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Posts posted by starlinvf.1358

  1. 16 hours ago, illuminati.8453 said:

    Yes, I agree, this xpac more than others is pretty boring.  You should absolutely play the parts of the game you have fun at!  

    The legendary armor is just to give some kind of goal but isn't all that important.  Anet is going to be in a bit of a situation when a significant portion of their players of the armor I think.  Many are going to say, "what's next?"

    I mean…..  people complain about doing story stuff, hate doing collections, hate doing other game modes, and explicitly said all they do is farm after “being forced to do story”.  So may as well just focus on farming content

  2. On 3/16/2024 at 10:30 PM, Player.2475 said:

    To elaborate why I said WvW armor is basically free:

    Open world: Convergences and rifts give you worse rewards than just mindlessly running around a map and killing random enemies for the most part.

    Raids: Only 2 gold per boss + some trash exotics and ascended, so about a couple dozen for a full clear of w1-4. Magnetite is meh, because even the trades for "discounted" clovers are barely better than just pure gambling once you account for the T6 materials and coins you get back.

    WvW: You are stuck here 13-20 hours a week like it's your part time job so you might as well pop your boosters to get reward tracks faster. Semi-afk playstyle with minimal input still yields you up to 7g/hr worth of T5-6 resources and gear per hour. Reward tracks finish in about 3-4 hours until you hit your weekly skirmish chests, which depending on the reward track gives you a decent amount of gold, map resources, and 2 clovers per completion.

    So as you can see, while slaving away in that god-forsaken gamemode just for the sake of hitting your weekly skirmish cap, you end up making almost twice the amount you need in clovers and material costs.

    Is it efficient? No. Is it soul-crushing? Yes. Could you be making a lot more gold and materials per hours by doing literally anything else with your time, even picking up spare change from the street and converting gems to gold? Possibly! But you have to do it for the tickets anyway, so at least you can find some solace in the fact that while it took you almost 10x more hours of playtime to get the tokens for the WvW equivalent of raid armor, you at least don't have to now go and farm the rest of the materials.

    You mean  wvw is quaggan forsaken.  I miss the orbs.  

  3. 40 minutes ago, Vavume.8065 said:

    I agree with the OP, the dependence on the wiki to get anything done is ridiculous, and is terrible design. There is no sense of achievement.

    Except a lot of the time you don’t need to. But no one wants to do the in-game research, and would rather rely on community knowledge to do the hard work for them.    

    Honestly with how immediate players will look for the answer online, you may as well assume thats what they are doing. 

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  4. 23 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    I dont see the benefit of locking gameplay features behind story content. Those who enjoy the story were going to do it anyway while pushing story on those disinterested in it seems more likely to drive them away from the game than it is to get them interested in the story.  No upside. 

    I can think of two off the top of my head.  Context, and tutorialization.  Two things players have routinely complain about when they skip it.   

    You don’t know stupid until you were in Bloodstone Fen, and people still don’t know to press Special action when the red beam hits them.  And they wonder how they got one shot. 

    Even then. The number of people who can’t beat the boss in head of the snake, despite spending the last 3 story missions throwing blood stone shards at things to break shields, is mind boggling. 

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  5. 15 hours ago, Smoky.5348 said:

    Remember core Tyria personal story where we had skippable cutscenes and animated characters when they talk? Best of both worlds back then.

    Yet people still complained.  “2012 and how can any game be so lazy as to have separate cut scenes”. 

    Just when I have hope general audiences get a little bit media literate, they learn the wrong kitten thing about the subject.  

    • Haha 2
  6. 21 minutes ago, Dibit.6259 said:

    If it's possible for anet to do this then that would be good. But considering that many people have complained about certain weapon sound affects in the part cough dreamer cough I guess its not possible (can't break the spaghetti code).

    Best alternative we have atm is skin change and the sound affects bar.

    Too many sliders makes a game too complicated for many. I’ve seen it happen. “How am I supposed to know what this descriptive word means?”.  

    I feel bad for modern UI designers. Even when a UI is good at the start, its never enough. And you get blamed for not thinking about this obscure edge case months before it trends on the forums. 

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  7. 29 minutes ago, Zexion.7348 said:

    Ah yes. Just play without sound or the legendary, which cost me a pretty penny, and don't forget the legendary variant, which also doesn't come cheap.

    Just don't play with it, because *now* anet decides to add a useless sound to it that makes it far worse.

