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Nodius Caelestis.3892

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Everything posted by Nodius Caelestis.3892

  1. I'm not exactly sure if it's from DX11 but surfacing from the water in the last chest chamber after the Tarir Meta causes a split-second freezing black screen. It's smooth when you dive, but happens when the display switches from underwater to surface, which doesn't seem to happen in other water areas.
  2. So, coming back to the forums after 3 years, it seems that Markdown has been completely removed for players only with no substitute except for some internal formatting injection through JavaScript. The change seems to have caused some old posts to partially "break", and new posts are incoherent when posts are detailed and sectioning is warranted. I do not see the need for such a change and consider breaking old posts as a bug. Have the functionalities been accidentally removed? Edit: Also, the display of bulleted lists seems to be broken in the editor where no indentation occurs but bullet points start displaying to the left on the second level. (Preview is working fine)
  3. I would like them tweaked before the 4th Beta so they can receive another wave of feedback before the EoD release.
  4. So, I must provide feedback about this before anything else since the following has been something I wanted to do with the mech ever since the reveal. While the default name of the mech has numbers and consecutive capital letters in it, we are unable to rename it with any numbers or consecutive capital letters. This is a mechanical construct, not a living creature or person, so I think we should have the freedom of naming it like engineers. So, my dream of having a Scruffy 3.0 or Scruffy Mk III and showing it off to Taimi has been ruined. The closest we could do is "Scruffy Mklll (Triple L)" now...
  5. While the overall storytelling of the episode is enjoyable, it had a poor opening. Despite the logical possibility of resurrection through the Scourge's Magic which players had speculated, it could have been done differently without going against everything that had been built up over the season. It involved no emotional impact, which is quite disappointing. However, the twist with Kralkatorrik was interesting, but it left the question of why Glint was ordered to prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled. Finally, the ending was marvelous, but at the same time worrisome. Questions Are there other scripts regarding Aurene's resurrection? Is the episode completed hastily due to time and human constraints?Since Kralkatorrik did not act out of fear for death, why was Glint ordered to prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled?Considering how brightly and cleanly Season 4 ended, will there really be a Season 5 and will the game be continued after that?
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