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Everything posted by hunkamania.7561

  1. Just really not the way to go when it comes to balance in wvw.. Most of these types of games have no target cap but now this balance team thinks 3 man target cap is the future?? Soon all skills will be 1 at this rate
  2. the "additional player evaluation" seems like it's not working AT ALL.. there's servers with some of the worst groups all lumped together with multiple alliances and guilds. while 2 to 3 major alliance get clumped together. The players did a better job than this at not stacking servers lol.. This is why it needs to be manual by someguy who is an expert of the region which could be anyone who pays attention and that would help timezones as well.
  3. We can't determine the population just through players alone because no player is the same. Certain commanders and guilds should never be put together on the same server and we can't just treat everyone as equal when reshuffling the teams. A computer can't do this there needs to be someone with knowledge of WvW in EU, CHINA and on NA. I notice there is many super stacked servers in the last 2 reshuffles. Someone needs to approve these and maybe modify what the computer has done for the next reshuffle
  4. Got rid of the tier and now the action is picking up. Good job doing this!
  5. Ya, the EBG map is the best one by far. For sure no1 wants to go to that horrible red BL
  6. scratch that.. they need to get rid of the extra tier ASAP.. it's just dead out there..
  7. They need to get rid of a tier for the next whatever it's called in a month
  8. Not enough action. Q's are part of the game. Would rather have that than no action and empty maps.
  9. One of the biggest issue is they nerf anything that does DPS all the time. It's gonna get to a point where you can't win outnumbered unless the enemy team is all skill clicking or a real bad comp.. It's already there i guess and it's been that way for awhile. No AOE cap would be nice for DPS skills and would change the game for the better but they are too care bear to do that
  10. Ya but they have skills with no AoE cap like breach and that mesmer shield skill so they might as well limit those skills if that's the case.... even that trail of anguish on the necro hits everybody or whatever it's called.. Could make a few skills hit everyone like wells for example and expand from there..
  11. You cannot win outnumbered fights(unless they are trash) right now which makes this game garbage for guild groups atm.. Need a way for small groups to be able to kill large groups and the only way of doing that seems to be increasing the AoE cap. I doubt Anet would do it but increasing damage skills to 10 and trying it would not hurt. increasing it as you go(15 20 30 etc) would be the way to go to see if it makes the game lag or not.
  12. I think it's good but 500 people in a alliance is way too much and we've been saying that for awhile. prob should just be a guild 80-100 tops
  13. The DX12 guy had them smooth. Something to work on in the future
  14. Camera turn producing low fps unlike DX12 where it was butter smooth
  15. lots of left clicking... the combat aint touching gw2 but it's perfect casual game for the social justice 2021 mmo players with amazon big dollar backing
  16. Atleast with that skill there's some counter play.. I can hear the sound and Dodge.. way better than all the crappy 1200 pulls
  17. Exactly... This is what ends up happening. Bigger groups end up using it making the out number fights even harder..
  18. Pulling commanders a legit tactic? Lol. In a gamemode where players and guilds dropping like flies you would think anet would protect commanders giving players content and something to do in their game. How about making a group of your own to fight the "boon ball" or bring some strip classes like Chrono, warriors and scourges. Would rather have organized groups out there than pew pew solos sniping the commander.
  19. Like you're gonna have stability on you 24/7.. anyone with a brain ain't pulling you with stability on the bar...
  20. To pull commanders and ruin fights? How come these are in the game? Don't tell me roaming.... How about limiting the range to 600 and add it to this balance patch coming up... I can't see any reason a 1200 pull is even in the game unless I'm missing something....
  21. There's a fantastic soulbeast build that aint too bad for wvw zerg play but let's be real most rangers are not playing that.. They are playing their pew pew build
  22. i put 30 fresh accounts on blackgate. Thank you Anet
  23. Even if they deleted the scrapper, you would either see:A ) More AoE healing, more stab and boons, about as much stealth (couple more mesmers, a portion of scrappers would be replaced by tempests again and others would be firebrands)B ) More condi damage (with less cleansing sustain, zergs would go more red carpet of death). Yay...? What should happen is blanket nerf on AoE boons and boon duration for all classes, all sigils, all runes. Add a blanket nerf to all passive and basic AoE healing as well and instead strengthen combo fields, like how it was in GW2 vanilla. But no. It's the eeeeeeevil scrappers fault! Because Purity Of Purpose. Lets just also completely ignore the kitten firebrand that dominate zerg support. What's necro's have to do with with the facts i stated? you cannot tell me that engi isn't overtuned atm. It got 0 nerfs when it was the top tier secondary support now it's not even close. Guardian heals are nerfed to the ground my guy. It's mostly a boon bot atm.
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