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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @MoXAriApph.3650 said:

    @MoXAriApph.3650 said:Is there anyone on the balance team who can explain why Soulbeast can't swap pets mid-fight in this next update? We're this late into the game and this is an inane change. If you're looking to add drawbacks, there already is one by swapping pets, there's a LARGE cooldown upon unmerging/swapping/merging back, and it doesn't make sense in a PvE perspective. There's nothing innately broken about Soulbeast in general when it comes to swapping pets, it's a direct nerf to Condi Soulbeasts already VERY lacking CC, and a very annoying change to anyone who plays the Power Variant.This change seems like an absolute joke.

    Auto-ignoring anyone responding with the same gibberish "nerf meta' attitude, genuinely looking for an answer from the devs on this one.

    Kinda late response but the I believe the reasoning for this is because the devs are trying to align the elite specs back into the vision they originally had when HoT was released, but missed the mark. The devs originally wanted elite specs to simply be an “alternative play style” compared to what the base class offered, but ended up simply being a massive gain over anything the base class offered. Either you took your elite spec or you were fundamentally weaker without it.

    More recently as seen with the other elite spec changes, such as Daredevil swipe range being reduced, Druid pet damage nerf, Scrapper health reduction, berserker allowing standard burst abilities, etc, Anet is wanting to continue this trend into other elite specs.

    Soulbeast was notorious for being a 100% improvement over base ranger. If there is a base ranger build, there’s no reason not to through in the soulbeast line. While yes, there’s long cooldowns for swapping pets and re-merging, that’s not necessarily a trade off because it’s simply how the class works. The only really trade offs possible would have been to either be permanently merged with pets at all times but can still swap, or only have one pet at a time. With this changes you now need to make a choice of whether losing one of your pets is worth taking the soulbeast line. More than likely it will be, players will just need to find ways to compensate it such as using something like warthog for condi which has a headbutt ability when merged.

    While I do agree that it is unfortunate such substantial nerfs and changes are coming to elite specs, I can agree with the devs that reducing the power creep brought with elite specs is a good direction.

    So instead of buffing the core classes up, we're going to actually remove some classes identity in the name of equality? This is horrible design. At this point why even give the option for Soulbeasts to have two pets? It's backwards design and actually ends up being worse in the long run.Druid, sure, give it a lore reason so nobody can complain and slap a 10% nerf onto the pet damage, but seriously removing an entire pet from Soulbeast...?Literally just kitten nerf anything else we have, as this one makes next to 0 sense.

    I think one issue that can arise from buffing the core classes is that whenever a base class is buffed, so is the elite spec by extension. We can say “okay increase all Druid pet damage by 50%”, but then soulbeasts will also get this buff. I believe the devs are wanting to take a different approach where they bring down the ceiling by nerfing elite specs instead of raising the floor by buffing the base classes.

    This could be separated though by doing something like “if you have 3 base specs you equipped you get X bonus”, but that might go against the inference I listed above of not raising the floor where the devs want to reign in elite specs to be closer to the level that base classes play at opposed your the other way around.

    Removing a pet from soulbeast to focus more on the merging with a pet aspect is how they’re choosing to refocus that specs identity. While ranger itself may be focused on their pets, soulbeast will change that focus to instead be some “strong bond between the ranger and a single pet” kind of thing. The focus on ranger pets are still there, but now it’s a little different.

    While you did mention before that there is nothing innately broken about soulbeast compared to other classes, when comparing it to base ranger it is 100% better in any aspect.

    By that exact same logic, lets get rid of Ascended cooking. It's better than base cooking and nobody uses regular cooking anymore, it offers nothing Unique.Lets get rid of Masteries, it's better than playing the base game and is by the same logic, supposed to have "drawbacks" no?

    Base classes in literally any game have never been designed to be top tier, that was the whole point to bringing out Elite Specs, to be a different take on the same class, to mix it up and create something Unique.Rather than make a Base class compete with it's own Elite Specs, we're adding half-thought "drawbacks".Every Elite Spec offers something Unique.

    Why not make Core Specs Unique?They had the right idea by adding to Core Revenant, but haven't buffed or changed that idea since, and it hasn't been a viable option in the majority of cases because it hasn't been pushed up, whether this is due to the Elite Specs being "better" or not doesn't matter, the attempt was never even fully finished.

    Changing Soulbeast + Druid to bring them down offers nothing on the scale of the entire class hierarchy, you're bringing down a class that's already low, you're kicking a dead horse.

