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Posts posted by starlinvf.1358

  1. 36 minutes ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

    You're basically saying GW2 doesn't do marketing well.  The problem with marketing is it's a trap.  It is effective but it is hollow.  Companies end up pushing more and more marketing into their product to get more profits eventually to the detriment of the quality of their product.  Eventually, the quality becomes so poor that no amount of marketing will make up for it, and then that's when the collapse starts.

    GW2 had longevity precisely because it focused more on its gameplay and mechanics rather than marketing.  

    Thats only a half truth.  Marketing doesn’t make a game worse. Execs just think marketing will make something sell regardless. so they invest more money and attention into that, rather then the game or product.  And the sad part is they are right. 

    But this also bites them in the kitten, because its an old strategy from the one and done days of game sales.  In the current era of targeting endless recurrent spending, its obvious to everyone else that its unsustainable if the game can’t do this on its own.  But modern business’s idea of a risk is putting out several low cost products on the market in a short time.

     On the chance one is successful, that becomes your cash cow for all eternity. And will continuously invest in marketing that, while cutting studio sizes to improve margins at the cost of quality, bumping the cost of in-game cash shops to increase revenue, and cancelling all other projects to focus on that one money maker.   And promise doubling profits year on year.   

    • Confused 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    It's "not solving a problem" because, as explained, it is not exactly a problem in the first place.

    That would be weird and in many cases make no sense. The world doesn't stop moving just because you're not in the area and didn't give out a direct permit for the event to occur. I wouldn't like it.

    It kind of bothers me the op keeps insisting on having main character syndrome. I would kill many bandits for a proper A-life system in this game. 

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  3. So in short….  they want mobs that sit there and tack it, but also have to die at exactly the time to mess with their ADD.   Pretend to be a threat without actually being a threat.   You made no mention of champs or elites  

    You give open world players more credit then they deserve. They are the only demographic among the player base to go up to 2 years without knowing theres a dodge mechanic. 

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  4. 15 minutes ago, Forgotten Legend.9281 said:

    the background depends on your settings. i can read that black text on white background just fine, and made sure to turn off night mode on my PC, because i'm not into the "night-mode on everything" trend that's been so popular for the past couple years. all these popular trends are "so five minutes ago" high school clique-bait. Sorry, couldn't resist the "clever" bad joke. dad joke?

    bdad joke

    • Confused 1
  5. On 6/8/2024 at 7:58 AM, Flowersunshine.7385 said:

    First I thought 'nah, course we won't get crafting stations'. 

    Reading the comment about a cooking station, now I'm thinking: but that wouldn't make sense. I like to craft (knitting in my case), but I do most of my crafting at home. Pretty sure most people who craft do so at home, especially with less portable crafts...

    Immersionwise, it would be rather ridiculous for the commander to travel to Lion's Arch every time they wanted to cure some leather, weave some textile or smelt some ingots, when they could just create a workshop at their home.

    And not having a cooking station at home would be bonkers. It looks like the commander's home is rather out of the way, I doubt Seimur delivers in JaW - although he might be just crazy enough to do it. That noodle vendor from Kaineng surely won't though, so I need a place to make my noodles!

    But do you have access to teleportation and work on the road all the time?   Such is the life of an adventurer. 

    Both towns and the home instance are just game assets in the grand scheme of things. If you were saving the world every minute of everyday like Pooba does, you wouldn’t be crafting anything since you can’t spare the time between disasters.  

    • Confused 1
  6. In beta mobs would move out of AOE damage and make space if its getting hit too hard.   Players literally lost their minds and cried enemies were too hard to kill.   

    Feral mordrem had too much CC spam and cited as impossible to kill. Humanoid mordrem worked in groups, and were basically cheating with evasion and AOE CC.  

    That was the old player base from 2015ish. The current playerbase has triple the passive DPS and 5 times the burst DPS, and still think POF mobs are one shot deaths.  

    Given they can barely handle mobs we’ve known how to fight for years, an enemy that changes strategy over time will become an impassable wall of difficulty. 

    I still remember the OG Fire elemental in Metrica.  So many dead bodies that never learned to dodge.  It took a true war of attrition, waves of respawning players to finally kill it. 

