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Posts posted by Shikaru.7618

  1. @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:raids are 'memorize mechanics, memorize perfect rotation, done'.

    which might be fun and challenging for some, but I am sure it is borderline soul crushing boring for others.

    add to this that a lot of times mechanic clues are hard to see with all the circles, particles, effects, oversized backpacks, flamboyant armor and big kitten charr and big kitten norn filling up your field of view.

    GW2 is pretty but sometimes it is so hard to see what is actually going on - why even bother? Oh, everybody died to boss X because some players did not see the tell for mechanic Y+2. Which they couldn't because they drowning in a sea of shiny effects. Sure, veteran raiders don't have that problem. But those veterans prob. could do the encounter with both eyes closed and just a timer/hp counter in their ear just the same.

    Which again makes raids so incredible boring.

    Relying on only direct visual cues is the biggest noob trap for inexperienced raiders. Most mechanics have sound cues or the yellow shimmer around your screen that is in your peripheral view. If you cant avoid mechanics because you cant see them, turn on your game sound. Also doing raids blind folded would be more fun for experienced raiders than you think because we enjoy the feeling of mastery of content. Blind folded relying only on sound cues would probably be an awesome challenge to do.

  2. @Fuzdom.6493 said:CynI am only advocating for mystic clovers to drop in PVE land like they are guaranteed in REWARDS tracks, nothing else.

    You and Lare however wants pve players to spend their gold and mystic coin and fractal relics and obsidian shards and whatever the other stuff that are required to PAY just to convert for a random chance in mystic forge - something wvw and pvp players get guaranteed and FREE.

    • AND yes PAYING for it on the Bot in fractal is guaranteed...BUT still PAYING for it.

    What/WHY you have against clovers being dropped in world boss events in pve land?

    Because it doesnt need to drop. You already get the most clovers by being a pve player. You get the most gold which translates to the most clovers. If you dont want rng, use fractal relics to guarantee 2 everyday. By allowing them to drop you take away the main incentive for mystic coins to be traded which casual players use as a source of income.

    Since you dont seem to understand the math I'll lay out easy numbers for you to understand.

    Spend 6 hours in wvw or pvp get 2 clover guaranteed with some trash drops amounting to like 3g.

    Spend 1 hour in fractals get 2 on a daily basis, along with 15g in drops after you've subtracted the cost purchasing from the fractal vendor.

    Since I have no faith you'll actually understand the above, heres an even easier analogy. You are complaining that your boss wont pay you in cheeseburgers and is instead paying you a 1 million dollar salary. You see intern Timmy gets paid in cheeseburgers and ask why cant I get paid in cheeseburgers instead of 1 million dollars.

  3. @Dante.1508 said:

    1. Content is too hard for the masses.

    True given the lack of incentive to improve for large parts of the player base.

    Untrue for even the simplest "easy" builds, similar to the open world builds on metabattle, which trivialize any open world content.

    There are rather simple and safe builds which bring more than enough performance while being very easy to play. That leaves only boss attacks and strategies as difficulty, and those can be practiced or simplified with certain setups.

    1. The population that does raids is beyond toxic and elitist.

    First, I'd question how you'd know since you are not known to be a player who actually engages in said content. So this is a pure hear say from your side. (If you haven't participated in at least a certain set amount of raids, given this content is over 4 years old, don't presume to make judgements on an entire part of the player base. Either make a personal subjective statement based on your own experience, or refrain from unqualified judgments).

    Second, from the thousands of raid players I've met, the vast majority were casual raiders within their own guild groups or social circles, and I daresay, 99% of them were very friendly and great people (from the short time I had with many, others I have as friends and help out in their casual raids).

    I assume the toxicity you are referring to is the age old:"oh I wasn't taken along", the "oh the barrier is to high with thousands of KP and LI requirements" or "random toxic person xyz was mean to me". To that all I can say:
    1. PUG raids are not representative of the entire raid community, just as open world toxicity when a more difficult meta fails is not representative of the average open world player (and man can players in open world get toxic in chat).
    2. a lot of players who are interested in playing raid content regularly are organized in many different types of social communities and guilds. Toxicity is not present to a large extent here or otherwise the toxic individuals get removed. These "non toxic" players will not be present to a large extent in the PUG raiding pool while still being a large part of the community.
    3. the term elitism gets thrown around a lot. Most often in this games in context of:"every one who enjoys to improve or improves their game play is elitist". I don't consider players who enjoy taking on challenging content elitist, and given the huge performance disparities between even successful raiders, I find that notion rather offensive against a large part of this games player base.

    1. The rewards are not equal to the content.

    Sure, raid rewards are on the low side. This has been complained about on multiple occasions. That's a benefit though since it makes raids less a requirement (but would directly affect why less players do them).

    @Dante.1508 said:On a side note most modern customers do not have time to spend hours in these things failing over and over..

