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Posts posted by Shikaru.7618

  1. @thepenmonster.3621 said:

    @"Shikaru.7618" said:Blame the game for demanding so little of us.

    I tend to blame gamers for being gamers. Even if the devs did move the level of difficulty towards the players with the uber builds those players would still find ways to slack off and let someone else do the work in the events. "Harder" is not a solution to this problem.

    Unless they start electrifying the floors?

    Anyway, I don't think something as frivolous as a festival event needs a kick function. But I do think that the metas do need either an idle timer or the rewards adjusted based on participation level. Maybe no rewards above green quality if you're not tagged as having completed the pre events? Or if you wait for the chest icons to appear on the Palawadan map and you stroll in behind the zerg that has cleared a zone?

    That wouldnt change my play pattern at all and would only serve to punish players that join mid way. For CC that is going to lead to near empty instances as people who join a half way instance immediately peace out or afk until the cycle resets.

    Also not saying this is the right way to solve the problem because it would likely drive a lot of players away, but individual performance based rewards would force people to actually play. The higher your damage, boons, heals, or execution of mechanics, the more you get rewarded. This doesnt raise the difficulty of any event yet would get people to not afk. In fact itd likely make all metas go super smooth as people are scrambling to do as much damage, or execute perfect mechanics to claim their share of loot. People who die would way point so that they can continue building their contribution bar before the event ends, people would also not be incentivized to res them as you heal for nothing on a fully dead person and would actively not be filling your own participation bar efficiently. Downed people would be ressed immediately as youd contribute significant healing per second to your over all contribution score. The only issue with this is the population would cry and whine they're not getting rewards and just leave the game.

  2. @thepenmonster.3621 said:

    @"Shikaru.7618" said:I say all of open world because this is how it works everywhere not just in CC.

    Once upon a time I decided to do Mega D. I WP in to the crater and see enough players that they hit my no-show threshold. You know what happened when the pre's popped?

    Me and two other players did them.

    I then started paying attention to the meta events and yeah, lots of players standing around waiting to tag the boss and letting others do the work, and they were in no way the minority. I did try for a while to hint in chat that they should get off their kitten, "Hey! Anyone need help with the pre's? I'll come join you." These days if I find I'm the only one doing things I'll stop and try to convince any other suckers with me to let the event fail. They never take me up on it and I dig why: I already have the achievements and loot I needed from the world bosses. It's easy for me to walk away but maybe not so for them.

    Which just reinforces my point that there will always be people that care more than I do. My investment in any world event is 5 seconds before i alt tab to a different game. If the meta fails, I've lost 5 seconds but I guarantee you that a non zero number of afkers will join the population of people who care more than me.

    Blame the game for demanding so little of us.

  3. @Arlies.7456 said:I'm absolutely behind OP and quite surprised to see that most replies here only seek to justify this rotten behavior one way or another. Exploiting others is bad. Period. I don't care how 'boring' the event is, how much you NEED those tokens and how bad Anet is. I just make sure to report just as I would if someone is AFKing in any other content or game.

    It's fine to have that attitude if you're prepared to report 50% of the folks participating in open world. Again, the difference between an average open worlder and a knowledgeable veteran is 10x (not counting support builds). What I do in 5 seconds is equatable to what the average joe does in 50 seconds. If you want to talk about exploitation and leechers, its the large number of open worlders that THINK they're contributing. At the end of the day, they contributed 100k damage towards the boss in 50 seconds while I did that in 5 seconds and afked for the other 90%. We either deserve the same reward, or we both deserve to be punished.

  4. @Thereon.3495 said:I really don't understand either of the replies so far.

    Ayrilana: maybe my use of 'AFK' isnt accurate and should be replaced with 'actively letting others do extra work while mocking', wasting our time so they can be rude and lazy. These 'mockers' make others do EXTRA work, spending EXTRA time just so they can be lazy and then have the cheek to mock us? How is this in the spirit of the game?

