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Posts posted by starlinvf.1358

  1. @Tanith.5264 said:As someone who cares for an older parent, I'd like to kindly remind folks that not everyone goes AFK to farm. I usually know in advance enough to get to safety in the vicinity of the content I intend to participate in (the roof of the asura lab near Teq, for example). I'd like nothing better than to sit and play, but real life comes first.

    While not as entertaining as a karka egg clutch, Anet might consider simply adding an [AFK] tag to players who have been idle for a given amount of time...LOTRO had this, and it would also alert others that there's no need to rez that unfortunate soul with the completely broken armor.


    Then you have nothing to worry about.

  2. Rev as a class is designed around having an Espec. The few Meta level builds of Core Rev are usually the result of the Espec not being any good at the one thing you need it for, or in the wake of some kind of nerf.

    If you're dorking around Open world and maybe Fractal/Dungons, then a straight forward power build is your best option. Zerks and/or Marauders, Devastation, Invocation, and Retribution. Shiro/Jalis. Sw/Sw main set, and either staff or hammer second set depending on what kind of boss you're fighting. Sometimes Shiro/Ventari for certain meta events where the Bubble is useful.

    Something you have to understand out the gate is that Revs are designed a lot differently from other classes. They are made for long fights, have excellent sustain and generally high stable DPS, but have incredibly weak recovery, making them highly susceptible to burst damage landing, condition pressure, and mistakes in positioning. That might sound like a PvP only problem, but what I just said applies more to PvE then to PvP/WvW. This is because Rev defensive skills are made to counter Onslaughts/Bursts from enemies; but are so timing sensitive, that the 2 extremes of damage found in PvE [sporadic hits or piano drops] leads to a lot of resource waste. They also have to deeply spec into certain stats in order to get anywhere with them.

    Offensively they can put out a LOT of damage.... but their design favors using their weapon skills as preemptive defensive tools, despite the implication that theres some kind of rotation you have to follow. Which is partly why Rev damage rotations are insanely long in Raids/Fractals, but aren't even listed as being a thing in any other game mode. Even without trying for rotations, Revs still put out substantial damage in their auto attacks, with heavy bursts in their 4 or 5 slot.

    That said.... Shiro is basically your only good power damage option, and none of the core Legends offer strong self healing without building partially around it. Rev condition builds aren't even on the table outside of raids/CM-Fractals due to an incredibly long ramp up and easily disrupted rotation. Hybrid/Concept builds are possible, but they rarely get past the novelty phase and are rarely practical. Even Class specialists that come up with these builds will tell you that they have very clear weaknesses, and their success is mostly attributed to opponents having no idea how to fight it. Its not dissuade from the class...... just making it clear what you're getting into.

    Fighting as a Rev in PvE demands you to be a lot more aware and knowledge able due to how difficult it is to reverse mistakes. Nearly all of the Rev's weapon and utility skills involve reading a situation to know when and how to use these skills for maximum effect. Trying to play purely reactive leads to a lot of wasted skill use and Energy to get out of trouble; but intelligent use skill effects is at the core their energy management scheme. In some builds, taking hits is even desirable.


    Its recommended toward mixing Zerks and Marauders 50/50 since it helps force you learn how to carefully manage your defenses, without it getting you killed all the time. Key notes here is that Sw 3 is an evade, but slow to wind up..... but timed right, it lets you avoid very big hits without having to waste dodges. Sw 5 is a teleport and heavy damage. You can use it change positions, or get up ledges if you can find an enemy in range. Sw4 is mostly for Multi-target damage, and hits hard. Sw2 is mostly designed to prevent targets from running (PvP), but in PvE space its main value is minor break bar damage and whirl finisher.

    Reposing Shadow on Shiro is an Evade, a Stun Break, and repositioning tool. This is you only get out of jail free card, but is put to equally good use for getting out of a spot BEFORE it becomes lethal. Phase Traversal is the polar opposite, teleporting to a target and giving you quickness. If its not obvious yet, these 2 skills are good for helping you weave in and out of boss fight when things get dicey. Impossible Odds is in a weird place after it got nerfed. The movement speed bonus is useful in or out of combat, but is ruined if you have any movement debuffs. The Doublestrike is only really effective if you can stand around doing auto attacks, or have some kind of effect that can benefit off of it. Jade wind is a powerful Breakbar hit, and is good for Stunning trash mobs around you to ease up pressure. The healing skill is more for extra damage then actual healing.... so in practice you use it to top off against minor damage, rather then try to use it to heal from low health. In fact, most of your healing from Shrio builds comes from life stealing traits.

