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Posts posted by starlinvf.1358

  1. I've found its better to use Tomes of Knowledge to level to 80, and save any boosters you have for Mastery track Exp later in the game (where tome boosting has no effect). If you WvW at all, you want to save boosters with WxP bonuses for that exclusively; as theres only has 3 things in the entire game that can speed that up (exp/celebration boosters, guild buffs, and Call of the Mists).

    Getting Exp in PvE content is ridiculously fast overall. The game puts huge emphasis on Events being the main source of exp, and awards them based on % of level scales. So if you're in a lvl 80 zone, a gold medal for event awards 7% of the total exp needed to level up from 79-80, or 17.7k. Killing mobs only award around 1/10th of a %, sometimes with a bonus if they've alive long enough.

    Ergo, killing mobs to level is not only inefficient, its also borderline idiotic- since most Events throw mobs at you enmass.

    Theres also story steps that give 25% of a level each, Dungeon paths that can net you a full level by the end of it, general exploration of the map awards decent exp, gathering nodes give exp, and crafting can be a solid way to power level a character if you know what you're doing.

  2. @"Mighty Xougo.7698" said:Wanted or not new content is always a plus no matter what that content may be. I'm like a skritt I see shiny and I must have. With that being said I know if I came across some baller in Div's Reach or anywhere for that matter id want that item. Same with outfits wardrobe etc...

    "which may be why they haven't spent any resources toward such content"

    There is no content like I suggest thus far.

    Don't say things like that...... "a plus no matter what" is exactly how we got a lot of half finished content that doesn't make sense without the other half to make it whole.

  3. Because of the changes from Season 2 onward being instanced, while everything from Season 1 is literally part of Core Tyria maps. This shift also marks the point where the regions of the game world are now effectively locked in Time, so the content is permanently accessible for Players wanting to go back to it. So since Kessex hills was a disaster zone prior to Season 2, it gets to stay a disaster zone.

    But judging by the backlash to Lion's arch, it seems the community doesn't like remodelling projects.

  4. So I made a list of Med compatible items... Mix and match for fashion wars dominance





    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bounty_Hunter%27s_armor_(medium) (chest piece)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Krytan_armor (legs)

  5. @Rikimaru.7890 said:Overall the best land mount for mapping is the Jackal, the Raptor is also good however there are a few things that make the Jackal better.1st of all it's the only land mount that works equally well regardless of the terrain you ride it on, as it's blink ability works the same regardless if you are going downhill, uphill or level terrain. The Raptors jump however will not speed you up when going uphill because the Raptor will just crash into the ground.2nd the Jackals blink works even in mid-air. So if you decide to jump of a cliff to get a poi on a lower level the Jackals blink can be used to prevent it from dying and thus causing you to get dismounted by using it right before hitting the ground. The Raptor however is the most susceptible mount to dismounting via taking a large fall.3rd The Jackal is the hardest kill by enemy NPC's as by just unlocking it's T1 mastery it gains the ability to dodge enemy attacks while blinking. So if you need to go through a camp full of enemy NPC's you can just dodge though them when they start firing at you. The ability to dodge attacks can be passed on to the other mounts if you reach T4 with the Jackal mastery, but even so it can dodge up to 3 times in a row while the Raptor only twice.

    Of course every mount is useful when mapping, The Springer, Griffon and Skyscale can be used to reach Vistas that are very high up, while in maps full of water like Bloodtide Coast the Skimmer is the best mount to use. But like I said on land the Jackal is overall the best as it's not picky when it comes to terrain and it's less likely you will get dismounted while riding it.

    The one Caveat I would give Raptor is the distance it can clear in those 2 jumps. For danger spots with a clear shot through, the Raptor can get through it before they even aggro. Jackal still holds the top spot however, as its ability weave through places with a lot obstacles, and even make sharp turns, is hard to beat.

  6. @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:It drives kind of like I'd imagine a rocket propelled tank to drive. Blasts around, but terrible turning radius. You can glide on turns, but I stink at that. lol

    Thats because Beetle Traction doesn't work the way it does in racing games.... so it throws almost everyone off at first. Activating drift puts him into an ice slide, which has minimal traction but no control. This means your vector velocity is controlled by terrain you're sliding over, and you have to disengage drift to get him to change direction. But theres another layer of weirdness in how its implemented..... Petey also has a torque/rpm value that has a close relationship to his target ground speed. So its not actually inertia that powers him during turns, but a separate value thats influenced by "normal" driving conditions. If you go into a drift with a lot of speed, he can realistically 180 with most of that power intact, and quickly recovers speed in that new direction.