    Shikaru: Id block the chest for players that have not participated in either all the mini-games available to them after joining or x% of the total. Participating in just the final few seconds of the final event makes a mockery of not only the players actually participating in the event but the Festival itself.

    FYI im talking about Celestial Challenge only here....not sure how bringing general world events into things is relevant.

    I say all of open world because this is how it works everywhere not just in CC.

    Verdant brink: afk on matriarch platform, tag when matriarch is 10%, get full rewards.

    Octovine: afk Southside, tag vine at 3%, get full rewards

    Tangled depths: afk during pre events, tag gerent when it spawns. Die to poison and wp to center for chest and full rewards.

    DS: afk til Mordy. Tag mordy once to open end chest and noxious pods at the end

    Pinata: afk casino, tag pinata

    Junundu: afk whole event, dont even need to tag to open the end chest.

    Doppleganger: afk energy collection. Run to dopple and tag at 3%.

    Hope you're seeing a pattern here. The game hands put participation rewards left and right so theres no reason not to expect CC to work the same. Here's the kicker, I know there are way too many open world pve players who care way more about the meta completing than me because that's their only source of income. I get all of my liquid rewards from fractals and raids (where I have control over leechers) so even if the event fails, I dedicated like 5 seconds of effort anyways and dont care.

    • Confused 1
  5. Sadly not going to happen. The core system of open world events demands so little of the player because anet wants to make sure even bad players are getting rewards. The difference between an average player and competent player is 10x. Think about what that means for a second. Would you give someone who has been participating for 30 seconds no rewards? If you your answer is "yes of course I'd give them rewards" then you are also going to give me rewards for participating for 3 seconds as I've likely contributed equitable if not more damage in that time.

    • Confused 1
  6. @Asum.4960 said:

    @DoRi Silvia.4159 said:I'm so glad the boneskinner is the way it is. Every other strike is kitten easy brain dead content with no punishing mechanics u can face roll all the apes and auto strike to win .....

    No. Alot of players are too used to playing content they are guaranteed to win.Strikes was designed at the intention of making a bridge for players to get into raiding and the skinner would be the closest boss to raids out of the lot. Anet definitely should keep this up with the difficulty so players get a good understanding of what raids can be like and the importance of BUILDS, MECHANICS AND RES'ING

    The issue i see, is thats not what happens. ive done a decent number of raids, and i dont even do the boneskinner SM. most of the casual population -stops- if they cant win a fight by just pressing 1, and if ANET wants players to make the bridge from SM's to raids i see it failing before to long, none of my friends who play who do raids do SMS either so im left to PUG, and thats just...no.

    Yes yes it's very similar to what I was explainingMost of the casuals auto attack to win and quit if they cant win that way

    But people need to realise how are they going to get to raid standard performance if they dont practice in advance.. I think the bone skinner was a really good intro to raids as it has multiple mechanics where it can wipe out the group just like raids.. it shows that you need to DODGE mechanics and actually use skills instead of just face tanking all mechanics and just 111111

    Way I see it Anet has done a good job with strikes and as it progresses and becomes more difficult people who are interested can keep getting better at mechanics and hopefully it will spark a interest to raiding.

    Ps, I've been doing skinner on pug daily this whole week and have always atleast landed a silver reward.. I think it's just the time of the day and maybe joining a exp group if you are gonna pug skinner

    People arent going to keep playing, thats my point. When the strike missions get to hard to complete with more than a bronze reward players will stop(seriously get rid of the timer, its the opposite of fun if you are doing a training run and it takes longer but you still finish it to get none of the rewards, i unno who thought that would be a good idea, but i dont think it is.)

    The vast majority of players -dont care to learn the mechanics, they want to play an easy game- And if anet wants to keep going down the strike mission path they need to keep that in mind, i cant see Sms being popular for long if they keep them on the same level as the Boneskinner one.

    If you thought threads complaining about story missions where hard, id standby for the SMs complaints and then nerfs because the majority of the community isnt able to complete them.

    For the most part, players who do raids and the vast majority who just do PVE are on entirely different levels and play styles, and that always needs to be remembered by the devs. They know the shockingly large DPS variations between player skill levels, and its only gotten larger as the game has gotten older.

