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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @Sam.8193 said:

    @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:Lol, I apologize for this thread turning in to a salt fight. I knew there was that risk with how upset some people get over these things but I wanted to bring some more support to players I appreciate. Can't say I'm surprised at the ones that decided to say what they did though.

    Again, if you'd like your channel removed let me know. I don't want to bring any unnecessary negative attention to any of you.

    You've got nothing to apologize for. No salt or hate here yo! Some people just chasing clout and get angry that others have more popularity than them - I never advertise my channel or stream - people find it they find it - or in this case someone else links it etc. I play for fun not for fame. You did a great job gathering content creators and it's sad people wanna tear others down instead of add to the list their favorites so others can also discover them.. Oh well great job / effort on your end, Stay positive always.


    Chasing clout in a game that literally has no clout, oof. Gw2 streamer with 100 viewers are already "big", which is a joke to pretty much every other popular game.

  2. @Shao.7236 said:While leaving absurd power builds that have more damage and sustain than condition ones? No thanks. Conditions are pretty fair right now, if me as a Jalis/Shiro Core Revenant can deal with all sort of condition builds, so should you.

    People are being bursted for 10k damage with ease, losing 5k health for burning 5 seconds won't be difficult to manage.

    5k burn dmg in 5 seconds is not rly a condi build, ive seen power guards burn for that much. 3k burn per second average on designated burn builds is more likely.

    And i agree that many power dmg numbers need to be scaled down too, but so does some of the ridiculous sustain. Thats a general problem of powercreep.

  3. @bluri.2653 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:How come on NA nobember 2nd place has 3 firebrands? I thought 2 of the same class was the maximum? Is that wrong?U can run 5 of same class

    I thought they changed that back in the esl days when 5 elementalists won finals? To a max of 2 off one class. Im confused.

    Ye but that was inofficial rules. This is ingame events so obv theres no restrictions

    Oof, and here i was, thinking all that time they implemented it directly into the game lol. Since im not playing at's i didnt even bother checking, i do believe they should restrict that tho.

  4. @Chaba.5410 said:We got mount stomps so current downstate is ok.

    In smallscale favors the bigger group, that still has someone mounted, waiting for downs to stomp.

    While defending warclaw makes it almost impossible to take something like garrison when there are like half your amount of players, because they keep running back way to quick and suicide to down someone with someone else to instastomp the attackers with mount.

    Imo warclaw made downstate even worse in wvw. Remove warclaw and downstate or atleast nerf both big time.

  5. @"Yasai.3549" said:The cute thing about Core Necro is that people think "HAHA IT'S A F2P WHO DOESN'T HAVE CANCER SPEC OR MELEE SPEC HAHA FREE KILL!" and totally forget that Core Necro has the combined strength of Scourge Cancer and Shroud durability.

    In the last two videos, they jumped on yu expecting to take yu easily just like they would a Scourge, but unlike a Scourge, Core Necro can fall back on Shroud to protect their health at the most crucial moments, and unlike Reaper, doesn't need to be close to be able to suppress with skills.

    That being said, I still feel Core Necro could stand to gain some buffs, because they are extremely vulnerable if they are caught with their utilities down, way more so than Reaper or Scourge.

    Can you please write you? Not "yu"? Ive seen you do this in another thread and it actually angers me.

    As warrior im having an easier time fighting reaper than core necro, the additional range pressure of core is rly threatening. Honestly if i see one in wvw i assume its a noob (and most of the time they are) but in pvp im carefull when i see one.

  6. @DanAlcedo.3281 said:I have less of a problem with the current meta and more with how stale it is.

    Balance patches dont bring new builds or change the old ones enough.

    There is no theory/build crafting.

    Every niche and corner has been explored already.

    Thats like playing the exact same deck in yugioh for years, fighting mirror match after mirror match.

    Its just gets boring.

    This, they need to make bigger changes than those small adjustments everytime, they are too scared to change stuff, because ppl cry from. The tiniest shift in balance.

    I dont think every single thing has been explored tho. Especially the elitists are so stuck up with their metabuilds, that they shut down others with new ideas instantly, saying that their builds are trash etc, and others follow them, leaving no chance for new builds to spread.

    And arc dps helps them, because they only orientate their builds on their own numbers and dont even think about the bigger picture, for example having a bit less dmg, but using traits that would allow everybody else to do more dmg, resulting in way more dmg than you could do on your own.

