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Posts posted by Buran.3796

  1.   Fun thing: off hand sword is currently worse that Willbender's one despite that last one was born as a copycat from ours. Shackling Wave only roots for 1 second across all game modes whereas Advancing Strike roots for 2 seconds and slows for 3 seconds in both WvW and PvP.

       Also, I don't known why people are excited about the scepter: is a weapon which delivers barrier and has to stack hits to being able to activate a pull, hu? Well, I never liked barrier since the concept was alien to GW2: barrier was used by Protoss in Starcraft and Halo and some other games; when arrived with PoF it wrecked the PvP, and builds as Firebrand and Scourge ended nerfed to dead (literaly). We got barrier with Vindicator (the Heltzer jump) and guess what... was so strong thet ended removed. Now, currently barrier is so strong that is better than heals in the competitive game modes, and we will get a weapon which vomits barrier...  Can you guess what will happen? In six months? A scepter with barrier removed, the same as a greatsword with cleave/damage removed, or a off had sword which is worse than the eastern counterfit...

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  2.    GW2 was designed for a Direct X version which didn't use multicore CPUs at all, and that has been an anchor for time. They upgraded the DX support to the latest version, but I don't think that is the same thing as having a game optimized for DX 12 from the start.

       For reference, I have a Ryzen 5 7600X 6 cores/ 7.6 Ghz , 32 GB of DDR5 RAM, two solid state hard disk M2 of 2 TB each and a RTX 4080 and despite in some areas I top 250 fps, the average usually goes from 120 to 180 fps, and in things as Dragonstorm and heavy zergs can fall as low as 40-80 fps (I play at 3440 x 1440 UW, settings maxed). So there's games more recent with way better graphics which run better and more stable. The ything is: most of those usually don't put 100 players on screen...

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  3. 56 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

    Ps. support rev in pvp is fine ^^

      I've not seen a Ventari Rev at PvP in ages. And given how matchmaking works currently that includes ALL PvP ranks.

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  4. 16 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

    They don't want to compete with support weapons because of relic of karakosa useage.

       Maybe but the maths are that 1 migth < 3 might stacks, and in the last months our access to fury and might have been reduced and the change seems oriented towards balancing support builds, which most Rev players don't use, and in the path dps builds got hurt, which is what most do play.

       Also I don't see the support Rev in PvE/PvP: while those game modes getting a dps or bruiser slot is relatively open and disputed, the role of pure healers are oftenly eclipsed by a single choice. So when heal Tespest or Hearl Mech are strong they are the best and when support Guardian or Druid are the best they are the best and the same with Scourge etc. What I'm trying to say is that best in slot replaces best in slot, and I'm not seing Rev being best in slot no matter how much they buff the scepter (which was already overshadowed by mace due that relic). My logic: if current mace support Rev is not meta why would a worse weapon make it better? Is not like Rev would be ever able to compete in blast finishers against a Engie, also...

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  5.   I don't known what they chase with the Echoing Eruption change: they already removed might from Contained Temper, if you want the boon out just remove the boon in each Rev skill, not change how it works in the same one.

      Leviathan Strenght doesn't bother me since outside the niche instanced content in which pVindi has some use, celestial Vindicator is so superior in PvE (and doesn't use that trait) that the change is irrelevant.

       What fascinates me is:  Herald is theoretically the current axis of being a Revenant since has a strong quickness build (which I depise), Renegade has nothing since there's better alacity providers (despite I like the build since is comfy to play) and Vindicator has a power build which only stands out in damage (but not in PvP/WvW, of course), so why to nerf a viable spec (I'm talking from the perspective of the hardcore raiders, which I'm not part of) when you already have have one with no use? Is because Herald requires HoT and makes more sales than EoD? But HoT is sold along PoF, whereas EoD comes alone...   I understand that HoT masteries  + PoF mounts craps on everything else released later so compelling players to get the Herald is healthier, but why to kitten the bed with Vindicator?  Has been in a streak of nerfts for 18 months, and ain't stop here...

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  6.    Not entirely related but I would want to share my experiences in the just finished 39th  PvP Season.

       This has been probably the one in which I've played the most (240 matches, usually I do 90-120) and the worst (I started with good placement at mid gold tier 2 but ended losing over 170 points and with only 110 wins)  with  ~46% w/l ratio which is just atrocius. 90% of those were power Vindi matches with a bit of condi Vindi and Guardian trials here and there.