    PS, I dont do SMs anymore. I did them once got the achievements and stopped, they just arent fun. Grothmar is really easy, two of the three Bjora marches are annoying AF not even hard, just annoying(Boneskinner and the Twins), and the third one was just to easy, add to that, again the lack of rewards. SMS give -nothing-, especially if you dont get higher than bronze. Why would i waste my time? They dont have unique armor(bought all the grothmaw ones from the TP cause the drop rate is trash in this game) or weapons tied to them that can only be gotten from the end chests, so ill go do something else.

    They're not fun because the rewards aren't worth the effort.

    Removing the timer won't change that.

    Strikes beed their own currency where you can buy stat selectable exotic armor. Helpful, without taking from raids.

    I agree, Strikes need a (better) reward system, maybe something like a the Dungeon Token system with different amounts of Tokens earned depending on the difficulty of the strike.These Tokens could then ideally be redeemed for some preliminary gear and cosmetics.The problem with removing the time limit would be, since some of the Strikes are already so incredibly easy, that you could just walk in there with a Thief with Invigorating Precision, activate auto attack and then tab out and go afk and come back in a few minutes to collect your loot (at least with Icebrood Construct).Right now, people at least need to go through the effort to multi box to afk do Strikes, not that any of that is worth to do with the current lack of rewards, but still.

    @Shikaru.7618 said:I think in theory this works if all players have a growth mindset. Because progression in this game is largely skill gates and not gear gates, it's pretty difficult for the casual to see progression. They just know that they're wiping but other than boss %, it's hard to tell if one wipe is improvement from another wipe. Also getting a boss to 50% one run then dying the next run at 70%, does that mean backwards progress for the individual has been made? What I observe is that the casual player sees a plateau in skill progression because they are allowed to opt out when something gets too hard, and no guidance is given by the game on how to overcome their current skill gate.

    Maybe a solution would be for Arenanet to mark the harder pieces of content as such. Say "Strike Mission 1: Easy", "Strike Mission 2: Challenging", "Strike Mission 3: Average" and so on. Similar system could work on most other types of content too like dungeons and Raids, because not everyone reads forums or reddit or other websites to figure out that one Strike Mission can be harder than another one. The guidance to overcome a skill gate already exists, it's called participation medals, if you barely get Bronze in an easy Strike Mission don't expect to get Bronze in the hardest one. Getting higher tiers of medals means getting better at playing the game, which would eventually lead to success in the more challenging missions. They could use the participation system as guidance and add labels to further guide players through their training.

    Errrr..ive gotten bronze because the rest of my group didnt do enough DPS on some of them, should i have stayed at the same SM level? No, that idea is flawed heavily. There is no guidance in game that will show a player(individually) is getting better unless they use third party tools. Also Shikaru is right, your mindset and anets mindset only works for a probably small portion of the playerbase, and i have no clue if that portion is big enough to re energize raids.

    If you know you did good dps, but the rest of the group was the problem, then you already know you can move on to the next SM level. But a player that cannot possibly know/understand if their dps is good enough or not, the medals are an average indicator. And I'm sure the majority of the playerbase doesn't know how terrible they are at playing the game. If they knew then they wouldn't have an issue adapting to higher difficulty content.

    Oh i agree, they dont know thats the problem at large but the really vocal community doesnt want any in game way to tell either and its a shame. I was really against DPS meters until i started raiding and knowing my numbers for sure helped...went from doing 9k dps(condi) to 15k on average. Without the tools in game though, its not gonna get better.

    Which is interesting because its -not- hard to do better IG, you dont even have to know your class!

    This is where the folks who "play games to relax" come from. Performance tracking causes stress because who wants to be told that their damage output has an F rating? I'd imagine it's the equivalent of lounging on the beach and someone telling you, you're fat. They're not wrong, but who wants that kind of stress? I'd imagine a lot of casual folks want to hop in, kill a quick boss, feel like they contributed (either actually or dellusionally) and hop out. Once players are faced with the reality that they're "not good enough" very few will actually climb the skill ladder to be good enough but instead just say screw it, I'm out.