    This change looks like it was made by somebody who has never played the class/Spec or even payed attention to how it works, the "drawback" is already there, you not only have to wait on swapping pets, you have to wait on your merge timer as well, it's been there from the start, you have the 100% free option instead to just punish constant swapping, do something fun, not boring, make it a longer and longer cooldown the more you swap in combat, do something that makes sense.Go and make something Unique for base Ranger, let it do something wild, give it access to more pets in combat, buff it when you have the 3 base traitlines, let it tame an elder dragon or something, idk, it shouldn't be my job, anything, it's fairly quick to design and would come out infinitely better.

    Let's say we add these "drawbacks" yeah? Guess what, Elite Specs will still entirely still be better than base, the "drawback"s fail and they become literally nothing more than annoyances to everyone.The only option from there is to start nerfing again, and then buffing, and it'll repeat until base classes take over for a while or the Elite Specs take over.Anyone who invested in their Elite Spec stops playing due to the constant changes and the class not being what they came for, then there's no point to Elite Specs.It's the beginning of a cycle that's so predictable it shouldn't happen.

    Otherwise this is all literally pointless and you'll keep having the same issues, it won't end.

    Elite specs were never meant to be better than the core classes, they were, and are, meant to be specialized in one area(for example, spellbreaker ripping alot of boons and denying them).This was made very clear by anet several times.

    Just because core classes are not top tier in other games, does NOT mean gw2 has to be the same, why should it?

    They do indeed mix up how you play your class and give it something unique, that doesnt change with that soulbeast nerf.

    And having 2 pets to quickly choose from when out of combat does make sense, makes for more decision making. In pvp for example, you have to choose which pet suits you better to fight the warrior (or whoever sits there) on your close point, while in a team skirmish on mid you might take something different before you engage.

    Your "buff everything else" mentality is what brought us this insane level of powercreep.Have you played dungeons pre hot and post pof? Its ridiculous, you can ignore whole boss mechanics because you can burst/heal right through them.

    And your cooking and mastery analogy are not working here, because their purpose was indeed to be better than previous things, unlike especs.

    Are you still living in the Dungeon meta? We've progressed, time is fowards.The rewards for dungeons and the scaling are a joke, they made content like Raids and Fractals (however much you like it or not) to counteract the "power creep".Not to mention the "power creep" is the first argument players go to when they themselves do not know what they're talking about.The 10x damage difference (this number can be higher or lower, it'll never matter) between Veterans and New players is very established and will always be because Veterans have played long enough to make better decisions (not to say new players make bad decisions but wisdom and progression), in this case, Elite specs, whether you nerf them or not your imaginary "power creep" will always be there.Keeping the scale where it is and scaling content up is a massively more logical solution, people need to eventually learn the game, we've done everything except get people to learn how to play in the name of casual gameplay, it's why the veterans are leaving and content isn't challenging.Strikes are going to full on be hit or miss and time will tell but Raiders have to either see it as a replacement to Raids or a replacement to Raid training, neither of which
    are being achieved. This very much contributes to the issues with elite specs and balance.

    The thing you probably didn't notice is back when dungeons were meta, is everyone was on equal footing because the skill cap was fairly low, this isn't the case anymore.I'm not saying Core classes can't be top tier, I'm saying they shouldn't be bringing everything down to the core class power.Don't bring people down, teach the game and make it fair across the board by catching everyone up to where the veterans are at, because once we went up amazing things happened, PoF specs while hated by many for "power creep" redefined the meta and allowed them to bring down the "chrono druid meta garbage" (other peoples words not mine here) and introduced a vast amount of variety in gameplay.You're seeing specs and classes outside of a select few and it's largely due to how special the elite specs were designed, all beyond unique and so far comparable to HoT Elite Specs.

    The game is absolutely fantastic and the majority of people don't even realize how far it goes, it's a fantastic combat system plagued by the blissfully ignorant.

    Lol, are you actually denying that powercreep exists in the game? If you think dungeons just got easier because ppl learned the game then you are plain wrong.

    Its a FACT that dps increased over various patches. I, as a pve noob, have done many dungeons with 3 ppl instead of 5 since pof release (because often we couldnt find ppl to do them, and we only did them to get dungeon runes/sigils for wvw).And we are not using special tactics, we just run the dungeon casually, often just killing all the mobs on the way, because we have the dmg and are too kitten to know were we can skip enemies, or fail to skip them.

    Why do you think that build variety will be reduced with less dmg in the game? Heal and boons were reduced aswell, to counteract a tank meta.The especs still have their different playstyle, this patch doesnt change that at all, no idea were you get that from.If anything, if they keep balancing after the big patch hits (it obviously wont be perfect straight up after patch hits) build variety could greatly increase.

