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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @Axl.8924 said:

    @Axl.8924 said:To me, doomsday might be the same classes dominating just as much or more because they got broken skills and the ones who are strong get nerfed(I expect a nerf to necro to turn it back into a punching bag after this)

    I expect a thief to get nerfs unfairly in some areas and guardians and warriors and rangers to dominate again. The usual since Anet doesn't aggressively nerf guardians as often as others it seems, and thieves are problematic yes but they get hit in my opinion the wrong places. People want to get rid of thief stealth completely.

    Also i highly expect revs to continue to be overpowered for a while.

    I expect a possibility that thief could end up a punching bag as well.

    The two most hated classes in this game which are sometimes over hated are necros and thieves followed of course by mesmers

    How is necro one of the 2 most hated? The only spec that ppl didnt like was scourge, because he was just spewing condis and corrupts in large areas, which made for very unfun fights.

    Cause necro and thief get ton of folks crying for nerfs and anger.

    Then again many people are illogical and cry for nerfs regardless if it needs or not, sometimes in the wrong area.

    Necro is easily the most agressively balanced class compared to the others and remained flawed for a long time.

    If you think others had it as bad or worse, just look at the aggressive balances to necro. Core was pretty easy to kill and has been a punching bag all this time.

    scourge was overpowered and got so aggressively nerfed it was nerfed outta metaReaper lost sustain and gained more hard counters while until now damage was too high that their kind of sustain could simply not work up to par with the insane damage from other classes.

    For thief:Thief has been so aggressively changed with so many stuff their attacks their stealth and people cry still nonstop. Their stealth keeps getting nerfed, and yet they still need it to survive unless you plan on giving them invulns and stuff to survive, but then you defeat the purpose of being a thief. They are stealthy assasins, not tanks.

    i see way more ppl hating on other classes than necros tbh.most hate is still for thiefs, mesmer, and then the rest basicallyand i understand the hate for thief and mesmer, i dont like them too

  2. @Axl.8924 said:To me, doomsday might be the same classes dominating just as much or more because they got broken skills and the ones who are strong get nerfed(I expect a nerf to necro to turn it back into a punching bag after this)

    I expect a thief to get nerfs unfairly in some areas and guardians and warriors and rangers to dominate again. The usual since Anet doesn't aggressively nerf guardians as often as others it seems, and thieves are problematic yes but they get hit in my opinion the wrong places. People want to get rid of thief stealth completely.

    Also i highly expect revs to continue to be overpowered for a while.

    I expect a possibility that thief could end up a punching bag as well.

    The two most hated classes in this game which are sometimes over hated are necros and thieves followed of course by mesmers

    How is necro one of the 2 most hated? The only spec that ppl didnt like was scourge, because he was just spewing condis and corrupts in large areas, which made for very unfun fights.

  3. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:That would increase the spike dmg a well coordinated group could do by alot. I dont like it. And it wont fix lag anyways.

    not if the cd was fiddled with. it'll help with lag, maybe not totally fix it.

    This has nothing to do with cds, you said you want to compensate the lesser duration with more corrupts/dmg.

    That means that if i get hit by a bomb just for 1 sec id eat alot more dmg than a bomb with longer durations etc would do. - >increased spike/burst dmg.

    High burstskills in a zerg are very unfun imo.

  4. @Antipode.7830 said:

    @Antipode.7830 said:Play like it's Monster Hunter. Don't trade blows, don't stand in front of them if you can help it, remember to back up after you get your hits in, and
    respect the monster.

    Against a warrior, throw out blinds if you can, dodge/evade where possible, stealth -> backstab when you can, shadowstep away when each of these options is on CD. If you run Daggerstorm then pop it in their face once their blocks/invulns are blown. Be mindful of Rush, Bull's Charge, Volley, and Kill Shot as if they begin casting before you go into stealth these skills will track you and still connect.

    I love the summary! I like that you included rifle, because that was actually on my mind with regard to the upcoming patch. Do you see the rifle changes making that a better match-up for the warrior? Being able to use Volley multiple times, and especially with potential 3 charges back-to-back if they get the recharge on Rifle Butt... that is a terrifying amount of ranged pressure to have to deal with, that tracks through stealth, follows shadowsteps, and needs to be avoided at all cost.

