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Everything posted by Trianox.3486

  1. In a way, it feels like we're getting much closer to the whole idea of applying (even bursting) condi, hiding while it ticks (while we're hidden we Regen/Ini, get various bonuses)... which is much closer to the idea I had of the thief when I joined years ago. With DrD D/D, it's more about endless bouncing around (DrD, Trickery, DA), so maybe that playstyle gets nerfed (and I must admit I loved this cheesy build for openworld PvE) but it opens up to many others possible builds, and ones much more in line with hit-hide-hit-hide of thief. I must say tho that DrD condi playstyle was actually much different, and added a while different type of interaction, than the hit-kite-hit traditional approach. D/P, DrD, SA, Trickery (or switch Trickery for DA)P/D, DrD or DE, SA, and DA or Trickery
  2. The staff blind attack always seemed a bit lack luster given it was high initiatives for almost nothing but a AoE blind. Now that blond siphon (DMG + heal), it's actually a buff... Only the value of siphon will define whether this is a small or decent update. It further boosts damage and utility of Shortbow, and we'll, basically all of our weapon kits.
  3. Hummm interesting. I find the trait combination to open more possibilities (but maybe still inferior to other options?) I like the idea of Shadow shot (D/P 3) and Infiltrators Arrow (SB 5) benefiting from both blind (the grandmaster siphon trait) and shadowstepping (heal, for Shadow savior). Cloak in Shadow siphoning on blind seems quite interesting with our high blind access on weapons (P/D, Pistol off-hand, staff, etc), utilities, traits/stealth. Quite like the idea of Withdraw combined with stealth and 50% run speed. The way the reframe stealth a bit seems like rotations for certain builds using stealth attack would make them more intuitive/fluide. Condi build using SA seems more doable than before (maybe still subpar). Hum. The way some of the new traits are made (example with Deadly Ambitions) makes them usable in less restrictive way. Will have to test to really assess how good/bad it is.
  4. I'd love a longbow in the "DC comics Arrow" style with both ranged and melee skills.The range and melee skills could either be split amongst the 5 skill slots OR some could be mixed, based on the range between your position and the target (such as 1200-150 range: uses range skill / -150 range, uses melee skill). Since we can swap weapon anyways between range and melee, in my opinion, a weapon with mixed skills (melee + range) would be designed to achive no loss of efficiency between melee and range, with equally potent skills (which is this case might require a range reduction, making this idea better for a short-bow purpose).ORThe longbow could act as a staff on short-range, as an harassing/support tool on long range, both being "utility" oriented synergizing with other skills for additional group stealth, cleansing effect, etc. Otherwise, I'd vote for off-hand longsword.
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