    Right now we basically have a full dmg meta, were everybody just tries to oneshot the enemies as quickly as possible. Forcing certain skills and traits to be used to ensure not getting oneshot.

    Were are veterans "brought down"?They still should have a much better understanding of the game than new players and be able to come up with new builds and playstyles to adapt to the patch.

    Me and my friends are having a blast already, thinking about wvw builds that could work after the patch. And we greatly appreciate the dmg reduction across the board, we have been talking about that for years now, that we have less fun in wvw because everything was just way too much. Its not fun randomly getting hit by 10-20k from a SINGLE enemy skill in a blob of 50 ppl, those dmg numbers were definately not a thing pre expansions and i have played against good players like redguard or TA, it had nothing to do with a lack of skill or game knowledge.

    "Imaginary powercreep" lol, anet has all the data they need and agree that powercreep exists, how can you ever deny that. Its like talking to someone that denys climate change, big Oof.

  2. @Gwaihir.1745 said:

    @"displayname.8315" said:My understanding was coefficients were being adjusted mostly. I took that mean things like clicking a trait button and getting double damage burn guard + burning sigils + 25% boost to all DMG at range = 300% - 400%

    Stuff like that.

    Huh? Are you saying theres some passive trait that does this? Also what gives double damage burning I don't see it. I think you are confusing duration with damage multiplier. At range? Aren't burn guard heavily melee based? Theres so much stuff like that and more that doesn't make sense with the post here.

    There is no trait that doubles burn dmg, not even sure what that 300-400% is supposed to mean.

    The burn dh is mostly range-midrange, trying to tag as many ppl as fast as possuble to trigger f1 passive as much as you can, no melee required for that.

    On topic: lowering the dmg means you actually have the time to heal, with current healing numbers you wouldnt be able to kill anyone, so they lowered that too.Boons same thing as heals.

    So now you dont instantly die and actually have time to counterplay your enemy, leading to hopefully better fights than just "who gets burst first off to oneshot his opponent"

    Cooldowns increased so you cant just roll your face over the keyboard and actually have to make decisions when to use which skill-> player skill has a bigger impact on a fight.

    Mobility and stealth were already addressed (its not the final patch btw, they made it clear that they will balance patch more frequently in the future)

    They also said that they will look at mount.

  3. See, that poll looks alot different than the one in the wvw section :p
    WvWWhen i play pve its mostly because of stuff i need for wvw, or helping friends to get stuff for wvw.Right now our linking has 0 serious commanders tho, and solo roaming is kinda kitten (yes warclaw pun intended) so im mostly waiting for the big patch to hit and play completely different games.

    Might get back into pvp, depending on the balance patch, and that 15v15 mode they talked about.

  4. @MoXAriApph.3650 said:

    @MoXAriApph.3650 said:Is there anyone on the balance team who can explain why Soulbeast can't swap pets mid-fight in this next update? We're this late into the game and this is an inane change. If you're looking to add drawbacks, there already is one by swapping pets, there's a LARGE cooldown upon unmerging/swapping/merging back, and it doesn't make sense in a PvE perspective. There's nothing innately broken about Soulbeast in general when it comes to swapping pets, it's a direct nerf to Condi Soulbeasts already VERY lacking CC, and a very annoying change to anyone who plays the Power Variant.This change seems like an absolute joke.

    Auto-ignoring anyone responding with the same gibberish "nerf meta' attitude, genuinely looking for an answer from the devs on this one.

    Kinda late response but the I believe the reasoning for this is because the devs are trying to align the elite specs back into the vision they originally had when HoT was released, but missed the mark. The devs originally wanted elite specs to simply be an “alternative play style” compared to what the base class offered, but ended up simply being a massive gain over anything the base class offered. Either you took your elite spec or you were fundamentally weaker without it.

    More recently as seen with the other elite spec changes, such as Daredevil swipe range being reduced, Druid pet damage nerf, Scrapper health reduction, berserker allowing standard burst abilities, etc, Anet is wanting to continue this trend into other elite specs.

    Soulbeast was notorious for being a 100% improvement over base ranger. If there is a base ranger build, there’s no reason not to through in the soulbeast line. While yes, there’s long cooldowns for swapping pets and re-merging, that’s not necessarily a trade off because it’s simply how the class works. The only really trade offs possible would have been to either be permanently merged with pets at all times but can still swap, or only have one pet at a time. With this changes you now need to make a choice of whether losing one of your pets is worth taking the soulbeast line. More than likely it will be, players will just need to find ways to compensate it such as using something like warthog for condi which has a headbutt ability when merged.