    Thief still has warriors stolen skill and daggerstorm as reflects against rifle.Apparently thief uses axewhirl better than warrior.

    @YuiRS.8129 said:Warrior needs to be busted in order to be viable. It's a class that belongs in a different game because it mostly consists of attacks that just hit, while GW2 meta is always about spamming AoE, AI, spamming boons, evading 80% of the time, having instant mobility etc. Warrior can't follow up and kill anything, it's just a walking pile of stats with fair mechanics.

    True, but not the warriors fault. The fair mechanics is still a thing many ppl dont want to acknowledge.

    @Sir Vincent III.1286 said:

    @saerni.2584 said:I’ll just chime in that playing in a match 1v1 isn’t what I’m referring to.

    I’m just talking about a dual where you have time and can kite properly. Obviously it’s highly dependent on what kit you are running.

    A good warrior will be easier to play around if you are acting as the plus 1 than trying to 1v1. Not because you can’t win but because your team will likely need you to provide some burst damage to tip the balance.

    Most of the problem is this. I cap the node, Warrior comes and get lucky on a crit then take the node. I come back to retake the node against the same Warrior, it takes 3+ crits to take them out.

    It's not really about 1v1, it's about how fast can a Warrior down a Thief just because they get lucky on a crit vs. how fast can Thief down a a Warrior with multiple crits.

    As I've said, Warriors are overtuned in this game. They have high defense and high damage, it's BS.

    So are u saying that a warrior shouldn't be able to take significantly more hits than a thief nor hit nearly as hard? I mean this as a thief player but that's plain wrong. Warrior doesn't have the tele,stealth and evades the thief had and has far more predictable and telegraphed skills. A warrior most defenitly be sturdy enough to trade more blows with s thief and with equal sustained damage to boot. I could see warriors burst having to be lower than thiefs if it didn't require hitting with either telegraphed skills after gaining adrenaline or if the bursts didn't require landing a hard cc first like bullscharge considering thief burst are far quicker and often outa stealth I see kno reason why they can't be on par considering all the other tools thieves have ie tele's/stealth etc. On full power CS/TR/SA my backstabs delete 75% of most warriors I fights hp in a single burst before I stealth up and try again lol what else do u want lol I'm always defending thief but this is silly.

    I actually really like fighting warriors. They can hurt you but generally not rely on tricks to win. Making mistakes against a good warrior results in death.

    With warrior might sustain being nerfed heavily I’m excited for the chance to go toe to toe more often.

    The upcoming changes to the Warrior is appropriate IMO since they have been overtuned for a long time, but still not enough. Arms trait is hardly gotten hit -- unsuspecting foe and burst prec are untouched.

    Really, arms is almost never used for a reason lol man u got a blind hate on for warriors eh? It comes out pretty obvious.

    I never attempt to hide it. Mesmer beat me all the time, but it's well deserved and you won't see me complaining about them. Warrior, on the other hand, is a cheese profession overtuned because one of the Devs is a Warrior main.

    Lmao warrior cheese is enough for me to not take anything u say serious but to add that their more cheese than mesmer that's just to much haha. Ur either joking or seriously delusional lol.

    All I'm saying is, give Warrior Might and high power coef, but take away all Fury and high crit chance from them (i.e. Burst Precision). Giving high crit to a heavy armor profession is stupid.

    Have you ever played warrior?Not to mention that burst precision only affects burst skills, which ALL have very highly indicated animations (eviscerate and killshot? Yea, those are honestly soo easy to avoid and arcing slice is predictable aswell, when you are under 50% tge warrior will try to land it, and above 50% is doeant do that much dmg). Also hammer and mace burst are getting neutered in the upcoming patch, them critting wont do anything to you(oh no 50dmg burst skills, class mechanics btw topkek). Sword burst is more of a condi skill, and doesnt do alot of power dmg anyways.

    And fury? Most ppl dont play for great justice in pvp, you have some on arcing slice, which has to hit to get fury, or signet of rage (which gets reduced durations after patch)

  5. Update 18.02.20

    Post balance patch Updated version btw.


    Now with Boonduration, because magical number 6 is a good number to boost. Doesnt get too high, so wont get ripped as much before it runs out anyway, like 20sec would.

