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T G.7496

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Posts posted by T G.7496

  1. Specifically deadeye. Deadeye is one of the worst game design decisions I have ever seen. It is fun for exactly one person, and I worry about those people.

    I also find it super stressful fighting minion mancers and clone spam mesmers. Revolting.

    Burning just ticks too high, which results in some disgusting builds.

    Core necro needs a bit of a look at too atm, but that's just a fotm thing.

  2. @Cal Cohen.2358 said:

    Future Balance Cadence

    This patch is unusual in that it’s more about establishing a new paradigm than it is a regular balance update, and the result is a giant set of changes. Moving forward with competitive balance, we want to make smaller adjustments more often. The specific cadence for balance will always depend on our overall release schedule, but ideally it will be closer to every 4-6 weeks, while still having the opportunity to make minor tweaks outside of the regular balance update. The goal here is to have better flexibility to fix problems in a timely manner.

    It's now 7 weeks since the balance patch.Generally, I think it has brought a better gameplay, but where are the tweaks?There are clearly some problems to fix... how's that coming along?

  3. @Balthzar.3807 said:

    ... I also believe noone from Anet is reading this thread or gives a kitten. I'm sure they just wish this thread would die.To be fair, at this point nothing new has been generated in this thread for quite a while. There's nothing else here for Anet to read. They know the tenor and opinions of the players who have posted here. Repeating the same observations and complaints isn't getting anyone anywhere.

    but its fun

    It's also cathartic for those of us who despise the system, and lament the loss of Arc Templates, to keep reminding ourselves, others and Anet just how bad the current rubbish is.

  4. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @c space cowboy.2764 said:I left when it was implemented and won't return.Games officially dead to meThen why bother using the forums?

    Perhaps because sometimes it's hard to say goodbye at the end of a relationship, and if it's acrimonious there's always the temptation to make your feelings known long afterwards.

    I think it's good that Anet is made aware of the strength of feeling their decision has caused, and the reasons for that, even though, sadly, I also believe noone from Anet is reading this thread or gives a shit. I'm sure they just wish this thread would die.

  5. @Deeb.7638 said:@robertthebard.8150

    It affects me, and therefore is about me. In my mind, it not only affects me, it adversely affects me, or has the potential to do so. As mentioned, if someone is looking for recognition, they can get it by advertising map chat that they're dropping something, and stick around to get all the pats on the back their ego requires. For those of us that may just be clearing bank space, it's just a means to get rid of something while possibly helping the community in that map a bit. I shouldn't have to go invisible to assuage your need to be patted on the back for dropping a buff in a map.

    The way you are talking showing too much ego already (I'm just clearing bank space).There is nothing wrong with recognition or attention, it's fun. Sorry but people like you are sad.

    I think you have a very peculiar outlook on things.Also, noone here was looking for life coaching.Least of all from you.

  6. @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:The title of the post is "Why are Build Templates so Expensive?" not "Why are Build Templates not Free?". I understand some of you are trying to push a narrative, that we want this to be free, yet myself and a few others in here found out they were not account unlocks AFTER WE BOUGHT ONE. So yes, we are willing to spend money on them even at the current price IF they were account unlocks.

    And those suggesting that we don't spend money on the game, well, anet is free to compare my order history to those suggesting we don't, because I will bet money that I have spent more. Since it seems peoples opinions only matter based on how much they spend on the game to these people. While I am sure there are many who spend far more than I do, I have played since beta and have over that time bought gems every month, since templates release, I have made two gem orders, and since I no longer have the template system I was using and the new over priced system I am not going to buy into, that also means my play time has been cut to maybe 1/4 of before and am now looking at spending that gem money on other games and real new content that is actually worth the price. As some of you here are suggesting that to fully unlock a single toon is worth more than a new triple A game, yall also seem to think coding the template system involved more work than that triple A game as well, and it's amazing people can defend that.

    Mic drop./thread

  7. @Dark Red Killian.3946 said:Here’s a thought. For people who have crafted multiple sets, allow them to trade theirs for unbound versions of the armor to be able to be sold on trading post. This gives a way for a user to make their money back, and allows others the ability to purchase these for their armory.

    This is a pretty neat idea. I mean, if you're going to devalue your endgame rewards, may as well go all in. To be clear, I genuinely think your idea is a good one. I just think that Anet's is terrible.