    While I do agree that it is unfortunate such substantial nerfs and changes are coming to elite specs, I can agree with the devs that reducing the power creep brought with elite specs is a good direction.

    So instead of buffing the core classes up, we're going to actually remove some classes identity in the name of equality? This is horrible design. At this point why even give the option for Soulbeasts to have two pets? It's backwards design and actually ends up being worse in the long run.Druid, sure, give it a lore reason so nobody can complain and slap a 10% nerf onto the pet damage, but seriously removing an entire pet from Soulbeast...?Literally just kitten nerf anything else we have, as this one makes next to 0 sense.

    I think one issue that can arise from buffing the core classes is that whenever a base class is buffed, so is the elite spec by extension. We can say “okay increase all Druid pet damage by 50%”, but then soulbeasts will also get this buff. I believe the devs are wanting to take a different approach where they bring down the ceiling by nerfing elite specs instead of raising the floor by buffing the base classes.

    This could be separated though by doing something like “if you have 3 base specs you equipped you get X bonus”, but that might go against the inference I listed above of not raising the floor where the devs want to reign in elite specs to be closer to the level that base classes play at opposed your the other way around.

    Removing a pet from soulbeast to focus more on the merging with a pet aspect is how they’re choosing to refocus that specs identity. While ranger itself may be focused on their pets, soulbeast will change that focus to instead be some “strong bond between the ranger and a single pet” kind of thing. The focus on ranger pets are still there, but now it’s a little different.

    While you did mention before that there is nothing innately broken about soulbeast compared to other classes, when comparing it to base ranger it is 100% better in any aspect.

    By that exact same logic, lets get rid of Ascended cooking. It's better than base cooking and nobody uses regular cooking anymore, it offers nothing Unique.Lets get rid of Masteries, it's better than playing the base game and is by the same logic, supposed to have "drawbacks" no?

    Base classes in literally any game have never been designed to be top tier, that was the whole point to bringing out Elite Specs, to be a different take on the same class, to mix it up and create something Unique.Rather than make a Base class compete with it's own Elite Specs, we're adding half-thought "drawbacks".Every Elite Spec offers something Unique.

    Why not make Core Specs Unique?They had the right idea by adding to Core Revenant, but haven't buffed or changed that idea since, and it hasn't been a viable option in the majority of cases because it hasn't been pushed up, whether this is due to the Elite Specs being "better" or not doesn't matter, the attempt was never even fully finished.

    Changing Soulbeast + Druid to bring them down offers nothing on the scale of the entire class hierarchy, you're bringing down a class that's already low, you're kicking a dead horse.

    This change looks like it was made by somebody who has never played the class/Spec or even payed attention to how it works, the "drawback" is already there, you not only have to wait on swapping pets, you have to wait on your merge timer as well, it's been there from the start, you have the 100% free option instead to just punish constant swapping, do something fun, not boring, make it a longer and longer cooldown the more you swap in combat, do something that makes sense.Go and make something Unique for base Ranger, let it do something wild, give it access to more pets in combat, buff it when you have the 3 base traitlines, let it tame an elder dragon or something, idk, it shouldn't be my job, anything, it's fairly quick to design and would come out infinitely better.

    Let's say we add these "drawbacks" yeah? Guess what, Elite Specs will still entirely still be better than base, the "drawback"s fail and they become literally nothing more than annoyances to everyone.The only option from there is to start nerfing again, and then buffing, and it'll repeat until base classes take over for a while or the Elite Specs take over.Anyone who invested in their Elite Spec stops playing due to the constant changes and the class not being what they came for, then there's no point to Elite Specs.It's the beginning of a cycle that's so predictable it shouldn't happen.

    Otherwise this is all literally pointless and you'll keep having the same issues, it won't end.

    Elite specs were never meant to be better than the core classes, they were, and are, meant to be specialized in one area(for example, spellbreaker ripping alot of boons and denying them).This was made very clear by anet several times.

    Just because core classes are not top tier in other games, does NOT mean gw2 has to be the same, why should it?

    They do indeed mix up how you play your class and give it something unique, that doesnt change with that soulbeast nerf.

    And having 2 pets to quickly choose from when out of combat does make sense, makes for more decision making. In pvp for example, you have to choose which pet suits you better to fight the warrior (or whoever sits there) on your close point, while in a team skirmish on mid you might take something different before you engage.

    Your "buff everything else" mentality is what brought us this insane level of powercreep.Have you played dungeons pre hot and post pof? Its ridiculous, you can ignore whole boss mechanics because you can burst/heal right through them.

    And your cooking and mastery analogy are not working here, because their purpose was indeed to be better than previous things, unlike especs.