    Aristocracy rune and Body blows as might generation instead of crit and forceful greatsword as suggested by @Lan Deathrider.5910

    Optional changes would be balanced stance instead of stomp (balanced stance wont get the 60s cd nerf as off the last update we got, so stays at 40s)

    And ruthlessness sigil on hammer instead of draining for more might generation (less dmg and healing for you)

    Fully stacked still at 4k power, and 25% critchance with fury, which you can provide on your own.

    Edit: also added it to the end of my original post.

  6. Post balance patch Updated version btw.


    Now with Boonduration, because magical number 6 is a good number to boost. Doesnt get too high, so wont get ripped as much before it runs out anyway, like 20sec would.

    Optional changes would be balanced stance instead of stomp (balanced stance wont get the 60s cd nerf as off the last update we got, so stays at 40s)

    And ruthlessness sigil on hammer instead of draining for more might generation (less dmg and healing for you)

  7. Spvp spellbreaker already didnt use defense, so why would they now? Even core didnt use it in spvp.

    For wvw you are talking roaming or zerging?

    In zergs im gonna use some variation of the build ive posted on here.

    For roaming, we will see, last stand still increases stance duration, still okey for that, if you like to run multiple of those.

  8. @Anput.4620 said:

    @Anput.4620 said:Why does the balance patch list the PvP CD's and not the WvW ones? Dolyak says it will be increased from 40 to 60 but it is 30 in WvW, same with a few other skills.

    I still think 18 seconds on meld swoop for SB is too long compared to other abilities, 15 would be more fair.

    You also seem to be nerfing Deadeye when the concern is actual builds to be too good for Thief, like condi DD or sword DD, not cheese builds which will now be gutted to unviability when the backstab build folded to any tanky target. My concern being that balancing is done from the bottom up instead of from the top down.

    @Anput.4620 said:Why does the balance patch list the PvP CD's and not the WvW ones? Dolyak says it will be increased from 40 to 60 but it is 30 in WvW, same with a few other skills.

    Because the devs can't tell the difference and blanket nerf wvw and pvp alike? Why not copy paste their 'thank you for your feedback' message as well? shrug

    what are you even talking about ? before you spout nonsense and hate anet for no reason check the facts.dolyak signet on warrior has 40 sec cd in wvw and pvp. not 30sec.

    and soulbeast getting a cut in mobility is WELL deserved, a class with such a good long range option shouldnt also have such good mobility option on top.

    Why are you so fixated on longbow? 3 seconds in and they are forced to swap to melee, it is only 300 more range than other profs ranged options, like jesus, it is an option like you say, just an option.

    Why should that mean they need no mobility? The best roaming build for ranger atm doesn't even longbow.

    You seem incredibly biased just because longbow exists.

    And you seem incredibly biased when its about ranger. You act like you have 0 mobillity on ranger. Which is not true.I never said ranger should have 0 mobility.I said the nerfs are well deserved. The nerfs did not remove rangers mobilizy, just increased cds.

  9. @lodjur.1284 said:

    @lodjur.1284 said:Nah roaming is gonna be much better imo. High burst, high mobility and high evade uptime is always gonna favor the larger group so winning outnumbered fights will more often be possible now. (this is from a 2-4 group size perspective which often counts as roaming)

    As for solo, I think it's gonna be much better too as a slower TTK generally favors the better player. In addition to that so much time when roaming is spent just hoping to find someone to fight, so that fight taking a bit longer means you spend more time fighting compared to just running around.

    The main reason i stopped roaming was the amoint of dmg being thrown around by everybody, and everybody and their grandma playing stealth classes, that have ontop of that high dmg AND high mobility, just unfun to play against.

    Ye that's pretty much my views on it a bit simplified.

    A big problem already is the warclaw, getting ppl too quickly to defend and or respawn and run back to the fight.I get the feeling that this will get even worse, as you take longer to kill someone, others will have even more time to respawn and walk back, while another one is stalling the cap.Warclaw should have never gotten into wvw.

    I find it interesting that you seem to dislike high mobility high burst builds while disliking the warclaw

    Imo warclaw specifically helps low mobility builds (that generally aren't very bursty)

    From my perspective how good WvW is essentially comes down to the more (engaging/challenging /fun) fights/hour I get the better. The less time spent running/sieging/waiting the better.