    You can easily reskin them to change the sound and have zero affect on functionality. 

    The choice seems obvious.  I don’t get why so many have to push a false dichotomy just to pretend they are a victim. You spent that much effort and gold, but didn’t think to research each weapons special effects? 

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  8. 21 hours ago, Doggie.3184 said:

    I've played a lot of MMOs, FFXIV for example I've played every job in it and there isn't a single skill in entire game or any other MMO that is annoyingly loud and abnoxious. The sound team in GW2 on the other hand loves designing very loud and/or annoying weapons/weaponskills and spamming them nonstop. There's no care for ear health here, unfortunately. Guardian Scepter/Quip/Dreamer/Thief Axe & Scepter/Aurene Guns/Ranger Staff/Even Default Guns to name some

    They even recently added an ear splitting screeching metal noise to Thief Axe that makes it unplayable for me as it's currently the loudest unpleasant sound in game and I can't even change it with a leggy skin. Could at least add a "weaponskill" volume slider at this point so I don't have to kill off every single sound effect at once just to reduce 1 specific one. Or just make better sounds.

    so other games have boring sound.   good to know

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  9. On 2/21/2024 at 3:45 PM, Kiki.9450 said:

    It does have "leggies." Which, by the way, we usually just call "pants" or "trousers."

    More to the topic: I'm not disappointed. The base version is something a lot of people are going to have soon. It's the open world version afterall, and that's the most-played aspect of this game, I'm sure. The next tier might be harder and/or more time-consuming to get and will likely be the real "prestiege" piece here, so I'd anticipate that being the version of the armour with funky effects (maybe even on the 'leggies' too!). We'll see.

    Either way, I expect a lot of players will just transmute it anyway.

    But isn’t it the casual open world crowd that complained as much about “pointless effects” as the wvw crowd?  That the can’t farm world bosses without going blind. That they have disabilities and the physically hurts them in various ways and prevents them from enjoying the game.  and now a subset that claims to represent the whole playerbase is getting mad because its not all the the things that complained about previously.  This is a slap in the face to players who have high expectations of others, but claim to be victims of evil devs who don’t play the game and hate my class and hate fun and only make cash shop items I am required to have because of slight QOL, and make go to game modes I hate because I lose too much in them and don’t wanna work with other players because its an MMO and I only solo MMOs.    

    Did I miss anything?   

    This isn’t even that bad a grind. 

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  10. On 3/4/2024 at 8:47 AM, GBEW.5947 said:

    Yes, another good idea executed poorly. Needs fixing and is very annoying. 

    How was it executed poorly?   It did exactly what it was supposed to do..... Drain a ton of trash out of the Trade Post, and altered the cost structure to drain even more mats out of the Trade post moving forward.  

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  11. On 3/5/2024 at 1:50 PM, Tinker.6924 said:

    There’s many items you can only craft with that don’t have space in material storage. A bunch of items for chef crafting, some artificer crafting and other things. Anet really should make space for these in material storage 

    It would be smarter to have less intermediary materials that don't serve other purposes.  Or create new purposes for intermediary materials.    Like how soles are crafted in pairs, but its only used to make 1 foot armor item.  Why is the soles not basically 1 item, if theres never a situation were they'd be used individually? 


    its my belief there shouldn't be a reason to have to store a ton of intermediary materials, not even in the banks,  and that they should be used immediately. If you need to do it to condense materials, it should be laid out to be easily condensed into 1 or 2 items at major mile stones in the process.  Keep the raw materials easy to store, but don't create new problems by having to add material slots for things you only produce a few at a time.  

    • Sad 1
  12. On 3/7/2024 at 7:20 PM, Kiki.9450 said:

    I like the idea of implementing western zodiac star signs into a weapons set. However, I think it'd be best to invent Tyria star signs that are clearly inspired by real western symbology, for two reasons:

    1. If we're using these symbols on weapons and want each weapon to have a unique symbol, then we'd need sixteen symbols rather than twelve. (This is a bit arbitrary, I do realise, but why duplicate some and not others? How should duplicates be determined? If new ones are invented it won't matter.)
    2. Tyria wouldn't have Earth's constellations of course, so it makes sense Tyria wouldn't have Earth's star signs either. Certainly doesn't have the same alphabet or numerical system.

    I also agree with the afformentioned situation of using real star signs as being problematic for those who want a specific one. If I want virgo and that's on a mace, well I'm a sad mesmer then...