  5. @Sandzibar.5134 said:

    @"RedShark.9548" said:

    what are you even talking about ? before you spout nonsense and hate anet for no reason check the facts.dolyak signet on warrior has 40 sec cd in wvw and pvp. not 30sec.

    What are YOU talking about?.. he is obviously talking about dolyak stance on soulbeast given the CD references.

    Maybe you should spend some time off the puter and chill out. Then youd look less like an angry muppet lol.

    "obvious" to you, who seems to be a ranger main, im maining warrior and warrior has dolyak signet, which is existed way before dolyak stance.Coincidentely its cd is 40 and is about to be raised to 60 aswell. So for me it was "obvious" that he was talking about the signet.

    So yea, i admit its my fault for not realizing he was talking about the ranger skill, oops.

    Still, you are the one who sounds angry about anet and apparently me, maybe you should follow your own advise. Im chilling out 4 out of 7 days, every single week, dont worry about me lol.

  6. @Anput.4620 said:Why does the balance patch list the PvP CD's and not the WvW ones? Dolyak says it will be increased from 40 to 60 but it is 30 in WvW, same with a few other skills.

    I still think 18 seconds on meld swoop for SB is too long compared to other abilities, 15 would be more fair.

    You also seem to be nerfing Deadeye when the concern is actual builds to be too good for Thief, like condi DD or sword DD, not cheese builds which will now be gutted to unviability when the backstab build folded to any tanky target. My concern being that balancing is done from the bottom up instead of from the top down.

    @ollbirtan.2915 said:

    @Anput.4620 said:Why does the balance patch list the PvP CD's and not the WvW ones? Dolyak says it will be increased from 40 to 60 but it is 30 in WvW, same with a few other skills.

    Because the devs can't tell the difference and blanket nerf wvw and pvp alike? Why not copy paste their 'thank you for your feedback' message as well? shrug

    what are you even talking about ? before you spout nonsense and hate anet for no reason check the facts.dolyak signet on warrior has 40 sec cd in wvw and pvp. not 30sec.

    and soulbeast getting a cut in mobility is WELL deserved, a class with such a good long range option shouldnt also have such good mobility option on top.

  7. i dont like the armor to vita AT ALL.especially on traits that only give armor at certain conditions, like spiked armor.i gain reta, then i get more hp, and lets say im getting low hp now, ill go for a risky move based on my leftover HP, where i know, ok i have 5k hp, ill most likely survive, because he only does 4,5k in his last attack, and kill my foe, if reta then runs out or gets ripped im suddenly at like 4k hp (i didnt calculate how much i actually would have) in which case i suddenly wont survive that risky move anymore and drop dead to those 4,5k dmg from my enemy.

    i dont constantly want to keep an eye out for having reta on me or not.change those traits to anything else or just remove the added stat at all, but dont give me vita that i cant count on.

  8. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wouldnt worry about it the games just garbage, do urself a favor and delete it.Literally just had a reaper sit on a node well 4 of us beat on it for at least 15 seconds and couldnt drop the reapers health even 10% yet minutes before I solo destroyed it easily. Also had a match where a guard was capping our home node before our team got 5 feet out of our gate. The games full of hackers these days to the point they don't even try and hide it.

    As if him hitting backstab for 3-6k was proof of all the enemies hacking, lol.

    His build is not rly build for dmg and most ppl in wvw run dmg reduction food, protection etc, might even get revs dwarf ritual.

  9. @Aigleborgne.2981 said:

    @Girth.9731 said:They probably should have increased the number of pulses to 5 to MAYBE put it on par with Featherfoot's Grace. Lucky, I don't think condi is going to be very good post-patch so we probably don't have to worry. Problem is, the adrenaline gain is just so low value and rarely necessary. Having an extra second of resistance, superspeed, and a stunbreak for only a 5s longer cooldown is just a no-brainer. I would consider changing the number of pulses to 5, remove the adrenaline gain, and add some other unique benefit to the differentiate skill. Maybe some short duration pulsing might to give it a little offensive potential? Kind of fits the theme. Or maybe even 1s pulses of protection? I feel like a skill that gives resistance and protection would be pretty unique, and Warrior doesn't have many ways to generate protection.

    Excellent ideas. I like the protection and resistance idea tbh.

    I think it would be cool too, and tbh pretty balanced. Then you would be comparing 5s of protection against 5s of superspeed and a stun break on a 5s longer cooldown. I feel like this is pretty in-line in terms of power level.

    Also, another thing to consider is that Anet can't add too much to the skill because Last Stand still exists and would probably lead to it being really overloaded if you took the trait. Once Last Stand is reworked then they will be more free to play with the skill. Until then, just don't use it.