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  7. 20 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    It does work, but they do it because those roles represent the 3 ways players can interact with the game in PvE: ally to ally (support), ally to AI (damage), AI to ally (tanking).

    GW2 didn't innovate with their system.  They just severely limited the ability of players to control enemy positioning.  The idea was that players would fend for themselves by using their dodge ability and self-sustain skills.  But they quickly realized that could never produce compelling group PvE content and the dedicated support role became a thing.   

    As it was before the support role, all not having a tank role did was limit the developer's options in encounter design.  The result is that lovely stack in a pile gameplay and everything they've tried to do to break out of it.  Simply having tanks and UI support for the healer role like other games would have solved these problems.

    By compelling you mean toxic.   You pidgin hole classes to singular meta builds, and then gate keep people who son’t fit that.  Raids are hands down THE worst kind of group content because it largely eliminates adaptive player skills in favor of rout memorization and programmable behavior.   Raid culture is over-optimized the group can be 30% over the DPS requirement and still blame someone for being too low for their class benchmark. 

    5 man dungeons and fractals are built the same way, but the margins leave less room for others to carry.  If anything, thats where the system shines. Every player has to pull their weight.  And really efficient teams don’t even need healers.   

    Trinity is a crutch from older RPG designs. Ones where the action economy is a thing, snd singular attacks can swing a battle.  In the modern DPS race, trinity is frame work DESIGNED  to fail as a way to make fights longer and more attrition based. And when they realized some players could solo it, they started adding hard checks to stop smart or skilled players beating it on the one vector they all rely on…. raw damage. 

    Pretty much any looter shooter shows how basic the core premise is. A gun healer being a requirement in a game where evading damage is the optimal option.   Its also why Chrono was such a big deal in early raids. A pvp focused class able to tank a boss, because the overall trinity design is flawed on such a fundamental level. 

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  8. 17 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

    Not since the game first launched, anyway, and maybe up through the release of HoT. That was around the time at which mats farming/refining/crafting started to cost as much or more than just buying stuff outright.

    DIY crafting started off being the always-cheaper option, but that hasn't really been the case for a lot (if not the majority) of items in quite a long time. Nowadays it's frequently far more expensive, because some of the component materials spiked in price once people started making the things that require those.

    That said, any recipe requiring 18,750 of anything is ludicrous, and honestly that kinda feels more like ANet was going for a twofer: both a mats sink and a time gate. What a deal!

    you kill that many mob a week. Big numbers on an MMO are less impressive when you look at aggregate numbers and their scales.   Look at how many ore units go into asd armor. How cam anyone ever harvest that much in a life time??

    • Haha 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Manpag.6421 said:

    This is why people are saying ANet would be inundated with cheating reports from people being outskilled — namely, players not understanding how other professions work or what tools are available to them, and thinking they must be cheating. I remember tons of people accusing me of cheating back in the old GW1 days when I ran a gimmicky mesmer skill theft build, because they'd see me use skills from a bunch of different professions on the same character and didn't realise that there was a legitimate way for me to do it.

    I'm not saying you aren't coming across some hackers, but the fact that you say it's mostly thieves — a profession which famously has, amongst other mobility tools, access to perma-stealth and a portal skill — suggests they're simply hiding in the keep when the walls are down, staying in perma stealth, and then portaling in their buddies; a well-documented and legit strategy. Hacking and cheating exists, but particularly where thieves and mesmers are involved, 90% of the time they're just using their utilities to maximum effect.

    55 PVP Monk represent.  Yes, people did fall for that.  

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  10. It literally breaks all group content.  The underlying problem is everything revolves around boon sharing, because the encounter design is too sensitive to DPS in general.  But you can’t opt for more mechanic heavy design, because players (not exaggerating) are too stupid to handle mechanic focused encounters.  

    Just look at whats events players complain and fail at the most.  They’re all ones where they can’t just DPS it to death.  


    1. this has problems because AOE damage compounds with more players.  Ro stop that you’d have to retool all skills and skew the majority to single target.  This has a knock on effect on combat movement, because tab targeting is too clunky against large numbers of fast moving enemies.  

    2. This also creates new problems in addition to 1, since it just encourages more boon spamming on supports and removes all counters CC could offer if they can act purely backline. 

    The net result is the death of reliable melee combat, as everyone swaps to range, as you’ve removed the one limitation the overall combat design leans on to make melee viable. 

