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  1. Yeah, like they said ogres/dredge/hylek/etc can kill the supervisor but cannot cap it.
  2. I don't understand how the map bugs haven't been fixed, honestly. It is borderline impossible that noone has shown them how to do the obvious ones. If you read the forums it is mentioned about a billion times. Genuinely baffling. I don't see pugs do this often though. I really only see roamers use it to get people who play obnoxiously and run into towers and spam emotes from the wall... haven't seen it used much for PPT. ... But the potential is there, so its wild that none of that has been fixed.
  3. If people are having trouble killing a minstrel person with their pathetic damage, consider revising your movement, skills, build or that the problem may exist between the keyboard and chair. If you feel entitled to winning vs larger groups without proper movement or 1vX tactics, there already exists a game mode where you can fight defenseless enemies and be the hero. I like the challenge of having enemies that can actually adapt and do more than hurr durr damage. It feels more realistic and complete as a world, then. I am not saying support and boonballs don't annoy me.. they do and they are far too safe and comfortable in some situations. Eliminating entire stat sets (other than cele, with its laughable ability to be even more stats than it was on paper, realistically) isn't the way forward though as far as fixing that. Making Anet actually put in effort and fix the problem is the solution. If they can make the mess, they can clean it up. No easy outs that hurt the game. Also, allowing Anet to cut corners as far as balancing things has always historically gone so SUPER well for us. Would you seriously trust Anet in a surgery of that magnitude? They'd end up amputating your leg and even if its a diseased leg, thats a leg.
  4. To be fair, that 30000 precision example can be used to buff other stats with food and certain traits (a warrior using wounding precision would then be maxed out on expertise for example) but I get what you mean. One huge advantage of Cele is that the boon duration and precision translates into way more damage than it shows on the gear itself due to so many ways to turn crits and hits into might, which buffs the relatively small power and condition to a reasonable amount (and in some builds more than reasonable due to the games many ways to sorta move stats around in funky ways). A hilarious example is instant 25 might with NO traits or weapon skills that grant might by simply taking superior+major strength sigils (which stack..) Would otherwise be reasonable, but due to the excess of other stats and this allowing you to take other traits and weapons you otherwise might not, the benefit is clear. Which is why the cele change is good.. it was just way too flexible on too many builds and was able to give way more stats than it even should have on paper, and on paper it was already nutty. ------ As far as people supporting nerfing other gear simply due to it having survivability.. they have no damage or flexibility. If you can't kill those guys while they aren't able to fight back, maybe these competitive modes aren't your speed. If you are having trouble picking large groups, do what I do and just use scorpion wire (or whatever similar thing your class has but lets face it, most of you complaining about other sets are roamers like me so you have an equivalent skill or trait with this purpose) or follow them and wait for an opportunity. It is genuinely silly to expect our opponents to give up support playstyles just so we can get free kills for some dumb kill reel video. Kill their friends first or separate them. Fight like a lion. Separate the herd. Don't blame the game. And don't give anet an easy out to "balance" with less effort because we have all seen what that ends in.
  5. I can't say the cele nerf is a bad idea. Needed to happen. Things couldn't have continued how they were. Sidenote: I do think there is a (possible) simple solution to bridge some of the gaps that might occur due to some builds/classes that were actually intended for the stat choice - maybe introduce another stat that does include the other stats but with lowered stat total so they have two options. Cele -2 stat and Cele with all stat but less totals across the board. Come up with a new name for it, if so. Then the cele players can't really complain, I'd say. They can already just mix gear though so *shrug*. Not really my priority. --- More importantly: However, I do like build freedom in general and if I wanted the devs and meta to tell me how to make my build, I would be in spvp where you can generally tell what your opponent is running as soon as you see their class. ... So if other stats and build diversity start to disappear due to being overzealous with the new stat-per-mode tech, I will jet to other games. As it is, I already find it difficult to play the same class or build for long in this since I've been playing this game for a very long time so I get bored pretty fast. I don't get how people can play the same build/class for years. I just wanted WvW fixed. Cele stuff is a step in the right direction. However, I do NOT want it to become boring, smooth brain sPvP. This is coming from someone who would technically benefit from being able to burst every target instantly out of stealth if everyone was glass. I GREATLY enjoy the idea that I could be running a wide variety of things, and so could my opponent, with defensive or offensive playstyles. This keeps the game fresh with creativity. Cele made that far less likely though due to imbalance, so I support the nerf. Past this point though, I would prefer CMC just doesn't mettle with anything because they will only make it worse like most things over the years. If the nerdsweats start complaining about more and more things and those things start to get unreasonable, kindly ignore them like most people in their lives do. WvW lets you choose where you are, when you are there, and what you are doing there. We do overall like freedom as a playerbase. So don't start yeeting builds just because this was a homerun. Please understand WHY it was a homerun. Do not make the playerbase have to graph this out with crayons.