  7. @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:I play rev, so i'll speak on rev side of things:

    Hammer + mace shield combo screams bunker rev. Hammer and mace don't have too good synergy - hammer is a defensive power weapon, mace is a condi weapon. Shield is utility + defense so doesn't matter.

    That being said this can work in WvW. Mace + shield condi bunker herald can be tough as nails in melee while doing solid damage as long as you build for it (corruption spec + runes of tormenting). Hammer can provide the range for zerg combat (well more like for tagging if you have no power), but does provide the anti-projectile wall that moves with you, and can shield allies as well if you bunch up in one spot. As are the 100% leeching bolts with hammer auto through said wall.

    What you'd have is a condi roamer that can do fine vs camps, while in larger groups or when enemy has the advantage would attempt to just tag stuff with hammer and shield allies from projectile abuse while retreating.

    Just because hammer is ranged doesnt mean its a defensive weapon lol.In zergs for powerrevs its the main damage /burst source. Phase smash and drop the hammer easily hitting squishy targets for 10k+ on relatively low cds.And if CoR wasnt so buggy it would be up there too.

    Mace is more of a condi weapon and doesnt rly synergize well with hammer.

    For warrior its meh, too, the only mode id see this set work would be pvp. Wvw roaming its too slow, no mobility, and in zergs mace and shield are pretty much useless. Pve, well open world anything works pretty much, but fracs and raids? To break breakbars, but sad dps.

    Id say the best use you can get out of those weapon combos would be guard. Mace/shield is meta in wvw zergs anyways, usually with staff, but i guess hammer could work too, no empower tho :^)

    With dmg gear you can probably also use that for open world pve and low level fractals, guess for raids it would be harder to find a group that wants offmeta stuff.And in pvp, well, a bunker specc would probably work, maybe symbols? With hammer having those in the auto chain, not enough pvp guard experience tho.

  8. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @"RedShark.9548" said:We are slowly moving away from pirateship, if balance is going as it has done for the last few patches, you still stand around as melee alot, but not as much as you did after hot. Playing warrior was a pain, zergs just staring at each other, and when you had 10 down you pushed them, they knew they would lose and started running, teleporting to spawn as soon as they got ooc.Warriors just running at them, begging for atleast someone to stay and fight/get cced to get 1 single lootbag. It was the absolute worst meta ever. So boring i wanted to kms.Would still say we are well past it, not "moving away" from it slowly. Do zergs still range each other? Yes but they are no longer
    for it. Zergs arent 70% backline anymore, its completely flipped - they are 70% frontline. From what I see when a zerg is "pirateshipping"... its actually clouding because only 20 out of the 50 people there are in the squad.

    70% frontline? Nahh, most squads run guard+support scrapper/tempest as melees, rest are scourges, hammer revs and weavers with a spellbreaker thrown in here and there.

    I agree that it has gotten alot better, the murricans that came over are heavily pirateshipping tho.

  9. @Voltekka.2375 said:

    @Imperious.4298 said:Reapers are probably one of the scariest to encounter when roaming. I'm able to kill a Scourge more easily than a Reaper now, part of why I'm avoiding roaming for a bit cause they're just everywhere!!!!

    Scourges are way scarier, cant melee them, aids spread all around them, you see a reaper you attack, he goes into shroud, you run, he comes out of shroud, you go at him again.

    It is really much, much easier to kill a roaming scourge (lol, its a meme) than a reaper. Especially in melee.

    Not in my experience, if they run full condi and a tanky build everytime you go melee they have an aoe around them rdy to load you up with conditions.Ofc if they use all at once you just dodge and wait it out, but if they use it bit by bit.Ofc roaming scourge is bad, because they have no mobillity, but for full melees they can be a pain in a 1v1.

  10. @Imperious.4298 said:Reapers are probably one of the scariest to encounter when roaming. I'm able to kill a Scourge more easily than a Reaper now, part of why I'm avoiding roaming for a bit cause they're just everywhere!!!!

    Scourges are way scarier, cant melee them, aids spread all around them, you see a reaper you attack, he goes into shroud, you run, he comes out of shroud, you go at him again.

  11. @RisenHowl.2419 said:

    @"LetoII.3782" said:sous vide

    Does that rhyme with cool ride?

    sue veedaeh?

    best food:

    It's worth losing 55 power for 45 vit + tough + precision, lets you drop some marauder pieces for berserker

    ??? What disgusting peasant food, who needs all those defensive stats, when you can just run full dmg and kill everyone in sight, before they can kill you???

