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  1. how can a introduction of a class and with a expansion flatten your raid experience when its that same expansion and class that introduced us to raids.there where no raids before that
  2. Logic tells me this will only increase the value of having legendary equipment and would make even more people "rush" to have them and even drive prices up. They should be more sought after than ever before. Please explain. Did I miss some important piece of information about the implementation? But on topic. I think there should be a third set of weapons in the future, just like a third set of elite specs. We all love variety and choices, right? With the legendary armory they will implement.You need 1 legendary greatsword and can use it on every class that can use greatsword at the same time without moving it around anymore.Same you only need 1 light 1 medium and 1 heavy set and all your characters that are 80 will have legendary armor picked up from armory and donned. EditSo what is the reason to make new legendaries when they can just keep doing skins and sell to people? you always needed just 1 light 1 medium and 1 heavy.same way you always needed 1 staff, 1 gs, but instead of placing them in the bank like you did before you just dont have to so no longer going to a bank, place gear in. switch characters, take gear out. adjust runes stats. sigils and go to the next content. its all in 1 place it never lowererd value.it will not lower value now it would motivate alot more people in getting a legendaryany legendary so if more people want legendaries. because its easier to use .it will increase value because demand increases You do know that people are lazy kittens right?There are people before the shared slots that bought unlimited tools per character and same with copper fed salvage kits.Just to turn around uh its usless now anet give me back my money or let me exchange stuff.So yes while you only needed 1 of each before people did more to not have to move around stuff.wich is not something they would and should be compensated before all the armory is going to do is take out the middle man (bank)
  3. Logic tells me this will only increase the value of having legendary equipment and would make even more people "rush" to have them and even drive prices up. They should be more sought after than ever before. Please explain. Did I miss some important piece of information about the implementation? But on topic. I think there should be a third set of weapons in the future, just like a third set of elite specs. We all love variety and choices, right? With the legendary armory they will implement.You need 1 legendary greatsword and can use it on every class that can use greatsword at the same time without moving it around anymore.Same you only need 1 light 1 medium and 1 heavy set and all your characters that are 80 will have legendary armor picked up from armory and donned. EditSo what is the reason to make new legendaries when they can just keep doing skins and sell to people?you always needed just 1 light 1 medium and 1 heavy.same way you always needed 1 staff, 1 gs, but instead of placing them in the bank like you did before you just dont have to so no longer going to a bank, place gear in. switch characters, take gear out. adjust runes stats. sigils and go to the next content. its all in 1 place it never lowererd value.it will not lower value now it would motivate alot more people in getting a legendaryany legendary so if more people want legendaries. because its easier to use .it will increase value because demand increases
  4. but they can't comeback there all dead except for ogden but thats just a head
  5. Given Canach's comment of Fifthborn being like the super curious Elonian children, I'm willing to bet that is the post-HoT generation, the newest generation, which tends to be the most curious bunch. Which to me would mean the Commander is "officially" part of the Fourthborn generation. Alternative take would be the Fifthborn are the last generation Canach met, which would likely put it as the Commander's generation and the post-HoT is actually Sixthborn (or Seventhborn depending on how wide spaced generations are). That said, however, you can proclaim Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth if you so desire, since your character, your story. Other possible titles as a Priory sylvari:Valiant LerinWarden/Gardener/Mender/Soundless (all sylvari groups/roles) LerinLerin of DuskScholar/Explorer/Magister (all Priory ranks) Lerin you are either firsborn or not and the player is from the 2nd generation because they stopped after at. after the 2nd generation its cyclesnoon dusk etc yadayada
  6. Man, I really hope this is not the developer's attitude. Something something Norman Doors... You know the buttons exist why not just force yourself to click them?? OR ... I can play the way I like and you can play the way you like. The tooltips are interfering with how I interface with the game. It sounds like others are having similar issues. Here is a question for you, for anyone really, what are the benefits for showing skill tooltips during combat ? Those text boxes really diminish the hard work the developers put into combat visuals. double/triple checking if a skill is a cc and what kind of cc it is. and those are skill descriptions heres another one why would you click with a mouse on a skill during combat, or why click with a mouse on skills at al.
  7. those are added in case you deleted some of those.believe me it happens more often then not.
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