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Everything posted by Alquinon.2957

  1. Do people on this forum even play mesmer? Staff mirage is still a bit overtuned but that's not even the biggest issue facing mesmers in general right now. Staff mirage is like the bandaid covering over all of the issues mesmers face with clone and phantasm management. "Oh we have a overpowered build right now everything is fine!" No it's not. It's sad that people aren't complaining about the stealth nerf anet introduced in the last patch more. Your clones now will despawn if they don't attack anything within 4 seconds of being spawned. That means if you spawn a clone at a bad time and your target dashes away or go invulnerable temporarily, your clone is just gone and so is a good portion of your damage. The way that your self-deception spawned clones target is also super clunky, especially with multiple targets. There are also videos documenting phantasms target the wrong thing completely in raids too. So if you guys really care about mesmers being "good", instead of trying to cling onto this one overpowered build you guys could try to beg anet to fix the broader issues overall.
  2. bro u said blatantly false things and said "anet should instead kill condi chrono and make scepter playable again " as a cope lmao Condi chrono is a fine spot. It's a niche build for only one or two fights in raids because it focuses super heavily into confusion. It also uses scepter if you want to learn how to actually play. Staff mirage can output almost as many confusion stacks along with additional bleeding and torment that condi chrono barely has any of, on top of high alacrity output and 25 stacks of might for 10 people. So in fights where condi chrono does well, staff mirage does even better.
  3. Actual raid player here. I only really used condi chrono on twin largos because that's a confusion heavy encounter. Guess what? Staff mirage still outperforms condi chrono on twin largos. The person you responded to has no idea what they're talking about because condi chrono uses scepter already... Arcdps is kind of bugged for twin largos right now but this week my raid group killed twin largos CM relatively easily by stacking staff mirages and we're not even a really tryhard group. I did more dps on twin largos CM than what I usually do on twin largos normal mode pre May 11th patch. That's all you need to know lol.
  4. The funny thing is this used to be the case if you look at the wiki for confusion. In 2017 before the launch of PoF they increased the base damage of confusion to be on par with bleeding, and decreased the skill activation damage portion. Then for some reason they went back on that change in 2018 and then changed the confusion from mirage axe skills into torment. And now here we are... Before the patch for raid bosses I usually chose which build I ran based on how well each condition performed on it. Torment does more? Axe mirage it is. Confusion does more? Condi chrono time. Now you have a single build that outperforms basically everything (and on fights like largos twins it's not remotely close). Oh and by the way it gives 10 man alacrity and might.
  5. Hello ArenaNet, this is a very bad idea. I will explain why. In this game there are 2 different types of damage, physical damage and condition damage. Power builds do physical damage, and condi builds do condition damage. Physical damage happens instantly as the enemy is struck, and most power builds have a rotation where they do a pretty big burst of damage. One such power build is the power soulbeast. It is great that you guys recognized how strong the burst of power soulbeast is and have brought it more in line. (Hopefully power soulbeast will receive adequate damage in return in the form of sustained dps.) Condition damage, on the other hand, happens over time. Conditions such as burning, bleeding, poison, and torment are applied to the enemy when they are hit, and each stack of those conditions will deal a certain damage every second. That is why condition damage takes more time to "ramp up" compared to physical damage. However, not all conditions are created equal. Bleeding and poison do less damage each second, but they last for more seconds. Burning, on the other hand, do more damage every second and they are generally shorter in duration. That is why the "ramp up" time for burning is much shorter than the other conditions. Condi firebrands are the only condi class that deal the majority of their damage in the form of burning, while the other condi builds such as mirage, scourge, renegade, and soulbeast deal their condition damage with conditions such as bleeding and torment. That is why naturally condi firebrands have a much shorter "ramp up" time than other condi builds. In fact, their "ramp up" time is more comparable to power classes than condition classes. Therefore, with this proposed change, condi firebrands will outclass all the other condi classes in fractals. I assume your original intent with this change to encourage more condi builds in fractals, in reality they will be left in the dust by condi firebrands. Furthermore, for your average fractal group that is not able to hit the tight breakpoints before condi firebrands overtake power classes, this change will also catapult condi firebrands beyond all the other power builds in fractals (especially with the nerfs to power soulbeast and such). Now I wouldn't think that will make for a very great build diversity in fractals when there is already an abundance of condi firebrands as the other posters have mentioned (or if you just check the fractals of the mist section in the lfg). After this proposed change, even more people will stop playing other dps builds in fractals in favour of condi firebrands.
  6. It's nice to see some people with reason here. First of all I bought a few of these tickets, while I got some nice skins, I also didn't get a couple of the skins I wanted. Am I mad about it? Heck no. Here's the thing, I knew what I was getting into, and I was fine with it. I saw there were multiple skins from the tickets that I liked, and I felt like it was worth the gems even though I didn't get all of them. At the end of the day, it's only cosmetics and offer no real gameplay advantage. If you don't like the rng or don't think the risk-vs-rewards is not worth it, then don't buy it and wait for them to release other mount skins that don't have rng. I would save my outrage for if all future mount skins will come in rng tickets like these. I don't need to have everything in the game/gemstore to enjoy the game, only have like 6 glider skins out of the however many they released.
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