    Then this content is not for you if you are unwilling to dedicate enough time to it.

    I know enough players who have very busy real life issues taking up time (kids, work, family, renovation, vacations, etc.). Some carve out room for raid content because it's the content they enjoy, others spend time on other things.
    Time commitment and devotion is a matter of personal availability to leisure time and preference

    TL;DR:For someone who calls other players toxic and elitist, the casual approach to marginalize an entire part of the player base seems a rather toxic approach to this issue. Especially since it's not support with any facts. That's called having a bias.

    Its not my first mmorpg i've done many raids in other mmo's, raids are all the same content and those elitists flock to the content, in all mmos.. GW2 is no different, i gave up the tread mill of raids a long time back its a horrible experience.

    What other mmo allows you to raid in optimal gear without having completed any raids to begin with? Your issue is not elitists. It is trying to join a group that clearly has different standards and expectations than your own instead of finding one that matches. Dont want a group that dps checks? Post that in your lfg listing, or start your own guild.

  4. @Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    The truly toxic individuals here are the players who do NOT enjoy raids and demand the game mode gets cut or even deprived of the few resources it had, while most often coming from the part of the game which receives by far the biggest attention bar none, open world and story content. If that is not pure greed, toxicity and selfishness, I don't know what is.

    So the casuals comming here whining that they dont have enought KP + getting kicked for low dps or dont use Crow builds/gear +hating dps meters . is toxic ?How would you call the people in the other side of the coin ? Where instead of .... you know .... play and keep killng the boss in 3 min .... they are breeding the next generation of '' the likes of them '' in the forums , in an attemp to :''common dont be casual ,speed the things upi dont want YOU to drag my time , next time i login and see you ''(a.k.a 2013 Dungeons)

    First off, access to groups and demand that content gets cut or not supported are two different things, even if one might breed the other.

    But, in order to answer your question:
    Yes, the inexperienced player who joins experienced groups which clearly stated what they are looking for is toxic as kitten
    . That person puts his own desire, needs and wishes above an entire group of players which have clearly communicated what they are looking for.

    Now, the inexperienced player who actually wants to learn how to raid, who joins groups which are practicing or willing to teach and does not just go for the free loot, that one is not toxic. That player will also notice how a part of the veteran player population is actively supporting new players to enter the game mode. More than any forum whining has ever done btw.

    Caasuals join Training groups , gets half the Killproof per week , because the group only does the easier bosses .


    @Killthehealersffs.8940 said:They KP each week where increasing . By 4 months the requiment where 100 Kp back in the days .


    @Killthehealersffs.8940 said:No casuals could ever gain so much by killing half the bosses , not have the expiriance on the 3rd hard bosses .

    again, and?

    You are assuming that for casual players the goal should be to join ultra high end speed run groups right the next moment. That assumption in and of its self is deeply flawed. The goal for casual players should be to:
    • get enough experience to be able to clear raid content
    • find players of equal skill and mind to play together with
    • clear content at the pace they are comfortable with
    • improve and become more veteran as time passes on
    • enjoy the journey and the content while doing so

    No, you won't match a near snowcrow level veteran players experience within a few weeks (also there is many levels of "veteran" status. To some a 1 year playing players with 500 LI is veteran, to others, that's a fresh-ling) . Some veterans have YEARS of experience. If you assume you can match that experience by casually doing some bosses left and right, that's a flawed assumption at it's base.

    The good news is: you are never required to become ultra super duper elite to enjoy raid content or even play it regularly (which you are basically assuming since you are only looking at the XYZ high end KP/LI group requirements). As a matter of fact, the vast amount of raiders are not that hardcore to begin with and a few weeks of practice makes any player eligible to join many groups, even on the LFG. Though I would still always recommend players find a supportive raid guild.

    @Killthehealersffs.8940 said:Yes i see the supportiveness of RaidersThe casuals whine that getting kicked for no meeting the dps standards and not getting inv for the Kp requiments .And the Raiders , say that they dont want casuals beause they dont know how to cc or do less than 15k damage , or they dont have Achentand Berseker gear to link ingame .

    Again, if you do not match the KP requirements, that is not the group for you. Stop being toxic and join groups that match your skill level and you will have no issues with dps standards, LI/KP or inexperience. On the contrary, you might even see a lot of people similar to you which will relate a lot better to the problems you might have or face.

    @Killthehealersffs.8940 said:The company creates bosses with the assumption ppl will use Open world spec ....10 min before enrage kicks in .... and really scratces its head why you hurry to kill it in 4

    Raids were designed as challenging group content. You assuming that they were designed around open world builds and inefficiency is on you. That was and certainly is not the case, and never was, for raids or to some extent strike missions. Here is the original announcement:

    What and and and ?Each time the requiments to join the LFG was increased . Casuals wouldnt never catch up in thr LFG standard .