  12. We are slowly moving away from pirateship, if balance is going as it has done for the last few patches, you still stand around as melee alot, but not as much as you did after hot. Playing warrior was a pain, zergs just staring at each other, and when you had 10 down you pushed them, they knew they would lose and started running, teleporting to spawn as soon as they got ooc.Warriors just running at them, begging for atleast someone to stay and fight/get cced to get 1 single lootbag. It was the absolute worst meta ever. So boring i wanted to kms.

  13. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @Opopanax.1803 said:I wonder if they will spill this over into pve. If they do, they may have to rebalance mob health pools.Why?

    Would PvE become unplayable if it makes classes unable to solo raid bosses? The game becomes too hard if it takes 25s instead of 20s to take down 5 veterans at once? If you only do 27,000 dps against that legendary bounty instead of 30,000 it becomes impossible to bring down with 30 players?

    The powercreep has
    affected PvE as well over the years and everything has just become full dps or go home, that's how easy it is nowadays. People just want to kill mobs as fast as possible. They dont have to rebalance kitten even if they nerf damage overall. The only ones that will cry is the dps counter peepers that will be horrified to a number lower than the previous number and probably proclaim the game is dead.

    At the same time there are DPS checks in raids. They would have to alter those if modifier caps are put into PvE. Not against it in principle, but there are places were maxing damage is needed, but others where a modifier cap would be healthy.

    and ? they dont have to keep the old dmg numbers for the check, they would just need to adjust and do it with less dmg. maybe supports will get more viable then, because you actually need to sustain longer to finish a boss, instead of just killing it before it kills the group.

  14. @"Lan Deathrider.5910"im not using shrug it off, because imo without vigorous shouts and atleast some healing power its not rly worth it, but i guess thats preference, wont change the build much, if you need a tiny bit more heal and condi remove to stay alive as a group, go for it.

    you sure merciless hammer has an internal cd ? feels to me like it has, and i interpreted the "interval: 3sec" as that, because it doesnt rly make alot of sense to me, what else the interval would stand for.regardless, even with internal cd it gives 10 adrenalin, which is enough to give you a complete spb burstskill back. Paired with dispelling force and loss aversion makes for enough adrenalin gain, as long as you are not blinded, pretty much the worst condition to face as a warrior.

    and for celerety im not rly sure, 5sec on a 20sec cd seems not that strong, and going for a ton of concentration is quite a bit of statpoint loss in other areas, like you said it would make the most sense on hammer, but the options for hammer are so good, draining gives 1k dmg for every cc and 1k healing, without internal cd. and absorption, well...if i rly wanted more dmg id go for Severance, for 250 precision and 250 ferocity for 4sec with 1 second internal cd.

  15. Eyo bois and and girlzIm bored right now and want to share my new warrior build, that im using atm and having lots of fun with.DISCLAIMER: its NON meta, so all those ppl that are stuck and not open for new ideas should leave now.

    K, here is the build, take a look at it, think about it, read my explanation and THEN tell me your opinion about it, thanks.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwEIiNssBmI7ihxOxhe6/dB-zVRYaR9WMsSppIIzQo7CI8EwvpRAjWA-w

    Now, when i create a build for zerging i most of the time try to do atleast 3 things with it to help my group.This build for example can boonrip very well (alot of cc, that plays into the boonrip), it has group condi removal, it gives alot of sustained and bursty amounts of might to your group, whilst fighting AND can soak up alot of dmg for your group whilst maintaining reasonable dmg for a tanky frontliner.How does it do this ?

    first up, the whole reason why warrior is still wanted in wvw zergs:SPELLBREAKERits simple, you remove alot of boons, mainly with Winds of Disenchantment. Enchantment Collaps increases this number by quite abit, and also synergizes well with every single cc in your kit, which hammer has ALOT of paired with dispelling force ofc. Loss Aversion is used as small dmg, and as nice tool for adrenalin generator. No Escape keeps your enemies inside your groups dmg, which should be quite deadly.

