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Posts posted by starlinvf.1358

  1. it kind of does and doesn't. A coherent build is already 10 times stronger then a random build, and meta builds are twice as strong in one particular area from that. The high end performance isn't necessary, but the community has a baked in misconception that grew out the fact that changing stats are a pain in the butt.

    Min/Maxing in actually detrimental, because the game operates on a relatively small number scale, and the enemies themselves are rarely scaled to some extreme level. On top of this, the trait system is a major force multiplier, often doubling the effective power of a build over raw stats alone. Because of this, the majority of the game's content and difficulty can be measured as rough thresholds for success; and that pushing too far into one extreme is an inefficient use of stats that could make you viable in multiple areas at the same time. Like dumping 150 stats each into toughness and vitality is usually enough to survive 1 or 2 additional hits from big enemies, or that you can spare 150 Prec (which equals 10% crit chance) and still have 90% crit rate.

    The reason we don't operate this way is because our stat system is heavily bound to the Gear system, and the Gear system does NOT allow for easy or precise allocation of stats. This makes it largely impossible to fine tune for efficient stat use in all areas of the game on the fly, and instead we've become over reliant on stat dumping into damage to make fights as short as possible. To make up the short fall on defenses, we just abuse the mechanical nature of the game's combat to avoid damage, or using % based effects to mitigate any damage we do take. Theres really no optimal reason to run full glass all the time..... but we do it anyway because its the easiest solution given the circumstances.

    The reason you keep hearing "you can run anything in open world" is because the threshold for success is incredibly low overall. Mobs don't do much damage, don't hit often, and very little HP compared to what you'd see in tank'n'spank types of MMORPGs. Expansion maps are notably harder because the mobs do a threatening amount of damage, and many have access to debilitating conditions and hard CCs.

    Its only in Raids, Dungeons and higher end Fractals where very high damage matters more, as everything there has enough HP to survive the opening burst of most builds. That content is also structured around the assumption of a party, which naturally force multiplies through support features found in every class..... but can be pushed to an extreme with builds specifically made with that in mind.

    Like I said earlier... a coherent build is 10 times stronger then a random (or face value) one, and you get a lot of leeway in solo friendly content to not have to build for max damage. That said...... Damage is just so universally effective in this game, anything you do trade it off for should have some good reasoning or better return on investment. And sadly its this idea that gets massively misconstrued by "hardcore players" to support their belief of speed runs being the "only" viable (if not optimal) approach to anything.

  2. @Dadnir.5038 said:

    @Axl.8924 said:The problem as others said it only overperformed in WVW after all the other nerfs due to how oppressive it is, and now its even more oppressive while nerfing pve where it shouldn't.

    The way you defend the nerfs makes me think you want scourge to be useless and unplayable.

    I'm not even sure it overperform in WvW, barrier and area denial (in general) overperform in WvW. Scourge is a great source of both but I doubt it is or it was to the point of saying that the specialization overperform.

    Scourge and Firebrand were the back bone of WvW ever since they dropped in POF. The reasoning is pretty simple..... groups of scourges can convert boons at a rates 30 times per second or higher. More then enough to tear off any Stability an enemy group has, unless they can generate enough cover boons. Which is where Firebrand comes in. Their main strength is the ability to convert conditions back into boons, and apply new stability if it gets torn off in the fight. With Stability nullified, Hard CCs are more likley to land, and the resulting stun locks make for easy kills. Scourge Condi damage was just icing on that cake. Same with Winds of Disenchantment..... its biggest source of threat is blocking stability. Which is why its uptime was the target of all those nerfs, rather then the effect itself. The Devs WANT it to work this way.... but they continually underestimate the ramifications of messing with stability.

    Despite the fact that Spell Breaker also had a loot of boon stripping, the fact that a nearly EVERY attack a scourge does converts boons, and how all those attacks are AOE, what makes them so OP is the number of targets they can corrupt on a continuous basis. When FB cleanse and healing got nerfed, Engineer was pulled out of retirement because it could do a similar job without the downtime risks. But Firebrands are still in the meta, because they are the primary source of Stability...

    So yeah... the way Scourge threatens stability is what causes them over perform on a conceptual level. Scourge damage had been nerfed several times, but they still remained because of the boon corrupts. And this last change to Shade doesn't change what they do... they simply cover less area then previously.