    From this perspective the warclaw is an amazing addition, I imagine that if one cares more about objectives and less about fights then maybe the warclaw is a negative addition to WvW

    Warclaw just makes poeple skip fights making the fights/hour drastically lower.Yes, it makes fights/hour drastically lower by making people arrive to fights much faster.

    Skip all engagements to get to ktrain PvE faster*

    As opposed to before when they'd do the exact same thing, just using mobility skills/invulns instead of a mount

    Except i also have those things so i can keep up while hitting them forcing an engagement, also allows you to slot in extra mobility to be able to chase poeple, many also play glassy builds and don't bother to swap while traveling.

    You have skill 4 on your warclaw.

    If they're "good" enough at running away to dodge it you just know they'd be fast enough to get away on foot, personally I haven't had anyone get away from me cause of mounts yet (that wouldn't also have gotten away earlier)

    Necro players would disagree with you, ive seen many that could dodge a dismount, but getting away on foot vs a thief, ranger? Lel

  10. I dont get why ppl always want easy to defend objectives, you do realize that if you can stop the attackers in a 10v30 it will be IMPOSSIBLE to take anything in a 30v30 scenario.

    The results will be that absolutely nobody will attempt to take a keep with equal numbers. The only ones that are going to attack are zergs with yet even more ppl. So you will have 30v60, well done, great idea.

    And why are some ppl so against stealthy tactics? Its part of the game and even in reallity grounded. If you have no scouts positioned and are busy on another strategic objective fighting large forces with your own, then expect the other group to send out smaller assault teams to strike while you are not watching. Its a mode thats basically a war simulation, for those who still havent realized.You will remove just another option of playing the mode, which will result in less tactical decision making.

    All those complaints about not being able to defend root in the unbalanced servers, not wvw objective mechanics.

  11. @xDudisx.5914 said:

    @xDudisx.5914 said:Shout out for OP for pointing out this issue. One of my guilds holds a weekly dueling event among the members in the guild hall. Right now the difference between pve and wvw is minimal, but after the patch it will be huge. Anet should consider the GH as a competitive map. If not, then the already rarely used GH will become even less used.

    Haha, you call fullcounter difference minimal?

    In gh it hits for 10k+ and has around 6s cd, while in wvw it hits for like 2k and has 12cdThief interrupt skill in gh hits for 4k everytime he interrupts, in wvw its around 2k.

    Just to name 2 real big offenders off the top of my head. There are plenty more.Whoever unironically duells in the gh is a kitten.

    Just go into a custom pvp arena, there are plenty empty ones that are free to use by anyone.

    The guild hall (pve) still is more similar to wvw than spvp is. For a guild that mostly only plays wvw, the spvp maps are useless. Spvp is super clunky, it offers no stat customization and the skills are completely different from wvw.

    The post i was answering to was about 1v1 duells, nothing about gvgs.

    Anyways, guilds who unironically fight in the gh are kitten too.Alone the fact that there is that OP downstate skill is proof enough.

    Go into OS or EOTM and if the other guild is on the same colour as you? Dont fight them that week. Easy.Ive wanted to have gh for duelling for a looong time, but Ben told us in the forum,that its currently not possible to make the gh wvw territory. And its not anywhere near the top of their priority list.

    Btw for gvgs id take spvp amulets and balance always over pve ridiculousness.

  12. @xDudisx.5914 said:Shout out for OP for pointing out this issue. One of my guilds holds a weekly dueling event among the members in the guild hall. Right now the difference between pve and wvw is minimal, but after the patch it will be huge. Anet should consider the GH as a competitive map. If not, then the already rarely used GH will become even less used.

    Haha, you call fullcounter difference minimal?

    In gh it hits for 10k+ and has around 6s cd, while in wvw it hits for like 2k and has 12cdThief interrupt skill in gh hits for 4k everytime he interrupts, in wvw its around 2k.

    Just to name 2 real big offenders off the top of my head. There are plenty more.Whoever unironically duells in the gh is a kitten.

    Just go into a custom pvp arena, there are plenty empty ones that are free to use by anyone.

  13. @subversiontwo.7501

    Well said. I absolutely agree.

    And to all the doomsayers, do you rly think this gamemode should go on without any changes, the way it is right now? I dont. Atleast they are trying to do something.They admitted that it will be chaos in the beginning, but thats ok, nobody can say which classes will be on top after this, but thats why they promised to roll out patches more frequently.