    So when you drive Petey, hes operates like a weird hybrid of the Halo Warthog/Puma and a game that has a half assed physics engine.

    If you want to successfully drift, you WANT to come in on a short angle around 45-100 degrees (not a wide one), start drifting, and quickly turn the Camera in the direction you want to go, and disengage drift. If done correctly, he'll rapidly slow down and speed up in the new direction. You want that effective turning radius to be as short as possible. If you do soft or wide turns, he ends up losing a lot of power, and you run the risk of sliding off the track. But you also have to pay attention to his turning rate (and direction), since mounts have another underlying behavior with their turning that negatively affects the Beetle's power band. The Snowden Drifts track is arguably the hardest, despite being the shortest, because its mostly sharp turns that you need expert control in drifting to do well in.

  7. @avey.4201 said:

    @avey.4201 said:500/week on guild bank now too?I'm against pay to win in games, but when the company holds RMT's, I'm for player RMT's, that's capitalism, and prevents monopoly.The gold caps only hurt players, but have no effect on RMT's as people trade items worth many thousands of gold.Item caps on G-bank or mail would only hurt more players, and still not affect RMT's unless someone is buying many legendary, or maybe they do popular infusions.The RMT protections are failed as liberal gun policy's.

    You mean the monopoly held on high end infusions held by off-site traders?

    Far as I understand they act as a proxy sending people to other people and transferring real money instead of gold, like a trading post.I think if they were to do the RMT's themselves they would be banned out of existence fast.That would give them access to large funds, and as I understood gw2 has became like gw1 but instead of ecto/ambraces of truth those people trade infusions/expensive items.Rich people currency isn't a monopoly, some people get stupidly rich, rare items are what they use as currency, but I wouldn't pay more than 1k gold for one, and we don't label real life gold/silver/platinum as a monopoly.I don't fractal/raid/pveland anymore so my gold doesn't leave the double digits, as an old time gw1 player I enjoy watching the coveted items currency crash from time to time for keks.

    They can and have controlled the supply chain of Infusions. Being a proxy doesn't change that, as bypassing them is neither desirable, or even practical; since they scoop up competing bids on the TP or act as brokers for exchanges. Some rare commodity markets work this way, since the supply is small enough to exert a similar level of control.

  8. @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:I'd rather stop seeing places I already saw 12 years ago.

    I'm not paying anymore to see places I saw in GW1. If they wanna do nostalgia in LS/"Sagas" that's fine, I'm not paying extra for those and have the option to skip them.

    But if Cantha comes out as an Xpac, that is when I am done playing and paying money. I will not pay for another half-kittened expansion that retreads ground I saw before again.

    Considering the few NEW places we've visited have been depressing, and are among the most complained about for being "uncreative"...... I feel that drawing inspiration from the GW1 campaigns, whose designs stand out even among modern games, is the most worthwhile path at the moment. Cantha also wasn't a single aesthetic style merged into one, but was much like Prophecies in how it took the best aspects of similar styles, and used them to create a cohesive landscape.

    Modern Medieval and Gothic Fantasy are all melting pots for this reason. As is CyberPunk, SteamPunk, and other "aesthetically notable" genres. Asian nations that are still around all have very long histories, and much of that drives a unwarranted sense of cultural superiority. European, Eastern European, Middle Eastern stretch also act like they have this, but its been very clearly muddied from countless centuries of conquest and kingdom turn over.

    Modern society places too much false value on "originality for its own sake", while also simultaneously lamenting the loss of the familiar. Theres a running gag in the game industry where players ultimately demand "the same, but different"; and encapsulates the dissonance of not trusting things which are too alien (yet objectively new and fresh), while also decrying things being repetitive, despite being creatures of habit. Our memories are so selective about this, I have no doubt there are dozens of games and movies that are unlike anything you've played before, and summarily dismissed as being bad games because they don't have the things you already like in them.

  9. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @Mighty Xougo.7698 said:After-all if the game had no cool stuff like this then the game wouldn't be cool at all facts are facts.

    The problem with this argument is that it is very subjective. Not everyone would think stuff like this is cool (I sure don't). Anet isn't dumb -- they will do their market research and then decide whether or not content like what is suggested here is profitable.