  3. @Dante.1508 said:

    @Dante.1508 said:I've just returned after 4 years and well Mesmers are now terrible? Isn't the whole point of being a mesmer to have your illusions defend you as you are so squishy you don't die?... Well somewhere in this last 4 years Mesmers illusions have become useless.

    The illusions do nothing to stop enemies attacking you, they do so little damage and the hold no agro, so what exactly is their point these days, i can be the furthest away from an enemy and it will instantly attack me totally ignore my illusions and after what seems like an age maybe one illusion might! take an enemy off me.. chances are extremely slim though..

    Back 4 years ago mesmers illusions were working perfectly! What happened?

    Phantasm's were reworked and now work differently.But immediately afterwards many things that made mesmer viable were quickly nerfed due to the non-stop whining that plagued the forums.Raiders thought chrono was too strong, chrono was nerfed.PvP'ers thought Mesmer as a whole was too strong, The entire class including especs were nerfed.

    The new game is whine until it gets nerfed. If enough people do it everyday, you'll see something change.Wow...Well i gave up playing mine now i've gone over to my Guardian instead, the game mechanics are just not fun anymore on mesmers.. Its just impossible to fight forged and mordrem now in the open world solo, even on mirage, What a wasted class imo. Anyway upwards and onwards good bye mesmers.

    Take note Anet i hope.

    Core and Mirage do fine in Open world. Its only Chrono that got awkward due to losing all its short fight tools. Old Mesmer was back loaded damage with sustained output, because the majority of its damage was on Phantasms. The flaw in the design is that Phantasm were periodic bursts, had long cool downs, and shattering killed off your source of damage.

    New Memser works the way most other classes worked for years. A lot of front loaded burst damage on moderate cool downs, and you no longer have resource contention with shatters. This allows mesmers to be even more aggressive, and further leverage all the effects offered to shatters through much of your trait choices. Once you understand this potential, even Chrono can be used effectively in spite of its heavily nerfed state.

    So they have zero uniqueness great and they are squishy as so one mistake or lag or missed hand eye coordination and your downed.. gotcha.. Try playing one with a 300 ping time then get back to me...

    I'm dead faster than i can say dead again! Back to my Guardian, have fun.

    Uniqueness has never helped, because too much of the game values pure damage output. The entire group structure in Raids and Fractals revolves around the Supports generating damage bonuses, so the groups DPS is high enough to potentially blow past entire phases of a fight. Open world is a war of attrition.... so front loading lethal damage nullifies the need for defenses, since a dead enemy deal Zero damage.

    Plus I forgot if its been pointed out yet or not (I have to keep bringing it up because it seems like it never gets through to people's heads). But Mesmers have all the defensive benefits of a Thief with an army of Ranger pets, provided you're smart enough to use them correctly. Its not hard given how poor the AI behavior is. Just send the illusions in first, then add your own damage once the target is distracted.

    Also..... 360 Ping, get on my level.

  4. @Einlanzer.1627 said:

    @Einlanzer.1627 said:Berserker deals around 50% more damage than Soldiers, but has less than half the effective HP. Combining that with healing skills and dodging, this means that defensive stats are actually a lot more effective than people believe them to be.People were telling you this each time you started a new thread, remember?

    In every thread I was asking for theorycrafting on Soldiers vs Berserkers to try to gain clarity and everyone was willing to argue with me
    without providing any evidence. I finally found it
    , and yes, the people arguing that defensive stats are better than most players think were right. So, I suppose you could say I've switched sides. Congratulations.

    The spreadsheet at the beginning of the thread doesn’t provide evidence though.

    It's called data. Data = evidence.

    Not necessarily. I can provide data that the world is flat, that doesn’t mean that it is. It’s also possible to take pieces of data and string together an assertion that isn’t true/accurate. Someone could take the damage difference between the stat sets, as well as the difference between HP, and then make an incorrect assertion about the two.

    I remember this from John Oliver. P-Hacking. Playing with your data so you find something that counts as statistically significant, but probably meaningless. Like correlations between eating Cabbage and having an Innie Belly Button, drinking Ice Tea and believing Crash didn't deserve best picture, and eating raw tomatoes and Judaism.

