue after AA. 

    Does this not frustrate anyone but me? Or is there a way around these things?


    • Like 2
  3. 1)The Players.

    Gw2s players aren't any worse than any other community, but gw2 pvp is different. The PvP is small-scale, and "fair". This makes it easy for the players to spot who on their team is to blame for the loss, and in their "righteous" fury they make that player unwilling to play anymore. Other games I have played, there are big teams meaning hard to tell who was "responsible" for the loss. Or it has gear progression. Hard to tell if the player was bad, or just undergearged. Much less "righteous" fury going around. Not much hate going around in WvW among team mates for instance... so why is the plat player berating the silver player for playing like a silverplayer?

    2) Lack of polish.

    Combat is one of the best parts of gw2, but bugs and weird interactions that never get fixed is very frustrating. Like spellbreakers permanent full counter. Or placed targeted abilities aiming at your feet if any UI element is in the way of your mouse (including popup text ui).

    3) existence of low-intensity builds

    It's fine for PvE, but in a pvp environment. It's not.


    All in all ; let bad players be bad. Goes to both the players and Anet.

    • Like 2
  4. @Jugglemonkey.8741 I'm getting the feeling the discussion is about wvw aswell. Personally wvw is a different beast compared to sPvP. Their problems about thief are different. More builds work in WvW that simply do not for Spvp.

    Meta dictates what works, and thief has been and is the goat roamer (Imo), and still is. But I'm not sure that is because thief is too strong at that role or that other alternatives can't fit the role. When I think of thief it's the same way I do about the support role. But the support role can be filled by guard or elementals. Thief's role can't seem to be filled by anyone else.


    If we are changing d/p, what role we want it to fill? (Not talking wvw at all)

    For it to be viable in that role it needs to have a fair chance against the meta of that role.

    Sidenoder? It would need both sustained pressure and defense to contest the node. With initiative the way it is, thief very quickly needs to leave the node to regain resource. I'm not aware of any competitive thief sidenoders. Ironically, I also find thief weak to the +1.

    Teamfighter?  Needs the cleave damage, and health pool.

    And with any of these new roles you'd need to shave of thief mobility.

    Again; Specter fit these criteria, (imo), and would been able to fit into either role. With tweaking to prevent it filling both at the same time.


    I don't see d/p being a roamer as a problem though. I think stealth brings a lot of frustration though. I would change some of the frustrations.

    One thing I loved about gw2 was it's take on stealth, that it uses resources instead of a permanent-once per combat thing. In wvw the thief's don't stealth from their homebase and reach you. Most I have a chance to see coming and when they are close they go stealth. That tells me a fight is on, and I'm aware of the threat. I also remember the good old days I'd fight a thief, he'd blackpowder and shortbow blast it. And this is where its good! The blast is a projectile and it does not have stealth, so I can "see" him blasting the field. I'm aware he is still there and is blasting, if he stops blasting I can assume he has moved away. A new smoke field appears 60 yards away ; good I "know" where he is. Issue being the window between stealth is very short, and has been nonexistent before.

    And projectiles like shadow shot, infiltrators, shortbow stealth attack. I can "see" them coming. Same for DH spear. My assumption on why stealth is frustrating is because it hides too well what the thief does. As an example ; a Ranger goes stealth and uses Maul. That entire massive bear animation is hidden. In my opinion; animations like that should still show, not necessarily reveal though. And for thief; I'd like heartseeker to have a black trail like effect on the thief that is visible even if he is in stealth. That way I can "know" if the thief is still combing in his field ; or in what direction his last HS was. Knowing if the thief combo three HS or just one means I can make better guesses on his next move. Also blindingpowder should have a puffcloud, that your opponent can see.(puffcloud being some smoke lasting 0,5s or so, at the location it was used). Extending your stealth should be "shown", much like dropping a new smokefield does.

    Other attacks I'd consider having be shown even if in stealth would be (top of my head); Vaults blueish glow, Pistol whip.

    Ranged attacks we already see coming, and are way less frustrating in that regard. I would like shadowmeld to have a puffcloud when used though. To know the deadye did dodge into shadowmeld. To explain why he got so much stealth of one dodge.

    I think a change to stealth in this way would lessen is frustration of not knowing how much resource the thief is spending, or if he plans to fight or rotate. 