      Overall I think that Rev struggles to deal damage and even in the zerkest glass canon builds the performance is mediocre. Renegade has weakness in both mobility and self sustain, since lacks access to The Alliance and the traitline is bland, but at least the F skills do something. Herald is not even bad (in the sense that doesn't reach the bad catergory) and just feels like a worse Vindi. Saw Zeus playing it very well in high ranked matches but I had the impression He just had to put much effort to add value to the team, in the sense that other specs and professions would have more impact with less effort.

       I'm now starting the placements in 3 v 3 nad had the impression that the condi Rev is better in that gamemode, because there power has more struggles to use mobility to survive, whereas con condi you can survive just landing your chains of cc because interrupting your foes gains time for your condis and allies to dent into enemie's HP and also to prevent damage and pressure.

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  7. 20 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:


    In addition to toning down the damage of power vindicator in PvE, we've made some minor adjustments to axe to improve its usability for condition builds.

    • Echoing Eruption: Reduced the number of blast finishers from 3 to 1. This skill now also grants might to the user.
    • Leviathan Strength: Reduced the damage bonus from 15% to 10% in PvE only.

     *  Echoing Eruption: you just removed might from Contained Temper, so if you want remove the boon from Revenant just remove it, don't turn one source of might into another one.

    Leviathan Strength: nobody cares since outside instanced content (a niche) celestial Vindicator is vastly superior to power Vindi in PvE.

       Also: don't forget to nerf Renegade, I heard that some lunatics still use them! 

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  8. Just now, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    They recently got a rework that makes traps put aegis on them, so they got some compensation for the lack of stealth.

      I known, that's why I wrote "each time they fail landing a skill, they lose both damage and defensive utilities". Traps are not instant casting, they are clearly visible and people known what a DH is going to do, so if any have problems with DHs mixing cc and mobility or Judge's Intervention, why they don't bring up stability or skills or boons to mitigate or counter that? 

    • Confused 1
  9. 8 hours ago, BonggangKikay.9576 said:

    are you not going to dodge sword 3, LB2, LB5, Procession of Blades, and Test of Faith? because they all hit like a kitten truck even without f1.

       The Dragonhunters which do damage, run around with 12k HP. Their whole plan is to burst you before that pity 12K goes to 0, and each time they fail landing a skill, they lose both damage and defensive utilities.

       Again: they lost stealth, quickness and overall damage. Wasn't their F1 and True Shots from stealth the may reason people moaned for months despite they had 0 presence in tournaments? Didn't Anet removed stealth from the trapper runes? So, are you not entertained???!!!

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  10. 19 hours ago, Micah.3789 said:

    That was painful to watch, but you did warn us lol. You'd be a lot better off just taking the inspiration line instead of dueling to face tank and heal. You lose so much damage just running around in circles.

      I have literaly no clue of what the F skills do on Mesmer, I rarely play light armor classes , and yet Mandulis (which is one of the bounties with more cc in the game) was really easy to kill just spamming evades and some bubbles. My point is just that is really easy to run a Mirage and just facetank/solo almost everything  while not knowing how to play the class, so I don't think Mesmer is just a glass canon or squishy. I'm not advocating for "hey just play bad the profession", I'm just saying that can be very good for newcomers just knowing some basics and then they could build knownledge and finesse on top of that and do much better.

       What I wouldn'r recomend for solo is starting as Virtuoso, which is very single target centred, or using a raid build designed to deliver high dps while a healer covers our backs, since that wouldn't work if you're starting with the class.

  11. On 1/6/2024 at 2:13 PM, Averax.8617 said:

    Now that i'm in maguuma i can't really seem to solo very much anymore. Am i doing something wrong or the class just a glass cannon until you can get more points into your elite specs? 

       You're not familiar with the profession and foes and probably not using a build which allows to forgive mistakes.

       Mesmer is arguably the easiest profession to level solo, and once you reach 80 goind Mirage asap makes things even easier. I really don't known how to play Mesmer yet leveling it with a condi build and staff + greatsword was really easy, and with celestial gear and Mirage soloing bounties and other hard bosses became really easy (again: without even knowing how to properly play the class).