    Or assuming that living on the east coast in the U.S. means that you have better odds of winning the lottery because a larger percentage of the winners are from there.

    A couple things that the OP is ignoring is how much damage is done to an enemy is relation to the enemy's HP and how much damage the enemy does to them in relation to their own HP. Using soldiers with a 50% drop in DPS, and twice the effective HP, can cause the enemy to out-sustain them depending on the enemy's stats.

    Soldier's does 2/3 the damage that Berserker's does. Berserker's has between 1/3 and 1/2 the EHP that Soldier's does depending on class. Your argument is more likely to apply the other way around, with players out-sustaining mobs in Soldier's when they wouldn't in Berserker's.

    That's the entire point - Vitality + Toughness has a greater effect on TTL (not factoring in Dodge) than Precision + Ferocity does on TTK. People think it's the opposite and it isn't. I'm not saying that means V/T is always better than P/F. This depends on a kitten ton of variables. I'm simply saying it's a lot more balanced and competitive than people think it is and that there
    compelling reasons to use some V/T including in at least some forms of PvE.

    But I can tell already you're also ignoring all the damage multipliers most power builds have from traits and sigils to make that comparison. Those compound rapidly via their multiplicative nature. I did the math on this before, and its not unusual to have raw damage values in the 7 digits, before being divided by the armor value and damage reduction traits. Theres also a thing where the damage reduction traits do the same multiplicative math in some cases (meaning they shrink in scale) while others can be additive (bigger reductions), so the math is kind of unintuitive.

    For reference, the tool tip damage is based on the assumption of a target with 2597 Armor, which is 380 points higher then the baseline value of Heavy armor + Toughness.

    So heres part of the issue...... HP grows linearly, toughness works on division, but Prc and Fer are multiplicative and compound with other modifiers. This is far from equal scaling between defense and offensive stats per point allocation.... especially when you start to realize you only need to meet certain thresholds to obtain certain TTKs.

  5. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @Einlanzer.1627 said:Berserker deals around 50% more damage than Soldiers, but has less than half the effective HP. Combining that with healing skills and dodging, this means that defensive stats are actually a lot more effective than people believe them to be.People were telling you this each time you started a new thread, remember?

    In every thread I was asking for theorycrafting on Soldiers vs Berserkers to try to gain clarity and everyone was willing to argue with me
    without providing any evidence. I finally found it
    , and yes, the people arguing that defensive stats are better than most players think were right. So, I suppose you could say I've switched sides. Congratulations.

    The spreadsheet at the beginning of the thread doesn’t provide evidence though.

    It's called data. Data = evidence.

    Not necessarily. I can provide data that the world is flat, that doesn’t mean that it is. It’s also possible to take pieces of data and string together an assertion that isn’t true/accurate. Someone could take the damage difference between the stat sets, as well as the difference between HP, and then make an incorrect assertion about the two.

    I remember this from John Oliver. P-Hacking. Playing with your data so you find something that counts as statistically significant, but probably meaningless. Like correlations between eating Cabbage and having an Innie Belly Button, drinking Ice Tea and believing Crash didn't deserve best picture, and eating raw tomatoes and Judaism.

  6. @Einlanzer.1627 said:

    @Einlanzer.1627 said:Berserker deals around 50% more damage than Soldiers, but has less than half the effective HP. Combining that with healing skills and dodging, this means that defensive stats are actually a lot more effective than people believe them to be.People were telling you this each time you started a new thread, remember?

    In every thread I was asking for theorycrafting on Soldiers vs Berserkers to try to gain clarity and everyone was willing to argue with me
    without providing any evidence. I finally found it
    , and yes, the people arguing that defensive stats are better than most players think were right. So, I suppose you could say I've switched sides. Congratulations.

    The spreadsheet at the beginning of the thread doesn’t provide evidence though.

    It's called data. Data = evidence.

    Not necessarily. I can provide data that the world is flat, that doesn’t mean that it is. It’s also possible to take pieces of data and string together an assertion that isn’t true/accurate. Someone could take the damage difference between the stat sets, as well as the difference between HP, and then make an incorrect assertion about the two.