    Ive played wvw for many years and ive had less and less fun. And a big part of that lesser fun was how powercreep affected the gamemode. Same with pvp, even tho i didnt play it as excessively as i played wvw.

    It either gets wvw off the downhill path or it wont, but then it wouldnt matter anyways.Atleast in the first days of the patch we will see an increase in player numbers. Veterans checking how it went. You cant rly lose much at this point.

  14. @acidic.4356 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:I still dont understand how anyone could be scared of this patch, as if it could make the game worse, lol

    maybe because 90% of what anet has introduced to wvw for the last 4 or 5 years has steadily made wvw worse. little by little, maybe........

    all opinions ofc, but the proof is in the pudding... and the pudding is a bit mouldy and smelly right now.

    You said it, the pudding is mouldy and smelly right now. Would you eat mouldy and smelly pudding? I wouldnt. Like i said, it cant rly get worse. It gets better or we stay on the path downhill.That patch is DEFINATELY better than changing nothing. Atleast they are trying.

  15. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @MoXAriApph.3650 said:Is there anyone on the balance team who can explain why Soulbeast can't swap pets mid-fight in this next update? We're this late into the game and this is an inane change. If you're looking to add drawbacks, there already is one by swapping pets, there's a LARGE cooldown upon unmerging/swapping/merging back, and it doesn't make sense in a PvE perspective. There's nothing innately broken about Soulbeast in general when it comes to swapping pets, it's a direct nerf to Condi Soulbeasts already VERY lacking CC, and a very annoying change to anyone who plays the Power Variant.This change seems like an absolute joke.

    Auto-ignoring anyone responding with the same gibberish "nerf meta' attitude, genuinely looking for an answer from the devs on this one.

    Kinda late response but the I believe the reasoning for this is because the devs are trying to align the elite specs back into the vision they originally had when HoT was released, but missed the mark. The devs originally wanted elite specs to simply be an “alternative play style” compared to what the base class offered, but ended up simply being a massive gain over anything the base class offered. Either you took your elite spec or you were fundamentally weaker without it.

    More recently as seen with the other elite spec changes, such as Daredevil swipe range being reduced, Druid pet damage nerf, Scrapper health reduction, berserker allowing standard burst abilities, etc, Anet is wanting to continue this trend into other elite specs.

    Soulbeast was notorious for being a 100% improvement over base ranger. If there is a base ranger build, there’s no reason not to through in the soulbeast line. While yes, there’s long cooldowns for swapping pets and re-merging, that’s not necessarily a trade off because it’s simply how the class works. The only really trade offs possible would have been to either be permanently merged with pets at all times but can still swap, or only have one pet at a time. With this changes you now need to make a choice of whether losing one of your pets is worth taking the soulbeast line. More than likely it will be, players will just need to find ways to compensate it such as using something like warthog for condi which has a headbutt ability when merged.

    While I do agree that it is unfortunate such substantial nerfs and changes are coming to elite specs, I can agree with the devs that reducing the power creep brought with elite specs is a good direction.

    So instead of buffing the core classes up, we're going to actually remove some classes identity in the name of equality? This is horrible design. At this point why even give the option for Soulbeasts to have two pets? It's backwards design and actually ends up being worse in the long run.Druid, sure, give it a lore reason so nobody can complain and slap a 10% nerf onto the pet damage, but seriously removing an entire pet from Soulbeast...?Literally just kitten nerf anything else we have, as this one makes next to 0 sense.

    I think one issue that can arise from buffing the core classes is that whenever a base class is buffed, so is the elite spec by extension. We can say “okay increase all Druid pet damage by 50%”, but then soulbeasts will also get this buff. I believe the devs are wanting to take a different approach where they bring down the ceiling by nerfing elite specs instead of raising the floor by buffing the base classes.

    This could be separated though by doing something like “if you have 3 base specs you equipped you get X bonus”, but that might go against the inference I listed above of not raising the floor where the devs want to reign in elite specs to be closer to the level that base classes play at opposed your the other way around.

    Removing a pet from soulbeast to focus more on the merging with a pet aspect is how they’re choosing to refocus that specs identity. While ranger itself may be focused on their pets, soulbeast will change that focus to instead be some “strong bond between the ranger and a single pet” kind of thing. The focus on ranger pets are still there, but now it’s a little different.