    Jalis's utilities are a lot more situational. The Healing skill has condi cleanse, but doesn't give you a whole lot of HP. Inspiring Reinforcement is mostly a PvP/WvW build, but you can benefit from the Weakness it inflicts, and can use it with Blast Finisher (on hammer or staff) to get swiftness. Forced Engagement (the chain) doesn't have much use beyond being another CC, since the duration isn't long enough to make a big difference. Vengeful Hammers is good for decent healing if you're surrounded, and in some cases is worth diving into a cluster fight with the added sustain. Rite of the Dwarf is currently awkward due to its high cost and cast time. Its main value is that of a stun break, but the damage reduction can be used to try and power through incoming damage if you don't have much choice. Stacks multiplicative with Vengeful hammer, but the math only yields 60% damage reduction.

  3. Solution...... Get the entire community to properly organize themselves, and make all the randos leave an organized map. level of practicality, Non-existent.

    Solution...... Take your not filled map, and open a squad to fill it up. Level of Practicality, High.

    Solution..... Get to a map BEFORE things start, and catch the first wave of organizers. Level of Practicality, Time Management life skills.

    Solution.... go to the forums and complain about it. Level of Practicality, (insert Venom quote).

  4. ..... if you made it for fashion, just reskin ascended gear. You can make enough weapons for half the classes ( IE: all the ones that use swords) for the cost of 1 shared slot. And not even have to go through the trouble of moving it to the shared slot, changing stats, and redoing sigils every time.

  5. Without LS2, Tyrian mastery tracks are expensive to max out, since many are tied to expensive collections and higher end achievements. In the context of things, LS chapters provide supplementary MPs to make finish them easier, while those within the Main block were designed and aimed at making people completionists.

    Tyrian track needs 49 MPs. 82 are available, with 16 belonging to LS2. That leaves 66 points in the main Core Tyrian content block. Juging by how far you've gotten, you've probably already cleared the Fractal, Personal Story and Silverwastes/Dry top. Without knowing what you have left, its hard to say which "easy" ones are the low hanging fruit.


  6. @Cyninja.2954 said:

    @Sylent.3165 said:No one plays wvw anymore so the track would take me months. No one ever joins my groups for dungeons (doing honor of the waves) as I am not super skilled I struggle a bit going in solo.

    I have no friends in the game. It's really frustrating how insanely hard it is getting these competed. Any suggestions? Anet really should just sell it already in the store

    The wvw track is not directly related to other players, but rather wvw participation and pip gain. Wvw participation could be upheld at tier 6 without any other players present. So your argument that the lack of players in wvw prevents you from progressing is nosense.

    If anything, it makes it far easier through sheer lack of competition and gankers.

  7. @Danikat.8537 said:Magic Find isn't linked to your level, it's an account bonus which is increased mainly by consuming Essence of Luck from salvaged equipment, but also by the bonuses from achievement chests. You can also get short-term increases on a specific character by using certain food, boosters, banners and other buffs.

    The maximum for the account bonus is 324% (300 from luck, 24 from achievements) and wil increase slowly as more achievements are added to the game. I know it's possible to get it over 400% with short-term bonuses but I'm not sure what the maximum possible is.

    Highest I've seen screen shots of is 700....... possibly 900, but I can't remember from when it was.

    Theres known loop hole with Silverwastes where you get 1 second of additional magic find while opening bandit chests, which doubles the passive Magic find bonus of map for doing events. Gives +30% per stack, and doubles during chest opening (totaling +300%).

    Base MF can go up to 324% from account. Another 435% from boosters, buffs and food. In silverwastes specifically theres the Perseverance bonus of 150%, another 50% for defeating the Vinewrath, and an additional 150% when opening bandit chests (if you can time opening containers right). Thats 1100% Magic find .

  8. @Just a flesh wound.3589 said:Sounds like the OP is talking about a totally new and separate map that is probably in the Mists but apart from WvW that is mixed PvE/PvP. As long as it’s a new and completely separate map I wouldn’t care, as no PvE person would need to touch it. However since it would pull players from WvW I doubt ANet would ever add this to the game.

    They tried that already with Dessert Boarderlands AND Edge of the Mists...... didn't pan out well either time. The ability to avoid participating is what makes the entire concept fall apart from the get go. PvE-only players treat PvP like its terrorism, PvP players don't like large scale fights and will end up ganking randos and complaining about how terrible the players are, and the WvW players will see all the other players not working the objectives to be a waste of a map slot.