    What about the Dragon stars plot line from Arah explorable that was never mentioned again?

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  13. On 3/7/2024 at 3:17 PM, Tinker.6924 said:

    Gaming companies don’t always keep the same voice actors throughout the life of their products, same people aren’t always available when you need them and all that,  but they nearly always keep the existing/old recorded dialogue and just use the new actor for new dialogue because voice acting is expensive.

    It has happened though. Blizzard did it with Quinton Flynn because some high profile charges were leveled at the actor at one point  and the company felt inclined to completely dissociate with him.  Blizz was also dealing with a ton of other harassment and discrimination lawsuits at the same time and the general consensus is that they did what they did with the voice actor to show that “we take these kinds of things seriously”; if Blizz wasn’t in such legal hot water in so many other areas they would have not done anything.  That sort of thing is extremely rare though. 

    We later called this "getting Mcree'd"

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  14. On 2/28/2024 at 12:17 PM, Simzani.4318 said:

    People are paid good salaries to figure this out, it is not the work of a random dead forum user to design the game or part of it.

    I call BS.  The only people who get paid good in this industry are the Execs who fire 15% of the devs per year, and demand more aggressive monetization.   

    Plus given the way people complain, you’d think the community would prefer a brain dead forum user over a paid designer. 

    Or need I remind folks of the “Anet doesn’t listen to the players” rants?  

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  15. 3 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    I have no idea how it works in the games industry but in my field that's exactly how it's supposed to work. A specialist comes in to research what's needed, trial and develop a workable system, train up other people to run it then once it's all working they move on to develop new ways of working somewhere else and the other staff take over the long-term management.

    I could definitely see this being something that's easier to do when it's an embedded process rather than a seperate job - for example if the people designing a new legendary collection or whatever can work out for themselves what are reasonable costs and what the impact on the economy will be, instead of them designing something which sounds good to them and then having to re-design it all when an economist gets time to review it and tell them all the reasons it won't work.

    Except it was a full time position. MMO Economies are notoriously volatile due player tendency to hyper optimize, combined with most of the player base being focused in few areas at a time. 

    If not very carefully tuned, hyper inflation and over saturation are inevitable outcomes. Many dev teams tend to give up and overcompensate in sinks, before just resetting the slate every major release.

    Ascended and legendary gear tried to recycle existing materials that saw little to no use.  Especially mid tier mats. They then paired it with another gating mechanism to slow players down.   This self balanced over time, since you could farm everything except leather with targeted effort.  

    Compare that to research notes that are indiscriminate, and not time gated. This lead to a frenzy of sinking out the market, despite  the things you buy them with were time gated instead.   It did this by demanding insane amounts of notes, even though its framed as salvaging things you were meant to craft first.  This was a bad system, and its their long term solution very akin to other MMOs do once and forget scheme. Gods help us if they make a new version of research notes to do it again for a new set of items. 

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  16. Super Legendary infused gear that you will need to access the super exclusive Mist zone map to kill the last two trapped gods of Tyria, and then ascend to godhood. AlThe reward for which is custom guild hall housing that is the seat of power, and you spend the rest of time watching all the mortals do mortal thing from your mist realm.  And then players will try to raid it, and you defend it by building a maze and then fighting then in person. 

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  17. 6 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

    To be clear, it's wise to take statements like that with a grain of salt. Though it might be legitimate in the sense that it is a difficult problem and not worth the development resources for payoff, it's also the case that excuses are sometimes made just because like, it's basically annoying to deal with and they don't want to do it. I recall a story about that kind of thing, might have been shared on this forum, I don't remember, about such a thing. Was about a different product, not this game, but it went something like: the developers didn't want to bother with a certain issue, so said it was too hard to fix before shipping the product and then accidentally CC'd a higher up in a discussion that revealed it was an excuse being made cause they didn't want to deal with it - and unsurprisingly got told to fix it after that by the higher up.

    We would like to believe professionals act "professionally" and take these things seriously to whatever degree of seriousness we associate with professionalism, but sometimes they're just human and don't want to be bothered with certain problems. Which can extend beyond business, too. Sometimes people come up with motivations for things that are supposed to sound rational cause others want a rational justification from them when the reality was that they "felt like it" or "didn't feel like it."

    //For the love god DO NOT UNCOMMENT.  This code is bad and breaks everything.

    A real comment in an AI system code that couldn’t figure out how fix on the spot. 

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