  6. Cele nerf is good - I don't want build diversity to suffer though, as diversity and freedom of choice is part of why I like wvw. So avoid messing with other stuff for now, I'd say. (Moved full post to own topic.)
  7. Tbh, I would be pretty annoyed if I didn't have enough to purchase everything and had to remember individual things. Yeah, a small button to just max everything that appears when you have enough for everything would make sense. Or they could just.. Check if points are higher than maximal needed to unlock everything -> set all categories purchased. Would be pretty easy to code. It isn't really a priority though, but eh it would be nice. Presumably they have a code that fires when resetting, so I see no reason why they didn't take the couple seconds required to check if someone has enough points to just have everything and just fill all the categories since theres already code firing on every single character anyway or it wouldn't be reset. That said I have the max character slots and I don't think I'm gonna end up busting a blood vessel each time I log into a new character or anything.. it doesn't take long. But Anet could have done it better for free so.
  8. It takes too long to kill everything right now and a larger group can play much, much worse and win due to sheer numbers. It needs to go back to more skill play oriented with counters, movement mattering more and people prioritizing targets. Its a mess now. I want there to be plenty of builds that excel when hitting lots of braindead, stacked targets that are pressing 1 to keep them on their toes because numbers shouldn't make people so safe. I'm pretty sick of downing a bunch of people then watching people stare at it, do nothing to cleave or finish, then rally them by dying and cause me to have to back off and regroup all because they are fighting hand holdy balance. Bombs don't hit like they used to. Its a death by a thousand cuts usually. I don't find it fun.
  9. Bold of you to assume any of the people on most of these servers are more than flavor text and are genuinely capable of clouding rather than just rallying downs. A few players have to do most of the work vs zergs atm and anet is making it like pulling teeth. Large target cap skills and builds that do more damage with more targets (like burn guard) existed for a reason.
  10. Oh no, someone notify them! They all got buffed by the ever decreasing target caps. They should be on the warpath making the game boring for everyone so their fee fees won't get hurt by losing even when they have more players. It is an actual tragedy that they are not all logged in, partying and spraying graffiti over the last vestiges of this mockery of game balance. 😮
  11. Don't worry, dear boy, they just wanted to sell this to you: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Relic_of_Rivers! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_obsolescence
  12. It is pretty telling that noone considers it a distant possibility that they could fix the map bugs. We know what kind of effort we will have put into us at this point and if it goes beyond changing a few numbers in a spreadsheet and isn't to sell an expansion it is a far-fetched notion.
  13. They have consistently given large boonball zergs the <vigorous enthusiasm> lately. It won't change until the gamemode dies or the balance team gets <unhired>. Something something, when the zerglings chased a smaller group on the beach, it only showed one set of footprints in the sand. The zergling asked: "why am I alone?" The answer was, CMC was carrying all 30 people. They were never alone. I cri every tiem.
  14. I want a bunny pet or a jackalope. Whichever. I'd give them 5 bucks to replace the entire balance team with go-getter street urchins of average intelligence but with fire in their hearts.
  15. I have developed a method for figuring out anets next move as far as these things go. I will share it with you, so that you can also become somewhat of a psychic. Base game weapon or trait? It will be made as non viable as possible so they can sell expansions. Does it add build diversity but not sell expansions? Nerf, baby, nerf, nerf, nerf. They need space in their brains for (poorly) balancing the new things they are selling in expansions. Does it have an important role in WvW? WvW doesn't sell enough expansions.. so make random changes so that they can say they made changes here. Now, you too can see the future.
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