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T G.7496

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Posts posted by T G.7496

  1. @Lyttle.9426 said:

    @TwoGhosts.6790 said:Because we have a good one already.

    ArcDps limitations:

    some things, in bold, because that makes them super important

    I'm well aware of the limitations of arcDPS.I can read, and I visit deltconnected's page on a regular basis to check for updates - which he provides often, btw, and almost always within 24h of a gw2 patch... good luck with that if Anet ever makes and breaks their own version; we'll be waiting with broken kitten forever, as always.And yes, I agree that one of the most frustrating limitations of arcDPS is the lack of heal monitoring, etc.That's a shame, but I would much, much rather live with those limitations than suffer the consequences of any trashy, ham-fisted attempt by Anet to monetise an in-house meter... which would probably have even more limitations than arcDPS anyway.And, apart from the lack of heal monitoring, if everyone who wants to is using the same meter (arc, for example, as they are rn), then it doesn't really matter if everyone's numbers are all equally fudged a bit... it's a useful tool, but mainly its a useful comparative, approximate tool, not an absolute one. It doesn't matter, as long as everyone is comparing the same data.So, no, it's limitations (notwithstanding the lack of heal monitoring) are not a justification to ask Anet to make an in-house one.Because I fear we might get what you wish for, and that it would be kitten.

    I think one thing everyone is overlooking is that if the developer of ArcDps ever decides to stop supporting it, that is the end of it. When I first started playing GW2 about 8 months ago what I found was a list of defunct addons no longer supported by their creators. So it is a very real possibility.

    I think one thing you might be overlooking is that those people who are for now enjoying the benefits of deltaconnected's work are aware of that possibility but, while it lasts, still prefer the risk of it happening over the alternative of Anet's intervention.

  2. @Lyttle.9426 said:

    @TwoGhosts.6790 said:Because we have a good one already.

    ArcDps limitations:

    some things, in bold, because that makes them super important

    I'm well aware of the limitations of arcDPS.I can read, and I visit deltconnected's page on a regular basis to check for updates - which he provides often, btw, and almost always within 24h of a gw2 patch... good luck with that if Anet ever makes and breaks their own version; we'll be waiting with broken shit forever, as always.And yes, I agree that one of the most frustrating limitations of arcDPS is the lack of heal monitoring, etc.That's a shame, but I would much, much rather live with those limitations than suffer the consequences of any trashy, ham-fisted attempt by Anet to monetise an in-house meter... which would probably have even more limitations than arcDPS anyway.And, apart from the lack of heal monitoring, if everyone who wants to is using the same meter (arc, for example, as they are rn), then it doesn't really matter if everyone's numbers are all equally fudged a bit... it's a useful tool, but mainly its a useful comparative, approximate tool, not an absolute one. It doesn't matter, as long as everyone is comparing the same data.So, no, it's limitations (notwithstanding the lack of heal monitoring) are not a justification to ask Anet to make an in-house one.Because I fear we might get what you wish for, and that it would be shit.

  3. @Xenic.1387 said:yeah they said on stream that they had a few oversights (number of targets affected with shades, well cd in wvw, etc...) that would be hotfixed about a week after launch. The reason given was this was the first patch release that they did since transitioning to working from home and they just missed this. In the office it would have had more eyes checking it. They also said that there's a lot of changes that impact WvW that weren't mentioned. Like Siege damage vs players being nerfed. dragon banner nerf, no more warclaw stomp, etc...

    It's good that they acknowledged this and are correcting it.

    Fair enough, I didn't see that.Still beggars belief that changes like the shade and well cd were not spotted - it's not like there were that many changes in the patch.Good to hear about the dragon banner nerf (finally!)... and no more warclaw stomp!? Wow, warclaw is so useful now - well worth introducing XD

  4. Everyone will be playing scourge anyway.And bingo.Perfect balance achieved.Dev mic drop.Btw, condi scourge is far inferior in large scale meta. Even if you're getting a kick out of your arc values, where is your damage going, what are you achieving with it? Not much, I bet.