    So far, it seems that this may only appeal to a very limited scope of players which may be why they haven't spent any resources toward such content.

    @lokh.2695 said:I'd rather have ANet develop something else.

    Or just make the camp fire a cooking station...... BOOM!! We just added power creep to chairs :D

  10. @sokeenoppa.5384 said:You just killed druid ?

    And remember when druid was mandatory for having 2 unique buffs that stacked over might?

    @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

    @"mtpelion.4562" said:I've always felt that any spec that can maintain more than 5 stacks of might for any amount of time is bad game design.

    With a 5 man squad as your buff sharing unit and 25 stacks being the might cap, it should take all 5 members to maintain full might.

    I can understand this sentiment. However, this game struggles constantly between the conflicting design goals of, "Let's allow professions to bring something different and unique to the table." and, "Let's set up profession structures so that players can play whatever profession they want and still feel like important contributors." The fact is that what different professions bring to the table are just not the same, and a lot of those contributions are less desirable.

    Thats always been the crux of raids, isn't it? Trinity and Raids have one fixed structure that works on the assumption of it being the only permitted successful approach to the fight. That whole system is beyond repair once ChronoTank was discovered, since role compression beats the entire design premise at a fundamental level.

    The only option we have left is to go 40-man for future raids, so tasking for Sub-groups can be diversified enough to afford each having less demanding comps. Even then, I doubt it'll stop groups demanding specific comps.... but the larger pool gives better opportunities to mix and match, provided the Raids themselves either get more relaxed on certain roles, or actively mix up balance vectors between fights.

  11. @Tekoneiric.6817 said:I think a good question is that given there is only one PACT commander and each of our characters exist in their own universe of sorts; why haven't we seen the living mentors for the orders we didn't choose? If we chose the Order of Whispers then Forgal and Sieran should still be alive.

    They died due to mysterious circumstances..... which is how the Mist Stranger outfit showed up.

  12. @Weindrasi.3805 said:They probably just couldn't get the same actor back. Although you could also argue that Joko spent a bunch of years imprisoned with no one to talk to--his voice got rusty, which is why it sounded rougher in GW1. GW2, he's had 250 years to drink throat calming tea.

    @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:Most likely new voice actor, and they have higher technical capabilities for altering voices. In GW1, that was likely straight up the voice actor's alterations, while in GW2 they added effects to it.

    Same with Glint, really.

    On the same note for both of those, in GW1 Joko's voice was mostly hoarse, and Joko's villain/threat status was purposely in question. For GW2 in POF and especially in the LS arc, they had to make him a specific type of Menace.... one that can unnerve you with his dissonance in tone. An apt comparison is the Thundercats Reboot from 2013. 80s Mum-Ra was a pretty standard cackling bad guy that was standard at the time, and something thats been around since the 60s. 2013 Mum-ra had a much smoother voice, calculated speech, and meant to convey an intelligence and cunning that anyone who is familiar with bad guy trope profiles will recognize as being a legitimate threat. He goads his opponent in a fight, can make very precise threats, and has ample strength to match or exceed brute force thrown his way. You can't simply overpower him, and hes incredibly difficult to outsmart..... If it sounds familiar, thats because its a combination that made Thanos a force to be reckoned with in his own right, but magnified by having a resolve that rivaled his opponent's.

    If you look at shows and movies, the most intriguing, and often most effective villains are ones that are smart enough to not fall into the Evil Overlord trappings. ( see http://www.eviloverlord.com/lists/overlord.html for more information) As shows started getting better writers, this type of villain started showing up more often; and even entire show concepts about a battle of wits gained more traction.

    Knowing this, what they did with Joko was incredibly deliberate. Joko wasn't out to destroy the commander, he was out to completely dismantle them. Killing you would simply make you a Martyr... he wanted you to be an Example. He had to ruin your reputation first, destroy confidence in you as a leader, and make the world question you as a hero, much less a savior. He wanted the people of the world to know you struggled as hard as you could, in what would ultimately be a futile attempt to oppose the True God King of Tyria, and prove he is the only thing that could possibly save the world from the threat of the Elder Dragons. And that would just be the beginning.... in time, he would rewrite history to "clarify" your role in the epic saga that is "Palawa Joko". He would never be so petty as to let the world forget you.....