    While you did mention before that there is nothing innately broken about soulbeast compared to other classes, when comparing it to base ranger it is 100% better in any aspect.

    By that exact same logic, lets get rid of Ascended cooking. It's better than base cooking and nobody uses regular cooking anymore, it offers nothing Unique.Lets get rid of Masteries, it's better than playing the base game and is by the same logic, supposed to have "drawbacks" no?

    Base classes in literally any game have never been designed to be top tier, that was the whole point to bringing out Elite Specs, to be a different take on the same class, to mix it up and create something Unique.Rather than make a Base class compete with it's own Elite Specs, we're adding half-thought "drawbacks".Every Elite Spec offers something Unique.

    Why not make Core Specs Unique?They had the right idea by adding to Core Revenant, but haven't buffed or changed that idea since, and it hasn't been a viable option in the majority of cases because it hasn't been pushed up, whether this is due to the Elite Specs being "better" or not doesn't matter, the attempt was never even fully finished.

    Changing Soulbeast + Druid to bring them down offers nothing on the scale of the entire class hierarchy, you're bringing down a class that's already low, you're kicking a dead horse.

    This change looks like it was made by somebody who has never played the class/Spec or even payed attention to how it works, the "drawback" is already there, you not only have to wait on swapping pets, you have to wait on your merge timer as well, it's been there from the start, you have the 100% free option instead to just punish constant swapping, do something fun, not boring, make it a longer and longer cooldown the more you swap in combat, do something that makes sense.Go and make something Unique for base Ranger, let it do something wild, give it access to more pets in combat, buff it when you have the 3 base traitlines, let it tame an elder dragon or something, idk, it shouldn't be my job, anything, it's fairly quick to design and would come out infinitely better.

    Let's say we add these "drawbacks" yeah? Guess what, Elite Specs will still entirely still be better than base, the "drawback"s fail and they become literally nothing more than annoyances to everyone.The only option from there is to start nerfing again, and then buffing, and it'll repeat until base classes take over for a while or the Elite Specs take over.Anyone who invested in their Elite Spec stops playing due to the constant changes and the class not being what they came for, then there's no point to Elite Specs.It's the beginning of a cycle that's so predictable it shouldn't happen.

    Otherwise this is all literally pointless and you'll keep having the same issues, it won't end.

    Frankly what they need to do is lock the core profession mechanic traitline behind core. So no Berserkers or Spellbreakers with Discipline. No Soulbeasts or Druids with Beastmastery (that instantly removes half the cheese of Soulbeast btw). No Scourges or Reapers with Soul Reaping Etc.

    @Irenio CalmonHuang.2048So much of the current cheese can be boiled down to the E-Specs changing the class mechanics, yet still taking the trailine that enhances the mechanic anyway.I suggest locking these behind the Core specs, and then undoing some of the 'drawbacks' you all have been rolling out. Give Scrappers back their vitality, give stats back to the Druid pet, give Berserker's their toughness back (I'm okay with losing the F1 entirely at this point as that is the alteration of the core mechanic). I think you'll find that balance will be a lot better with those changes, and if that had been done, then this massive patch probably would not have had to happen in the first place.

    Edit to clarify: I don't think Core specs should be forced to take their mechanic traitline, but only Core can access them. So a Necro could do Death Magic, Blood Magic, and Spite for example.

    What defines what the core mechanic traitline is? Imo thats an awful change that i would never want.I want to have as many choices as i can.If they go on on the way they do, with specializations being specialized in something and not just upgrades from core than thats a good way of doing it.

  16. @Thorstienn.1642 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:See, that poll looks alot different than the one in the wvw section :p

    WvWWhen i play pve its mostly because of stuff i need for wvw, or helping friends to get stuff for wvw.Right now our linking has 0 serious commanders tho, and solo roaming is kinda kitten (yes warclaw pun intended) so im mostly waiting for the big patch to hit and play completely different games.

    Might get back into pvp, depending on the balance patch, and that 15v15 mode they talked about.

    Of course it does. I'd imagine the people that frequent the WvW sub would play WvW. It would also look different in the PvP section or the dungeons/raids sections. Hence why someone made it here, in general.

    I just said that, because i told OP in the wvw section that the poll there would be greatly biased. Abd that it would exactly like that in the pve or pvp section.

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