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Posts posted by Shikaru.7618

  1. @Kelly.7019 said:

    @Kelly.7019 said:welp sorry i missed you, but 15mins ago i was here on the forums :Dedit: wait i'm being toxic? that's funny, i'd say the same thing about you.hmmm. perspective & opinion. tis all interesting :)

    How is it toxic to ask healers for boneskinner as they are needed?

    its not toxic to ask for certain classes - the quote above says nothing about that.

    What's toxic is strike missions becoming raid meta only builds. Or maybe better put defeats the "training" aspect.Strikes should be a place for people who want to learn, not a barrier for those that don't have the right build or skills yet.

    If you want strikes to be a learning environment, you should be asking anet for more in game performance feedback tools. Even with grothmars strike, if there was a post pull stats page of how much damage dealt , Boons, heals, and mechanics failed it would go a long way to getting people to realize where they stand. Add in an achievement for each strike to obtain an s ranking in each of the categories

  2. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @"Dante.1508" said:You try taking down Scruffy with only spamming 1 key... so tired of this hyperbole.

    You can beat Scruffy by only spamming 1 key, if it's gonna be fun though is a different story. Arenanet made it so when you revive boss health doesn't reset so technically you can auto attack Scruffy to death without dodging, as long as you land a single hit before you die each time you will eventually (in a few hours maybe) beat him. Not to mention Braham will revive you rather quickly if you stay close to him, his shield skill will block Scruffy's projectiles too, so it's a good idea to hug the big brute.

    Is it doable? Yes. But probably not anything someone might call "fun". The alternative is to use one of the faceroll builds that can kill the boss without struggling, but I guess "using a good build" is out of the question in "story is too hard" threads.

    They cant use berserker stats because it requires delta force military training and until we learn that, we have no place in this discussion.

  3. @"Murtos.5342" said:fun how some people think everyone does those mistakes when they complain about having problems with the content..... welp whatever people like generalizing all the time to justify their opinion.....

    oh and to the person that said gw1 content was challenging? gw1 content was easy compared to gw2 content.... you can compare most of the content to the first 40 levels of gw2 and the rest of the content to the content from lvl 41-50 dungeons ^^. The only things that have been really challenging back in gw1 where the "raids" like the underworld raid lol.... you could solo most of the content with support npc´s and your own heroes no matter how bad your build was.

    Please enlighten us what types of mistakes you think you're making that makes story mode hard. Aside from one or two very egregious examples like white mantle caudecus, everything else can be done by spamming 1.

  4. @Murtos.5342 said:the only cases of high difficulty we had? the one rescue taimi fight/story instance from her own robot suffocating her and that mostly because we had to deal with tons of enemies we cant take out faster then they hit us lol. and that instance was only problematic while playing deadeye lol too much creeps to even get far enough to not get killed before you killed the second of 40 enemies ^^ go in there as daredevil and you can easily win this instance even more so with stave/shortbow ^^

    @"Andoral.3619" said:

    @"SexyMofo.8923" said:NONE of the pve story bosses are hard. I repeat: NONE. I am a solo player and I don’t recall needed help on any of them.

    Then you are very fortunate to have the skill and ability to manage them by yourself. Not everyone possesses such level skill or ability.

    This in my opinion.. And from talking to my guild in discord many others do not pass it either, a few ladies in discord never even leave core tyria.

    Are these players also the reason why my trash exotics from raids with terrible dire, knights, rabid, magi stat combos sell?

    Maybe start there and get them an actual build in pve and a lot of the difficulty goes away. When enemies die before they can even attack, theres no difficulty to speak of.

    quite hard if you are playing thief and cant deal enough damage solo without ascended gear to get the story done fast enough (additionally to thief lacking damage and CC in every possible way compared to "hundred blades spamming warriors" or anything else with tons of damage)

    oh right shouldnt speak about thief.... is just the only class to have seen only a single buff since the release of the game ^^

    You must be joking. Thief has one of the highest amounts of health sustain in all of pve, has way higher damage than "hundred blades spamming warriors" as camping great sword is bad dps. Ascended gear isnt some magical fix all solution. If you do bad damage in your exotic gear, sorry to break it to you buddy but you're going to do bad damage in ascended gear too. Class knowledge, correct stat combos, and proper rotations matter way more than the upgrade from exotics to ascended.