    Stop being such a contrarian. It's really unbecoming. As usual, I don't even know what argument you're trying to make, and I suspect you don't either.

    No. You're just refusing to make a counter argument.

    In case things weren't clear, I was arguing against your assumption that all data is evidence and against your assertion in the following:

    @Einlanzer.1627 said:So the real contest here is to look at Berserker's vs Soldier's and see what the tradeoff is in terms of damage and defense. This spreadsheet does exactly that:

    Berserker deals around 50% more damage than Soldiers, but has less than half the effective HP. Combining that with healing skills and dodging, this means that defensive stats are actually a lot more effective than people believe them to be.

    It's not an argument - let alone one worth countering. You literally drag me (and others) into this nonsense in every thread. Not indulging it this time.

    I disagree, therefore your argument (what little there tries to be) is invalid.

    Here you go: data is always evidence, it just isn't always enough to draw a conclusion. In this case, though, it is, because we're looking at simple data points. Berserker's increases your offense by 50% over Soldiers, but Soldiers lets you take twice the amount of damage that Berserker's will. That means that Toughness + Vitality scales better for Defense than Precision + Ferocity does for offense.

    But, how's this for something better - let's let Ayrilana turn this thread into a preposterous & abstract argument about what does or does not constitute evidence and then act like I'm the one who did something wrong.

    Nope, still fails to prove a solid point.

  7. @Einlanzer.1627 said:

    @Einlanzer.1627 said:Berserker deals around 50% more damage than Soldiers, but has less than half the effective HP. Combining that with healing skills and dodging, this means that defensive stats are actually a lot more effective than people believe them to be.People were telling you this each time you started a new thread, remember?

    In every thread I was asking for theorycrafting on Soldiers vs Berserkers to try to gain clarity and everyone was willing to argue with me
    without providing any evidence. I finally found it
    , and yes, the people arguing that defensive stats are better than most players think were right. So, I suppose you could say I've switched sides. Congratulations.

    The spreadsheet at the beginning of the thread doesn’t provide evidence though.

    It's called data. Data = evidence.

    Not necessarily. I can provide data that the world is flat, that doesn’t mean that it is. It’s also possible to take pieces of data and string together an assertion that isn’t true/accurate. Someone could take the damage difference between the stat sets, as well as the difference between HP, and then make an incorrect assertion about the two.

    Stop being such a contrarian. It's really unbecoming. As usual, I don't even know what argument you're trying to make, and I suspect you don't either.

    No. You're just refusing to make a counter argument.

    In case things weren't clear, I was arguing against your assumption that all data is evidence and against your assertion in the following:

    @Einlanzer.1627 said:So the real contest here is to look at Berserker's vs Soldier's and see what the tradeoff is in terms of damage and defense. This spreadsheet does exactly that:

    Berserker deals around 50% more damage than Soldiers, but has less than half the effective HP. Combining that with healing skills and dodging, this means that defensive stats are actually a lot more effective than people believe them to be.

    It's not an argument - let alone one worth countering. You literally drag me (and others) into this nonsense in every thread. Not indulging it this time.

    I disagree, therefore your argument (what little there tries to be) is invalid.

  8. First... Whats gained by doing this?

    Secondly.... it removes the one benefit Clones have in PvP, in that a Mesmer can hide among its illusions as a misdirection. It also has a compounding effect with Confusion, which is meant to punish wild blows. Changing clones to look like the target means a simple process of elimination is all thats needed to counter them.

    Third... Thematically it runs counter to the lore flavor of point 2, since what makes Memser most dangerous is an inability to pin them down, and how they can outnumber you in a 1v1 fight.

    What you're suggesting has all the problems of Spys in TF2, but none of the benefits. Spies look like an ally, but it'll never fool the person they're mimicking (for obvious reasons). Other enemies will still see red names... so they don't care what the target looks like, so long as tab targeting works on them. Same goes for the target the clones are mimicking, since the Red name is all thats needed to give them away.

  9. @Dante.1508 said:

    @Dante.1508 said:I've just returned after 4 years and well Mesmers are now terrible? Isn't the whole point of being a mesmer to have your illusions defend you as you are so squishy you don't die?... Well somewhere in this last 4 years Mesmers illusions have become useless.