    Humans were not built to be humble, especially not when it comes to entertainment.

    I honestly think you have a false perception of DPS Meter's. Once you use them yourself, unless you actively stress yourself for some reason about it, they are not a source of stress but of motivation. It just depends on how you use the tool.

    It's just something you can look at at occasions and notice interesting things for self-improvement. Like you might always frantically press all your buttons on cooldown, but while playing with a DPS meter instead you might notice when you leave some skills out entirely (and finish an AA chain instead) your DPS actually goes up, as the skills cast time/animation is too long in relation to the damage it does, when compared to just AA'ing. Then you might notice that's the case because it's a Utility/CC skill, making you more aware of keeping and using it at the proper moments to contribute to CC bars. Or making you more aware of burst windows, like DH's spear of justice, and how much your damage increases when you combo Traps, Symbols and other high damage skills into that window, instead of using them randomly.Similarly you might start to experiment with Traits and notice how massively some can improve your performance over others you might have thought were good or comparable.

    DPS's meters never added stress for me, rather they open up the game to a whole new level of exploration of gameplay, proving to be invaluable for self-improvement in a positive way.

    Rather than someone yelling at you on the beach telling you are are fat, think in terms of talking a walk with an app that tells you "good job, you walked X steps today", giving you positive reinforcement that inspires you to keep pushing for more, leading you to improvement and with that a feeling of accomplishment.

    Sure, without DPS Meter you never really know when you performed poorly, but conversely you also never really realise when and how you improved, which can motivate greatly to reach for further improvement for your own sake.

    As a hardcore raider I'm fine with dps meters because I have the self awareness to know theres always room for improvement and I want to know where those opportunities are. Not everyone is this self aware or wants to analyze their gameplay. The attitudes I described are the people that honestly dont care. They dont want to know. Not everyone finds enjoyment in parsing their logs to see where they mightve cancelled an auto chain. They just want to hit buttons and feel like they're contributing. To those people, being told by either a tool or other players you're not doing good damage is synonymous with youre not welcome here.

  7. @Eloc Freidon.5692 said:Completely fill your skill bar with stun breakers and stability. Run out of stun breakers when the enemies stun spam you past all your dodges and skills. Get stun spammed to death AND have no skills to kill things is great.

    Older games that have done it better have a CC limit that stacks up to say 3 times before you are immune to it for a few seconds. Those kinds of developers found out quick that spending 15 seconds being unable to do anything until you are downed is the primary reason people quit games with CC. GW avoids that trap at least until mid game where it is out of nowhere without teaching you about enemies that spam and THEN players quit.

    What mobs specifically do people run into in open world that do this? I've literally never had a problem with stun lock against any groups of mobs.

  8. @Ghetx.1752 said:For potion u can use in fractals only,5000 Fractal relics seems little bit too much.We get it,you wanted to make higher number req. as humanly possible to keep people doing fractals,but by the time u get ONLY ONE potion,you can farm any of the legendary weapons 2 times over.

    In fractals you have to be present at all times,no afk,no brb,that is if you are serious about your farm,while when comes to gold farm for legendary weapons,you can afk as much you want,without holding back rest of the group.

    I would totally understand time invested requirement if you could use potion anywhere you want,but only for fractals,which one one plays for more than one hour a day anyway its heavily overtuned.

    I have been doing fractals for a while now,but only recently i got ar up to 140+ and started doing it little bit seriously,and after all this time i decided to open all reward chests,trade in all potions,trade pristine relics just to realize i got only 1200 fractal relics,after countless hours of farming.I simply cant see myself farming for 13800 fractals relics more.

    Just when i started to warm up,when i realized i am not getting kitten worth my time invested,i decided not to enter fractals ever again and sold all agony infusions.