  8. @Einlanzer.1627 said:

    @Danikat.8537 said:Probably because players kept asking for templates for years, so someone at Anet thought they'd be willing to pay this much to get them.

    I use the 3 build slots in-game for the builds I use most often and then have a file on my computer with all my builds saved as chat codes (with notes to say what they are) so if I want a different one I can just load it from there, overwriting one of the 'defaults' then replace it afterwards. It's not quite as quick as saving them all in-game but it means I can have as many builds as I want saved for free.

    And so far none of my characters have more than 2 sets of equipment. Honestly I'm more inclined to work with what I've got than make or buy a whole new set for perfect stats for one part of the game. If I'd gotten rid of one of my duplicate elementalists or engineers and just used 1 for everything they'd need more equipment space, but I wouldn't want to do that even if it was free.

    It was a tactical mistake to try to directly monetize this feature. Not only did it lead to them over-engineering it, costing them god only knows how much unnecessary time and money, but it also represents gem store overloading, which usually results in people losing interest and spending less money. It makes it worse when it's something that we had for free through addons beforehand.

    They would have saved on cost, generated good will, spiked player interest, and almost certainly increased their revenue indirectly through other gem store items by making it a free and simple feature like the wardrobe system was and like the addon was.

    This.I'm not playing now.On reflection I can attribute my disdain of the game at the moment to the whole templates bullshit.Such a shame.

  9. Time is money.

    Depending how you value your time, it might make more sense for you to buy enough gold with gems to afford your first legendary, sell that to fund your second, etc. Rinse and repeat at your leisure, on whatever timescale you prefer, and soon enough you will be wealthy enough to afford all the shinies you want. Your first legendary is the hardest. After that you only need the discipline and the patience to make to sell.

    I bought my first precursor with gold from gems. That's it, the only time I ever needed to do the gems to gold thing. Now I got a lot of gold. You just need patience. And you really do need it if you're gonna follow that route. But that's what I did.

    Hope that helps.Good luck.~TG

  10. Deltaconnected usually has fixes to Arc within 24 hours of there being a problem.He even posted a fix on Xmas day.

    Yet another thing that sets Arc Templates far apart from the bullshit we have from anet.

    I've tried using the current crap again. It's worse in almost every conceivable way.And the limited slots and disgusting level of monetisation just kill any joy of experimenting with and creating builds.

    And, for the avoidance of doubt, yes, I completely expected to pay something to make extended use of a templates system; I've said before that I'd have gladly paid 5k gems to keep using Arc Templates - it was that good, and made exploring the game that much fun for me. RIP.

    The current garbage isn't even a template system, gg.

  11. @galuf.5741 said:

    @galuf.5741 said:I don't see how this tool will bump my experience when I'm fps capped for my monitor in full configuration tho. I believe that actually gw2 is a bit more demanding, maybe it would do fine for people with midrange specs.

    So your rig is able to hold solid fps in big zerg maps of like 50 + people spamming skills? If so then please share your specs.......it is very difficult to achieve high fps in populated demanding areas wvw for example, but the app looks like it helps to utilize more cores rather than being single heavy, thus gaining better performance. Pretty sure also that the main advantage is not your avg frame rate but your lowest fps drop will see increase.Have seen people reporting where they used to get 20-30 fps is now seeing 45-60

    My rig is the same I get 100+ fps in a quiet area until I come across a big squad or a big meta event happens it drops to lowest 20-25. Which is why I'm so eager to try this out

    I run at full fps anywhere and at any time. I've got 64GB ram, an i9, a 2nd gen ssd and a 2080TI. Also, I want to note that most of the time I feel like the youtubers don't run the game nearly as well as I do.

    Flex bruh.Meanwhile, might try this out.

  12. @RedShark.9548 said:

    @Dawdler.8521 said:So what we see in the video - dodge then instakill.

    Sounds like WvWers might love it, no one ever complains about instakills.

    (and yes that kind of damage actually matches whats seen in earlier video, if you thought rapid fire was bad in NW clips a bow autoattack seemed to take 50%+ hp).

    Edit: oh and if they now got opt in open world... lol.

    Bruh. Run toughness. There's dmg reduction food. Stop running 0 toughness builds and complain about other people's dmg....

    Glass cannons blowing up other glass cannons who are trying to blow up other players but it's not fair somehow rofl ;-)

    But players facetanking eachother... much big skillz.