    Reusing the same map in 3 different game modes doesn't work either, because they have polar opposite needs for terrain traversal, pathing and choke points.

  9. @"Pirogen.9561" said:If template is stored on your client, then it costs ANet nothing.

    If template is stored on server, then it costs ANet something. Server disk space. Disk space is not for free. One(1) template would be like nothing. But on server you have to multiply this by millions of characters/accounts. So it does add up.

    OK, 3 templates are already there. The "current" ones. So 3 don't increase disk space. Extra do.

    GW1 "templates" where on client, your PC.

    Where are GW2 templates stored?

    • If client, then "pay for extra" is a dirty money grab.
    • If server, its justified. Disk space is not for free.

    Everyone also seems to keep forgetting that Templates in GW1 didn't have to deal with the type of gear system this game has. In fact, it didn't even deal with its own gear system.


    GEAR STATS CHANGES EVERYTHING. Build Templates only have to deal with Skill slots and Attribute points..... both of which are completely independent from gear. GW1 also had 4 weapon slots you could load up on the fly, and for the vast majority of builds the only necessary gear change was a spare helmet with a different rune on it.

    Build slots for GW2 could do the external string thing for Utilities and Traits, because those are universal to the profession in question. Gear on the other hand is wildly different, because you're dealing with Bespoke UIDs for the item, and not just the Item ID (which there are also way too many to be sane...... just look at the TP for any one type of item, and tell me they all are the same thing). Its THIS that all the problems stem from. And NO, its not easily fixed...... and no game with a similar type of loot/gear system would fare any better.

    They're going with the most viable solution to this whole situation, which is Containers that house the items in question. Legendary gear adds another layer of issues with how its Meta data has to be manipulated. While lesser of the issues, that meta data manipulation is even more complexity and validation checking thats not worth squat, if system its on top of can do something like accidentally overwrite items, or can't handle conflicts like soul binding state, mixed gear (rarity/bind rules), etc. The 1:1 relationship to the slots wholesale avoids this problem, and the containers make a framework to address a whole set of items as a single bundle. I addressed this in a thread years ago about how to handle Per-Character gear set recycling, using a quirk of the existing gear system to create a "left to right" and/or "Load Order" priority. But it still requires you have all the gear you need on that character, and gets stored in the gear panel rather then the inventory.

    Trying to make One gear set active across multiple characters is an entirely different problem, and would need something very specific to do it. And thats a new class of Shared slots that have to paradoxically both allow and deny all valid gear combinations for a Class. Making them sharable on a per-class basis is very doable, but kind of defeats the purpose. Separating the weapons gets rid of the biggest conflict for armor, but the weapon compatibility problem across classes remains. its gets very messy, very fast.... and I don't trust the Devs to simplify it enough to make it satisfactory.

    I can think of one solution, but I don't believe the community will fully appreciate the compromise, and would end up just demanding more then its capable of...... Binding Template items to a special bank tab, and using that as a Pool of gear. This addresses the UID problem, since those items are now pinned down. But it also means at any point removing an item from the pool for any reason (like to change its stats or runes) breaks ALL the templates its attached to, and will have to be manually updated with the replacement item one by one. Because I guaranty, if it doesn't go out of its way to make it not-load, players will start running around with missing armor pieces and not realize it. If you deny players are that dumb, you need not look further then this forums to prove their existence..... and that is just a tiny sample of the actual population, whose average awareness is far lower.

    Gear stats is the entire justification for the need of Gear templates..... But its also the reason why Gear templates are ultimately no more useful then what we're already doing, sans Legendary gear.

  10. @"Teratus.2859" said:People often wonder why I hold such disdain for legendary gear in Gw2..

    Well thats why xD

    At the end of the day the skin/effect is the only thing about a legendary item that makes them worth the time, effort and resources.. unless you're going to sell it for profit.If you don't want the skin or effect then don't waste your time on them unless you're making to sell, they're not worth it for the cost, they are definitely not prestigious or rare enough to feel special anymore (hell they're more common than dungeon skins these days) and they're definitely not worth it just for the ability to swap stats.

    Theres 2 things I've learned about the modern state of gaming......... Legendary gear in GW2 represents a state of excess that you can easily find in other games in one form or another. Its something thats made for someone with 'too much time' or 'too much gold' on their hands. And if you're decently competent at a game, both of those are inevitable.