    LOL honestly if your long term goal for doing fractals was ONLY to get permanent potions that you cant use anywhere else, that's on you buddy. Theres plenty of other incentives to do fractals and you can complete them daily by using the one time consumable potions. Not to mention you get the one time consumable potions as drops daily so you dont even need to buy them.

    Also you only need to spend about 20 days doing fractal dailies and cms to earn the relics so if you can farm a legendary in 10 days why bother with fractals ascended drops? All of your alts must have legendary everything by now.

  9. @Dante.1763 said:

    @"Shikaru.7618" said:I think in theory this works if all players have a growth mindset. Because progression in this game is largely skill gates and not gear gates, it's pretty difficult for the casual to see progression. They just know that they're wiping but other than boss %, it's hard to tell if one wipe is improvement from another wipe. Also getting a boss to 50% one run then dying the next run at 70%, does that mean backwards progress for the individual has been made? What I observe is that the casual player sees a plateau in skill progression because they are allowed to opt out when something gets too hard, and no guidance is given by the game on how to overcome their current skill gate.

    Maybe a solution would be for Arenanet to mark the harder pieces of content as such. Say "Strike Mission 1: Easy", "Strike Mission 2: Challenging", "Strike Mission 3: Average" and so on. Similar system could work on most other types of content too like dungeons and Raids, because not everyone reads forums or reddit or other websites to figure out that one Strike Mission can be harder than another one. The guidance to overcome a skill gate already exists, it's called participation medals, if you barely get Bronze in an easy Strike Mission don't expect to get Bronze in the hardest one. Getting higher tiers of medals means getting better at playing the game, which would eventually lead to success in the more challenging missions. They could use the participation system as guidance and add labels to further guide players through their training.

    Errrr..ive gotten bronze because the rest of my group didnt do enough DPS on some of them, should i have stayed at the same SM level? No, that idea is flawed heavily. There is no guidance in game that will show a player(individually) is getting better unless they use third party tools. Also Shikaru is right, your mindset and anets mindset only works for a probably small portion of the playerbase, and i have no clue if that portion is big enough to re energize raids.

    If you know you did good dps, but the rest of the group was the problem, then you already know you can move on to the next SM level. But a player that cannot possibly know/understand if their dps is good enough or not, the medals are an average indicator. And I'm sure the majority of the playerbase doesn't know how terrible they are at playing the game. If they knew then they wouldn't have an issue adapting to higher difficulty content.

    Oh i agree, they dont know thats the problem at large but the really vocal community doesnt want any in game way to tell either and its a shame. I was really against DPS meters until i started raiding and knowing my numbers for sure helped...went from doing 9k dps(condi) to 15k on average. Without the tools in game though, its not gonna get better.

    Which is interesting because its -not- hard to do better IG, you dont even have to know your class!

    This is where the folks who "play games to relax" come from. Performance tracking causes stress because who wants to be told that their damage output has an F rating? I'd imagine it's the equivalent of lounging on the beach and someone telling you, you're fat. They're not wrong, but who wants that kind of stress? I'd imagine a lot of casual folks want to hop in, kill a quick boss, feel like they contributed (either actually or dellusionally) and hop out. Once players are faced with the reality that they're "not good enough" very few will actually climb the skill ladder to be good enough but instead just say screw it, I'm out.

    Humans were not built to be humble, especially not when it comes to entertainment.

  10. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @Dante.1763 said:If you thought threads complaining about story missions where hard, id standby for the SMs complaints and then nerfs because the majority of the community isnt able to complete them.

    That's true only if they want the majority of the community to complete all Strike Missions. Every content type has a variety of difficulty settings, there are easy dungeons, fractals, raids and meta events and there are hard ones. Outside the Boneskinner Strike Missions have been on the easier side, with the exception of Icebrood Construct which is solo difficulty. There is no reason to nerf a specific Strike Mission, the entire reason for the existence of Strike Missions is to teach players mechanics and bridge the gap with harder content, this cannot be accomplished if all Strike Missions are an easy mode, rather a progressive difficulty curve is required so their intended purpose can be fulfilled.