    Sorry for the wall of text, without much concrete changes to d/p kit structure, but imo d/p is the best part of thief. But I do sympathise with the frustrations of stealth, blind and teleports. 

    • Like 1
  5. @yasai.3549 If you are fighting a d/p thief 1v1, I assume your build has cleanses? Are you saving them for something other than blinds? Usually cleanses come with stunbreaks I guess, anything worth stunbreaking vs d/p thief? Two more things, Shadow shot is only unblockable blind & shadowstep. The dmg is blockable, you might already know this but so many do not. Second; if you evade/invuln the shadow shot, it does not shadowstep. if you are kiting a d/p, would you not use a dodge to prevent the gap closer? I'm not trying to be rude or condescending, as there are probably things I have not considered here.


    On topic; I'm not aware of a single build for thief that does not utilise stealth. Probably because it's a huge part of its sustained offense and defense. If d/p did not have black powder -> hearthseeker, how do you backstab? Blow a utility every time? Thief spends initiative for offense and defense, abilities that don't use initiative (like stealth attacks) saves us initiative. So how many stealthattacks will we do? Do you replace the lost attacks with heartseekers? Those costs initiative. Thief would have less sustained damage. Stealth also works in a way that thief's can stall for time, even if by 2 seconds. Time = initiative.


    Weird part is, imo, that specter gave thief what it needed. A second resource. To me, specter played much more like a double/weapon Cd using class. It had the possibility to sidenode and stay on node as its pressure and defense wasn't tide to the same resource. However it still had the mobility, and that made it OP. Too bad they nerfed the sustain/pressure instead of the mobility (imo).

    Also "(1)smoke-filled to dark field" means no blinds.

    If thief was to be redesigned without what makes people frustrated about it, It would just become a warrior. That's not to say I don't have thoughts on how to lessen the frustrating parts. But that's another topic.


    Ps Stealth as a roamer has the advantage that Thief is always ahead on rotations. If I go towards enemy far node, halfway there an enemy side noder appears ontop of me, I go stealth: now he has to guess does the thief go mid +1? Or does he go decapp my home? The correct play (imo) would be to stand at the halfway point and wait; and use mobility to reach home before decap. Or to reach mid, albeit late. But making a guess, just means the thief can go the other way, and capitalise. And that, imo, is why thief is picked in pvp.

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1
  6. 27 minutes ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

    Cata is the most hardest class in gw2 which mean there only best player will play it.

    There has nothing wrong when the best player got mAT.

    Revenant is favored by the top players, top players tend to win. Meme.

    30 minutes ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

    Just Like teapot say "Just let it theoretical broken, it is fine coz it hard to play and only true gamer can push it to limit".

    I`m pretty sure this was said about catalyst in PVE. Teapot might feel differently about such statements for PVP.

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  7. @McPero.3287

    Was not aware deathshroud was at 69%, I assumed it was 100%. So 165% makes more sense.


    The dmg reduction was to try and show howmuch extra damage the shroud could absorb, instead of effective HP.

     Your compairision of effective hp 165% is enough tho.

    But compairing a %shroud effective hp depends alot on HP. not to mention other traits or shroud generation and degeneration. Or if such build is viable or not.

    marauder specter 16.6k hp.

    core condi necro has 30k hp?

    the shroud on thief is less effective hp, and on a lower health pool. Other things make specter have more sustain though. But I still wouldn't tank on specter as I would on Necro.

  8. 6 hours ago, McPero.3287 said:

    Nerfs to hungering darkness and siphon slow are very correct but the twilight combo nerf is pretty bad decision. The problem with specter was not its damage but tankiness. Twilight combo should have its chill completely removed or moved to scepter 2 to replace weakness and keep the current power scaling damage. (You currently don't really use scepter 2 so moving chill on it could give you incentive to use it to stick to the target) Condi duration reductions are fine. That way it can also retain 4 initiative cost. What needs to happen is reduction to shroud HP % which is currently at 150% of thiefs HP. Lets compare this to necro shroud. Necro shroud with soul reaping after applying 50% damage reduction it has it gives effective HP of 165,6% of necros HP. It is crazy to think necro and thief have comparable shroud tankiness. I guess thief does have 8k less base HP but still has many other strengths over necro. So I think you should look at reducing shroud value somewhere between 100-120%?