    The illusions do nothing to stop enemies attacking you, they do so little damage and the hold no agro, so what exactly is their point these days, i can be the furthest away from an enemy and it will instantly attack me totally ignore my illusions and after what seems like an age maybe one illusion might! take an enemy off me.. chances are extremely slim though..

    Back 4 years ago mesmers illusions were working perfectly! What happened?

    Phantasm's were reworked and now work differently.But immediately afterwards many things that made mesmer viable were quickly nerfed due to the non-stop whining that plagued the forums.Raiders thought chrono was too strong, chrono was nerfed.PvP'ers thought Mesmer as a whole was too strong, The entire class including especs were nerfed.

    The new game is whine until it gets nerfed. If enough people do it everyday, you'll see something change.Wow...Well i gave up playing mine now i've gone over to my Guardian instead, the game mechanics are just not fun anymore on mesmers.. Its just impossible to fight forged and mordrem now in the open world solo, even on mirage, What a wasted class imo. Anyway upwards and onwards good bye mesmers.

    Take note Anet i hope.

    Core and Mirage do fine in Open world. Its only Chrono that got awkward due to losing all its short fight tools. Old Mesmer was back loaded damage with sustained output, because the majority of its damage was on Phantasms. The flaw in the design is that Phantasm were periodic bursts, had long cool downs, and shattering killed off your source of damage.

    New Memser works the way most other classes worked for years. A lot of front loaded burst damage on moderate cool downs, and you no longer have resource contention with shatters. This allows mesmers to be even more aggressive, and further leverage all the effects offered to shatters through much of your trait choices. Once you understand this potential, even Chrono can be used effectively in spite of its heavily nerfed state.

  10. @Seteruss.4058 said:I tested a full plaguedoctor build for open world and was fine. Condi was there and so healing. Especially with firebrand runes.But as previous post said you can't go for all of them.Cele firebrand is the best solution for everything, but then you will make your character something like Jack of all trades, master of none.

    As a Former Ele from before the D/D trait nerfs.....Jack of All Trades used to be a powerful thing. With all the talk of WoW classic recently, I learned something interesting about Metas. Druid in WoW had 90% effectiveness in 3 different raid roles; and was unilaterally rejected by the Meta because another class could be 10% better. The Devs then tweaked it up to 95%, and that still wasn't enough. The take away is that the Player base's obsession with optimization is what perpetuates so much of that Community's self-inflected problems.

    GW2's build system (and to a lesser extent GW1) is designed in a way that easily enables a class to be good enough in multiple areas, which enable them to be their own force multipliers. D/D Ele was serviceable in PvP for a long time; more so then Staff given staff's lack of close range solutions against a primarily Melee favoring meta. But it reached god-tier status when Celestial stats came out, because Ele's core design could make good use every single stat. The more narrowly focused classes where always hampered by how their skills scaled with stats, because the assumption of stacking factored into that scaling.

    Guardians were also similar to Ele, in that they couldn't be the best in one specific area, but could be decently strong in multiple area at the same time. This was back before balance shifted into pigeon holing all builds into mutual exclusion, and grossly overwhelming damage wasn't normal. I miss those days......

  11. @Westenev.5289 said:The 50% damage bonus helps burst down mobs and end fights quicker. That generally means less mechanics, stress and (enemy inflicted) damage all around.

    If you want to point the finger anywhere, it's that we have enough base vitality and toughness to make sets like berserkers and vipers viable (and, therefore, meta).

    Except it isn't...... Full glass has always been risky, even among classes with higher base HP. Its dodges and invulnerability frames that allow the Glass Meta to work, since dying in one hit matters less when you can consistently avoid being hit/taking damage.

    This simple fact the game's design is exacerbated by the poor threat AI mobs pose; yet the line between Potato fights and Legit threats is based on number of strikes per second. Situations where the number of strikes overwhelms the players active defenses is what it takes to make things dangerous. But this 2 fold issues is made 2 folds further in how the Devs try to compensate by increasing the damage per strike to be more punishing to players who don't use, or can't manage active defenses.... only to have it scale out of control rapidly with Enemy count.