    When it reached 500 , then the LFG start asking from ''gizmos'' or somoethings , where is dropped from last bosses

    When pppl started using the fake Killproof , codes from a site to link ingame , the raiders started going crazy on the ForumsAnd told the Casuals , it was a worthless mechanic , because from now on the would ask to link specific amount 397 instead of 500 . If you where not quick enought you had used the fake killrpoof(it still works , for whoever wants to join raids now that things have calmed down)

    When Gbmd or whatever the addon was called , started using ''inspect'' option in china , to see your freinds gear . The casuals cried against it and the raiders said it was necessery to come in the West in order to be sured the Casuals had the nessesery gear to be invited .If they had this mechanic, they would surely inv more casuals

    True they where ''advertise as challenged group''' ...sigh..But the casuals never whined about the raids dificulty .....

    But why raiders should impose such ludicrus demands like :Link You gear ...No achentant ? ByeNot Enought dps ...ByeDid you just die twice ?No Killproof ....why ask for inv ?AND THJEN THEY CRIED ON THE FORUMS , that the proccess of finidng the ''right'' pppl with right specs ,tooks longer than the Raid ....

    When the casuals come to cry in the forums, the raiders simply created a list ....(allll the kitten time) ... telling the casuals to join Training Guilds and rate each boss dificulty .

    This is a an abusive relatioship ...huh...Why shouldthey co-exist ?

    If you cant find people who dont have berserker gear, who cant do rotations, die all if the time with no kill proof then I'm sorry you dont play guild wars 2. That describes 80% of the population in open world. Go to tequatl and you'll easily find 30 people that meet those qualifications that you can group with.if you are one of them, then play with your own kind.

    We are telling you how to find your own success through training and creating your own groups. You're the one that's too busy crying to actually take those steps. There have been hundreds of new raiders who have successfully gotten their legendaries by following the steps outlined by raiders on the forum.

  5. @Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    @Killthehealersffs.8940 said:So the casuals comming here whining that they dont have enought KP + getting kicked for low dps or dont use Crow builds/gear +hating dps meters . is toxic ?

    Yes. Those individuals who think they are above the requirements set by the squad leader and think they are gods gift to this earth who deserve to be the exception are toxic. If they dont want to meet the groups requirements then they shouldnt join the group. They should start their own group, free of the kp dps requirements they hate so much. There are plenty of open worlders who play like them that they can party with to do raids. Why are they trying to force their way into high kp groups?

    Because they lack the expiriance , and are not willing to start something they havent done before ?Rather than simply reaching your hand to them , you simply gave them , the same answer like you do now ?Forcing people in mega-training -Raids , till they complete their Legendary Set , skipping entrirly the LFG because of the increasing Killproof requiements ?Training guild are doing the easier bosses , they get half the KP than normal raiders .Plus lack knowleghe about the 3rd boss in each istance , which is the hardest/dont know tactics/trainig group are not doing them

    You can have itDont come back begging them , to come and populate the Raid , so the company can invest more moneyNor support raid posts into reddit

    Except they are. Organized training communities run dhuum sabetha matt all the time. There are plenty of people who WANT to teach you the bosses. I'm not one of them and you are not entitled to my time if I dont want to play with you. Why is it so hard for the gw2 community to take no i dont want to play with you for an answer? This is unlike open world where you are forced to play with everyone including the 10 alts I have leeching meta events and you have no recourse to not carry them.

    I tell them to go join training guilds because I'm not going to waste 9 peoples time waiting for someone to learn something theyve never done before. The average open worlder is so garbage at this game I cant even expect them to be able to target the boss correctly to auto attack it or know how to move while casting so they dont have to dodge roll everything (assuming they can find the dodge key in the first place). Again there are communities who will welcome you with open arms who are happy to hand hold you. Once you've completed the bosses and dont need the hand holding, feel free to join the pugs that you meet the requirements for. Or create a group with all of the other trainees you learned the boss with.

  6. @Killthehealersffs.8940 said:So the casuals comming here whining that they dont have enought KP + getting kicked for low dps or dont use Crow builds/gear +hating dps meters . is toxic ?

    Yes. Those individuals who think they are above the requirements set by the squad leader and think they are gods gift to this earth who deserve to be the exception are toxic. If they dont want to meet the groups requirements then they shouldnt join the group. They should start their own group, free of the kp dps requirements they hate so much. There are plenty of open worlders who play like them that they can party with to do raids. Why are they trying to force their way into high kp groups?

  7. @Captain Kuro.8937 said:

    @Lini.2698 said:Heres a mathematical example to illustrate my point. Heres a sequence of numbers known as the fibonacci sequence1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34

    I wish there was an addon like Guitar hero , where you could put the Crow Meta Build numeric numbers like this , and increase/descrese the difuculty for more/less rewards (some button are done automatically , while some other manually in the least dificulty) for us poor old souls :(

    The sequence stop with a Dodge and restart with an Auto-attack

    Heck... put it in the Gemstore , with some flowery or disco UI effects .

