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  1. Anet: Whats wrong now guys? Forums: Stealth is a little too strong, can you nerf durations? Anet: Sure thing bud, we value you, as a player 😄 Anet: " All skills that apply reveal now have an increased cooldown to 60s and apply self stun for 4 seconds." Anet: See....We appreciate you.. You're welcome..
  2. This.... And if you don't want to make the AA ranged.... Could we have a mesmer loot stick? ( For the new kids, the guardian spear uses the old animation of guardian staff which was a cone, that tagged up to 5 things in front of it, thus earning it's name, The Loot Stick)
  3. So far.. from a WvW standpoint Spear 2 feels weird and I hate it. I would rather this be a targeted dash, leap or shadow step.
  4. I'm still waiting on actual information cause so far this thread has been a " I'm good and this mystery build I wont ever mention or link or called out killed my totally not pve build that is 100% meta that I played with 100% competency that I also wont link or talk about you just have to trust me" Like if you need someone to vent to you can move that to DM's
  5. If everyone can one shot, everything is balanced right guys... right guys?
  6. My advice is, if you see someone cheating them record it. OBS is free, and simple to set up. Record the player, then send the vid to anet. People have gotten way to comfortable cheating and that needs to change.
  7. Unless their is a bugged interaction with something, I just tested this...It does not remove revealed in WvW
  8. To my knowledge, unless the thief is hacking, they have no skill that removes revealed in WvW anymore. But I could be wrong. A thief roach cultist will be in here to tell us definitively.
  9. .....Now I feel dirty for contributing to another cele player in wvw :I.....
  10. First...dodge? Cele Harb, Cele dagger spam mirage, chrono, deadeye, cele berserker, vindicator, cele catalyst, condi druid. Literally every class has a roaming build that deals with basic willbender . . . Edit: ALSO, If you chase a willbender across a map, wasting your movement skills or escapes and they turn around and burst you, you deserve that death. Chasing a willbender, like a thief or mesmer, is stupid.
  11. ....Why is this even a discussion though? If cele was the best. The best would use it. For everything. It isn't, so why in PvE does this warrant ire? Like WvW cele is a massive problem ( PvP rules in WvW when?) but PvE?
  12. Basically. We got nerfed because a boon that should have been chrono exclusive was given to everyone else.
  13. IIRC the sword was also nerfed because it was triggering the " on distortion" traits. You know Anet can't let mesmer have synergy. That's not allowed
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