    So from a defensive perspective:

    • 1 mob attacking allows you to meter out your defenses and cool downs.
    • Multiple mobs are manageable if their attacks are heavily spaced out, or execute attacks with close timing to allow a batching effect for defensive actions
    • They stop being manageable as soon the number and timing strikes become effectively constant
    • And that problem made worse across the board with how mob attacks load their damage

    The Contrast to PvP gives clear examples to the underlying problem. PvP is about Opportunity, Pressure and Counter play. PvE, at its core, is a simple war of attrition. Thats why the most dangerous mobs in the game are ones that have attacks that are similar to what players have, or have special mechanics that makes Raw DPS ineffective. Those that don't are simply about who can reach lethal damage first; with the majority not even taking actions to avoid or mitigate damage at all.

    You take away the active defenses, you actively force players to have to soak damage. And in doing so, change the entire dynamic of combat and buildcraft priority.

  12. @ugrakarma.9416 said:

    @ugrakarma.9416 said:Conflagration also mean "revolt" or fight, in really also mean that in english, but for some reason
    lost that meaning in more romanic(latin) inherited languages(portuguese, spanish), so in the popular use on countries that use these languages rarely someone associate conflagration with fire(but in dictionaries of these languages conflagration is still defined as synonym of fire too), in the Anglo-Saxon world the inverse occurs.

    Anyway its continue a bit redudant because since ancient times "fire" is associated with "revolt"... "the fire of revolution"... thats why that word mean the 2 things. ...

    So i guess the origin of redudancy is some Anet employee more familiar with latin origin languages than english language, so that word doesnt seems too redundant to him.

    In old posts I explained something like Palawa Joko's surname "Ignatius", ppl in the anglo-saxon world tends to associate with fire, meanwhile ppl in mediterranean/latin world associate it with a Saint name, anyway "ignis" is really a prefix for fire in latin, in more far away countries like Brazil the word turned into "Inácio" losing the "g" from ignatius.

    This automatically makes me think we're gonna see a resurgence of Flame touched Dredge.........

    As for Joko...... I almost feel its part of a one off in-joke by the writers. However, I can't fathom how deep the joke goes, given the Lore writers really like going for obscure references and easter eggs made into twists of pop culture/tropes modern audiences are otherwise familiar with. The part that got may attention is an old trend of giving serious characters "unfitting" middle names, or have silly real names that aren't well known due to their alias being more prominent. This fits given its never been brought up that Tyrian (as in world) has an established middle naming convention among any of the races.... and seemingly out of left field Joko has one that doesn't play immediately to his design theme, while also sounding kind of comical to modern western sensibilities.

    yeah make sense... about naming convention, I'm not into "diversity" thing, but to Tyria world its does good, because fantasy novels with only anglo-german-nordic names and a dwarf named "olaf" becames very cliché. at least this in Tyria world building atm is well dosed.

    Well..... consider why those are so common in fantasy to begin with. Most of Western culture, written history, religion and mythology has roots in those cultures, and a LOT of co-opting of their myths and legends to help convert conquered peoples to fall in line new rulers. We also have a huge fascination with Greek mythology, largely due to familiarity breed from generations of adaption and retelling to keep relevance.

  13. @RedShark.9548 said:

    @"Svennis.3852" said:

    @"Ports Are Us.4369" said:Weird theory, but what if Taimi uses Zojas body to stay alive? Taimi's body is failing and perhaps zoja's mind is too, making the perfect match. Though i wish Taimi would just get better and not succumb to some sort of Frankenstein plot.

    If Taimi is to survive her disease, I'd like there to be some repercussion. Either the cure is costly in some form (someone aside from Taimi has to die to get it, or is permanently maimed in its pursuit), or Taimi is affected in some substantial way (she becomes a lich, golem, turns into a choya, idk). Barring that, I feel like she should eventually succumb to her disease. Or if they magic it away, there better be one
    of a journey involved to earn it. Really, I just don't want that plot thread to have an easy resolution. I don't like how they've backpedaled in the past on similar hard story moments. I would even say it's fine if she dies and becomes a ghost we can interact with, because at least that tracks with the world-building we've seen recently.

    I don't
    Taimi to die because I think she's a decent character, but if they set up this plot thread I wanna see them explore it fully and satisfactorily.

