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Everything posted by hunkamania.7561

  1. They've worked long and hard to destroy wvw and have accomplished their goals. From horrible expansions killing wvw balance, mounts and gliders that no1 wanted, a stupid new map no1 wants to play, auto upgrades, banners, and the list goes on and on. Can we get someone in charge of wvw that knows the gamemode? These guys are clueless
  2. WvW is getting nothing. Only thing getting updates is living world story single player content..
  3. I'll translate for you guys... New guy joins the WvW team and talks a big game and does nothing is what he said. It's just like Alliances.. get you hyped up without having to do anything Anet 101.
  4. Horrible balancing over the years have taken all the epic fights out of the equation and it's just everyone getting one shot and deleted. Don't expect that to change anytime soon with how slow these guys are to fix things in WVW. Plus we got all these stupid banners and keep buffs that were horrible additions to the game. WvW is a giant mess that needs major attention but we know all the attention goes to living world's 2 hours of content so i wouldn't hold my breathe. Not to mention everyone just runs away from fights on their mounts and gliders(horrible additions) or everyone just bandwagons to the same server(population is a mess on NA at least). everything is a mess in this gamemode since they've neglected it for 7 years+.
  5. Is this an actual joke? Most gaming companies would've had this done by now.. heck, an indy game I was playing put an alliance system in their game faster. I bet they have like tops 1 or 2 guys working on it but most the time those guys get pulled to living story so it's 0 most the time. WvW is their last priority prove me wrong.
  6. You know Anet takes years to do anything wvw related.. look at Alliances lol
  7. The one Mount they added is bad enough. Anything they add they do zero testing and never fix the problems that come with it till it's too late.
  8. They haven't even started working on it. Prove me wrong Anet.
  9. Check their rank.. they're all rookies that's why they have no clue what to do with wvw.
  10. Ascended gear is easy to get. I was coming into this thread expecting you to complain about the game having no fights. I even got ascended gear on my alt all through wvw.
  11. Anytime I log into the game there's no one playing enemy/friendly and we're in tier 1 lol.. one time some group was going for us and there was nothing to fight. The game mode is dying due to 7 years off neglect I guess. Condensing tiers won't really fix anything after you get rid of 1 tier you'll want to get rid of another till there's no tiers left. I guess that's better than what it is now which is empty lol
  12. Most maps are empty with barely any players on it do too the poor server system(there's a reason PvE went to a mega server system but even then most old PvE maps are dead). EBG the only relevant map. Everytime I log on to this game most maps are dead with no enemies or friendlies. There's just too many damn maps and tiers and not enough players. Maybe European servers are more populated but that's just Prime time then it's dead.
  13. You can listen to as many people as you want but at the end of the day you need to have a understanding and grasp of the game mode yourself. We need someone in charge that knows what's going or is willing to put in the time to figure out what's right and wrong with wvw. There's a few fight commanders and players you should listen to (past and present) and that's it.
  14. We need a guy in charge that knows what to do and doesn't need to be told what to do from random players.
  15. Scourge is still strong. It still hits 10 targets with less aoe but 10 from range which might be stronger in most instances. I think all the good DPS players quit for other games is all or maybe they're playing healing warrior lol. Not much of a nerf imo You asked for everything, buffs, heals and damages to be nerfed. What is your point? To drive more players away? So contradicting :D Everything is overtuned and power crept. How will balancing the game drive players away? This games balance pre expansion was so much better and more populated. I also forgot chrono. They should buff that in wvw since they butchered it for pve for some reason
  16. Actually played the game for a bit to see how the balance patch changed WvW and it seemed like the same aoe spam fest. Things that need to be nerfed into the ground if they want to make wvw decent again are.. -damage-healing-boon spam-condi/strips/conversions-stealth (3-6 second of stealth tops)-movement skills aka run away skills(mounts and gliders included)-remove banners Big changes are needed in wvw since it's balance has been ruined for years. The balance was mostly based on pve for some reason and needs to be tuned down.
  17. If they ever get alliances done good luck on getting anything else in terms of content. That will probably be the last thing wvw gets in a long time.
  18. Mounts should not have been done since there was more pressing issues(alliance, balance and rewards). Mounts just add more run away tactics (mounts, gliding and over buffed movement skills like blink, rocket boots etc..)
  19. No delays? It's been almost 2 years since they first mentioned alliances. It's like they're working on a cure for all diseases or something. It's taking too long for sure
  20. You know it's bad when sovereign's guild is tops in kills.. Everyone must have quit the game.
  21. Most people that wanted templates already have the arcdps one installed. This doesn't really help WvW at all. "It's better late than never" with WvW it is NEVER. We still get nothing.
  22. Only shouts cleanse an extra condi compared to antitoxin that doubles cleanses.... It's not even close to comparable.. Don't give me this EU and na trash anyone with a brain can theory craft in this game since they made it so ezpz.
  23. Rune of the trooper the new antitoxin rune? Lol. Stopped reading after that
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