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T G.7496

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Posts posted by T G.7496

  1. @Obtena.7952 said:

    @serialkicker.5274 said:You still can't explain how having two more mounts that took tons of work was justified in your logic.

    I don't need to explain that; I'm not making a suggestion for change here. The burden to justify the suggestion is on the people making it. As far as I'm concerned, I'm satisfied at this point that we don't have a sound suggestion for improving Warclaw in PVE, especially based on the original premise of the OP that Warclaw is useless in WvW or any continued speculation of skin revenues.

    Luckily its not you anyone has to satisfy.Your opinion is irrelevant.

  2. For some reason Google thought I might be interested in this stream.I couldn't bare to watch more than about 30 seconds.It was some of the most cringe worthy, buttock clenchingly awful material I have ever seen.How he makes a living off this is utterly beyond me.

  3. @Eloc Freidon.5692 said:A necro-ed thread I posted in, but putting in my updated two cents.

    If only they pushed that crafting and material sink step to the final collection and let players enjoy the content made. Some of these collections are hand tailored, unique content that no one plays because of collection two.

    Yeah, I agree, that was an odd design choice.Also, it's not a simulator, it's the real deal.Also, holy necro batman.

  4. @Uridian.8394 said:

    @Uridian.8394 said:To those people putting down ppl watching streams and would say quit being so 2000 and get to the 2020 my dudes... This is the new form of media that will only continue to grow when all others decline....

    What a low standard of entertainment the 2020s has set for itself my dude.

    I think that Low standard as you call it started in the 2000s with reality TV shows. Many people will tune into a Twitch stream to view gameplay of a game before investing money into to the game. That how I first started watching streams. People regularly do it now to learn how to do things in the game. But it has evolved into much more than that because you can interact with the streamer which make it real time and different than a YouTube video. Yes Amazon has a gold mine..... in more ways than one.... even though you may not participate you are now having a conversation about it only increasing people’s awareness of it. Snowball Effect in action.........

    Reality TV is the landfill of broadcast media. I'm not sure what that makes Twitch streaming. Also, I think we have different understandings of what snowball effect means.

  5. HoT was, finally, a place that demanded I learn how to actually play the game properly for the first time; build, gear, mechanics, awareness.At first I hated it. Then I decided to get better and make some changes to my relationship with the game. Slowly I moved through a love/hate period, and I did improve.Now, I love those maps;Tangled Depths is genius. I still think HoT is way more engaging than PoF, and core maps are just a nostalgic park to relax in now.There is nothing wrong with the overall game design of HoT. They wanted to create an environment for challenge, exploration and jeopardy. They nailed it.HoT fundamentally changed my relationship with, and enjoyment of this game for the better.It has nothing to do with being casual or not, it has to do with being competent or not. It really is a git gud situation, or at least a get better one. I did, bit by bit, and I'm forever grateful for that challenge; it was a really rewarding, fun experience.

  6. I recently tried a staff / LB druid for the first time in WvW. Surprisingly good fun, but people will hate you... expect people to jump on you, throw seige and send salty whispers. Luckily, I'm shit and mostly lose 1v1 fights, but it's more fun solo than other things I've tried.

  7. I once crafted an entire set of ascended armour of the wrong weight class for the intended character.

    The first time I went into PvP I didn't know about the whole amulet thing and thought I was using my current gear. The NPC duelists were pretty hard to beat, I thought.

    Did a fractal with a couple of friends, with the sole purpose of spying one of the birds for a nevermore collection. Left the gizmos in my bank.

  8. @ekisJohann.1508 said:

    @TwoGhosts.6790 said:Not sure what your situation is, but if you're working and can afford it a single precursor off the TP is just a coupla hours work, gems to gold. By far the most efficient use of your time probably.

    Of course, crafting your own can be a satisfying journey in itself for some people, but it's quite long and often more expensive.

    I am unemployed thanks to Corona :(

    Awww damn, that sucks man, sorry to hear.

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