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Posts posted by starlinvf.1358

  1. On 4/7/2024 at 3:42 AM, Kalavier.1097 said:

    Which lies the problem. 

    How can we accurately judge how strong Heitor or the queen is if we cannot even effectively judge how strong their underlings are? The Commander is never treated as if they are a one man army either. The Commander is not equal to 50 other heroes/adventurers, so...

    Which is why you’re not the Commander. You’re the Pubah, the way finder, the champion, the bane of Tyria.  None of these disasters would had happened under Joko’s watch.  But you just had to slay him!!  And now the world suffers more in the wake of your “success”. 


    Praise Joko!!!!

    • Haha 2
    • Confused 1
  2. On 3/3/2024 at 3:19 PM, Malus.2184 said:

    The narrative structure of the two major content releases after SotO reminds me of reading a David Eddings novel without the humour. We go from victory to victory and that's narratively boring. If the content patches followed the traditional narrative structure then the

    The first release: Would have been us stepping into the new challenge and finding new allies, which we did.

    The second release: Would have been "The Darkest Hour" where we end up losing. That never happened. LW s4 chapter 2 and 5 were both "The Darkest Hour"! where respectively Joko and Kralkatorrik managed to do what they wanted.

    The third release: Would be our moment of triumph. We're unable to have that since we never had "The Darkest Hour."

    The 3 act structure is a myth.  It is not the be all end all of story design.  Ever hear of a tragedy?  For the greater the heights of the protagonist, the grander the fall in the finale.  This need not be malicious either. For emotional scars develop character, and add depth to a heroes motivation and way of thinking. 

    Plus what if its a 4 act story like the old Diablo games used to do?

  3. On 4/11/2024 at 12:38 AM, illuminati.8453 said:

    If every mastery felt valuable and worth investing in, this wouldn't be much of a problem. The abundance of filler masteries right now dilutes the satisfaction of leveling in a new expansion.  I hope they put a bit more effort into this area going forward.   

    if every mastery were like that it would become mandatory, and thus everyone must have them. at least with filler no one cares

    • Sad 1
  4. On 5/17/2023 at 7:09 PM, KerryTT.4792 said:

    Just turned 60 end of last month. Got a late start on the whole computer gaming thing, spent a lot of time with pencil, paper and dice. 🙂

    ironically most modern games are like that under the hood

  5. On 4/15/2024 at 8:35 AM, KindredPhoenyx.8976 said:

    Yeah I use salvage kits myself and tend to get quite a few per rare salvage which seems to be standard practice. I suppose I could narrow my question down to what items might be most ideal for ectoplasm- if it isn't just rare unidentified or even exotic drops in which case welp, I guess I've been doing it right this whole time lol. 


    PS: thank ye for the insight ofc, y'all. 

    for exotics you want the black lion salvage kit, if you can get it for cheap or free, and depending on if the rune or stat is worth keeping. I keep a BL kit around for those occasions. 

  6. On 4/14/2024 at 7:03 AM, KindredPhoenyx.8976 said:

    I feel like a goof but I cannot for the life of me navigate the fast farming site, and wondering what the efficient way to obtain ectos are atm since their prices are kinda high. It's almost 85g per stack on NA right now. O_o

    cheapest by far is getting 5 jackpot ecto gambles in a row. 

    • Haha 2
    • Confused 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Daenxi.4530 said:

    Yes its mind blowing how non chalant people are being about the difference this makes, very misleading to new players.

    new players don’t do that kind of math. much less justify the cost in objective terms. 

    leggy armor has that problem in spades.  most players only want it because its the highest tier, but complain about the cost  to make it. 

    asc is a small scale version of that. if you’re playing at a level where it can make a difference, you can reasonably afford it, or at least know how to afford it. 

    So how I explain it is ask what are you doing that justifies it. The answer I’d like to hear more of, but never do, is “I may as well”.   Usually it sounds like people think high tier gear will carry them, like it does in other games. 

    • Like 1
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  8. On 4/7/2024 at 12:27 AM, DeanBB.4268 said:

    I don't know what a monster hunting event would be, so how would I know if I would like one? You can't assume anyone knows what you are envisioning, especially Anet.

    I don't know what rathalos or MG refer to, either. 

    Sounds like Metal Gear.   So giant mechs?  Cyborg Charr vs Senator Memes. “Magitech, son”. 

  9. On 4/14/2024 at 4:00 AM, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

    Arm, leg, firstborn child, and you have to foster a cat for 1 year.

    Also probably some weird timegated item that people will find an exploit for that Anet will have to hastily disable and patch.