    Last Stand is as good as dead with 300s cooldown.Protection wouldn't fit the stance's name. It should have an offensive part. Adrenaline gain is sometimes useless, but there are still times I struggle to fill my 3 bars. It all depends on your build.

    Overall, this stance is not that bad, just we have better utilities.

    It should taunt all longbow rangers on the map, so the torch wont reach the wall of helms deep.

  10. @jason.2043 said:TLDR: Getting kills should be the primary objective for this pvp mode. Capturing objectives should help facilitate the primary objective.

    Originally this thread began with 2 paragraphs of griping on how unmotivating and disappointing conquest spvp is, and it tears my heart out a lover of Guild Wars that we do not have a small scale pvp mode with the primary win condition of killing the other team, in this game after 8 years.

    I decided to spare those tears and jump right in to what I feel is the sort of spvp mode we can be proud of.

    Below follows an outline for how to create an engaging spvp mode. It should go without saying that all numbers can be tweaked--the underlying philosophy is the important part.

    I have given this a lot of thought and encourage the community to provide feedback for any holes in gameplayand most importantly to help get this on the eyes of the dev team.

    Medium to large size map.

    Large capture point similar to legacy of the foefire on one side of the map. IE large enough to facilitate movement as well as contesting.Obelisk on the other side of the map, capturable by placing your flag or a neutral flag in it.

    Map size is important here. It should be very difficult to hold both the capture point and the obelisk. And nearly impossible to prevent the opposing team from capturing the obelisk, as placing the flag should be instant.

    The obelisk can be captured by placing your teams flag in it.Flags will first spawn in 1 of 2 ways:1) When the point is captured flags will spawn near each teams spawn point.2) If the point is not captured by 1:30, team flags will spawn near each teams spawn point and a neutral flag will spawn at a midway point to the obelisk. Either team may use this flag to capture the obelisk.

    Capturing the obelisk generates a flat score of 25.Once the obelisk is captured it cannot be captured by the opposing team until the next x:00Controlling the obelisk will have 2 possible effects1) If your team is winning the obelisk will generate 25 score every x:00 and x:302) If your team is losing the obelisk will apply some effect globally to help the losing team secure kills. Possible examples: attacks ignore aegis, some number or some certain boons stripped every 'x' seconds. some number or some certain conditions applied every 'x' seconds. globally apply 'x' stacks of might. etc, you get the picture. the idea is to help the losing team get kills. you can get as creative as you'd like, hell you could even change it up every week or every day as a sort of flux system similar to guild wars 1.

    Decapping the control point has two possible effects1) If your team is winning, decapping the point generates 25 score.2) If your team is losing, decapping the point will apply some effect to the area of the capture point. again you can get as creative as you'd like. ie losing team buffed in some way or winning team weakend in some way

    Capturing the control point has two possible effects1) If your team is winning, capping the point will generate a flat score of 50.2) If your team is losing, capturing the point will disable the obelisk if it is held by the winning team for 1 minute and apply a global 1 second knockdown/stun to the winning team.In addition, controlling the capture point generates 5 score per tick.

    All kills generate 15 score.Games played to 500

    Death to our enemies,-Jason

    I only read the tl;dr.You know there actually was a map with the objective to kill the enemies?Yea, in those 7 years (not 8 yet) we actually had that. Ppl didnt like it, it got deleted.

    I believe nobody liked it (me included) because it was included in the normal map rota, so ppl queued with their conquest builds and were suddenly thrown in a full out 5v5 brawl map.I personally have no problem changing build and adjust to such different fighting style, i actually like brawls like this, but randoms dont swap builds most of the time, and then you are either lucky or unlucky with yours or enemys teamcomp.

  11. @"Yasai.3549" said:Yup, all they are doing is slowing the game down.

    Actual problems aren't being solved, they are just smashing things left and right in hopes that a new meta will appear.

    Then proceed to smash that instead.

    It has become increasingly clear that the current balance team isn't even interested about "balance"They just wanna throw as many wild changes and hope that something rises out of it, then repeat the process over and over to keep the game "fresh"

    What they don't seem to see, is that they aren't putting things into the game as much as they are nerfing and removing.

    It's literally gonna end up as a turn based game at this rate, because people will eye each other and drop all their cooldowns the moment an opening shows, then go back to circling each other.

    If you actually looked at the notes than you would have seen that they are nit just "smashing left and right" they actually have a structure and theme to it

    I hope you also looked at the global changes, which were posted in a different thread, were they introduced new traits and skill mechanics

  12. @Yasai.3549 said:Considering some builds don't even use Berserker's stance, I don't even know why they nerfed it.