    Its those that confuse "want" and "need" that quickly fall into the big monetization trap. GW2 has been far less egregious, even by 2012 standards when it came out. But in a big twist, Legendary weapons were something each player would only realistically make a few over a life time.... but the reality of the post 2016 Lootbox/Cosmetics boom finds the entire premise flipped on its head, where Status symbols (whether we pursue them or not) is an integral part of "End Game", because "Expression" is our new premium.

    The whole "I don't like legendaries" only holds true until you find a reason to care....... So regardless of your level of active interest, you will always have a major stake in making sure that system stays sane and healthy. Because whether you like it or not, it will affect everything around you. I warn against dismissing things as a "you problem", since that kind of apathy to a situation rings very heavily in the state of Society.... and we can all agree that things are not in a good place there.

  11. @"DonArkanio.6419" said:The single most frustrating thing about GW2 for me:

    • the potential of the game vs its execution

    yeah, theres no "one big thing" that causing the game's issues. The underlying concept should work a lot better then it is.... but the whole game is hampered by a mountain of small and medium sized issues that compound into major issues in how it all works. And so many players are so caught up in their own bubbles to a useful part of the discourse.

  12. @Hoodie.1045 said:Ever since the Berserker rework, ArenaNet made it clear that they want elite specializations to have actual trade-offs. Some people may not like this, but I do because an elite specialization should give a profession a different playstyle and not a specialization that is objectively better than the core profession. I'm a core engineer main and seeing it neglected for such a long time hurts especially since we went from almost nobody playing engineer to suddenly everybody playing holosmith and nothing but holosmith. I understand that ArenaNet wants more people to play the engineer profession by creating an elite specialization that is easier to play, but doesn't perform as well as core condition engineer, unfortunately that's wasn't the case when PoF was released and it still isn't the case today.

    I've been thinking about this for a while and I came up with two solutions: either remove the toolbelt skills from holosmith and just have photon forge as the F1 skill or make the kits exclusive to core engineer. Before anyone freaks out about this, hear me out: holosmith is designed to be a glass cannon specialization, yet it has plenty of sustain thanks to some of the toolbelt skills like regenerating mist and toss elixir s. Removing the toolbelt skills will significantly nerf holosmith's sustain and rightfully so. No build should be able to deal a ton of damage, while also having stability, stealth, quickness, blocking and invulnerability skills.

    While on the subject of making kits exclusive to core engineer, understand that the elite specializations don't rely on kits as much as core engineer does. Scrapper only uses the elixir gun for support builds in PvE and for sustain in PvP, holosmith only uses the grenade kit in PvE and no kits in PvP. I know that a lot of people will disagree with me on this and say that this will nerf both of the elite specializations, but really what else can you do to improve core engineer? Aside from buffing/reworking the kits, there's nothing much you can do.

    I could go on and talk about trade off for the other elite specializations, but that'll take a long time. Most of the elite specializations are fine as they are and the only thing left to do is to buff the core professions, like elementalist applying quickness instead of swiftness from the elemental attunement trait in arcane, guardian getting the 20% damage increase from the unscathed contender trait in virtues if you have retaliation instead of aegis etc.

    The flaw though is that they ALREADY had trade offs that are part of their Core design..... and it was glaring back when Core was the only thing we had. HOT Especs worked to round those out, so every class had something competitive in every game mode. As long as Core Classes have this weakness, many of them can't afford to have further weaknesses without much stronger gains to compensate. On that same note, half the Classes have core concepts that way more flexible then the other half, allowing them to synergize with Especs that don't have to be explicitly designed around them. Holo is example of an Espec that superseded its Core, because Core Engie Traits are too spread out to be effective without all 3 trait lines working on Concert. Guardians on the other hand have extremely well designed skills and traits that work well both independently and as part of a trait focus. The Revamped shrouds do the Heavy lifting for Necro. While the baseline stealth access on Thief makes it a core PvP strategy but is next to worthless in PvE combat, regardless of which Espec they run.

    Their attempts to power balance the Especs with the Trade offs are FAILING, because they don't seem to understand how these classes are Power balanced internally. Like making Scrapper a Barrier engine and offsetting it with lower Vit, but tying it to its power damage output. The change to Scourge Shades fail to recognize all the previous nerfs that have already happened, which in turn was failing to realize how much of their Traits are directly tied into their Shourd mechanics. Thats because Necro weapons are utilities, and the Shroud is its main weapon. Reaper is essentially the same concept as Holosmith..... but PF is treated like a Kit only interfaces with other trait lines for damage, while Reaper Shroud is a complete Transform that draws from the Traits to get the majority of its power.