    What you want at its core requires a top to bottom design paradigm reset. In other words, a totally different game.  And one that demands smarter players to boot. 

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  11. On 5/14/2024 at 2:49 PM, Manpag.6421 said:

    This is an excellent point, tbh. Yes, it's nice to theorise about what new mounts might be possible, but a lot of the existing mounts could use a refresh. There's also a problem when adding new mounts, because they either have to be sufficiently powerful and "premium" feeling with their base mastery, which makes them overpowered when combined with other masteries, or they have to be built on the assumption that players will have other masteries, so are weaker in their own expansion if you don't have PoF.

    The only entirely new mount we've had since PoF/LW4 (which requires PoF) is the turtle. I rushed unlocking it on my NA account, and it became painfully obvious that it was built around PoF masteries. It hits like a wet noodle if you don't have Ravenous Discipline from Raptor (can't even smash the ley energy shards in Gyala Delve in a single slam), is massively vulnerable because it has no evasion from Jackal's Adroit Evasion, and takes massive fall damage without Springer's Masterful Descent.

    A new mount would potentially have similar problems, plus be incredibly frail because it assumes you're going to have the 50% more health mastery from the turtle.

    This is the vibe I get from new class threads.  eSpecs already solves this problem; it just needs to be leveraged better. Too many classes just pidgin holes all the classes harder, as players complain about lack of build diversity.  And we should all know why at this point. 

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  12. On 5/14/2024 at 4:46 AM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    Having to risk a ban for fixing bad game design. It's nice, isn't it? 

    Its the price paid to maintain fairness and close gaps people use to argue botting.  Shared suffering builds character and community.  

    Why waste energy fighting each other, when we could be using that hate against the cash shop. 

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  13. On 5/12/2024 at 7:32 AM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:


    Because, what random mortal bounty hunter would be stupid enough to fight the commander.

    Champion of THE elder dragon.

    One of the strongest fighters in known Tyria.

    The dude that fought 4 of the best fighters in Cantha, a giant kitten Mech and Minister Li. All at the same time while not even being out of breath.

    God Slayer.

    Dragon Slayer.

    The dude that is breezing his way through a demon realm. Right now.

    The dude that got send flying by an elder dragon, crashed with high speed into a rock wall and stood up again.

    And much much more.


    I guess, good luck bounty hunter.

    Praise Joko!!!!!

    • Haha 1
  14. 47 minutes ago, Pinkeh.4207 said:


    You don't get a title for all of the gen1 / gen2 legendary weapons. 😆

    Probably didn't expect anyone mad enough to.

    They only made twice told legend because people had two of the same for some builds. When wardrobe came around you no longer needed duplicates, so they added it to reduce the salty complaints about it 

  15. On 3/5/2024 at 6:25 PM, Zapgrind.2197 said:

    There's no way to get it right for everyone, indeed, but there are ways to make it appropriate for the genre. "Commander Shepard" is appropriate for a single-player game, but even in those games options for some RP are given aswell. Correct me if I'm wrong, but GW2 is not a single-player game or some hero-shooter. It's an MMORPG, where thousands of players can create characters with completely different backgrounds. Forcing them all to have a single distinct personality is just... wrong. That's why people are usually making the protagonist of an MMO silent or have them react just average for their race and/or profession. And also that's why if you want to tell the story about personal trauma, you make it around NPCs.

    Anet used to know how to do that.

    Mass effect fails as an example, because it proved it couldn’t work beyond a single arc. By ME3 they almost completely abandoned narrative pathing, and then back loaded the choice and ending decision to a 3 option menu.  There are simply too many permutations to track across multiple stories, each addding to the pile. 

  16. On 4/7/2024 at 3:42 AM, Kalavier.1097 said:

    Which lies the problem. 

    How can we accurately judge how strong Heitor or the queen is if we cannot even effectively judge how strong their underlings are? The Commander is never treated as if they are a one man army either. The Commander is not equal to 50 other heroes/adventurers, so...

    Which is why you’re not the Commander. You’re the Pubah, the way finder, the champion, the bane of Tyria.  None of these disasters would had happened under Joko’s watch.  But you just had to slay him!!  And now the world suffers more in the wake of your “success”. 


    Praise Joko!!!!

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