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Everything posted by EpicName.4523

  1. Personally, I like to hunt for specific looking gear or weapons more than anything in this game, because it allows me to make a truly unique character. Mixing and matching different pieces in order to fit a theme is very enjoyable. I won't deny some outfits are incredibly good looking. But you know what? Every time I see awesome looking outfit I know some talented artist out there made it. However, it is also a sign for me that the player using that otherwise fine creation lacks imagination to do something on his own. Imho, most people are simply horrible in fashion wars. They often use the rarest or most expensive items they can find with complete disregard of their race and profession or (what is incredibly common) simply make some kind of sloot. Human female is meta for a reason! For such people outfits are godsend. I like the appearance of some outfits, but will never buy one because as I said, they show complete lack of creativity. Rarely, when I see a cool looking hero which someone outfitted himself I catch myself feeling a bit envious for not having the same armor and matching it in a similar way. Not so for outfit users. Why? Because they only paid to use someone else's work. What's to envy?
  2. Here is how it stands for me: Core guardian is human, no question about that. Logan Thackeray is a prime example.If you played LWS3 , you will see Braham using a bow/arrow to pierce Jormag's tooth. I feel like Dragonhunters are themed after Braham and Norns in general.Firebrand spec is from Elona so human it is again. Is guardian=paladin? If that is the case then Guardians are NOT anti-heroes. They are not dark and brooding, They are the boring, goody two shoes character you see in most media. Why? Because they buff, they heal, they support. They are strong on their own, but shine when working with others while the typical anti-hero relies mostly on his own personal strength. Charrs are fighters, charrs are warriors. They respect personal strength and don't support others through buffs and healing the way guardians are supposed to. For them if you are weak, you die and you deserved it. That is why the profession does not fit them well. Again, if we assume guardian=paladin then charr makes even less sense. Charrs don't worship gods, they don't have organized faith, they don't rely on divine powers. I agree that Norn male is also not perfect for a guardian. Looking at that giant hulking piece of muscle trying to heal and attack with a scepter from the back doesn't seem right. Also, their spirits of the wild are too primal to work as a force of "justice and order" (Sounds so nerdy when I say it).Appearance wise, Norn females are much more fitting, imho. They can work as a hybrid which uses both might and magic. The tier 2 cultural armor of female Norns reminds me of Valkyries and for me they are a pretty good choice for guardian. Lastly, we have humans. They are the most lore-friendly choice and human female is never a bad option for any profession. My guardian is human female, but wouldn't mind if it was a female Norn either. Whatever floats your boat, as they say. In the end OP, you just look for an excuse to make a charr. Make it and be happy.
  3. The warriors are supposed to be strong and imposing. As already suggested male norn or charr are your best bet for this. I find it stupid to supposedly be playing a heavily armored juggernaut which is a head or two shorter than the random norn/charr in light/medium armor standing right next to me. Personally went with norn male for that barbarian look. No regrets.
  4. A bit off-topic here, but better than making separate thread - Is core ranger or soulbeast better for open world solo?
  5. Been thinking which race will fit each profession best when it comes to lore and aesthetics.For some time I thought Sylvari are the ultimate rangers because of their plant appearance and supposed nature connection. That is, until I rolled a Sylvari ranger and saw the basic skills...They all come with visual effects based on wild animals - bears, birds and so on which makes me feel like the player is really pushed to play as a Norn to match the theme of the class. "Nature" is a theme which involves more than plant life or animals, yet the ranger seems more focused on the latter. Ranger core fits Norn better, Soulbeast does as well and only Druid spec can arguably be closer to Sylvari. Are Norn the most lore-appropriate ranger race given their cultural affinity? If they are the most fitting race for this profession, what really makes sense to roll as a Sylvari?
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