    Because having 3k+ armor is glass, while still taking 10k dmg by an aoe skill. Yep, sure is a fun experience. And also very, very skillful to kill someone in a 50 man zerg, randomly, because he was unlucky enough to get hit by 2 10k dmg skills in 1 sec.

    Reeeee my amazing 3k armor build takes damage from a damage dealer reeeee. All I should have to do is stack toughness and nobody hurts me anymore!

    Did aegis, protection, barrier, -10% damage food and corrupting might to weakness suddenly fall out of usage? You're the zerg master so you will have to tell me.

    Balanced StanceDefy PainLast Stand

    All big damage reduction too

    Ugh, i guess no real point in arguing with you.

    First you say, "oh so weird to take dmg when 2 glasscannons hit each other"Which would be understandable and right.But now you are saying its ok for glasscannons to nuke the living kitten out of tanks. Wow.

    I might be a warrior main, but im speaking for all classes that its not okey to eat 10k and more in a single hit when running 3k+ armor.

    You might be a roamer, and dont want to have anything to do with zergs, but do you not understand how "fun" it is to run amidst 50 ppl against other 50 and just randomly die in a mere second because you were unlucky? It has nothing to do with skill or boons etc, if 2 or 3 skills hits you for 10k each you are dead meat.

    They need to seriously reduce the dmg, the healing, the corrupts and the boon application in the game. Might even help the servers to run more stable, with less lag.

    And i hate to break it to you, the gamemode was made for big scaled fights and should be balanced around those, not 1v1s.

    Okay,well let me know when they chop down on the facetanking because if damage nerfs comes first this game is going to get super boring really fast.

    and btw,its ok for a player to just slap on some toughness stat gear and become tanky but if I slap on full 3 stat power gear, runes, sigils, trait lines and build up might I should do mediocre damage? Toughness should never reduce damage by more than like 25%.

    I just tested out a buld were im seriously running 3.2k armor and 36k hp, i was at 50% health which still is 18000hp!! I was hit by 2 phase smashes, one hit for 8k+ and one hit for 10k+ and i went down. In under 1 second.

    Now most ppl dont run that much hp at all, most build across the board have like 20k hp max. And most builds will never realisticly reach 36k.Now tell me what those ppl are supposed to do...

    Like i said, not just dmg has to be toned down, but everything else too.Now if they tone down dmg first, and then later on healing, im totaly fine with having some time inbetween wete nothing rly dies... Because they are still on the right path. Better fixing stuff slowly, than not fixing it at all

    barrier, damage reduction, might corruption, dodge, push, move.

    Because you can keep those reliably up... , in a 50 vs 50.Nope, its more like a gamble. Gambling was never something i enjoyed much.You like 2shots, i dont, ima head out.Well, yes. Those things and much, much more can be reliably kept up in a 50v50.

    Well except the dodge, push and move part. You have to do
    for yourself.

    The amount of boonrip and reapplication is way out of controll.Boons like protection are not reliable, because just like the dmg ive talked about before you can just get unlucky and get everything ripped constantly, while the guy next to you isnt getting any.

    Sure 10% food etc are always on you, but even with that you eat 10k+ dmg.

    Im not even sure why im arguing with you guys, for my taste getting downed by skills that deal 10k+ dmg, while having 20-30k hp is just not fun in my book. And im using all that stuff you were talking about, im not even saying that im dying alot, but when i die, its rarely because im bad positioned, its just bad luck, and thats kitten.

    And yes, even with all those cute boons and buffs etc, you still can get hit by 10k hits.
    And the "turn might to weakness" argument justine brought up is soo bad. I wonder how the heck you corrupt someone who can cast those devestating skills from a 1200 range lol.

    You argue with yourself saying protection boon not reliable because corrupts but then turn around and also say corrupting might isn't realistic.There is a reason berserker scourges can and do exist despite your bogeyman hammer rev.

    ??? Because as a melee you have to run through everything and get it corrupted, while the ranged dps classes can stay away and bomb you down, whats not to understand about that. Sounds like you have never played in a big zerg, honestly.

    It's called teamwork.The very definition of playing in a big squad.Regardless of that, I don't like the power creep of the game since HoT and PoF either.

  13. I'm fascinated to see what the changes are.But 800-900 items... kinda an admission of neglect. Guess they really have just been fuckin about all this time.Also funny that, since templates are so disgustingly monetised, they now have a real incentive to split everything.It's gonna be hilarious. I'm stocking up on popcorn ?

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