    Maybe another 3-6 amalgamated kryptis essence (per piece) and a crackton more ecto, with a dusting of lucent motes for good measure.

    and mist nodules you can only make during strikes by doing a jumping puzzle before the boss dies

    • Haha 1
  10. 16 hours ago, GBEW.5947 said:

    loot in this game is one of the worst experiences by far. I am currently saving up for a dragonvoid infusion and having to do the majority of that saving with unid gear is so boring. this game needs more mid teir drops that arent uber rare. Stuff like the draconic lodestone, worth about 10-20 gold dropping a bit more often would be well appreciated

    loot is unimportant. that is how you don’t fall into the trap WOW creates.  crafting is king. crafting is fair. crafting is stable. you can always get what you want. and in the off season you get even more value off the economy. because it sure as hell beats the old days where legendary gear required some to get a lucky drop and decide to sell it for a not insane price. 

    • Sad 1
  11. 23 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    I'd get rid of personality system as a system, but retain the overall flavour of having different responses to things based on different approach. And i'd sprinkle in some additional flavour options based on your race and class (those do happen already from time to time, but are extremely rare).

    Notice, that's not just about different ways of approaching a goal. Sometimes i'd really, really like an option to be able to express how dumb i think an idea narrative forces me along with is. Even if that were to change nothing.

    they do that.  but it has to go nowhere, because players get jealous easily.  during LW4 theres a a couple of story missions that give you options if you’re an engineer. in the end you get extra turrets in a fight, that don’t help much. 

    designing really good scenarios end up causing people to meta game it. imagine people demanding only one class to do a world boss.  thats how low the IQ bar is for pugs. 

    • Sad 1
  12. On 4/11/2024 at 4:53 PM, Garrison Storm.3046 said:

    Given the complexity of what was included, and the summary from the link provided above:  "Since then, this mechanic has little to no presence in the game and doesn't produce any noticeable gameplay effect", it seems to be a lot of effort invested with very little return.  

    While it's not something that I particularly care about, I can see the appeal for those who are into the roleplay aspect of the game.  

    Maybe something a simply as a series of consumables; tonics or whatever, could provide temporary personality effects/animations to satisfy those who are interested?

    if it made farming easier, you’d change your mind in a heart beat. intimidate mobs into dropping more rare mts

  13. 19 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    It always is a supply vs demand issue but it is odd that elder wood is about half the price of mithril ore these days, particularly because mithril is also everywhere in high level zones and it takes only 2 ore to create an ingot, but it takes 3 elder wood to create a plank.

    So I think the question really is what happened to the supply vs demand situation of elder wood compared to mithril ore.

    mithirl is getting eatten up to make legendary armor.  with no legendary weapons in high demand, wood has a chance to stock pile.  

    Now would be a good time to consider processing curios for gen 2 legendaries if you plan on getting one   

    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

    As someone who's had to patch stuff in code that's far more simple than whatever this game runs on, sometimes a 'simple fix' isn't as simple as it seems on a surface level.  There's probably some extra problems layered throughout the code for this specific point that causes multiple problems when one thing is fixed and it has to continually be pushed back as every new fix breaks something else.

    Whack-a-mole with bugs,  especially with content that's from the core game.

    I love it too when people suggest a work around thats more complicated than the fix it self.

     Like when the database channels broke down, and some maps were crashing, and people were saying they should make the servers save itself so of it crashes, it can restore itself to the state before crashing. wtf do you think a recovery system is?  you need a working database to do that.  and if you do that you’ve fixed the original problem.  

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 1
  15. On 4/13/2024 at 4:24 PM, Danikat.8537 said:

    Does it matter what shape the tag is?

    I suspect the starting point was wanting to add more varieties of commander tag and deciding a different shape would be easier to distinguish than more colours and the styalised cat face is distinct enough from the original, and also a fun novelty for players.

    Anet do seem to like cats (I mean, one playable race is based on cats) so it probably seemed like a logical choice to them, but I don't see why it matters when choosing which squad to join.

    It was almost entirely an in-joke.  Every game that has a mode with one or two people trying to coordinate large groups of pugs will inevitably be compared to herding cats.  Cats are the opposite of herd animals, as they do not follow instructions without excessive effort to train. 

    Hence the catmander tag represents one attempting to herd cats. 

    • Like 3
  16. 1 hour ago, ZephidelGRS.9520 said:

    My problem is why Confusion being good at what it does is even a problem at all. From what I can see, even before nerf it was only extra effective in a very few specific Raid encounters while still being a subpar condition everywhere else. So why was that situation unacceptable to warrant the change in the first place?