    Edit: With less loot given ofc .Or splitting it , among my peers for having them carry me

    You literally did not read the second half of the paragraph you quoted. The point is to not memorize a long sequence of skills but to understand the logic of the sequence so that its intuitive. If you sit there and look at a rotation like 7 8 f1 4 2 swap 2 7 10 4 7 2 2 swap 5 3 7 8 f1 4 2 of course you're not going to memorize it. The string of numbers dont mean anything in your brain because it's just a jumbled mess of numbers. Dont memorize 50 individual steps. Learn how to get from one step to the next so you can derive the 50 steps on your own.

  8. @Lini.2698 said:Something fairly short without too much weapon switching would be nice, just to keep it easier to memorize it. And it'd be neat if it didn't contain too many repositioning skills. The brief time I put a sword in the hands of my ranger made me kill myself more than the enemies did.

    Right now I'm mainly playing power and condi warriors, but I'm really hoping to bring a condi scourge and maybe a power reaper into the mix sometime soon.

    The condi scourge rotation on snowcrows is already pretty simple and you can take out the weapon swap without too much of a loss. The key to practicing rotations is to NOT memorize individual skill order but rather understand rotation logic and skill priority. That way you can derive and adapt to your current situation.

    Heres a mathematical example to illustrate my point. Heres a sequence of numbers known as the fibonacci sequence1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34Sure you can memorize the numbers in the sequence but its infinitely easier to memorize the single rule that ties the sequence together: the next number is the sum of the two previous numbers. Now you're able to derive the next number no matter where you are in the sequence.

    Same idea applies to rotations Memorize the basic logic not the steps. Condi scourge has a few basic rules

    1. Keep 3 shades up
    2. Use plaguelands on cd
    3. Pair blood is power usage with sand shroud
    4. Use skills 2 through 5 on cd
    5. Dont interrupt your auto attack chain
    6. Bring epi if you need to cleave adds

    That's it. As long as you follow these rules, you should get decent damage as condi scourge in raid settings.

  9. They exist but arent widely shared because most of the hc community can do rotations. However if you post what classes you're looking for, I can probably find/make builds that hit for 25kish with extremely simplified rotations. That amount of dps obviously wont have you topping damage charts but is more than enough to clear raids comfortably.

    Also depends on your definition of simple. Are you looking for a rotation that has minimal key presses? Or one that has straightforward build logic ie. Hit these 10 buttons when they're on cooldown, no thought or timing required?

  10. @Seth Moonshadow.2710 said:

    @"yann.1946" said:Honestly I think this dichotomy you wrote is the biggest problem for raids.Mostly because people believe this to be true while it is demonstrably false.

    Their are lots of training guilds willen to teach, and a mayor parts of the average community don't care about teaching other players at all.

    On the note of rewards, why do you think you can't get pvp rewards in pve etc. No gift of battle outside of wvw etc.

    So you admit the problem exists?!The forums contain the opinions of mine and a great many others as to why we feel this way. Mine is just one but it's exactly the experiences we've had. So there is no "believe" needed. It's cold hard truth from actual game play. I even have some videos showing it but I can't share them.

    Yes, there absolutely are guilds dedicate to training for raids / strike missions. Been there done that. I cannot say it was a totally bad experience but I can say that when it came time, after having built a dedicated team over the course of a week with extra time on the weekend, to actually go for the kill. It went NOTHING like the 5 "training's" before hand so we never actual made a single defeat. Kinda disheartening. Again this is just our experiences. Others may have had better or even worse. Still was NOT worth the time we put into it!

    So I get that that comment is a bit vague. It's essential venting that the AP is split between modes rather than being able to gain it all from one mode. Also the point is as I have posted on another forum for Strike Missions. That is that we have lost the "option" of completing the Story achievements from strike missions and now are required to IF we CHOOSE (and many do!! Like myself. In fact this is the first Story Journal I haven't finished.) to finish the story achievements to do strike missions. That comes with a multitude of other problems. Though, it does comply with Player Autonomy.....so it's apparently were they are going moving forward. Never mind the "we want positive player interactions" Cuz that will not take place with two groups going after 2 separate goals in the same content! For example, this Monday you might go for Fraenir of Jormag for the weekly rewards/hope at rare chest drop. While we will be going in it for the achievements. All 3 achievements promote some party members focusing on other things than actually wining. THAT's not going to make others happy and groups have disbursed because of it. So, tell me. Wouldn't you be complaining if the role was reversed? I see your side of it, you want more players playing your content (at least that's my thought?). But if you want that there is a saying "beggars can't be choosers".

    In the end we all want the same thing. To play the game and get shinies from the game mode we enjoy (and have fun at it). So why can't we?

