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Everything posted by LaFurion.3167

  1. Game is super boring now with how insanely power crept the classes are. Playing my engineer I remember pulling an enemy to me and crow bar him into pistol 3 4 to condi bomb. Now its boom boom scourge gg all condi debuff is on 5 targets aoe. No skill. Spam f1-f5 and profit. Remember when you had to set up bulls charge to hit hundred blades? Lol jk berserk arcing slice x 2 and cleave for massive amounts of damage that cant all be dodged. Even in pve. I did world completion.... honestly I preferred doing it on core necro rather than this scourge/reaper power creep that invalidates literally every event/part of the map besides world bosses (arguably even those too). Just zoom through 50 mobs at a time with reaper. Blow up 50 at a time with scourge condi bomb... Please nerf all damage done by players in game and on elite specs by 15-20%. And maybe add more veterans in core tyria. Atm it is a joke. My mount ability one shots mobs up till lvl 10. Then I 2 shot things until level 40 with my reaper shroud auto.... I feel power creep has seriously ruined all game modes and worry it will get worse.
  2. Hi all currently I'm running a full celestial scourge in wvw using axe torch and scepter dagger. This build is on meta battle. It's quite fun. However I find that axe torch is very solid for life force generation with axe 2 and torch 4. The knockdown on torch 5 is nice too. Scepter dagger to me feels less effective. I know that devouring darkness is super good, but it seems scepter 2 and dagger 4/5 have become fairly useless with all the power creep. The abilities just dont seem strong. 3 bleeding and weakness or slow or whatever.... whoopdie do, my f1 and f2-5 combos applies just about every condition in the game instantly XD. I also dont like not getting life force from any of the abilities So my question is is staff a good swap for the scepter dagger set? I rarely find that the auto attack from scepter being effective. Maybe in the old days where condi bomb didnt mean 25 stack of multiple conditions, but a well timed pull crowbar on engi for 6 confusion followed by swapping to pistol 2 and 4... What are the pros and cons? Is devouring darkness too strong to give up? Sometimes in scepter dagger set I find myself wishing for a bit of ranged... if only staff was... good. It also seems clunky and weirdly designed in its role.
  3. So are you happy with the rate at which content for you is released? 3 months+ per living world ep which only amounts to around 5 hours play time??looks at ESO and FFXIVYou must be new to MMOs, it's kind of the norm for 3-4 months per story/new content these days.Well guild wars 2 has no excuse in my book. It absolutely crushes every mmo out there in terms of combat mechanics, graphics (debatable to some but this game is beautiful) and potential. Its potential is limitless. Everything they need to succeed they have but they don't step up. Months and months of broken unfun things in pvp balanced way too late. Highly successful game modes like dwaynas duo's introduced... then taken out. Dungeons left to be forgotten. Wvw left to rot and players left to dwindle. Could care less if wow or final fantasy or any mmo did this. Gw2 is the best mmo and can be so much greater. And its not even that hard. Ffs anet pick up the ball and hit a home run.
  4. So are you happy with the rate at which content for you is released? 3 months+ per living world ep which only amounts to around 5 hours play time??
  5. Probably not. Those seem to be an entirely separate thing. Swiss style tournaments is a kind of tournament ladder system, it doesn't have anything to do with a specific kind of PvP mode. Hmm but when they mentioned it they showed the arena maps??? I had hope...
  6. I'll keep it simple. Guild wars 2 needs content. The rate at which living world or sagas are released is way too slow. People need REPEATABLE content as an end game. Repeatable pve content (fractals/raids), repeatable pvp content (such as arenas, or far far more maps for conquest), and your unique amazing game mode wvw needs more content (duels, better or updated maps etc) Basically what you guys rented out a theater for to tell around 30k viewers was that you were restructuring (cool. Not content), and that the saga would be taking place in the north vs jormag. Okay... Living world releases had never had content for more than 6 hours of play. People wait months for a release then zoom through it in 4 hours. So when you hyped it up as much as you did, people at the very least were expecting elite specializations, or s new race. But NOBODY cares about some spirits mastery that we will never appreciate. Its on the same level as bouncing mushroom or adrenal glands. Its.... nothing. And the quality of life is long overdue so I won't whinge about that. Finally we are getting it, so that's that. But there is no content. Your new 10 man expeditions or bounties or whatever better be repayable and rewarding. Otherwise they will end up like bounties/dungeons... just... there. I sincerely hope to god that you guys have more than this. Because if there was ever a chance for you guys to blow us our of the water and pull the millions of people who are currently getting hit with how hard and boring and outdated wow classic is to this amazing game, this was your chance... but you blew it big time. A lot of people are feeling let down. COMMUNICATE with us. Is there more??? Or is that it? Are we going to cantha ever? Will we be getting permanent arena? How much longer do wvw players have to wait before giving up??
  7. I would have loved spite specs. I hope they are not off the table... but when they mentioned content usually included in expac, some trash masteries was the worst they could be talling about.... zzz.....
  8. Hello I watched vod but they only very briefly touched on swiss saying it will be tested soon. Were they talking about the 2v2 arena maps? I hope they were:/. Thanks in advance.
  9. Thanks but in WvW the ONE THING I will not do and cannot bring myself to even think about is reducing the player count. Its so bad having to turn down such a visually impactful (and also strategically important) option for fps.