    Confusion is a pvp geared condition.  Its designed with an attentive players as its counter play, and punishes skill spamming.  AI doesn’t do that, so its stuck in pve limbo; as pve only cares about dps.  Overworld wants burst, raids want sustained.  And confusion fits neither thanks to the trigger requirement.

    Its one of those “the encounter design is the root of the problem” situations. And it won’t change because players can’t handle even marginally smart AI behavior.   the alternative is    more flurry type mob attacks, but those freak out players as well. And raid meta tendency for glass canons would not help adoption. 

    The OP idea is not terrible. But it trades confusions true damage potential easy damage, which is what makes the idea unreliable under the current dev approach to balance.  

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  17. On 4/6/2024 at 1:05 AM, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

    What's a combo?



    I kid....kinda. I've elaborated more in other threads but all I can say is that combos feel so absolutely impotent and situational that unless I have to do 3 combos for the Daily, I forget they even exist in the game. Even when I'm solo, and I spend a LOT of time solo, I don't bother with combos and that is the one time I can actually control it! I SHOULD want to combo, to throw down a combo field of some kind and then combo off that for some great effect. But there is none, and I don't care about them. 

    I'm a very technical player. I'm not a meta-chasing, min-maxxer but I do spend a lot of time working on my builds and synergies. In my opinion nothing should ever stand along. Every weapon skill you have should be buffed by your traits and pair with your utilities. Combos SHOULD be right up my alley. But they're just not woth it. I wish I had a solution to this but there's nothing I can suggest that would be balanced. I think that combos need to have their effects turned WAY up...but then in big boss fights you have combos inadvertantly going off left and right just because of scale. So I'm not sure what to do about them.

    A big problem is the current boon focused meta still existed in beta; it just relied more on combos, because classes were designed with combos as a boon source.  Might was and still is too valuable with how DPS is king. So every dungeon party wanted an ele for might blast and dps. Thief or Mes for group stealth to skip, War banners for stat stacking and extra might, and Rangers if you wanted to troll with pet aggro.  

    Because modern boon meta is all about max boon upkeep, the power scaling on top of the power creep makes combos weaker then auto spamming or even single skill uses in newer especs.  

    combo are good for active playstyles…. which is why they killed it. In its place is more passive boon gen or boon gen built into offensive skills. 

    • Like 1
  18. 55 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:


    I don't know of anyone using thief for support in competitive, and in PvE, heal alacrity spectre is a PITA to actually use due to having to switch targets all the time.

    When it comes to warrior staff - staff pretty much has to carry warrior for warrior to be a healer at all, at least in PvE (healbreaker existed in sPvP before staff, but it was really more of a support/bruiser hybrid than a full support). Warrior utilities, traits, and mechanics have almost no foundation for support at all, so it all has to go on the weapon. Guardian, by contrast, especially firebrand, has a good amount of support in utilities, traits and mechanics, and so doesn't have to lean on the weapon so heavily.

    The heals per second have dropped a bit relative to the field, and maybe the healing on staff and mace could be increased a little to account for that, but guardian, especially firebrand, has a pretty big bag of tricks to draw from. Thief and warrior aren't exactly the professions I'd be envious over when it comes to support.

    Warrior has 2 trait lines for support, 2 utility types are support focused and warhorn has no offensive use.   The catch was, and still is, that Warrior support based around passive bonuses that got outpaced by the hard pivot to rampant boon generation thats at the core of all especs now.  

    As a front liner, it doesn’t need to be a boon spammer, because classic guardian and ele filled those jobs.  Freeing up warriors to do what they’re designed to do….. control the play field. 


    When anet gave up on emphasizing class playstyles to become a different WOW clone, it inherited all of WOW’s core design problems. Vertically stacking buffs, buff density, and doubling down on the two dps metrics.  Control no longer matters in any real significance, so naturally everything becomes fixated on DPS-in and DPS-out 

  19. On 3/27/2024 at 12:17 PM, MysteryDude.1572 said:

    New people get overwhelmed by what? All this freedom they stumble upon character creation? just.. literally go out and explore. You got questions ? Use the chat function to make an actual conversation... It's not that complicated.

    There are straight up a shocking number of players who still think all chat in MMOs are toxic, and just disable or ignore it out the gate.  These people then insist that a game MUST teach the player everything in a level design format, or its an utter failure of game design. 

    To this day people complain about needing a wiki to explain any given process, regardless of how the game tutorializes it, because they can’t be bothered to experiment or use shared knowledge.  

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