    If you trained 5 times on a boss and werent able to get the kill, you either started on soulless horror or the group needs to do easier instance like t1 fractals or strikes to get used to dodging and positioning. None of the first bosses minus SH are hard enough that you cant kill them after practicing that long if you come prepared.

  11. @Vayne.8563 said:

    @"WendyB.1650" said:Requiring this is already driving some of the casuals away. Whatever your definition of casual is, this is mine; A casual player is one who plays mainly in the PVE world getting levels, achievements and exploring without having to have 'That build with your rotations down to achieve this much DPS' A;ready there are strike LFG's that are saying they are running dps monitor and to you have this or that. I am a casual player who also is an achievement hunter. Yes, I play a lot, but no I am not good at rotations,

    Builds, and Raid mechanics. YET before this I have always been able to achieve the meta map achievement. Yes other maps have had jump puzzles and other things that were bothersome, but you usually could do other map achievements to get it and is not you could get a group of regular 'casual' players to help you get through, but with the newer Strikes they have made it so that just getting a group together that can complete it is hard.

    My husband quit for 4 years after HoT came out. I got him wto come back lately to play yet he has only completed story in the new area and ran around for a few min. I tried to get him to do a strike and he said he would rather go play another game than ever try that kitten where he would feel inferior if we had to carrying him. Why pplay a game if they force you to feel inferior he asked me. He and I are older and just not so coordinated.

    They have already basically banned us from Legendary Armor since if I ever want to get it I would have to do paid Raids since there is no way I doing an LFG for it. I have joined a wonderful WvW group that does not care about builds and stuff but it will be a long hall to 2000 to get that Legendary Armor and most casual players will not take the route I am.

    This is the game failing to raise you as a player sadly. The mechanical skill required to do raids is not that high as there are rotations out there where you only hit 2 buttons to do sufficient raid dps. The jump from open world to raids is like the jump from first grade to fifth grade. No ones going to say fifth grade is hard but the game does nothing to fill in second, third, and fourth grade for you so it feels like it's hard. The game also has a bunch of noob traps when it comes to trait and gear choices and does nothing to call out that you might be going down the wrong path.

    See I don't understand this at all. The game isn't failing to raise me as a player because I'm not interested in being raised as a player. You seem to think everyone who plays a sport wants to compete at that sport. SOme people play professional ball, some people play amateur ball and some people just want to have a catch and there's nothing wrong with that. The ball wasn't designed for only competitive sports. It was designed to enjoy yourself and everyone enjoys themselves differently. Most people don't walk up to two people playing catch and say you're doing it wrong. It would be a weird thing to say.

    You're making it sound like somehow we should all strive to be great at a game that many of us play just to relax. Have some laughs with friends. You're making it sound like I couldn't do raids if I wanted to but I can do them. I have no interest in them. I don't want to do them. I don't need to get better at the game. I need the game to stop telling me to play baseball when I want to have a catch.

    The more rewards they lock behind content i have no interest in the less this game is my game. The more they make stuff like strike missions part of something like zone metas the less this game and that zone interests me, because that's not my interest. I've run T4 fractals. I've run all the dungeons many many times. I'm not interested in Strike Missions. I'm not interested in raids. The game hasn't failed to raise me as a player. Hell raids didn't even exist in this game for the first 3.5 years and for the first 3.5 years I did everything in the game. But they added something I'm not interested in, and now they're adding something I'm not interested in to try to interest me in something I'm already not interested in.

    I can look up a build on snowcrows and meta battle. I can practice a rotation on the practice dummy. I can watch a raid video. I have no interest in doing any of it. Not even a little. Even if it makes me a "better" player. I'd rather have a catch.

    Was literally not replying to you at all. The post I was replying to expressed frustrations at being locked out of raids due to having slower reflexes and rotations.

  12. @WendyB.1650 said:Requiring this is already driving some of the casuals away. Whatever your definition of casual is, this is mine; A casual player is one who plays mainly in the PVE world getting levels, achievements and exploring without having to have 'That build with your rotations down to achieve this much DPS' A;ready there are strike LFG's that are saying they are running dps monitor and to you have this or that. I am a casual player who also is an achievement hunter. Yes, I play a lot, but no I am not good at rotations,

    Builds, and Raid mechanics. YET before this I have always been able to achieve the meta map achievement. Yes other maps have had jump puzzles and other things that were bothersome, but you usually could do other map achievements to get it and is not you could get a group of regular 'casual' players to help you get through, but with the newer Strikes they have made it so that just getting a group together that can complete it is hard.

    My husband quit for 4 years after HoT came out. I got him wto come back lately to play yet he has only completed story in the new area and ran around for a few min. I tried to get him to do a strike and he said he would rather go play another game than ever try that kitten where he would feel inferior if we had to carrying him. Why pplay a game if they force you to feel inferior he asked me. He and I are older and just not so coordinated.