  5. Amen.First they tear it all down.Well, OK, that's actually been an improvement.Then they think (for a very long time) about what they should do with their first serious balance patch since.And they decide to reinstate one of the most egregious things in the game; that nobody asked for and nobody wants, and that will for sure contribute to worse skill lag.And then they double down and, as you say, buff two skills that every meta scourge has on their bar. Again, no one has ever, in my experience, suggested that this is a needed change.I main scourge.For the first time in a long time scourge has felt about right. And it has still been a large, defining part of the current meta.What game are the devs playing?

  6. The thing is, like a lot of solo stealth situations, it's fun for exactly one player.For everyone else, at best, it's boring. Actually, it's usually annoying.

    And it's win-win for the thief. They either get off on the thrill of being hunted and the knowledge that they have single handedly wasted the time of maybe 50 players before being caught, or they avoid detection and portal in their buddies to immediately backflip at almost no cost; again undermining the efforts of maybe 50 players. As a win-win for the thief it's a no-risk high-reward gameplay. Bad design. Fuels resentment. And the people who like playing thieves especially love that.

    You lost the fight, now fuck off for bit while we clear your seige and move onto the next fight. Why should we all have to run around for 5 more fkn minutes, for his entertainment, trying to find one beevis or butthead? Interesting mechanics? Good, fun game design? Nah.

  7. @Moira Shalaar.5620 said:I made Exordium for the skin, ok and astralaria. The rest I do for stat swap because I theorycraft a lot. There will be even more reason to make legendaries once the legendary armory is released and a single legendary item will be usable across all characters able to use that class of armor/weapon.

    Depends how much they charge for that privilege. If it's anything like the so-called build template garbage... better get a mortgage.My guess is it'll be 800 gems per item slot per character; 18 potential slots per character, that's a lot of gems.Gotta milk that cow.

  8. What's to talk about in general map chat?Mostly city maps are full of asinine BS and trolls.Occasionally I'll answer questions if I spot them, but often in a whisper.I'll mostly spend my time chatting to guildies.WvW map and team chat is a totally different thing, and after so long you kinda know a lot of the people anyway.

  9. @Faenar.8036 said:

    @"kharmin.7683" said:Again, you think that y9u know me so well. Please, then, show me how these suspected botters directly affect your ability to play the game. How do they prevent you from completing content? How do their rewards affect your rewards? Why does it bother you?

    About that "How do their rewards affect your rewards?"He is probably referring to the devaluation effect caused by excessive amount of farmed items on market created by these semi-AFKers.Best thing I think would be writing an example: Lets say we have a map, where at start, 100 ppl are farming this
    for, lets say 2 hours per day. Now, that Map would became flooded with semi-AFK players, and thus the status would change to, lets say 100 players will farm these Scales for 2 hours per day (previously mentioned, "normal non-AFK" players) + another 100 players (=semi-AFKers) will farm them for 24 hours per day. Please keep in mind that exact numbers or exact item in this example actually does not matter, Im just writing them to give you better insight into this situation. That would cause greatly increased amounts of Scales spread through playerbase when compared to average amout of Scales farmed per day without these semi-AFKers on Map, and if these Scales will be then offered in TP, then this increased excessive supply (with not changed demand) will cause a loss of the price of 1 piece of Armored Scale. Thus, we can say that existence of these semi-AFKers farming items will impact the price of these items on the TP market, thus actually impacting "time spent / gained reward" ratio for normal active players trying to farm these items for gold profit.

    I do not want to agree or disagree with him or with you in this, I am just explaining you an economic effect called "devaluation of item price caused by increased supply with not adequately increased demand" referred in this discussion. Hope this explanation helped you to understand the arguments of that player you were responding to.

    And if the price of something on the TP drops, and if you need to buy it... Happy day!

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