    Edit: That said, I could see them bringing Zojja back to help Taimi find a cure for her disease, if nothing else. And if Zojja were to pay the price for it somehow, so be it, as long as we can get a definitive end to her story instead of her just having scrambled eggs for brains off screen.

    Just stuff taimis mind into her golem, those 2 are always together anyways, why not give her that (almost) indestructable body.

    Theres already 3 cases in the game's scattered story threads that prove its already possible. The only real question is the level of existential dread she'd have over it. I'm assuming its pretty significant, as the personalities of 2 of the 3 that underwent the process are more pragmatically focused, where as Taimi has avoided obvious augmentations that could alleviate her symptoms.

    I can understand from a writer's stand point, since audiences have historically had issues empathizing with character's they can't read as "human-esque". Hence why Blish was carefully crafted to have both a conscience and an implied redemption ark, why Gorrik was purposefully made to be abrasive for contrast, and why we care about those 2 when we take 1 look at Oola and think "Yeah, thats something she would do......".

  14. @"ugrakarma.9416" said:Conflagration also mean "revolt" or fight, in really also mean that in english, but for some reason conflagration=fire lost that meaning in more romanic(latin) inherited languages(portuguese, spanish), so in the popular use on countries that use these languages rarely someone associate conflagration with fire(but in dictionaries of these languages conflagration is still defined as synonym of fire too), in the Anglo-Saxon world the inverse occurs.

    Anyway its continue a bit redudant because since ancient times "fire" is associated with "revolt"... "the fire of revolution"... thats why that word mean the 2 things. ...

    So i guess the origin of redudancy is some Anet employee more familiar with latin origin languages than english language, so that word doesnt seems too redundant to him.

    In old posts I explained something like Palawa Joko's surname "Ignatius", ppl in the anglo-saxon world tends to associate with fire, meanwhile ppl in mediterranean/latin world associate it with a Saint name, anyway "ignis" is really a prefix for fire in latin, in more far away countries like Brazil the word turned into "Inácio" losing the "g" from ignatius.

    This automatically makes me think we're gonna see a resurgence of Flame touched Dredge.........

    As for Joko...... I almost feel its part of a one off in-joke by the writers. However, I can't fathom how deep the joke goes, given the Lore writers really like going for obscure references and easter eggs made into twists of pop culture/tropes modern audiences are otherwise familiar with. The part that got may attention is an old trend of giving serious characters "unfitting" middle names, or have silly real names that aren't well known due to their alias being more prominent. This fits given its never been brought up that Tyrian (as in world) has an established middle naming convention among any of the races.... and seemingly out of left field Joko has one that doesn't play immediately to his design theme, while also sounding kind of comical to modern western sensibilities.

  15. @Bloodstealer.5978 said:

    @Frostfang.5109 said:As the title says... a stunning, beautiful map - when clean. Here is where Tyrians trash ends up, when the (mapresetting) storm hits the island. The south side becomes heavily polluted with trash, dirty water, animals tangeled in trash and the north side has wildlife that is very hostile due to fleeing from the pollution on the south side.

    The meta would be about cleaning the Island.Other events could be about planting trees, Free animals that are tangeled in trash, clean water, plant corals,...etc

    What do u think?

    So after the Icebrood Saga we get the NGO Saga? Where a group of Dredge activists bring us to the aforementioned map in order to lecture us about the inherent evil of our way of life, and tell us that we must join communi.... Coff....., i mean, the Moletariate, in order to save the planet? And then, in the next episode, we have to attend a rally in Divinity's Reach where a young lady minister tells us that Tyria will be gone in ten years because of Dolyak farts and Airships? Nah, thank you. I think i will pass. I already know that polluting the environment is bad without Anet lecturing me about it.Besides, i think there are already several events/heart quests in the game that require you to clean some sort of pollution/contamination that occurred in certain places, so i don't think we need an entire map dedicated to this kind of iussue.

    @Bloodstealer.5978 said:Oh .. and I suppose the commander would be called Greta..

    Hey, you stole my comment! I wanted to say that! XD

    Yeah next we'll be getting an ingame warning that due to climate change the desert will soon be the new polar continent and Brisban will be plagued by forest fires.. only non man made!

    Ice Dragon, Fire Dragon..... just saying......