    They have already basically banned us from Legendary Armor since if I ever want to get it I would have to do paid Raids since there is no way I doing an LFG for it. I have joined a wonderful WvW group that does not care about builds and stuff but it will be a long hall to 2000 to get that Legendary Armor and most casual players will not take the route I am.

    This is the game failing to raise you as a player sadly. The mechanical skill required to do raids is not that high as there are rotations out there where you only hit 2 buttons to do sufficient raid dps. The jump from open world to raids is like the jump from first grade to fifth grade. No ones going to say fifth grade is hard but the game does nothing to fill in second, third, and fourth grade for you so it feels like it's hard. The game also has a bunch of noob traps when it comes to trait and gear choices and does nothing to call out that you might be going down the wrong path.

  13. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @Shikaru.7618 said:Get rid of kp by bridging the insane performance gap between an open world bottom feeder and a veteran raider.Yes.
    is the gap Anet would need to bridge. Unfortunately, i do not believe it's possible without some major rework of the whole combat/class/build system.

    Why a rework when the gap is due to player skill?First, this is a bit more than
    about skill. Skill, yes, plays a role, but that's what makes the difference when everything else (gear, traits, skills selected) is the same. But the knowledge of all of those is as important. Even small changes in traits and skills selected can have significant impact on your effectiveness, and you cannot do your dps rotations right if you don't know how they should like (and, let's be honest, most of the rotations are not very intuitive).Second, the game can teach you about game mechanics, but most of things that impact effectiveness simply cannot be taught by the game. The game has no idea what the proper rotation should like, and while the freestyle build system can help you create magnificent and supereffective builds, usually it only helps you in crippling your character.

    So, basically, with the current system, most players won't get any better, and there's nothing the game can do about it. The only way to close the insane performance gap between them and hardcore veterans is by decreasing the possibility of such a gap even existing - and that can only be done by removing all those things that faciliate it. And that can't be done without a major rework of a whole build/class/combat system.

    Which, as we know, is not likely to happen.

    Everything you mentioned is considered skill though. What you’re suggesting is adding a handicap.

    Depends on how you define skill. I see knowledge and execution as 2 separate things. Knowledge gaps are relatively easy to overcome in game by implementing recommended builds when you hit level 80. Assuming people dont change the way they execute other than gear and traits, youd likely close that 10x gap quite a bit.

  14. You people need to stop joining groups that clearly dont want you. If you're joining 500 kp groups and you have 2 that's not the group being toxic. That's on you.

    Why not join the many other people who also complain about toxicity on this forum and form your own welcoming group? The key to successful raiding is like minded individuals. If you want to play a minion reaper, form a group of other players that want to play longbow dh, shortbow thief, etc

  15. @"Andovar Edoras.2143" said:So finally got my Personal Fractal level to 75 and can now use the T4 lfg..But i'm confused as to the sudden obsession with builds and metas and kill points etc that im seeing.(I have no intention on doing CM, so lets not discuss those so called "kill points" at all, "you do you boo" when it comes to that.).

    Have been doing T3 for months, and you could clear anything with any pug teambuild there.

    So i went and did T4 Molten Boss daily.I see people joining my team and immediately declaring if theyre dps or heal etc, while going into detail about their builds and how they play..And in my head im just like "guys...It's just Molten Boss...".You literally mop up some groups of mobs and fight those 2 guys at the end who are total pushovers... Why so serious...

    Followed this frac up with Mai Trin a bit later, with a different team. Joined a team who was worried about their dps and heals, yet again... So I walked in there, tried once, won. Piece of cake, nothing special compared to earlier tiers except a few more mobs... (2 teammates died during 25% health phase, yet still i had time to revive both by just dodging bombs..so cant Possibly be that hard)

    Aaanyway...Moving from T3, why is T4 suddenly so...robotic and tense? Where does the sudden obsession about efficiency come from, when the content itself isnt scaled up that much, particularly considering the "we NEED class x with build y for this" type arguments?

    Almost tempted to just go back to T3 where its so chill. The T4 daily chests probably dont have anything more valuable in them anyway.

    Also possible that the meta supports kept you alive while you were doing all of this and you were simply unaware?

  16. Even if it wasnt a meme, if a player wants to seriously demand high credentials, that's their perogative to play that way. Is it needed? Hundo percent no. But it's not any less stupid than someone posting for a Sabathia run with only pistol pistol thieves. Dont like the group? Dont join it. People need to stop complaining about how other people play the game when they have options to opt out.

  17. @Dante.1763 said:

    @Westenev.5289 said:I don't think GW2 is easy or hard - but I do think it's somewhat unfair. Attacks require reactions to avoid, yet the NPC's have few tells and damage just sort of happens.