    In a lot of ways, Joko represents the most dangerous aspects of Dragon corruption. Subversion, Domination, Persuasion, Doubt, Coercion. A life span to be methodical and thorough, creative enough to innovate his method of oppression, and a stage presence that just oozes with personality. A smooth, calming voice, with the gurgle of tar, a gentle rumbling resonance, and a sweet succulent reverb. They didn't just want him to be a threat.... Tyria has enough of those to go around as is. He had to be Charismatic enough to get your attention, dangerous enough on principle for the audience to feel stakes, smart enough to produce a convoluted plan that could actually succeed, and confident enough that his arrogance doesn't feel entirely misplaced. And given the setup, the writers could realistically followed through with some serious fallout from the event, despite his defeat being as inevitable as the tropes they were playing with. Alas... that is my greatest disappointment. Just as the Sylvari prejudice faded after Mordremoth's demise, so too was Joko's propaganda campaign against the Commander. Its a shame that only one Villain can be a looming influence at any given time; because I would love to see the lasting effect of the Commander's failures haunt them from time to time, and not simply shrugged off as an off hand reference.

  13. @wefal.8426 said:

    @Knighthonor.4061 said:Nah just more skills would be nice though

    But we got more skills in form of specs.I would rather have 1 extra utility slot before they add even more skills while we still have only 3 utility slots.

    But you have to consider how much power this game's build system gains from Synergies over overt stacking. I can tell you already that Mesmer, Thief, Guardian and Engineer would be borderline unstoppable with access to 4 utility skills. Not only are those 4 classes power loaded pretty strongly in their utility skills, their builds tend to involve them more then other classes. For comparison, Necro is loaded heavily on its Profession mechanics. Ele, Warrior, and Ranger builds are most heavily defined by their weapon choices. Rev is weird in that its screwed no matter what it does.

    Its like when they nerfed Endurance regen across the board, some classes were hit much harder then others due to how Dodging factors into the defense schemes. I also throw in an Honorable mention for Warrior getting 4 Utility skills being OP, since they have access to potent Damage Immunity and Hard CCs on utility skills.

  14. As much as I'm all for accommodation...... there are limits to how far this can go before the whole design of the game has to be co-opted to further that goal. And I'm getting worn out having to point out that any change has to consider all use cases, not just the ones you yourself consider. And its been argued up and down, with so much better research backing it, that you really need to look into those; because just saying "something needs to be done", when there is a wealth of information and discussion about what can and should be done, feels like it adds nothing to the conversation.

    Which segues into a recommendation that you read up on TPV and FOV, and its impact on level design, and the drivers on motion sickness..... because you only mention things that have an effect, but don't convey the underlying causes nor why that makes a difference. Cuz if you did, you could had just cut to the chase. :p

  15. @WolfSparkSmack.2649 said:

    @"Seera.5916" said:I say no for only reason:

    Legendary weapons/armor/etc are meant to be the same as Ascended except for the QOL of being able to change the stats at will when out of combat for free. They're not meant to be better than Ascended gear because it's supposed to be something that players can feel just fine in not going for it.

    If legendary items get these boosts, then the Ascended gear would need to get the same boosts in order to not make it a requirement to get legendary weapons to be meta.

    And why not, have some sense of progression its not like they are adding new level cap every year. I mean we do 1 month and full maxed in this game vs never ending farm in other games, you know there could be a middle between right... There is a reason Fashion wars meme exist :D

    Its saying things like that, that are an admission of not understanding the ramification of Best In Slot options. For almost any other bog standard MMORPG I wouldn't fuss, only because Power Creep is the only interesting aspect of those games as a whole. Guildwars works differently in that the power cap and power gap between builds have to very small by comparison, because the game's buildcraft foundation is about solving problems mechanically, not just numerically. Raids have failed this on multiple levels, and the ramifications of it are seen in WvW and PvP in a game breaking way.

    Power Creep was introduced into the game for the sake of HOT Openworld PvE and Raids, and and we immediately broke the entire system. And the dev's inability to reign it in, without destroying entire build concepts in the process, is why no trusts them to ever fix it. However, one of the few things that could help rectify the power gap, and fix the underlying disparity that creates this problem, they actively avoided at every turn....... Retrofit Core specs to the new baseline, retrofit Core Tyria Content to capitalize on that change, and rework mobs and AI across the whole game to operate more on PvP combat principles. My long standing issue with Feral Mordrem in the wastes, and later HOT as a whole, revolves around Core builds lacking the tools needed to properly combat them, resulting in this blind siding difficulty spike that sets a bad mood for players moving forward. But when loaded with Especs, they're almost trivial by comparison. That gap should never be as drastic as it is. And furthering this problem is the potato AI behavior of Core Tyria mobs, allowing damage to be a One-Stop solution to 99% of the game.