    Specter (PvP Only):

    • Hungering Darkness: Increased pulse interval from 1 second to 3 seconds. Increased base barrier and healing from 517 to 773. Increased barrier and healing attribute scaling from 0.2 to 0.3.
    • Twilight Combo: Increased initiative cost from 4 to 5. Reduced first projectile power coefficient from 1.5 to 1.3. Reduced chill duration from 3 seconds to 2 seconds. Reduced poison and torment duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds.
    • Siphon: Reduced shadow force gained from 25% to 15%. Reduced slow duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.

    50%dmg reduction is an increase of effective hp by 200%.

    if you have 1000 hp and 50% dmg reduction, you need to take 2000 dmg to die.

    if you have 1000 hp and 150% effective hp, you need to take 1500 dmg to die.

    150% effective hp is roughly 33% dmg reduction.

    assuming a 1200hp shroud (1k +soul reaping lifeforce) you need to take 2400dmg.


    Id also note the difference this makes for things that restore shroud/hp. if both have an ability that restores shroud, both restoring 1000 shroud. Then the 50% dmg reduction gets more value than the 33%.

  9. 3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    I feel like the elite well animation needs to be distinctly different than the other wells.

    That's a very powerful well, better than Dragon's Maw honestly, and it is able to be hidden too easily.

    I agree that wells need better tells before the fact.

    But just as a note, the elite well is the only one not castable while moving. Spectres can still fake/juke by standing still on regular wells too tho.

  10. 50 minutes ago, DoomNexus.5324 said:
    17 hours ago, Marxx.5021 said:

    D/P thief 2 sec daze - no cast time.

    Harbinger 1 sec daze - 3/4 sec cast time. That's pretty lame for PvP.

    2s daze is for PvE only, in WvW and PvP the daze is 1/4 sec.

    What ability are you talking about? Sleight of hand is 1s in all game modes.

    oh and unless wiki is wrong, harbringer p3 daze is 1.25 s in wvw/pvp, not 0.25.

  11. 2 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

    When you get target by a player it's a lot of reasons, main reason you are sitting in the wrong location, it happens me quite a lot of times that I have far secured but people are still running to me because they don't look at the minimal. Same happens in a 2vs1 where a + to Mr is stupid instead of using the possibility to outnumber somewhere else on the map. Next reason might be, to tell the people to peel you, because you are on many cooldowns and low life. Rez we already have and a target by mistake also happens, lastley because of toxicness but before I would check out the other possibilities. 

    I'd like to point out; it's the person doing the marking that thinks the mark is at fault.

    I have definatly myself been too quick to call out what think is the correct move. That does not mean it is correct.

    Now I'm sure you aren't such a person. But even in an example of someone overrotating into you, they might be doing it to swap matchup, wich could be the correct move.


    I don't think the feature should be disabled, but If a Monkey decides to throw their Gunk at me I'd like to be able to wash it off, or ignore future monkeycalls.

  12. 3 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    *laughs in fire scepter autos*

    Was not aware it works too, my comment was not meant to be about engis abilities specifically. But rather about AAs that don't require facing. If there are any other  Id add them to the chopping block aswell.

    AAs are in general a decent part of pressure, when someone kites or does jumping puzzles, their pressure drops abit. If their AA however can still be used (at no penalty to their kiting) then their pressure also doesn't drop as significally.

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  13. Personally I think strength-spellbreaker is a gold-standard for PvP. The issue being other meta-speccs break that standard.

    Spb is "honest" in most, if not all, of it's mechanics. And that makes it fun to fight as, and against, imo. Also I would argue it's the easiest MU to learn because of that.

    It doesn't have many "training wheel" mechanics and is very dependant on the player.


    In higher level of play, or mATs, I can only assume there are other issues since playerskill level is high. But with a skill level below plat 2, then there are more forgiving meta builds to play.

  14. 20 minutes ago, anjo.6143 said:


    I played until thief beta release. 


    Mirage isnt bad (ye, it is), it isnt meta, not even close. 


    Like Ranger, Ele, Eng as sidenoder. Thief, Rev as roamer. Rev, Eng, Necro, as teamfighter. 