    What NPCs have no tells with attacks you
    have to

    Awakened canids come to mind. being CC locked by them is so fun. but the number of mobs that do that are few and far between.

    @White Kitsunee.4620 said:The open world is waaaaay too easy.And that's without mentioning that it hasent kept up with power creep.

    But this is more so due to how little consequence death Caries now.


    Death never had consequences in this game, aside from the armor repair cost, which was minimal.

    @Hannelore.8153 said:I'm not sure if this thread is a joke, but I have my Ele in mostly glass gear (Marshal's w/ Celestial trinkets), and I only barely struggle in most content, even the latest stories and meta events, and that's the weakest class defense wise and a glassy support gear combination.

    I can't imagine this game being even a slight challenge for someone on a meta class & build for example.

    id be surprised if most players ran meta builds + gear.

    And even if they did, i doubt theyd understand how to use it. Given how large the disparity of DPS is between average players and good players.

    You're basically saying here that the average player is a moron

    Not me. Anet has given the qoute on the massive DPS disparity. Im sure alot of can be put down to no reason to try*(not how i feel about it) in open world, but hey say what you want on that.

    Probably because the open world doesn't resist at all and falls down to spamming autos. But still, you doubt they would be able to understand a build? that's low

    I do yes. Ive set up builds for my parents and they cant figure out how to use them properly, or they outright refuse to use the weapons attached to the build(super frustrating.). Im sure thats not the majority of players, but im sure they exist elsewhere.

    Candids have a plenty long tell. They will face you and burrow for like 5 seconds and then pop out and cc you. If you cant react in 5 seconds I'm not sure any tell will be helpful.

  18. @Amaranthe.3578 said:

    @White Kitsunee.4620 said:The open world is waaaaay too easy.And that's without mentioning that it hasent kept up with power creep.

    But this is more so due to how little consequence death Caries now.


    Death never had consequences in this game, aside from the armor repair cost, which was minimal.

    @"Hannelore.8153" said:I'm not sure if this thread is a joke, but I have my Ele in mostly glass gear (Marshal's w/ Celestial trinkets), and I only barely struggle in most content, even the latest stories and meta events, and that's the weakest class defense wise and a glassy support gear combination.

    I can't imagine this game being even a slight challenge for someone on a meta class & build for example.

    id be surprised if most players ran meta builds + gear.

    And even if they did, i doubt theyd understand how to use it. Given how large the disparity of DPS is between average players and good players.

    You're basically saying here that the average player is a moron

    Not me. Anet has given the qoute on the massive DPS disparity. Im sure alot of can be put down to no reason to try*(not how i feel about it) in open world, but hey say what you want on that.

    Probably because the open world doesn't resist at all and falls down to spamming autos. But still, you doubt they would be able to understand a build? that's low

    I'd take that wager. I think most players in open world are actually clueless when it comes to game knowledge and if you give them a meta raid build they wouldn't be able to figure out what it's doing. I'm not even referring to rotations, but just general "logic behind the build". If any of the streamers are any indication, people struggle with even keeping the boss targetted so they can auto attack it.

  19. @Firebeard.1746 said:

    @"Nightcore.5621" said:Raids so toxic and I dont ever think People well be into something so toxic so i think the Whole strike Thing to get People to do raids well never happen

    There’s more toxicity coming from those against toxicity than from those being accused of being toxic.

    Lol that's rich. The hardcore pveers are going to kill this game blaming noobs all along the way.


    Because they're unwilling to actually build a community in the name of speed clears. Also the data on # of Lis vs your percentile in the community is hilarious in the context of "bring massive kp"

    Except there are literally communities dedicated to growing the raid scene and newbie raiders. For some reason people decide to ignore them so they can go join lfgs they're clearly not qualified for based on the lfg posting.

  20. @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:Don't put words in my mouth; I'm okai with power compo and the "don't join/make your own group" blablablaBut those groups on LFG :Two DH looking for a FB since hours, but grumbling or kicking heal or condi ones ... :# I don't know ... adapt, change spec and stop whining ?Same, groups looking for a particular DPS like SB with stance/spirit, or the power FB, etc for hours you have time to do your run and find them back in LFG :# ; may be I'm wrong but my Definition of "Time saving" seems a bit different.Groups kicking berserker when they look for DPS, but the already present banner slave does better than the "dps" :#

    Some players like the small boxes. Tomorrow you tell them the new meta is chrono/druid again and Reaper for dps, and you'll find a lot of LFG for Chrono/druid/reaper.

    It is not your place to say when the group leader should lax on the team they want to build. If they want to wait an hour for a stance share and you are not a stance share trying to force your way into the group that's your bad. You can politely ask if they're ok with an alternative build but it is their perogative to say no and ask you to leave. There are plenty if groups that will likely finish before them anyways that you should join.