    Don't even try man, those players are too bad. I was going to write something like that, but there is no point. Those are the players MikeZ was talking about in one of his interview, where he said that many players are dealing 10 times less damage than average veteran player. This is why the game is a movie now, where you don't need to do anything, just walk around pressing 1 in random gear picking up loot. Those players are Anets focus right now and they still are not happy, because content is still too hard for them :)

    how fun of you to assume how we play. but yeah you said something right there ^^ not gonna bother with people that see everyone as bad that isnt a player with reflexes on the level of special forces^

    Except you dont need reflexes of a super human to complete anything in the story. Theres a 65 year old man who full clears raids every week and he has...you'll never guess, the reaction time of a 65 year old man (who has not received special forces training btw). You're not bad because you dont have .01 second reflexes. You're bad because of terrible tactical decisions you make in and out of combat. These include but are not limited to, randomly double dodging when sidestepping will do, standing at range and having to dodge a wider arc than if you simply stood in melee and stepped behind the boss, not bringing block,stunbreak,condi cleanse, or any situational skill you might need after a failed attempt, and not knowing what your traits do.

    There are builds out there that let you only auto attack and out sustain all damage you take so is targeting the boss and hitting 1 require special forces training now?

  5. @Nephalem.8921 said:

    @"Dante.1508" said:
    I use this build because i found it the most durable and high damage on many enemiesI would swap light on your feed for quickdraw and stance share doesnt do much solo. Build is ok so you have to play it wrong if you struggle with it like ranging a lot so your traps dont do much.I also have this build on my second tab
    but i find longbow quite lackluster compared to shortbow and it kills trash way slower than the condi..I really dont like the metabattle power builds. Just use the raid build and swap thief runes for eagle, play gs + axe/axe and the stability stance instead of signet. Metabattle doesnt use sick'em at all while it cheeses story super hard. power soulbeast can dish out like 300k damage in a few seconds which is most of the time enough to phase a story boss.

    Other option is to drop the dagger torch and just play condi shortbow with light on your feet to reduce complexity. Bear stance as a heal should be replaced with we heal as one in non condi heavy parts of the story. Entangle and oppressive superiority beats out stance share in solo play.

  6. @Murtos.5342 said:

    @"SexyMofo.8923" said:NONE of the pve story bosses are hard. I repeat: NONE. I am a solo player and I don’t recall needed help on any of them.

    Then you are very fortunate to have the skill and ability to manage them by yourself. Not everyone possesses such level skill or ability.

    This in my opinion.. And from talking to my guild in discord many others do not pass it either, a few ladies in discord never even leave core tyria.

    Are these players also the reason why my trash exotics from raids with terrible dire, knights, rabid, magi stat combos sell?

    Maybe start there and get them an actual build in pve and a lot of the difficulty goes away. When enemies die before they can even attack, theres no difficulty to speak of.

    quite hard if you are playing thief and cant deal enough damage solo without ascended gear to get the story done fast enough (additionally to thief lacking damage and CC in every possible way compared to "hundred blades spamming warriors" or anything else with tons of damage)

    oh right shouldnt speak about thief.... is just the only class to have seen only a single buff since the release of the game ^^

    You must be joking. Thief has one of the highest amounts of health sustain in all of pve, has way higher damage than "hundred blades spamming warriors" as camping great sword is bad dps. Ascended gear isnt some magical fix all solution. If you do bad damage in your exotic gear, sorry to break it to you buddy but you're going to do bad damage in ascended gear too. Class knowledge, correct stat combos, and proper rotations matter way more than the upgrade from exotics to ascended.

  7. @Dante.1508 said:

    @SexyMofo.8923 said:NONE of the pve story bosses are hard. I repeat: NONE. I am a solo player and I don’t recall needed help on any of them.

    Then you are very fortunate to have the skill and ability to manage them by yourself. Not everyone possesses such level skill or ability.

    This in my opinion.. And from talking to my guild in discord many others do not pass it either, a few ladies in discord never even leave core tyria.

    Are these players also the reason why my trash exotics from raids with terrible dire, knights, rabid, magi stat combos sell?

    Maybe start there and get them an actual build in pve and a lot of the difficulty goes away. When enemies die before they can even attack, theres no difficulty to speak of.

  8. @Dante.1508 said:

    @Shadowmoon.7986 said:I don't know how you can feel tense when the NPC's can kill the boss for you. I really don't understand how having player agency is now consider tedious. And if you can't do the content still, find a friend to help you. The content either doesn't scale or scales so poorly it is not noticeable. This is a MMO, not a single player walking simulator.