    If someone finds Boneskinner too hard, they can go to the other Strike Missions and get better at playing the game. That's how all instanced content worked so far and Strike Missions cannot be an exception.

    I think in theory this works if all players have a growth mindset. Because progression in this game is largely skill gates and not gear gates, it's pretty difficult for the casual to see progression. They just know that they're wiping but other than boss %, it's hard to tell if one wipe is improvement from another wipe. Also getting a boss to 50% one run then dying the next run at 70%, does that mean backwards progress for the individual has been made? What I observe is that the casual player sees a plateau in skill progression because they are allowed to opt out when something gets too hard, and no guidance is given by the game on how to overcome their current skill gate.

  11. @DeadlySynz.3471 said:

    @Alyster.9470 said:I dont see any elitism in strikes, asking for a specific role or class is not elitism, people need to understand this. The other 3 strikes are so easy and doable with random builds and squad composition, only boneskinner actually requires some good support and dps, instead of saying its too hard try to improve around it. No one is asking LI or KP for boneskinner strike, as long as you have a proper build know your role and get along with mechanics you will be fine. But if you want to kill it with a random build and ignoring mechanics while spamming 1, you will fail. There is already a lot of open world bosses that are braindead afk events, let the boneskinner be hard so that people who want to kill can learn new mechanics, roles and improve their skills.

    I've seen it in every strike i've ever joined. If Anet just deleted their accounts on the spot on their first offense, Gw2 would be a much better place.

    And what do you consider to be elitist behavior? Please tell us what kind of bad apples you've met in strikes

  12. @"Taygus.4571" said:the bone skinner is an excellent strike mission.. and I honestly think Anet is succeeding in their increase difficulty of strikes goal, to get people more comfortable with raids..and importantly..able to play their class better.

    I'm unsure if the latter is true. Most people who struggle with boneskinner just quit the squad and go back to their throw feces at the keyboard like a monkey style gameplay. Anecdotally I've never met anyone in squad that went "wow that was fun, I want to try other hard content in the game" though I'm sure a tiny tiny portion of you probably exist. The sad truth is if the encounter cant be solved by pressing 1, its "too hard, too gimmicky, too tedious" and the casual population disengages.

  13. Also slightly tangential tip to getting raid ready. One of the hidden reasons you want to be somewhat familiar with your rotation before going in there is because when you're in a squad fighting the boss, you do not want to be fumbling with your character and wondering what skill 5 does. You want to be focusing on boss mechanics, reading boss animations, and listening to communication in discord. If you can make your skill rotation largely brainless, you'll have more attention to devote to the boss.

    Dps golem also isnt the only place you can practice. Once you get the gist of the skill rotation, you can use these same builds in open world, Fractals, and story to gain familiarity.

  14. @McMuffin.1609 said:I believe one way to improve on dungeons is to slowly introduce boss buffs and statuses. There should be in dungeon warnings/tuts to make the player take note of whats happening with the boss. I mean I got through most of core tyria content just brainless skill pressing not really figuring out combos or that my skills can remove buffs from a boss. Cause when I got into t4 fractals and raids most casual players don't bother to bring the mouse pointer to the small icon to read that the boss is doing reflect etc. (gorseval fight e.g)

    Unfortunately brainless skill pressing is the type of gameplay they're supporting as thats who pays their bills. The content designers arent concerned about making their bad players good, but rather how to make their bad players think they're good.

  15. @Svarty.8019 said:I just get the impression that raid-style content is a bit lame. It always feels like your being battered, ENDURING the content rather than winning it. The end always feels like a relief not glorious victory.

    Then you're playing the content sub optimally. A good run where everyone has good positioning and good dps is always very controlled and barely any damage is taken. If you feel like you're being battered, you're not handling the boss mechanics well and getting hit by things you shouldnt be

  16. @mindcircus.1506 said:

    @"Rubedo.8769" said:Some players don't like having to go out third party websites for cookie cutter builds to clear content and would prefer to play how they find fun, and would like the options to do so in SOLO content that doesn't effect anyone else.