    Second Traitline, that provides all the Juicy dmg boosts and cleanses for your group:TACTICSRoaring Reveille is just mandatory when using Warhorn, it more than doubles its effectiveness, because you give additional boons AND hit 10 allies with it.Empower allies, 500 more Power in your group (100 for each person), need i say more ?Phalanx Strength with mending might does so much work in this build, its crazy, for great justice is an instant 24might boost for your group (only 12 for you)and also heals yourself for 7452HP without any casttime, so its usable whilst bubbling.There are many sources to gain might from as warrior, and all that might will be spread to your allies.

    And for the extra oomph:STRENGTHI swapped out Defense for strength, because with that gear etc, i figured id easily survive without endure pain, because at those health numbers i will have the time to press defiant stance before i explode.Additionally to its general dmg boosts, it adds a MASSIVE source of might, which is Forceful Greatsword, now im not using a greatsword, you might say, BUT the bonuses while using a GS are just doubled, they still apply without one, which was a great change they made some time ago.Merciless hammer boosts hammerdmg and CDs and is a great source of adrenalin, since they took adrenalin from horn and shouts.Reckless dodge is a fair amount of unblockable dmg, that can crit, and in turn give you might, which will spread to allies and heal you.Pinnacle of strength is an additional 10power per mightstack, so 250 more power on full stacks.if you want more dodges and even more sustain you could go MMR instead of hammer, but lose some dmg and the awesome adrenalin gain.

    As for VARIATIONS, if you still feel like dying alot, go for defense instead of strength, you will lose dmg and mightgain, which is sad, but staying alive is the most important thing.If you feel like you rly need fast hands to enjoy warrior (hint: you dont, you just need some time to adjust) you can swap out Strength for Discipline, which results in less dmg and might generation, but more weapon switcheroo and Hammerstuns (which is the best argument to swap those IMO)

    Now for the RUNE and SIGIL choicesIm running Vampirism, because the more HP you have, the better that thing gets.The more you have, the more it will Additionally give you, and the more it will heal you with every kill, because % are AWESOME.

    For Sigils on hammer im running Absorption and Draining, because interrupting your enemies is your main goal, after placing a great bubble.Draining simply gives you even more sustain, to heal through, whilst doing your thing.And Absorption? well, its frickin STEALS 3 boons and the WHOLE duration from your enemy, and the best part, IF you manage to steal their might, guess what, Phalanx strength (i tested it) will give ALL the might you stole to your allies. So 25 stacks stolen ? yep, your group gets 25 stacks. and you get ALL the heal for that too, from mending might.

    On sword and horn im running Bloodlust, (because, well i am bloodlusty, even with running a tanky build, ya know) and Energy, because im living that thief life (dodging whilst doing dmg? eh? yea, right, i hate thiefs)

    Fully stacked, this build will still have slightly above 4000 Power and with Fury 46% critchance, which WILL hurt, and with close to every second hit being a crit generate alot of might.So why should you atleast give this a try ? Because it doesnt just Bubble, do its little burst rota and die in 2-3hits without its dmg mitigation, it provides alot more for you and your group to take down the enemy, and sticking inside the enemy for longer periods of time is just so much fun.

    So for the last thing, ive recorded some fights in the last public zerg ive ran with (wasnt a full zone blob, ran it in a 50man squad vs the murrican RISE guild, that is currently on EU, but my recording software refused to recognize gw2 as a game worthy to shadowplay for some odd reason...had no problems running it there and winning most of the fights with it)here the footage, muted, for youtube reasons.No chat cover, because im lazy and honestly dont care what you read in teamchat lolalso no sick intro of me RP walking towards the screen, because id cringe too much to do that.Some fights we lose, most we win, but all of them were fun and i think they showcase the build quite well (all from the same evening)

    https://youtube.com/watch?v=7o1RYm4jISk&feature=youtu.bei know im sticking alot of the time to hammer, but i felt like we dont need horn alot against those enemies, so i had my fun with my hammer HA

    If you managed to get this far, leave a comment on what you think, if i forgot something ask, and all the good stuff etc, have a nice weekend.

    Update 18.02.20

    Post balance patch Updated version btw.


    Now with Boonduration, because magical number 6 is a good number to boost. Doesnt get too high, so wont get ripped as much before it runs out anyway, like 20sec would.

    Aristocracy rune and Body blows as might generation instead of crit and forceful greatsword as suggested by @Lan Deathrider.5910

    Optional changes would be balanced stance instead of stomp (balanced stance wont get the 60s cd nerf as off the last update we got, so stays at 40s)

    And ruthlessness sigil on hammer instead of draining for more might generation (less dmg and healing for you)

    Fully stacked still at 4k power, and 25% critchance with fury, which you can provide on your own.