    No one wants to do it they've already done it years ago.

    Then you have the option of improving your build and your ability to avoid damage so that story becomes trivial. 99% of the playerbase has no problem completing story. That can be you too.

  9. @Solnos.8045 said:

    @Solnos.8045 said:I think T4 is actually easier than T3 because most of the people actually know what they're doing.

    Hahahahahaha. Nice joke. General player quality is depressing to be honest. Of 10 times doing T4 pugs you might get a decent group once (twice, if lucky), where everyone knows what they are doing and you one-shot every encounter and are done with all 3 fractals in 20-35 minutes depending on the daily fractal.

    And when’s the last time you did T3? If you get a decent group 1/10 times in T4, then you get a decent group 1/100 times in T3.

    I've probably seen the most creativity in t3 fractals (not in a good way).

    Short bow poison theif. Rage quit when he kept dying oh arkk because he couldnt stop auto attacking to turn his character away.

    Longbow tank ranger. Wore full nomads to "distract the enemy so his pet could do damage"

    Shortbow power ranger. At least you attack fast?

    Heal ranger. Not druid. Base. Ranger.

    (Why are ranger players so terrible?)

    Rifle PS warrior...?

  10. @RaidsAreEasyAF.8652 said:

    @Yellow Rainbow.6142 said:I feel like new strike mission is almost perfect. I have been in fail group alot more than success kill. But, I am really enjoying it even fail attempt unlike raid is downright frustrating.

    So whats the difference in wiping between a strike and a raid? What makes raids more frustrating to wipe at for you?

    The lack of consequences from the commander for being bad and still getting silver rewards.

  11. @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:And as before many many players happily cleared fractals without a need to "ping' gear or use meters. This is a behavioural issue that stems from a raiding culture.

    Re dmg meters, the developers of ff14 conducted some behavioral analysis and it confirmed meters do cause toxic behaviour and have banned anyone from talking about meter statistics in game. Incidentally ff14 probably has the most friendly least toxic community of any any mmorpg.

    Furthermore if you correlate toxicity with meter usage I'm betting there would be a strong correlation. Just check wow at the end of the spectrum to see where this can

    If by raiding culture you mean using objective data to make informed decisions about the team then yes I agree. People fear objective data because it is undisputable.

  12. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @"Shikaru.7618" said:I wonder how the perception of raids would change if you locked access to raids behind dungeon master aka doing all paths of dungeons at least once. Or setting a pre req of reaching fotm 100.

    You would lock raids behind even more blockades?These two locks would shove raids even harder into the "do not touch" and "elitism" corners than they already are, assuming it's even possible to shove them harder.

    I dont think it can be shoved any harder which is why putting them behind the lockouts would at least set the right expectation. Raids are instanced content and are going to be a step up from dungeons and fotm. If you cant handle these, dont bash your head against the wall with raids. They are not meant to be open world friendly.

  13. I wonder how the perception of raids would change if you locked access to raids behind dungeon master aka doing all paths of dungeons at least once. Or setting a pre req of reaching fotm 100. Sure those achievements can still be carried but at least would give players some semblance of what they're getting into rather than making the jump from open world to raids.

  14. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @Shikaru.7618 said:keyboard turnWhere exactly is the problem with that?I'm significantly better with clicking skills and moving with the keyboard than I am with cramping my fingers, trying to press the number keys.

    That's fine if it works for you. I dont care how you play as long as you can produce results in my group. If you're standing still in the middle of the arena on Matthias with corruption on you because you're using keyboard turning slowly panning the camera looking for an open fountain, we're going to have a problem. If you have a green bomb on sabetha and are too slow to throw because it takes you extra clicks, it's a problem.

  15. @Sarrs.4831 said:

    @"maddoctor.2738" said:I'm waiting for the time Strikes will tell players "you are ready for T1 fractals" because we haven't reached that level yet. Maybe the challenge mote will be T1 fractal level or maybe Ascalonian Catacombs level. Baby steps. Right now all the strike tells players is "you can go play in Core Tyria just fine".

    ...Are there really people who aren't ready for T1 fractals?

