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  1. I didn't really call them monkeys, just tried to explain a mindset that I tried to avoid with this topic here... I've edited this part to avoid further misunderstandings. Perhaps that was a bit too out of the box, which is more likely to be misunderstood in text form than in verbal communication. ^^
  2. 1) You told them you were going to carry them2) You boasted that it was a good job you switched character If you cannot see your own arrogance here I don't know what to tell you, I'm not surprised they kicked you actually... Don't worry, I already understood what you read here... All you see is „Hell, I am the king here!“ ... but that wasn't nearly that was I was trying to say.What I simply tried to say is „Heal Scourge made it easier no matter who played him!“
  3. Thank you everyone, some of you gave me really good feedback to look at some of the things from a different perspective. Communication, especially in a small, limited chat window can lead to a lot of misunderstandings, even more so if you don't have to communicate in your native language. Understanding what has been written always depends on the reader's perception. Nowadays, many people try to pretend we humans are all the same, but no two people are alike. Even twins think completely differently about many things. I just wrote the 2 comments that I put in quotes. I have not confronted anyone with everything I have written about them here. I wasn't even aware that what I said could be perceived in such a negative way... For me it's just a game, no stress and I'm not a pro in every game and personally I don't even have a problem describing myself as a newbie (in a less friendly writing style, which is censored here) in such games. But some others may already feel attacked by much smaller things. So, in future, I'll try to speak a little differently about some things that make me sound less self-centered. I think it was a good idea to discuss it here. I mean, I could have gotten upset about these guys, or I'll share my experience, get feedback and try to be self-reflective of the situation and learn from it. You can't fix everything and make it better, but on the other hand, you can always work on yourself. ^^
  4. The question is, if you remove all bots from sPVP, how many real players are left? I just try to understand it logically somehow. As a programmer, I'm 100% sure that bots can be completely removed from sPVP. But the fact that bots have been in sPVP for years, as if they were welcome guests. I mean, nothing is done against bots in sPVP. So I could really imagine that Anet leaves the bots in, because without them the population would decrease too much, which ultimately leads to longer queues or even to endless queues, and a completely dead game. But the big problem with this theory is that it would then even be likely that the bots could even come from Anet themselves. Complot or fact, we'll never know! But the bot problem has been around for how many years without any solution? Normally, these problems should always be in focus of a company as these are guests who consume resources without paying rent and in doing so they usually even make potential paying customers unhappy. From a purely logical point of view, there must be a reason for this permanent problem, and no, ignorance won't be the reason.
  5. This is also a little strange to me because you get 40 UFE per run, before you got 1-3 UCE per 99 CM run (I didn't know the exact UCE drop rates ​​before your second post). So you can divide 40 UFE by 1-3 UCE to get the difference variable that you can use to calculate the currency exchange. I mean, it shouldn't matter that we're now getting 40 UFE for 3 fractal CMs instead of 1, all that should be important is how many runs you have done in general to proof your CM experience, in my opinion. You can't tell how many times someone has made only 99 CM anyways if they no longer have the old currency. But as you said, there are different views here, if only because UCM loot was not of constant value and because other CMs now have loot currency as well. I write whatever I prefer that moment I'm going to write something.I also see no reason to always use abbreviations in a forum.I also take the trouble here and write you instead of u, for example.
  6. Thanks @Armen.1483 that was really very helpful. I just wonder why kp.me handles it differently. Instead of helping to clear the confusion from Anet, they are making it more confusing. I mean, if you got an average of 2 UCE per CM run and now you get 40 UFE, that's a minimum difference variable of 20 when you divide 40 by 2. In that case 250 UCE would be at least a minimum of 5k UFE and maximum of 10k UFE (because UCE per CM could be less than 2). So it makes absolutely no sense to me what kp.me says here.
  7. There is something I don't get in my head since UFE patch.Maybe someone can help me to understand... I see LFG's asking for 300 old KP or alternative 8000 UFE.According to kp.me is 1 UCE (old KP) equal to 5 UFE (new KP).So to convert new KP to old KP, you just need to divide UFE by 5. Example: 1250 UFE / 5 = 250 UCETherefore 1250 new KP are equal to 250 old KP.Did is miss something? Could someone please explain to me the meaning of these insane differences in the LFG requirements?
  8. Well, I don't know what the problem is because anyone who wants to will still be able to see how crappy you look. But the fact that there are even hugh fps drops for some players makes such options generally necessary. That's a reason why you can force standard models separately for the WvW, but the cosmetic effects have been completely ignored. It would be time to complete these features to allow maximum performance and reducing risk of eye cancer.
  9. I fix that for you:Players: Low details, low effects, low textures. I would prefer not to see anyone instead of reducing the details and textures. That would be almost as disgusting as the many infusion effects. So Anet could add another lower option for Character Model Limit so that you only see NPCs, players you selected and party mates. That would probably solve most problems with relatively little effort.
  10. Almost all groups want an AlacRev and an QFB. Imagine what a Chrono had to do to provide those boons while a Rev or FB do it in their sleep. The thing that bothers me most about it is the importance of a FB. You can play QFB with solid power damage in fracts, also can play him with very high condi damage, and as if that wasn't enough, FB is also one of the best healers in the entire game, even without permanent party quickness uptime. Spin it however you want, he's either too good at too many things at once or other classes are too bad. But what do you think, how can we break this monopoly? Should Anet nerv these builds, or buff other builds instead, or maybe a mix of both?! I personally believe that other classes have potential. Reaper, for example, ensures quicknees in shroud for himself, but what if he would share it with up to 5 allied targets. You can find something similar for other classes. Alacrity and quickness maybe should always be shared with at least up to 5 allied targets as this has become so important. I just wish to see groups again that are not built around AlacRev and QFB, without lack of alacrity or quickness.
  11. Tell this to people who are seriously too dumb to change their hotkeys for skills that are difficult to access with the default settings. :p
  12. Everything you can see in DPS meter is the same as what you can see in battle logs in chat, only in a different view.So there is no more spying with DPS meter than without.
  13. I'm generally for it. But I think they shouldn't allow it for groups as there is no leader in a group and it would be chaotic. Instead, they should allow groups within a squad to be real groups if there are only 5 players in it. So you would have all the advantages of a squad, but you could also enter dungeons, fractals or any other group instance together as group within a squad. This would also be helpful for some guild special events, so many things could be managed more easily.
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