    It already is this easy. Always has been.There isn't a solo mission in the game that cant be beaten on a mish-mash build in mismatched green gear.You already have your easy mode.

    Some players enjoy making the game harder for themselves by running special snowflake builds with no synergy. Then complain on the forum that shooting themselves in the foot makes the game too hard. And then say that those of us with uber elite egos can have our "hard" mode while they're purposely opting into hard mode by not running a build that makes any sense.

  17. @Bron.9647 said:I've noticed noone seems to ever want to do the Aetherblade path of Twilight Arbor, myself included, because it's just insanely difficult. I feel sorry for anyone who wants to get Dungeon Master title, because good luck finding anyone to do it with you, and if you do manage to get a team together, it's likely noone will actually know how to do it and that you will all die excessively. If it were to be nerfed a bit, I think people would actually do it.

    Just curious, why did you come to the forum asking for a nerf instead of asking for help?

  18. @thepenmonster.3621 said:

    @voltaicbore.8012 said:What I have absolutely zero empathy for is the feeling that some of the above individuals have, namely that
    level of gameplay should somehow set the standard for discussion...

    This is the correct take.

    @Ashantara.8731 said:I am an old school pen & paper role-player

    Hey! Me too!

    and there is no real adventure without epic fights.

    Long fights were the least enjoyable aspect of playing for me so I tune out when it happens. Great time to do some drawing. As the snarky saying goes: I'm a
    -player not a

    But here's the thing- If I spent all of my time telling the
    -players they're doing it wrong they would have every right to think I'm an kitten and not want to play with me because (Are you ready to have your mind blown?) I was being and kitten who was always telling them they're playing wrong.

    This is also why no one wants to leave open world and go play raids, PvP and fractals with all of you. Not that they're lazy carebear players. Because you guys, self-appointed representatives of those modes and champions of harder mobs, always behave like unappealing playmates.

    Unappealing slices both ways. When Newbies join these game modes, are asked to change to adapt to the game mode, but they refuse to abide by the team, that makes them the unappealing playmate who then goes on to broadcast how toxic raiders are.

  19. @Dante.1763 said:

    @thepenmonster.3621 said:The story bosses are tedious as hell for numerous reasons and are infuriating when they bug. Keep the mechanics, lower the health, have the cc of the adds not last two hours a shot, Bob's yer uncle.

    Story bosses already phase in one dps rotation. How fast are they supposed to die. The problem is that so many players run no dps garbage builds. Its impossible to balance when a proper power chrono can do 600k damage in like 20sec and a power shortbow ranger needs 4min+ for that.

    i mean a condi SB ranger doesnt do that much DPS either...

    Condi sb ranger does plenty of damage for story purposes. It has higher ramp up time but you should still expect to get decent clear speeds. In raid scenarios condi sb benches at 30k dps which is plenty to fly through story.

  20. @sokeenoppa.5384 said:

    @"Arden.7480" said:Just adjust to the difficulty.Unless you count 'not doing the difficult content' as adjusting to it, some people simply can't adjust to every difficulty.Many people simply aren't good enough and don't have enough talent make up the missing expertise.

    Its ok that some content is too hard. Gives you an option to train and get better which keeps the game intresting.Or like you said, players can just skip the content that they dont enjoy.

    People would quit, and slowly, GW2 would dry up, just like Wildstar.

    Why would ppl quit because of this? We already had content that was too hard for some players since launch, why is it suddenly a proplem that kills the game if we get content like that every now and then?

    How does it hurt any1 if for example we get a new raid wing? Thats content for those who like it and those who dont like it can just ignore it.If pvp or wvw gets something nice, im not saying that game is dying even tho i dont like those gamemodes. I would just be happy for those who do play pvp or wvw.

    2 issues. It creates the haves and the have nots. Ie people that can kill bosses and people that cant. The people that cant dont like that theres something unobtainable.

    They perceive that because this content exists, the content that they play is also going to be influenced by raid difficulty because now story bosses have "mechanics" and that's for raids only.

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