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Everything posted by sarkysek.1085

  1. So it doesn't cleanse poison when I use Purification anymore. GJ nerfing already mediocre spec in PvP and WvW even more. But don't forget to buff holo, mirage and soulbeast in next patch.
  2. Hi, I can't access any characters who are in the Mistlock Sanctuary after the latest patch. Game loads for around 30 seconds then I get the network error window and have to restart client. Edit 1: Can log in to one of my characters in Lion's Arch tho.Edit 2: Logging in on the character that wasn't in Mistlock first, then relogging to the one that was seems to have fixed it.
  3. Hey, unranked and ranked button not working right now.
  4. The bug is still there btw. Had two bugged maps in row the other day. Anet fix pls? <3
  5. Last ley-reflector event in Umbral Battlegrouns stalled preventing the meta from happening. Very frustrating, spent one hour upgrading all camps to T4 only to have it all wasted by this bug. Apparently it's not the first time this happened judging by comments of other players in my squad. We tried to let the NPC die then revive it, didn't work. Can you please fix this?
  6. You weren't paying attention if you just noticed that small portion of people in endgame content can be harsh. It's not a place for you if you expect everyone to hold hands and dance in a circle. Mistakes can cause wipe and waste time of 9 other people in the squad so some thing are expected of you. I've seen "toxic casuals" than I see people kicking from their squad for no reason. And that, my friend, is the reason why raids and people who act like you do have no place in this friendly game.
  7. that's the confusing part I think we'll either get an announcement today or tomorrow after the livestream.
  8. Same happening for me, cant continue from 4th page onwards.
  9. Barrier scourge who stands highground on non port spots has everything but not poor sustain.He barely loses any dmg output while kiting around which is the reason why it's so much better than core nec and reaper. true I didn't think of that, but that applies to some other ranged classes as well. As stated above other range classes cannot deal dmg at the same time while kiting around. This ounterpressure actually makes it pretty easy to kite around and to sustain.A deadeye or a longbow soulbeast might stand there but if you engage them they start to kite and then they're not able to deal damage at the same time.You forgot about FA Weaver. They kite and do massive damage and CC at the same time.
  10. Ridiculous, but valid. I'm not against dungeons and fractals, because that's the way to go with PvE "endgame" in my opinion. In fact, I think adding raids was a major mistake from the devs. Were it bunch of new cool 5-man dungeons tied to the Living Story, there would be not anywhere near as much toxicity in the game as currently is. And before you start "oh but dungeons back in the day were toxic too and fractals the same" - back in the golden days of dungeons, I used to run daily dungeon clears every day for months, and I saw little to no toxicity or elitism at all, because back then the mindset of players was completely different. Nowadays, I run Fractals every single day as well, and again I see very little toxicity. And the little there is comes from the raiding community behavior making its way to other parts of the game which brings us back to my original point = raids are not healthy for the game.
  11. So? I'm allowed to have my personal stance or opinion. Sure, but having a stance does not automatically protect you from ridicule, especially when it is such an outlandish one. How about we start with removing all the bots in spvp, before we turn on things like arcdps. Maybe tighten up the leniency on afking in spvp matches for rewards while we are at it. Thank you for the laugh. You're welcome. But it wasn't intended to be funny. I'm dead serious. I think that makes it funnier tbh... He speaks the truth though, but I can see why a selective few find it funny. what s/he wrote is absolute nonsense.This so called "elitism" is in every part of this game. To reply in her/his own language, s/he is just "salty" as hell because reasons, and to call for a mode to be shut down because "i don´t like it" is as "toxic" as it can get.Not even to mention the blunt generalization of people that do not share the same mindset/interests that s/he does. That makes this statement even more sour.The sad thing is, if s/he would have been part of this raidcommunity s/he so much despices, and "gud" aswell, characteristicly s/he would fall in the small part of said community that makes raids for other people not enjoyable. You good madam/sir make me sick. Edit: to clarify, the last part of my comment was adressed to @sarkysek.1085 and not to you personally unless you share the same believes. Likewise. People like you are the reason why I'll always boycott raids until they are removed and this toxic behaviour with them. Given how you seem fond of spvp and wvw, and given how some of the most toxic behavior in this game is happening especially in spvp. I wonder how you would feel if the tables were turned and pve players showed up in the spvp forums and declared the entire community there toxic and the game mode should get removed. That's literally what you are doing here. Might want to give that some thought. Now you might come and argue that not the entire player base playing spvp is toxic and a few bad apples who can't behave are shinning a bad light on the remaining players. Funny enough, I would imagine a few pve raiders might say the same about raids. Go figure.This thread is about raids, not wvw or spvp. 2. Raids are not a gamemode. They are only a minority part of PvE.
  12. So? I'm allowed to have my personal stance or opinion. Thank you for the laugh. You're welcome. But it wasn't intended to be funny. I'm dead serious. I think that makes it funnier tbh... He speaks the truth though, but I can see why a selective few find it funny. what s/he wrote is absolute nonsense.This so called "elitism" is in every part of this game. To reply in her/his own language, s/he is just "salty" as hell because reasons, and to call for a mode to be shut down because "i don´t like it" is as "toxic" as it can get.Not even to mention the blunt generalization of people that do not share the same mindset/interests that s/he does. That makes this statement even more sour.The sad thing is, if s/he would have been part of this raidcommunity s/he so much despices, and "gud" aswell, characteristicly s/he would fall in the small part of said community that makes raids for other people not enjoyable. You good madam/sir make me sick. Edit: to clarify, the last part of my comment was adressed to @sarkysek.1085 and not to you personally unless you share the same believes.Likewise. People like you are the reason why I'll always boycott raids until they are removed and this toxic behaviour with them. Thank you for the laugh. You're welcome. But it wasn't intended to be funny. I'm dead serious. I think that makes it funnier tbh...I'm glad my comment made your day brighter, but that doesn't take away anything from its seriousness! :)
  13. Thank you for the laugh. You're welcome. But it wasn't intended to be funny. I'm dead serious.
  14. Raids have no place in GW2, they only brought elitism, toxicity and pretended professionalism to the game. But the worst thing is that this ill mentality also spreads to other places within the game, other gamemodes that dont need it and its damaging to them. Raids and those who deem themselves higher human beings just because they play them will never be good for the game. Solution to this is simple: dont add any new raids and stop supporting the existing ones, so that they slowly die just like dungeons did so many years ago. And the toxic elitist mentality will die with them as raiders slowly quit the game.
  15. Thanks for the heads-up, Ben! New titles sound pretty cool, will definitely try to get at least top 100 next season!
  16. I like it. But I think it's a little bit too short and doesn't show enough to capture the interest of someone not familiar with GW2.
  17. Located near Carlsbad, Czech Republic (Middle Europe). The lag is occuring inconsistently - some items sell/buy quick, others take 30 seconds. December 11 patch didn't change anything for me. The same issue is there for several weeks now, at least since the sigil/rune rework, propably even longer.
  18. Just because you are bad doesn't mean they need to nerf the gold times. It's you who needs to git gud instead of moaning on the forums :D
  19. Delete raids from the game and ban all third-party software users. Case solved nice and easy. Raids have no place in GW2, nor do DPS meters.
  20. Disconnected after few minutes in the first instance, now getting network error every time i try to log in :( Can't access my other characters as well :(
  21. Yep bugged for me too. Stuck at 4th round of the achievement, chests appear opened, uninterractable.
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