  16. @joneirikb.7506 said:Replace quartermaster with Siegerazor, he's quite pissed for losing his job siegeing and razing, so he decided to take a stint and get a stable job a quartermaster for a while, until there is a new opening for ripping things to shreds again.

    Heck, april 1, replace all wvw guards with siegerazors.

    Problem is, the quartermaster isnt a job anymore either, so it wouldnt change a thing. They are both useless, jobless hobos at that point.

  17. @Ubi.4136 said:

    @"Dawdler.8521" said:So what we see in the video - dodge then instakill.

    Sounds like WvWers might love it, no one ever complains about instakills.

    (and yes that kind of damage actually matches whats seen in earlier video, if you thought rapid fire was bad in NW clips a bow autoattack seemed to take 50%+ hp).

    Edit: oh and if they now got opt in open world... lol.

    Bruh. Run toughness. There's dmg reduction food. Stop running 0 toughness builds and complain about other people's dmg....

    Glass cannons blowing up other glass cannons who are trying to blow up other players but it's not fair somehow rofl ;-)

    But players facetanking eachother... much big skillz.

    Because having 3k+ armor is glass, while still taking 10k dmg by an aoe skill. Yep, sure is a fun experience. And also very, very skillful to kill someone in a 50 man zerg, randomly, because he was unlucky enough to get hit by 2 10k dmg skills in 1 sec.

    Reeeee my amazing 3k armor build takes damage from a damage dealer reeeee. All I should have to do is stack toughness and nobody hurts me anymore!

    Did aegis, protection, barrier, -10% damage food and corrupting might to weakness suddenly fall out of usage? You're the zerg master so you will have to tell me.

    Balanced StanceDefy PainLast Stand

    All big damage reduction too

    Ugh, i guess no real point in arguing with you.

    First you say, "oh so weird to take dmg when 2 glasscannons hit each other"Which would be understandable and right.But now you are saying its ok for glasscannons to nuke the living kitten out of tanks. Wow.

    I might be a warrior main, but im speaking for all classes that its not okey to eat 10k and more in a single hit when running 3k+ armor.

    You might be a roamer, and dont want to have anything to do with zergs, but do you not understand how "fun" it is to run amidst 50 ppl against other 50 and just randomly die in a mere second because you were unlucky? It has nothing to do with skill or boons etc, if 2 or 3 skills hits you for 10k each you are dead meat.

    They need to seriously reduce the dmg, the healing, the corrupts and the boon application in the game. Might even help the servers to run more stable, with less lag.

    And i hate to break it to you, the gamemode was made for big scaled fights and should be balanced around those, not 1v1s.

    Okay,well let me know when they chop down on the facetanking because if damage nerfs comes first this game is going to get super boring really fast.

    and btw,its ok for a player to just slap on some toughness stat gear and become tanky but if I slap on full 3 stat power gear, runes, sigils, trait lines and build up might I should do mediocre damage? Toughness should never reduce damage by more than like 25%.

    I just tested out a buld were im seriously running 3.2k armor and 36k hp, i was at 50% health which still is 18000hp!! I was hit by 2 phase smashes, one hit for 8k+ and one hit for 10k+ and i went down. In under 1 second.

    Now most ppl dont run that much hp at all, most build across the board have like 20k hp max. And most builds will never realisticly reach 36k.Now tell me what those ppl are supposed to do...

    Like i said, not just dmg has to be toned down, but everything else too.Now if they tone down dmg first, and then later on healing, im totaly fine with having some time inbetween wete nothing rly dies... Because they are still on the right path. Better fixing stuff slowly, than not fixing it at all

    barrier, damage reduction, might corruption, dodge, push, move.

    Barrier needs to be scourge only >_>

    When theybstart to give everything to everyone thats were balance goes nutzzz

    That's why you are now seeing blobs where the top 5 dps are scrappers. NA hasn't picked up on that yet, but the EU videos are fun to watch.

    Havent seen a scrapper getting even close to weaver damage in a full on zerg fight. Maybe in a gvg with 15v15 or 20v20

  18. @Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:Ive always wondered how the meta would change if the target cap of offensive skills was removed. In theory, organized small groups would be very powerful, being able to take down a zerg of any size with stealth & coordinated bombs. However for keep sieges and defenses zergs would still be necessary to carry enough supply for siege/repairs. For open field fights i would guess that 10-15 man parties would probably be the optimal size, and there would be several small squads roaming around instead of one big zerg.