  21. @Thereon.3495 said:In the real world laws are there to create order and fairness. Take stealing for example- before the law was there sure there were a lot of people going around taking what they want but these people were in the minority as the vast majority were good, upstanding citizens who understood right from wrong.

    Now translate that into GW2. You have a no doubt shady practice of minimising event participation. Sure there is currently no law against it (not against ToS) but that doesn't stop it being bad for the game environment especially when it comes to mocking those actively taking part. My thoughts on how to 'fix' the issue that I see (create a law, so to speak) are my own opinions on how I would tackle it and the opinion of 'how much participation is enough' is going to vary between most of us. In the specific case of CC I feel the current bare minimum is not enough.

    Some have mentioned that I am forcing my view of what is right on others but I don't understand how this can be. Right is right, wrong is wrong when it comes to directly affecting other players in terms of creating more work for them. You are making the game harder/longer for others with your so called 'playstyle'. When your actions directly affect someone else negatively there is no 'right' about it. Sure life sometimes gets in the way- I occasionally duck out of the DS meta to grab a drink or look for some new music to play in the background. What I don't expect is to be rewarded during that time as I have not helped my fellow players.

    Sounds very much like how half of the people who attend open world metas play. Who do less than 10k dps, dont bring cc to break bars, and do nothing but upscale because they cant figure out how to target the boss.

    These players are making the game harder/longer for others with their so called 'playstyle'. When their actions directly affect someone else negatively there is no 'right' about it.

  22. @Thereon.3495 said:

    @Gop.8713 said:No one is taking advantage of anyone. Players have different goals. Some players just want to open the chest, whether for daily, ap, just as a casual way to participate in the event or w/e. Other players are very fussed over getting max stacks, finishing as quickly as possible, etc. . . .

    You deny taking advantage and yet in the same breath mention taking advantage, all the while calling it 'a different goal'. If we all had this 'different goal' then the event would not complete therefore it is not a goal. Not playing the game and having others carry you (wasting their time) is not a goal, nor is it a playstyle, nor any way to act in general. In game or outside of it.

    I feel like this conversation is going nowhere so this is where I leave you my friend for fear of a locked thread!

    It is a goal. The goal is to maximize rewards by putting in the least amount of effort possible. I accomplish my goal if I tag one mob and get gold rewards. That is a perfectly legitimate goal to have in game. I am not forcing you to do anything you dont already want to do. You were going to complete the event whether or not I tagged something. You're also more than welcome to leave the instance and not complete the event for me. I'm not forcing you to stay. There are 100 other players that will take your place.

    It is also open worldish content where all players including myself are welcome. Who the hell gatekeeps open world? If you want the ability to boot players out of CC you should ask anet for those tools.

  23. @Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

    @HardRider.2980 said:Nothing makes me as sad in GW2 as being forced to either play a profession you hate to play because pugs see a meta page and think that only those classes can do it and refuse to accept others outside of the meta /shrugs

    The mentality and attitude of streamers toward the casuals pretty much bolsters that opinion.

    Care to elaborate on what class you tried to bring vs what the lfg asked for on which encounter?

  24. @Valandil Dragonhart.2371 said:

    @Valandil Dragonhart.2371 said:Tired of it myself... reporting them makes it even more of a drag when they show up the next day and leech even more.

    I've forgotten how many people I've reported, but it's more than two dozen. The vast majority of which were at 303 mastery points and just there to claim an 'easy' 60AP.

    Ridiculous. Both the design of the minigame AND the 'players' (leeches) exploiting it.

    No action will be done though as they’re not violating any rules.

    Actually they're exploiting the game.

    Anet rushed the content and this is the price that legitimate players are paying for the creator's oversight.

    It’s not exploiting. They participate in an event, get the minimum number of stacks needed to open the chest, and then stop participating until the loot phase. It’s no different than the examples given in this thread that exist elsewhere in the game.

    So are you saying the exploiters/leechers are blameless for this? You really think this is ok?

    Imagine if everyone in the instance did this... nothing would be achieved.

    That’s not what I’m saying. I just said that what they’re doing is in no way against the rules.

    So you also believe that those 60AP's they're so desperate for that they have to leech, are 'earned' as well?

    I really wish I could AFK for 60AP's... to anyone that's had to work for achievements, those AP's are gimme's.

    Then you should. The event was designed to be afked or they wouldnt grant achievemnets with minimal participation. Sounds like you're unhappy with other peoples play styles because they're contrary to your own. At least I'm up front about contributing the bare minimum. For every one of me, there are 20 more players that pretend they're contributing to a meta because they're face rolling on the keyboard for the full duration. Reality check for you, those players contribute less in 10 minutes than I do in 1. Why arent you mad at those players? Just because the numbers arent in front of you and it looks like they're waving their hands in the air the whole time?

    If everyone afks and no events complete, guess what? No rewards are given out as to be expected. That's fine with me.

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