  10. what exactly do you mean by this? asking because i made videos lol. I have a semi idea of what he is saying. So I have made 3 or 4 wvw videos. these were before i got my 144htz monitor. My recording program was GeForce Shadowplay, and the file that it saves is quite HD. Like, beyond what "stream" quality is, its literally quite sharp and smooth (like 60fps on the dot etc). So in game you might be fluxuating in some parts/fights but the recording is constantly at your preset values for recording. I could be wrong though, that's just my experience. I found this out when 1) I got a new phone that could do 60+fps (went from trash tier samsung s4 to samsung s9 and watching my own videos on youtube blew my mind on my new phone), and 2) when i got my 144htz monitor.
  11. yes SSDs have been the next step up for a while now, HDDs are a thing of the past. Does anybody else have any huge blob videos in wvw where frames are as good as the guy i posted? would love to see it. It has me itching for my new build... i think i will get it next week O_O
  12. Better than mine lol. I got a new rig a few months back, but am on a budget, so only went for a mid-range. Still, I can keep above 30FPS in a blob fight, where skill lag does more to kill you than poor frames, so overall I'm happy. haha definitely better than probably 99% of people on gw2... can only imagine what he gets in open world boss fights etc.
  13. I didn't believe that these kinds of framerates were maintainable in gw2 in these kinds of blob/zerg fights, but man look at his frames. WHILE recording... Any idea what his pc specs are anybody? Does anybody get similar frames? Will soon be dropping a lot of money on a new pc build myself... can only hope that it will be as good as his game looks/plays.
  14. But as we all know this will not happen. Patch just dropped and they probably won't tweak it given their history. So now enjoy the -300 vitality, full stop. Fun right?
  15. I sincerely hope that arena net stays away from unavoidable minor traits that nerf your class. It's not fun. Daredevil having 600 range steal was bad. Now engineer scrapper, a spec that was meant to be a tanky bruiser has -300 vitality just for equipping the elite spec. Its just not good design. Period. Please change this... scrappers really got gutted..... stay away from these unavoidable nerf traits please.
  16. I mean we have had 2 new maps in the past 7 years. Same old same boring looking maps. No improvement
  17. Its beyond help. Pvp is a dead game mode. If anet was going to do anything about it, don't you think they would have fixed it by now? Bots get more play time than people in this game mode. Just make a new game mode: arena queue with ranked.
  18. Please and thank you anet. Ranked 2v2 and 3v3 arenas!
  19. Arenas. Pvp pop has been far below what is required to maintain a healthy game mode. You have 1200 rated people getting matched with 1700s. You have match manipulation being super easy cos not enough players. Can we at the VERY least get those awesome duo arena queues back? Add a grated system for it see how it goes. Not sure why it was removed in the first place. 3v3 would be amazing as well
  20. I don't get why people are talking about time gate. That ain't my issue, and credit where credit is due, anet mitigated it' to 2 hours.... although should just remove it... 2 hours to wait to talk to the same guy.... I digress. My problem is the currency grind. It is literally that. I have to OY do the same hearts and events over and over and over and over. It's not fun. It's not something that I can "just take my time" with because if I do that it will take me 4 months to get sigh. 5 classes map completion barely dents it. How many hearts do we actually have to do for jahai to make enough?
  21. I work 12 hour shifts and have other things to do in my life. In the 2-4 hours I can manage to play every 3rd day or so I don't want to have to play 5 different characters on these godforsaken maps for a tiny bit of progress. Maybe 25 of all currency per heart wouldn't be so bad... sigh....
  22. I feel the need to say this again. I know it's been said multiple times before. The currency requirements for skyscale are absolutely unfun. It has brought my play time to an absolute stop. I do not appreciate having to map complete on 5 toons.... for not even half of the required mistonium. Some maps are okay. The hearts that reward 25 currency per is doable, even though I hate it. But man. This is not fun. I hate it. It has driven me to apex and another character... I feel even though I'm trying to get it done, I'm barely denting it. I will just buy 5 per day from the vendor in dragonsfall but it will probably be another month until I have the skyscale. Screw this. I hate it. I had heard so much complaints about it but after being FORCED to go to all lws4 maps (as somebody who doesn't play those maps) and having the events and repeatable hearts shoved down my throat. Ugh. No thanks. Please change it. Maybe 200 trade contracts and 100 of each currency.
  23. I always thought the specialization asc weapons were wayyyyyyyyyyyy too out of order. People with the masteries to complete said achievements would have asc weapons and probably gear and trinkets long before they are able to get the collection done. I am a case in point. I wanted to do it super badly when I was like 1-60~ mastery level. Now I'm 256 mastery and STILL havnt done it. I just crafted my gear and weapons, even bolt incinerator and astralaria. I was gifted twilight. For specialization weapons, especially hot ones they shouldn't have been as heavily gated as they are behind such huge experience and mastery level walls. I think pof is fine. Ascended weapons from gear and achievements would definitely pikenewer players interests... for me, it's too late.
  24. Any1 thought of an asuran golem or cube like floaty matrix mount thingy? Maybe for jackal?? Somehow make the jackals movement ability teleport like?? Iunno XD
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