    Mesmer would be better than what? 




    I find it funny how apparently warrior doesn't even exist here.

    Isn't Mirage a counter to warrior?


    Is it so enticing to say "X is the worst" that you ignore any that are worse than X?

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  15. The numbers advantage created is contributing to your team already. If you are in a team where you are expected to contribute even more (carry), then you should be winning the node once the +1 leaves. If you can't then you might have a rating you can't hold on to.

    However , your goal is to survive the +1. Once the +1 leaves you should start to retake the node.

    How good you are vs your opponent determines how fast and decisive this happens.

    To win a +1 you're basically asking to win a 2v1. That only happens when you are higher rated than your opponent by a good margin. 

    Other than that, learn the jumpingpuzzles and no-port-spots, helps prevent alot of dmg and steal.

  16. 4 hours ago, Silverpoopoo.1476 said:

    This would still allow every player to use their interrupts, but in order to chain them they would have to actually use observation and skill to time them in order to hit the enemy player right after the last stun has worn off

    Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure the same CC does not stack duration.

    A shorter cc will replace an active longer duration cc. Such as bulls charge and an immediate dagger#3.

    Not sure about fear as its also a condition.

  17. 7 hours ago, Desaita.3792 said:

    Top Kills is irrelevant because its actually Top Assists every player participating in damage on a target gets a kill whether they did 5 or 20,000 damage

    Roamers and +1 s keeps the game more fluid and ever-changing. They tend to get this stat.

    7 hours ago, Desaita.3792 said:

    Alternatively - create a system where each death causes an increase to the players respawn timer, 15+ (5 x playerdeaths)

    This would just make every difficult game somuch harder to come back from. Should not punish players for failing if you want them to try again.

    7 hours ago, Desaita.3792 said:

    If these edits are made scores might actually mean something. when losing matches top scores should mitigate the points lost. when winning games top scores should add to points gained.

    It would make players play topstat contending builds and make bad choices to get more stats. And they would be rewarded for it. win/lose is what should matter.

    7 hours ago, Desaita.3792 said:

    A player should be allowed to have a list of players they do not wish to be teamed with for any reason whether its that they play poorly or they are verbally abusive or they sit afk

    Match manipulation. Great for those that want their alt account on the other team ; or if they want that guy just above them in rating on the other team, while playing alt acc.

    7 hours ago, Desaita.3792 said:

    Create a 1v1 arena for players to fight in for a duelist rank separate from 5v5 because the current state of ranking is laughable with "platinum" players literally losing duels to silver players.

    The gamemode is trying to balance around 5v5 conquest. As seen in the miniseasons and duelist-community events, other formats would need their own balancing if you want all 9 proffesions to be relevant. I would like an easy-acess duel area for 1v1s but not a rated gamemode.

    7 hours ago, Desaita.3792 said:

    Finally fix connectivity graphical glitches and mapping bugs caused from push pull leap and teleport spells.

    This has been a known issue for years and has been constantly ignored. 

    Easier said than done if you have no programming experience.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  18. Its way too early to tell. The showcase I assume is PvE numbers.


    @Leonidrex.5649 As an example: Daredevil. Currently meta thief is DrD, but doesnt use staff. doesnt use drd utilities, nor the elite. It's all in the traits.

    We dont know what options exist in Virtuoso's traitlines.


    I look forward to fight no-clone mesmers, I hope it will be a viable meta proffesion.

    • Like 1
  19. Not sure if it's aboutface that is iffy, but rather free-cam.

    is it mesmer staff port you are refering too?

    Personally I've seen issues where withdrawal/'roll for initiative' will after completing the aboutfaceroll turn the camera around at the end.

    There is also the 'sluggishness' of camera/movement;

    If for instance you use free-cam and run forward then use aboutface while maitaining forward view(hold Lclick) .And then try to force your character to again go forward by releasing Lclick and holding Rclick, it will take a few noticeable frames before it does. actioncam can do forward backward forward movement instantly no problem.

    Also run forward hold Rmousebutton to control camera, then attempt to do a no-target leap in another direction by swinging camera in that direction. Do it too fast and leap will happen in direction your camera was, not where your camera is. Same procedure using actioncamera leaps correctly.

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