    It would be all pirateship again, because nobody would be able to push, every frontliner would explode. Only being able to get anywhere close to the enemy with the help of stealth is just disgusting honestly.This would be the worst change ever.You do realize that those 15 would also get hit by everyone in a 50 man blob.It would kill frontline entirely, because nobody can survive a bomb of 50ppl without having the dmg split between a larger group.

    How boring would it be to literally do the same thing over and over and over again, with no other option with your 15 man group. Stealth, bomb, run. Rinse repeat. All full dmg, to hope its enough to kill everyone in sight. And if not enough die in 1 push you lose. This would also make ppl take as many automated defensive skills as they can get their hands on, to survive such gameplay. Which ppl and anet are trying to reduce.

  19. @coro.3176 said:

    • make zergs much less efficient
      than small groups for actually winning matchups. This encourages players to split up
    • incentivize winning matchups
      so that players actually split up
    • make small scale kills more rewarding
      . Eg. If a group wins a 5vs10, each of those kills ought to be much more rewarding than a zerg doing a 50vs25.
    • consider pvp balance changes
      . Many pvp balance decisions ought to be applied to wvw for the sake of small-scale fights.
    • make lag worse in large fights
      . .. kidding .. sort of.

    Missed the topic, F.OP didnt ask far ways to reduce large scale fights. He asked for ways to balance BOTH smallscale AND zergfights.

    You know there are a ton of ppl who actually like fights with 20v20 up to 80v80?

    You might not like them, but not all of those zergplayers are doing it for the karmatrain... Speaking for myself, im not much of a PPT player, but objectives are often a way of getting fights.

    To get to the topic, i dont rly think there is a way to perfectly balance both forms of wvw. One of them will always have skills that are necessary to survive in wvw, while they might become OP in smallscale or duels.

    read the topic? OP was asking about ways to have small groups be effective.

    Theres just times you can't even really play WvW solo or with a small group because zergs are dominating the maps. Other times you are so vastly out numbered it isn't worth grouping up and trying to fight back

    I'm offering solutions to that. Balance is more than just skill numbers. There needs to be a way for small groups to contribute tactically. That is lost when a massive blob is more efficient and effective than coordinated parties.

    He asked to have both things balanced out, you offered solutions to push ppl to run in small groups and make big zergs less enjoyable...

  20. @displayname.8315 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:As if warclaw wasnt good enough for defenders to roll in en masse.How long do you want to keep away a far bigger zerg?Right now you have more than enough tools to slow them down for your reinforcememts to arrive. You have no reinforcements? Well you should lose it to a much bigger group then.

    Much bigger toxic group ftw as most servers use , zergling mentality rules. Pffft

    Dude... Even in reallife you could take big castles with a much bigger army. All you want it to be is untakable structures to hide behind.Honestly at what point would it be acceptable to take an objective in your opinion? If no defender is there at all?

    @RedShark.9548 said:As if warclaw wasnt good enough for defenders to roll in en masse.How long do you want to keep away a far bigger zerg?Right now you have more than enough tools to slow them down for your reinforcememts to arrive. You have no reinforcements? Well you should lose it to a much bigger group then.

    Well, you can´t defend if there´s no defender or rather it´s pointlessto delay the inevitable when there are no reinforcements.

    As it should be... If you have no reinforcements and cant hold it against a much bigger blob, then you should lose it.Same question to you.When exactly is it acceptable to take a structure in your opinion? If there is no scout, not a single defender?

    You all make it seem like it should be impossible to take a keep, as long as there is atleast 1 person inside...

    The problem is the lack of population. Anet never implemented an actual scaling to siege damage so if you´re outnumbered by a lot, the enemy will dominate the map without you being able to do anything. These weeks with such linking were horrible, though the outnumbered buff was quite nice due to it being available almost permanently.

    Anyway, the population-issue is nothing that can actually be fixed without new influx of new players and Anet putting an end to server-hopping

    Tell me about it.. When people see 60+ group on one team, 10 on the other team and maybe a handful on the poor red servers they seem to think its proper somehow..

    Like im going to play CoD or battlefront when I know everyone is on a single team and its locked to any balancing.. heh yeah right.

    This has nothing to do with the objectives then.Population balance and objective benefits/balance are completely different things.

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