  13. @PeLi.5498 said:

    @"Dadnir.5038" said:Minstrel

    Main mechanism: Chorus:
    • F1: Chorus of restauration: For 10s, whenever you use an
      heal up to 5 nearby allies and refresh the duration of the chorus.
    • F2: Chorus of aggression: For 10s, whenever you use an
      deal damage to nearby foes and refresh the duration of the chorus.
    • F3: Chorus of salvation: for 10s, whenever you use an
      cleanse condition to nearby allies and refresh the duration of the chorus.

    Unless traited, only one chorus can be active at any given time.
    are part of the weapon skills/kit skills. No weapon swap available since there are kits.

    Main hand: dagger (900 range throwing weapon), mace (melee) and sword (melee).Off hand: shield (melee), focus (900 range) and warhorn (600 range).2 handed weapon: staff (1200 range).

    Utility skills:Shout, Signet, Mantra, Instrument Kit (flute, violin, guitar, tambour...), tricks

    Traitlines:Singer: Damage traitlineJuggler: Precision/expertise traitlineEntertainer: defensive/CC traitlineMaestro: support traitlineChorist: Mainly buff chorus (main mechanism)

    E-spec (1): Bard (Modify chorus into Balads giving raw stats while active: Balad of vitality, Balad of expertise and Balad of concentration. Shortbow/glamour)E-spec (2): Scald (Modify chorus into Warchants weakening foes: Poisonous chant, weakening chant, restraining chant. Hammer/command)E-spec (3): Solist (Modify chorus into Leitmotivs restraining the arias effects to single target, self or foe, and making them more potent. Axe/deception)

    Absolutely. We need a bard class in this game. Offensive and deffensive support. With instrument as weapons kits like engi

    Mesmer have historically been the premiere performers of Tyria. And its the only profession that could literally be a One-man band.

  14. @"Linken.6345" said:And whats stoping the character from picking up another weapon of the same kind and continueing as its been?Its not like its only that specific weapon item that make them who they are.

    Considering using weapons correctly to create what IS the skill effects, requires both magical and/or martial training..... its not as simple as "picking it up". There are tons of bundle weapons scattered throughout Tyria, and theres only ever been ONE case where a class managed to use it differently then others that "swing hard", "throw", or"consume".

    Players continually forget that Skill points (now Hero points) represented a Training system..... but like all modern RPGs, its entire concept is backwards and doesn't make any practical sense from a character perspective. The only reason it works within meta-contextual is that players would never want to use a skill that fails a lot, unless mechanically forced to; so its created this assumption that its not worth trying until you're already proficient.

    Environmental weapons kind of bridged that gap.... because it works exactly how you'd expect someone trying to improvise a weapon out of something they're not proficient in using. Its too bad players outright avoid it, because its neither smooth nor as effective their weapon skills. Part of Thief's class design is using improvised weapons on steal, but players don't give it any real thought on its use if that stolen item isn't a hard CC.

    If a Warrior picks up a Focus, what happens? Ele conceptually uses all weapons as a Focus, but they all manifest differently. Thief Dual wield skills are carefully considered combo actions that work off how each weapons works. Using a new weapon comes with a change in mind set, and that mind set comes from the training needed to open an Espec.

    Or have we all forgotten that Especs in HOT where supposed to be unlocked as you progressed through the maps? Or that in POF the Trainers were supposed to give you missions/quests to help you progress your training (but then got dropped for the same reasons it was dropped in HOT). Both of these are attempts to harken back to the skill trainers in Guildwars 1, and early versions of Traits in Guildwars 2, that required you to travel the world and complete adventures to learn new skills. You have no idea how much I miss Capture Signets as a concept.

  15. @Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

    @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:no

    but make it that damage to the clones/illusions is reflected back on the mesmer.

    right after holo burning to death when using holomode and warrior getting heart attack after gaining too much adrenaline

    That's actually a good exercise, in the same vein we can do it for other professions:
    • when necros lose or spend life force they lose the same amount of hp.
    • ele staying in one attunement for too long makes them take damage, example: getting electrocuted when staying in air attunment.
    • when ranger pet reaches 80% hp, they'll get fury, might and will attack the ranger instead.
    • scrappers' gyros have a chance to get a virus and attack the scrapper.
    • thief has a chance to steal a bomb and blast himself off.
    • when revenants stays in one legend for more than x seconds, they will lose control over said legend and kill themselves.
    • don't know about guardian :/

    Guardians set themselves on fire and permanently feared until they cleanse it.