    In most cases, Featherfoot Grace is picked over it specifically because it has a Stunbreak on it.

    The only thing Berserker's Stance has for it is it pulses Resistance which makes it resistant to Corrupts, if not, most people will willingly pop Healing Signet for Resistance and Heal because they can still Regen through Adrenal Health.

    Most ppl, atleast in pvp, dont play defense, so no adrenal health.

    They pop healing sig because the dmg thats being negated by resistance far outshines the healing it could have provided with those 344hp ticks.

    Never rly was a fan of berserker stance, especially in the times were condis simply outlasted resistance and you died to them if you couldnt cleanse in time.

    Might change now that condi durationstats were gutted in pvp. Still a boring skill tho.

  13. @CroTiger.7819 said:

    @DonArkanio.6419 said:Soulbeast has more than it needs. I don't see a point in giving it another additional features.

    Lol man what they have is 3 skills and few pets where all of them are usefull. Entering Beastmode have no meaning than procing pet swap now because most of those skills are long cd mostly 2x from beastmode cd. Giving autoattack will make some other pets worth a pick and will make staying in beastmode more meaningfull than jsut entering it for boons while it won t make it op and will just help condi ranger be viable since you will have acces to single cover condi on aa of the pet. Much more fun and active change adding diversity to class and meaning to stay in beastmode and yet most ppl want passive and high rewarding things and can t see benefit of this because all they want is to pew pew. Great to be a ranger main since all of those pew pew players are making 90% of class and telling others whats needed or not while they have 0 sense of anything besides pew pew ranger.

    Still more skills than warrior gets from especs if we ignore utilities and traits.Lul.

  14. @TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

    I never said a nerf was unfair, just that 18 seconds is ridiculous, 15 would be more fair, i also didn't complain about the other nerfs, my main worry with mobility nerfs is, how will it balance out relative to warclaw balance? What will be done so that when i 1v1 a Thief whom can keep me in combat immobile necro and guard won't be able to speed at me with a cat regardless of their class mobility to come 3v1 me for free and without cost? If class mobility gets nerfed will warclaw mobility also be significantly be nerfed? Mainly base movement speed so we still have the same relative mobility. Seeing as zero care was given when implemented, how much care will be given now? Even with the Spear i believe that every class should have a chance to dismount someone and that the Warclaw shouldn't outspeed a Thief/Mesmer/Ranger.

    Warclaw is not an excuse for rangers over the top mobility. What people are saying is that ranger mobility nerf should not be fair in relation to other classes due to it's mobility being considered over the top by most in it's current state. The balance here is about class vs class, not one class vs warclaw, because if that's the case, there are so many classes and builds that need huge mobility BUFFS if warclaw is going to be used as the baseline.

    This patch is also centered around a new baseline for everything, changes will be made after this patch, but did not include any of the changes to warclaw which they stated they believe offers to much. Most people posting here have also stated they think warclaw is over the top, however that is NOT an excuse or reason to not bring down mobility of just your favorite class. This should be a post about changing warclaw, but it's not because you know what that mobility means in combat as well and just shows your bias.

    This, how can ppl not understand such basic logic lol.

  15. What im probably going to play post patch.Not focused on healing, but brings a good amount of cleanses and alot of offensive boon support, since many boondurations and applications were gutted ill provide massive amounts of might, some fury and unique power buff (empower allies) for my group.

    Paired with condi cleanses, boonrips and tons of cc to lock the enemy in place.

    Ive posted a different version of this build in a whole thread about it.But @"Lan Deathrider.5910" gave me the aristocracy rune idea, and ive changed my build around that.


    Pre patch i was against boonduration on warrior, but 4-6sec is the right amount to be a little too short and in need of duration

    Edit: stomp is interchangeable with balanced stance, but the idea is to have a shorter cd stunbreak and being able to stomp into enemies and pull WoD with the stab from stomp.

    And if dmg rly is alot lower defiant stance can be swapped with mending for mor peak performance value.

    Edit: swapped my accidental german build constructeur link to english oneDidnt notice it was english because i just click on icons and dont read them on warrior oops.

  16. @Widmo.3186 said:

    @Zephyra.4709 said:We talking about the annoying you run in a direction press mount and your char snap turns opposite direction? that's gotta go.

    No.Talking about using free camera and when letting go it auto snaps forward instead of remaining.

    Never had the problem you are talking about.

    It appears, at least few times a day.

    Btw, Elite PvP stars dont use mounts, we show our dominance by walking around.

    Elite pvp stars dont have mounts unlocked yet, peasants lel.

