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Scud.5067's Achievements

  1. I have become one with the tower. Practice, practice, practice - sometimes there isn't an Option B..
  2. Or just, again, have you die and re-spawn at a set location. It's not ideal but better than restarting. And designating areas of instant death and re-spawn locations seem fairly fundamental.
  3. I could get behind torch. Some kinda Firebreather/pyromaniac. Tho perhaps that's better suited to Mesmer. Perhaps call it a Sapper. Dunno the niche - perhaps something that builds on our traps?
  4. Will it dance like it's never danced before?
  5. Strafe Left = aStrafe Right = d Weapon skill 1 = qWeapon skill 2 = eWeapon skill 3 = rWeapon skill 4 = fWeapon skill 5 = t Healing Skill = Mouse Utility Skill 1 / Mount Skill 1 = Left Shift (shared bind)Utility Skill 2 = MouseUtility Skill 3 = Left CtrlElite Skill = Mouse Profession Skill 1 = 4Profession Skill 2 = 3Profession Skill 3 = 2Profession Skill 4 = 1 Special Action = ZAuto Run = \ Dodge / Mount Skill 2 = Mouse (shared bind) About Face = g Call Target = 6 Mounts are f1 -- f5, with ` for beetle
  6. If the Charr motorcycle is basically a wheel, that rolled up like the beetle then.. I can see it working. However, as we've seen with.. practically every other skin ever made (all of them?), a skin follows the boning in the original mount. In other words, its skeleton must correspond to the original mount. Heck, I could be wrong - are there any skins that deviate from the original mount's skeletal setup?
  7. Regarding, ''101 ways of trying to define passive play''. Don't bother - report them for botting. Then its on them to respond to the GM. That's the acid test. Everything else is academic.
  8. Give an Asura a human to eat, and they'll eat for a few days.Teach an Asura to hunt humans and.. ..NOTHING. WE'VE ALREADY GOT THEM CLONE FARMED BABY!
  9. Yeah, it would be a lot simpler to kill the character and have them respawn. Death & respawns are already a thing within the Story instances so we know it can be done. Kicking them out of the instance and resetting it to boot is just.. well, not lazy. It was a solution to a problem way back when. Lazy is leaving it this long and still not addressing it.
  10. My dude. Low-tech Asura solutions, fresh from the scrapyard.
  11. This game demonstrates a lot of hard work by smart people. However, quality of signalling leaves a lot to be desired. Which is problem in an action-focused gaming experience such as this. If we can't 'read' play, how can we learn? Engage? Respond? The research and design principles are out there - I'd say its time to crack open a book but I reckon its a little late at this time.
  12. Heeeell no! GW2 has some fairly solid, relatively original themes. High Elves is a fantasy trope I can live without. You let them in and next you're knee high in Gnomes.
  13. Is it ok tho? Last time I checked/this raised its head, having your attention not on the screen and hands at the keyboard is a no no. Of course, ANET is faaaiiirly vague on this, so the confusion is understandable. If I have GW2 windowed on the same screen as I'm doing some work, is that ok? My hands are at the keyboard... I'm just not playing GW2 - is that ok?I believe that, in theory at least, a mod/GM should poke the player for a response. And if said player does not respond then they're considered inattentive and AFK. This is a gross summary of course - a little googling will throw up the official stance, as shaky as it is. Personally, I'd really like a solid, 'YES LETTING PETS/TURRETS FARM FOR YOU IS OK' as I can easily knock up a few accounts, fill them with necros/hunters/engies and have them farm for me. I don't think we'll get such a message, and a clear 'IT IS NOT OK!' would be appreciated.
  14. Despite being a veteran of several MMOs, he had to ask me if this was a usual occurance in this game and if he had anything to fear for being reported (for killing mobs near an afk player ;) ). Guessing that was not an AFK farmer but someone taking a timeout answering a call of nature or a phone call etc.. Entertainingly, to me, I have semi-regularly gotten whispers about how I'm AFK-farming, evil, and will be reported ... but only when I'm actively playing the game, interacting and moving. Never gotten one when I have stepped away for a couple minutes to deal with business. This is, in part, why I advise people not to take it on themselves to try and police this. Players are honestly pretty bad at determining if someone is botting, AFK farming, or whatever, while ANet have vastly better tools and capabilities. Just report and move on if you think they are doing something wrong. It's certainly much better than threatening them, something that is a reportable action against you, and given the tone of the occasional whispers, they are very much actionable, since they usually start with "kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten you kittening kitten."Sending inappropriate texts is against ze rules regardless. The players can just report and let the system do (or do not, depending on folks cynicism) what its meant to do.
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