  16. @Randulf.7614 said:

    @Randulf.7614 said:Them shutting down the servers

    This... I'm here until they kill they servers and I have no choice. I will likely not play another mmo after gw2.

    I play other mmos and other games. I’ve been on a break from one for years. Never really understood the “I’m leaving” sentiment when u you can jump in and out of for free whilst the servers exist.

    If they did kill it, I’m sure I’ll find others

    I can explain that easily. Back in the old days there was this idea that new games make improvements over old ones, while also trying out new things. That used to be filled in role by sequels to games, and there was a very wide variety of others games you could pick up and drop in a few weeks to break up the monotony (or hitting a wall at level cap) of the game you played most regularly.

    Thats not really possible anymore, because MMOs and other Live Service type games, psychologically punish you for not constantly engaging with it. Ergo, this compulsive players to keep playing as routine; until they're well past a breaking point and contemplating abandoning the game, knowing full well that the next game they get into will no doubt have similar, if not greater demands on their time and attention. Some even actively seek this out, believing everyone having a forced time commitment leads to more dedicated players......... erroneous, but a belief none the less.

    And its with that looming sense of commitment that makes it harder to want to invest in a game that is not categorically better then what you're leaving. Or even in a best case scenario, leaving and coming back won't have serious repercussions to your progression rate, and/or social standing for group content, because getting left behind is a barrier for reentry.

    With so many games to choose from, all of which hold the expectation that it is going to be your "main game" for the next couple of years, and many taking weeks or months to reach proper "end game" where 90% of the player base, active content, and the inevitable preparation for the next content block..... makes it difficult to get a good idea of what the game and community is like, until you're already fallen into the same trappings that made you stay in the last game past the point of being sick of it. It simply takes too long to know if you'll like the new status quo, that sampling all the games you potentially like is not really possible. Thus it isn't surprising that people lean heavily on "Influences" (ie streamers) to try and get a feel for a game, despite the fact that watching a game and playing a game are often wildly different experiences. You even see this a lot within the newer population of GW2 "hearing that the game was good" as being the only reason they even tried it, because they were sick/frustrated over the last game they were playing. Which is why seeing Veteran players being sick and frustrated with the game (or any game for that matter) is confusing to new players at first, until they've spent enough time to eventually understand the underlying problem first hand.

    After doing this 3 or 4 times, the level of scrutiny you subject a potential game switch to increases dramatically, as you start getting tired of being stuck in a game that eventually goes south. When everything demands a major commitment, but rarely pays you back for it, your criteria for a new game starts to reflect that. I'm having that problem right now where theres a dozen games I "want" to play, but am holding out because of the current trends creating record burn out rates, escalating of aggressive monetization (both on and post launch), blatant psychological manipulation, a general inability to a circle of friends into the same game at the same time, and the fact that the vast majority of popular games are fundamentally the same experience, just with different window dressings and mechanics. A "Social Theme Park" conundrum that currently permeates nearly every corner of modern Entertainment, as they all fight to be the most popular they can be.

    And if you're the type like me.... one that regularly seeks out unconventional games, and seeing that potential squandered or criminally underappreciated..... yeah.... thats really frustrating. But thats nothing compared to my current paranoia: Avoiding a game, not because I'm worried it'll be bad..... but because theres a good chance it'll get increasingly abusive over time. The game industry has turned hope into a commodity like Carbon Credits. And we just keep trading on it, in a never ending quest for catharsis, from a generation of games that has every incentive to meter it out the minimal amount over the longest period possible, because its the only thing left thats guaranteed to motive us.

  17. @LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

    @ollbirtan.2915 said:While I agree somewhat, technically there is access to ranged condi for core rev - Just use Hammer, Corruption Rampant Vex gives you torment on crit --- then trait Venom enchacements for poison, and Abyssal Chill for more torment and -omg- actual synergy with Phase Smash from Hammer

    That isn’t nearly enough to be consider actual range condi damage. And hammer is too slow to make good use of rampant vex

    Just because its not BIS Meta doesn't mean its not doing the thing its ACTUALLY doing.

    But the bigger problem here is that the whole argument is moot, since no one was ever meant to play Core Rev past leveling. Its fundamentally designed to have an Espec, getting nearly half of its build concept from Espec trait choices.

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