       Core build:


      Fight vs Mandulis:



  12. 7 hours ago, KindaMediocreGamer.5943 said:

    What are my options for engaging ranged dps that isn't elementalist?  I saw longbow dragonhunter but I would need to be level 80 to even get there...I am not enjoying the ranger pet at all.

    Staff + greatsword Mesmer. Longbow + hammer Warrior. I think that they are the easiest core professions to level and work perfectly at range.

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  13.     I don't understand how people can have troubles with DH...   They removed the stealth runes + quickness and in order to get the burst they need to devote most of their skills to traps, and you only need to avoid the F1 to counter the whole plan for the next 20 seconds. Hasn't been a DH in the MATs for years, and in Conquest I feel like they are entirely overrated (one of those one trick pony builds you can defeat even if the player is more skilled than you). 

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  14. On 1/4/2024 at 4:54 AM, magickthief.6492 said:

    I wonder if killing pvp will make PVE better?

      They don't have to be worried about doing ANYTHING for PvP, WvW or even raids (only PvE and gemstore) and yet they are failing at such low bar... I known you're being sarcastic, but I'm not: I don't think the "effort" put in  those game modes is affecting anything in PvE. Game is buggy and akward because that's how they do the things.

  15.   ^I think He posted the same in Reddit.

       My take: 

    * Every player should have its rank vissible in every match, so players would be aware of how useless the matchmaker is with such low population.

    * Duos should have been visible from the start, so knowing that and the ranks you should be aware of how unbalanced will be the math.

    * Game should have a "surrender" vote system before even the match starts, since extremely unbalanced matches are a waste of time for veveryone.

    * Chat should be disabled in PvP since if you really care about the aftermath chances are you're already in a duo or team using voip.

       Nothing of this will be implemented because Anet didn't provide a single new feature in PvP/WvW for a lustrum, and PvP had decayed to a point it will never recover. All is vain.


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  16. On 12/25/2023 at 4:13 PM, arazoth.7290 said:

    pvp it's more then fine and is keeping up in there.

      I wasn't one of voters with a confused emoji but I can't agree. Last EU MAT showcased 0 Rev builds in the semis and that means that of 4 teams with 5 character slots (20 in total), and we have only 27 specs (36 if you count core, and arguably some core professions as Guard are meta). So out of 36 choices no one picked a core Rev, Herald, Renegade or Vindicator, and has been this way for a while in most of the semis at MATs since EoD.

       Meanwhile we saw some MATs at which the winner team stacked 5 Ele builds; is not the case anymore but is a testament of how much the designer team cares about PvP balance (hint: nothing). I think that at the balance showcases you can see in the eyes of the developers how much they struggle to even care about some of the professions...  CMC, which clearly doesn't play Rev, has been in a streak of condi Rev buffs and nerf to everything else which lead to absolutely no use of condi Rev in MATs and power builds unable to reach semis.

       BUT i recognize that "PvP is fine", but mostly because I no longer care which performance I get with the choices I make.

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  17. On 12/28/2023 at 3:35 PM, Deathleecher.8532 said:

    In other MMORPGs, like Wow I always play as a DK, warrior, or paladin. Love 2h wep. and death.

    In other MMORPGs, its always 2h wep classes.

      If you like death Elemenatalist is a good starting point; downstate is oftenly considered part of its rotation...

      If you like hitting with 2 handed weapons Vindicator is decent, albeit the celestial builds are stronger foir solo (in PvP and WvW you can keep using the greatsword, tho).

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  18. 13 hours ago, Raftalos.5971 said:

    What is the possibility of getting this build again in PvE but reworking the Alac into Vindicator traitline?


       They released an expansion with no new specs or skills, no new WvW or PvP content, no new legendaries, no new raids; their only goal was the story mode. And yet they failed: 4 months into and the campaign is still bugged in some parts and doesn't let you to continue (happened to me that last weekend).

       Ther's 0 chances they rework alacrity for Rev (or fixing any major bug). You can expect nerfs, tho.

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  19.   I think that I finished my mest with WvW hammer:  is just a worse short bow. Very little damage even in extreme glass cannon builds, ultra-slow casting abilities and surprised about aegis lasting so little thst is like doesn't exist. So it can root in the scrapbag along the shield, staff and the scepter, imo. Don't plan to touch it again.

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