    You have to realize that the people who are bad at the game are really really bad. I've watched streamers playing gw2 who keyboard turn, cant keep the thing they're fighting targetted because they're just spamming mouse clicks, which causes them to stop auto attacking their target. People who press every single button they've got on cd without any knowledge of what the skill does. Eg. Using epi with no adds around, using condi clear when they have no conditions. Those are the types that struggle in the strikes and t1 and theres a non trivial amount of those players in gw2.

  16. What helped me the most is honestly doing any and all pve content on my raid build. Fractals, open world farming, world bosses etc. The most important thing is to know your buttons. And I mean really know them so that you dont have to think when you're in a boss so you can focus on mechanics. This extends beyond rotations. Eg. If you need to cover a long distance at a moments notice to not fail mechanics, you need to instinctively hit f3 plus gs3 on dh to cover that distance in one fluid motion. If you have to spend more than 2 brain cells executing this, you're likely not familiar enough with the class. You can get this level of familiarity doing almost anything. The goal here is to be so familiar with your buttons and rotation that by the time you hit your first raid boss, you can hit your skills with your eyes closed so you can dedicate all of your attention on boss specific mechanics.

    If you want the most raid like setting, fractal cms are probably the closest followed by t4s.

  17. @Swagger.1459 said:

    @Swagger.1459 said:You just killed your argument. You’re saying that players running a scaled down version of current raids won’t help to develop the skills necessary to run harder mode raids... But you think that easier-difficulty-than raids (aka Strikes) will somehow prepare players better for actual raids?

    It’s like taking a player who only zergs in wvw and dropping them on a competitive spvp team... That’s also like saying someone should practice the guitar so they can do better at the piano.No. It's learning the basics of how to work as a team or how to recognise and react to mechanics. It's polishing the basic skills you need in all raid encounters rather than just learning a complex choreography without knowing why it was designed that way.

    It's the difference between learning your trade or just learning to mimick somebody's workflow without understanding why they are doing it that way.

    First you say...

    “lower difficulty settings are more forgiving towards player errors (or they wouldn't be lower difficulty) and thus allow players to utilize strategies that power through the encounters that mostly don't work on higher difficulties, thus helping next to nothing when trying to learn how to do the encounter”

    But then you are saying those lower difficulty Strikes (because they will not be as tough as raids) will...

    “It's learning the basics of how to work as a team or how to recognise and react to mechanics. It's polishing the basic skills you need in all raid encounters rather than just learning a complex choreography without knowing why it was designed that way.”

    Like players won’t be “learning the basics of how to work as a team or how to recognise and react to mechanics. It's polishing the basic skills you need” by doing the actual raids at a lower setting, and thus get more comfortable, confident and feel better at higher difficulty... No-no, only the lower difficulty and lower demanding “easier-mode-pseudo-raid” Strikes will accomplish that...

    You’re really not making any sense or helping your argument here.

    Edit- And I’m going to reiterate...

    Strikes are a “stepping stone” to raids. They will essentially be just like an “easier mode” raid. But somehow mentally you feel that doing the actual raid, and learning every element and boss about those current raids, on a easier setting, which will be comparable to doing Strikes, will not be beneficial... However, Strikes, that will be comparable to easier mode raids, but not the actual raids, will magically be beneficial...

    Let me us your own analogy with the guitar. In order to play the guitar, we are going to say you need the following skills:

    1. Know how to tune the guitar
    2. Know how read sheet music
    3. Know how to play a chord

    Handing someone who has never played guitar before the sheet music for "Mary had a little lamb" is not going to help them learn "through the fire and the flames" because they're going to be just as clueless. It doesnt matter if it's easier. The average gw2 player does not know the elementary basics of instanced content. In other words mary had a little lamb is still too complicated because it assumes you know the fundamentals. Sure they can make it so that if you are able to play 2 random notes on the guitar you have "played" Mary had a little lamb but that does not teach people how to get into raids. Players still wouldnt know:

    1. What their traits do
    2. How to stack
    3. What the defiance bar is
    4. How to dodge efficiently

    Yes, we are making an assumption that strikes will teach people these things in isolation with an encounter specifically built to do so. It's likely wishful thinking since anets track record about teaching players their game has been god awful but that is what "stepping stone into raids" means to me. A specific encounter that tells you, "this boss has a mechanic called the break bar. these highlighted skills will deplete the break bar. The boss will wipe the group if the break bar is not broken. If you break it, deal massive bonus damage to the boss." Sure you can take vg, remove every mechanic and only keep the break bar. Is that really vg anymore?