  16. @Arden.7480 said:

    Devs showed the willingness to continue GW2, we must also show the same by simply paying for their work, so they can do something big for GW2.

    I don't think that willingness is as strong as people think... nor do I think its a good idea in the long run. Many MMOs at the turn of the decade were aimming for 10 year life spans, and many failed to keep substantial momentum due to really dodgy starts across the board. Accretion has been the enemy of MMOs since their inception...... but the astronomical increase in burn rate for content compounds that problem in a way that many Devs could even fathom.

    GW2's launch was a pretty big mess, and has never truly been able to course correct many of those issues, on top of the ongoing inability of Anet to get many of their biggest effort investments to really pay off. For the most part we know how the current system is failing.... but the game lacks the frame work necessary to easily go in new directions, nor back porting older content to take advantage of new developments. Its reasonably better to cut the legacy side of the game, which frees up everything to start fresh with all the lessons learned from the previous game. As good as it was, GW1 gameplay didn't age well. GW2 aged substantially better, but it suffers from 7 years of haphazard adaptation and abandoned development efforts.

    If we're being honest, this would had been a good place to push for an end cap to GW2 (finish off the last 2 dragons), and put effort into GW3 to free itself from past mistakes and failures. But if the Technical cost wasn't enough...... theres also the problem of getting the players to migrate. The entire model of long lived MMOs practically set themselves up for terrible deaths. Players are too invested, so they don't want to move. But unless the game is extremely well designed to be Format mobile (which the stat system alone makes it nigh impossible), theres only so much you can do with your design premise before its exhausted itself..... eventually dying from fading relevance. And thats not counting cataclysmic mistakes on the dev's part, that can kill a game prematurely (see Starwars Galaxies).

    From a philosophical stand point, we're in dire need of a cultural shift that allows for healthy MMO life cycles, so we can tailor the business models and technical frame works to support it. Its ironic that the Anime industry kind of understands this well enough, despite much of what surrounds being on-par or even worse then Western entertainment industries when it comes to milking things way past their prime. We have too much of an all-or-nothing approach, and continually force things to keep going until they fail to amuse us. I DO NOT want to see Hugh Jackman come back as Wolverine.... because Logan deserved/earned an end cap that would be crime to undermine for more milking. Too many drama series go on longer they ever want, simply because they got popular..... but part of what makes the whole thing work is it getting a satisfying ending.

    It just pains me that its so hard to do with multiplayer games, because player population is what makes the experience work. But so many MMOs didn't deserve to die they way they did..... and many more are kept alive simply to bleed it dry for as long as possible. I just wish online games could run their arc, stick around to let the slow audience have their fun, and then retire it with dignity. If WoW Classic has brought forth any new truths... its that reliving the past is like undoing everything you learned from it.

  17. @Khisanth.2948 said:

    @"Tsan.6431" said:Raise level's mobs should be a great idea but not for player.

    That would just turn them into HP sponges. Lazy game design is a great idea?

    If its the "only" thing they do, then yeah its lazy. But when you look at the attack profiles of some of the Expansion mobs (especially in POF), a mob with a ton of Hard CCs can go from trivial to lethal simply by having enough HP to survive long enough to get attacks off. Nearly all of the POF mobs are a serious threat..... we just don't notice since much of that is mitigated by how fast you can burst them down. This is something we take for granted, and it bugs the crap out of me when people drone on about how easy or hard something is, without giving any real thought to the conditions they fight under.

    I've long advocated that AI Mobs should more closely match to players in terms of combat behavior...... but the next closest thing we get is Mobs with bespoke attack skills that load up on effects, in addition to whatever damage it causes. The hard part is determining how durable they should be; since their counter strategy, group synergy, and opponent build type all factor into how fast they can be killed, and how dangerous they are to the player when still alive. Most glass cannon builds rapidly fall apart against an enemy that survive its burst damage. But on the opposite side of that same coin, the way damage scales in many builds causes most players to lose a war of attrition if trying to spec too much into defense.

    Its a catch 22 so long as Mobs lack effective active defenses, and are EXPECTED to just soak damage as their means of survival.

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