  17. @borgs.6103 said:

    @borgs.6103 said:Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

    Elaborate on that one, please.I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.

    What is your mothertongue? Are you using google translate? Literally the only sentence thats understandable is "its just common sense"

    If you are using google translate try translating in smaller text passages, that works better than trying to translate everything at once.

  18. @Yasai.3549 said:

    @"RedShark.9548" said:

    Yea give it vigor, so the traitline thats based around vigor gets even stronger after the patch lol, the you will still get fury and dmg reduction, when traited. Genius.

    I said to remove Endurance and Fury.It will be infinitely better than giving it Fury because right now when yu press Riposting Shadows with a meta build once yu get :
    • Stunbreak
    • Evade
    • Fury
    • 5 stacks of Might from Incensed Response
    • 25 Endurance

    This alone is already red flaggish considering that the skill has basically no cooldown and just requires yu to have the Energy to pay for it.

    Besides, I highly doubt anyone will ever drop Invocation or Devastation on a Herald build, because Devastation is still extremely important for Vuln stack opening and Notority's Power bonus from Might/ Might generation, as well as Stability stripping from Brutality which are all gonna be extremely powerful when Stability is being nerfed across the board.

    Invocation will still be picked for Cleansing Channel because Conditions are still a Rev's worst enemy, and of course, Incensed Response which is still gonna be a top choice trait to instantly get 25 stacks of Might upon setting up yur burst.Charged Mists is gonna probably see more play as well, because it single handedly solves Shiro's increased Energy costs just by burning alot of Energy in Glint before swapping.

    And so what if Riposting Shadows gave Vigor which reduces damage taken when traited?It's a defensive skill anyway, and far more overloaded skills still exist in the game like Spellbreaker's Full Counter which can Evade, give Protection, cleanse conditions, transfer conditions, reset burst skills etc etc.

    My bad, i confused new traits in the changes.

    Anyways, can you please stop writing yu instead of you? It infuriates me for some reason, and its not so hard to write an "o".

    You cant compare a mere utility with a class mechanic, which full counter is btw.Not to mention that you need to use multiple traits scattered in different traitlines to achieve all that AND for most of them you actually have to hit your opponent with it, if they negate it you wont get most of those benefits, while rev gets them nonetheless. Just saying.

  19. @Yasai.3549 said:What Rev needs is utility reworks.

    Riposting Shadows doing too much?

    Remove some of that utility (Remove Endurance and Fury, give it Vigor instead)

    They shouldn't just slap an additional Energy cost and call it a day because it starts eating into other parts of Rev's design.

    Just making Riposting Shadows cost more isn't gonna stop people from using it, people are gonna start running Charged Mist and keep using it.

    It's so powerful it's worth it.

    If a Rev utility is so powerful that not even cooldowns nerfs or energy increases can stop people from using it as a staple, it's doing too much.

    Know which skill that also had this treatment but have the added punishment of having stuff taken from it?

    Impossible Odds.

    Now it might as well only double strike because they removed all other worthwhile utility from it.

    Yea give it vigor, so the traitline thats based around vigor gets even stronger after the patch lol, the you will still get fury and dmg reduction, when traited. Genius.

  20. @TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:Yeah, because 5 seconds to clear a camp is how it should be.

    Clearing camps and soloing towers was easy enough back in core days and this was when guards etc were upgraded to level 82.

    If you can't solo clear a camp in 30-40 seconds after the patch, well, you have bigger problems. I swear some people think you should just look at things and they die.

    Exactly camps werent a problem pre hot, the ppl disliking the reduced dmg are rly starting to pulling their last hair out for arguments against it.

    BUT one thing has to be considered, mount wasnt a thing pre hot, ppl will respawn and run back way quicker than in ye good ol times, so that might become a problem.

    And thats my queue to advocate for HEAVY mount nerfs (id remove it, but anet surely wont, selling skins n stuff)Make it only travel buffed character speed, so classes with bad self speed buffs are a bit faster, remove dodge, reduce hp to 1,but remove the knockdown on dismount, also remove stomp.

  21. @pointaction.4639 said:

    @TheGrimm.5624 said:I think you might find some bias by posting this poll here versus in the general discussions since. But at the same time you might see some PvE bias there too.

    If ANET wants to move it general discussions instead of being in the WvW section then I have no problems with that.

    ANET is the only one that can move this POLL.

    Has nothing to do with what anet wants.Since you posted this in the wvw section more wvw interested player will see/vote on it, resulting in way more wvw votes than it would get in the pve or pvp sections.You could redo the poll in each of those forum sections and in each that section would have the most votes.

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