  18. @"Hex.8714" said:Those people that are complaining that raids are too difficult and too inaccessible and elitist simply dont want to make any effort on their end and they just want to join raids with their open world pve build and expect to get carried. The truth is gw2 raids are extremly easy and can be completed with literally 1000 ping because theres very few one shot attacks that will insta kill you like in some other games, its just mini mechanics that you have to know to not wipe the group. Raids do not require much mechanical skill at all, so even " bad players" can complete them easely especailly with meta boon stacked comps + 2 healers, i repeat you dont need skill to do raids in gw2.

    So how do you get into raids with 0 experience? Well first of all you need to at least make yourself useful and pick a role that will help your group, joining raids isint much about you but about the group, how can you make yourself useful? The easiest role is DPS, you want to pick a meta build from snowcrows website and learn the rotation on the golem. Most classes have a viable dps build, if your class isint a top tier dps, it can surely have another role like boons/heals. Then you simply wait till a group asks for that specific role on the lfg. If you can multi class and gear up multiple chars you will find a group alot faster.

    Then you want to watch some video guides of boss encounters or if you are too lazy like me, you can join groups that say semi+ exp or dont ask for KP. Now listen to this, this is very important what im gonna say, it only takes literally about 3 wipes for you to learn all boss mechanics assuming you get it at least to 50%, 25% or 10% depending on the boss. The scary part is only the initial part when you re totally clueless, after 3 pulls you wont be clueless anymore, dont be afraid to join groups.

    What happens if you get kicked? Nothing happens, dont try to whisper the commander and dont be mad just join another group, as I said it only takes 2-3 pulls for you to learn. I rarely see people getting kicked, some people tell some total bs stories that I ve never seen myself of heard of. Ive literally played a DPS class with with some rare pieces for the first 3 weeks and only got kicked once because it was SH and I was playing power DPS instead of condi. Most grps wont kick you for bad dps, they will only kick if you wipe the group, like dropping poison on grp at matt or bombing group at dhum etc.

    Another easy way to get into raids is just to always keep an eye on lfg for training groups but you might have to wait a long time for that for the specific raid that you want, id suggest just joining the semi exp ones or the ones that dont ask for KP assuming you did some research about the mechanics.

    Then obviously people ask how do they find groups when they have the experience but dont have much KP. You can either be honest with the commander and tell them you are a good player and to give you a chance and if you mess up tell them to feel free to kick you out. Or you can use fake KP like alot of people do since lets be real nobody carries all boss tokens on all their characters. Id suggest using fake KP only if you can do close to SC benchmark and are a good player otherwise it will be too obvious, just be honest and try to not join super high KP grps until you have some or until you get more experience.

    So quick recap on how to get into raids with 0 experience:step 1: get rid of your open world pve build and find a meta raid build that you like on snowcrows websitestep 2: practice the dps rotation on the golemstep 3: watch videos or guides of raid bosses then join semi exp/ training / non kp groupsstep 4: learn from your failures, as I said it will only take you 2-3 pulls to learn all boss mechanics

    Gw2 raids are easy, people are just lazy and dont want to adapt or change their build, obviously some players are just bad but they dont want to admit but the majority are just too lazy, I was even too lazy to watch any guides I would just join and hope for the best, it still ended up working because gw2 raids are a joke. So dont be afraid to try, theres nothing elite or hardcore about raids, the truth is hardcore players dont play this game. Have fun in raids.

    I agree that raids are easy. However you've literally just listed all the barriers people perceive in raids. Here's how casuals see your advice

    1. Change my build, what's wrong with my build? Its worked for me this far. I've beaten story and literally all open world with it. Its fine as is. I don't want to run some cookie cutter build someone else made.
    2. Sounds pretty boring to me. Let me fight the boss.
    3. Would rather just play the game.
    4. Raids are too hard. I've been fine with the game so far why are raids just gimmicks and cheese fests to create artificial difficulty?

    Those are actual responses I've heard on this forum.

  19. Why is it so important to you that the encounters be the same encounters dumbed down instead of new content that is specifically designed to bridge the skill gap and help players get better? It's very well possible that anet determined the dumbed down version of current raids wouldnt accomplish the goal of bridging the skill gap because they're constrained to existing boss mechanics. If they're going to create new mechanics to substitute existing ones, might as well create a new guided boss fight without those constraints that teaches players good habits.

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