    The fallacy that many "progression" proponents argue on is that "improvement" is only presented as a statistical element, when Mastery of game play is a much stronger vector for sense of accomplishment. In fact, this is so stupidly predictable, the DBZ series based an entire premise on it..... to which its current successor mocks on a regular basis. A lot of video games fall into this same trap. And like TV shows, if it a game has nothing else to carry itself on, it quickly becomes a boring slog between milestones of "biggest baddies we've seen to date".

    The remedy to this is surprisingly simple in concept...... the game rewards you for being smarter. And for all the complaints I have with the game's design, the fact that players manage to break balance on a regular basis is a testament to what this game's strength is, and what the Devs should be focusing on to make it better. They try to play/balance it as a numbers game, and we turn it on its head. We can make a 5% bonus into a 20% DPS gain, because we can figure out the math better then the Devs do. I decry the notion that a small stat or small effect doesn't make a significant difference, because we've proven capable of magnifying things whenever an avenue exists. If you change the game around so that its how you fight something, and not just how much harder you can hit it before it hits you, so many of the game's long standing issues can be brought in line with how players actually play the game.

    Just on the cripple example alone, Dragon Hunters, Rangers, and Theives, all have damage modifiers to crippled targets. Necros have traits that multiple the damage bonus of Vulnerability. ALL classes have a trait that increases the damage of a damaging condition, has applying a condition activating another effect/condition, and many have receiving a condition triggering a beneficial effect. That one presumably insubstantial effect in isolation can be minor at best..... but attached to a build that makes use of it, that effect magnifies to significant, if not multiplicative. And when this weapon has this thing you want that can't be found anywhere else, and has no mirrored alternatives , you are creating an inarguable "Best in slot" situation.

  16. @Astralporing.1957 said:

    @"Einlanzer.1627" said:At this point, especially since cosmetic options are king in this game, I don't understand the importance of locking professions to a particular armor class. What exactly is the problem, conceptually, with a Mesmer wearing heavy armor, a guardian wearing light armor, or a Warrior wearing leather armor?Conceptually? None. It's not conceptual problems however that prevent that change, but purely mechanic ones. From what they explained once, each weight armor type is done a bit differently. Most armor pieces simply werent't designed to be matched up with those of different weight category. It's not as hard to circumvent with helmets, gauntlets and boots, but chestpieces and pants are joined differently depending on armor weight. Basically, in order for this to work, they'd need to redo all armor sets of at least 2 weight categories, so that all of them are on the same page.Additionally, whenever they add a new armor set to the game, they need to check its every possible combination with all already existing armor pieces o to make sure they fit each other, and that nothing too drastic will show up. From what i said, this is the part requiring most work, and the very one that prevents us from getting more armor sets. With all 3 weight classes merged together, the amount of work in that step would triple.

    So, basically, they have made some really bad design choices with armor implementation once, and we have to live with consequences of those choices now.

    Theres another issues on top of that. Each armor piece for each weight class is categorized as different items, even if they share the same skin. You see this a LOT with Helmets having 3 different pieces, or unlocks 3 different skins, despite them all being identical. Weight classes are hardcoded into the Armor system and its UI elements, where as Outfits get around this by being whats essentially a 4th armor weight that bypasses the rest of the system.

    If this is to be taken at face value, it means the Devs have to unravel a significant portion of the equipment system, and convert the frame work to handle skins (or the skin channel) completely independent of the item IDs. The way it works now has the Skin being a meta data tag on the item, but that too has to be a valid item ID.... which is why reskining an item causes it to retain that skin when its moved off the character.

    While it might sound trivial to fix now that we have wardrobe, you have to keep in mind that the original system was made with the assumption that you reskinned things by combining meta data from 2 different items (destroying both in the process) and creating a 3rd item as a result. You needed "Like items" as part of a compatibility check, which itself was probably a safeguard for the art metrics. And that doesn't surprise me, since this engine was built on the back of Guildwars 1's engine, in which that game had different armor categories for each Class.

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