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Towelie.9504's Achievements

  1. As said in the title, WR is going to be a failure if it ends up with a bunch of 500 man guild alliances that mimic servers. Even 100 people in a roster is tremendous so that's likely still too many. Given that an active server population is in the 100s of unique players and not the 1000s anymore it makes no sense for massive guilds to be eligible. It is counter intuitive to the goal of sorting guilds uniformly across worlds and timezones.
  2. They have made repeated requests via the support form for over a week now but no response. They recently moved and needed to change phone numbers. They have SMS authentication enabled but these authentication messages are going to the old number so they have been unable to login to their account and change it. Could Anet support please prioritize working through their support ticket? Their display name is Kry.2140
  3. The good part is Alliances are coming out Soon(tm) and is there to fix all populance balance issues! The bad part is that Alliances won't fix anything because Anet does not have the balls to simply limit elgible WvW guild sizes to something reasonable like 100 players (which is still a TON of players even when this game mode wasn't dead) and instead it'll slowly drift into a handful "alliance guilds" of 500 people a piece which end up basically being the same servers we have today. Congrats, all that "effort" these past 5 years to put in a basic population balancing sorting "algorithm," if it can even be called that, just became useless. Instead of dealing with the outrage and angst of people who some reason think 500 man guilds are needed in a game that has lost most of its population and in a game mode that is basically in hospice waiting for someone to smother it with a pillow ArenaNet will go the passive route of allowing 500 man servers grouped into guilds and then go back to ignoring the problem for another decade.
  4. alliances is going to flop hard if they let an entire server's active player base into single guilds. a 500 person guild of active players wouldn't be an issue if it was 5+ years ago however WvW is such a dead game mode that amount of people is now the active player population of an entire server Seeing how anet can't even fix 10 year netcode issues and needed to resort to lowering the cap on maps to "fix it" does anyone have any confidence they can do something as complex as proper match making and balancing of players working with constraints like keeping blob server guilds together? this is a really hard problem to solve and working with that constraint makes it basically impossible to solve it
  5. On the other hand he's also been extremely a vocal advocate of upping the skill level as well in certain aspects. E.g. Open World PVE/Open World Bosses are so easy it's basically just a medal showing up. You literally do not have to look at your screen to play that game mode. While some parts may need to be tuned down in some aspects just so player who aren't familiar with their skill mechanics could learn perhaps easier (though I think personally that's a poor idea), this game's PVE content apart from Raids is actually insanely easy in general which has caused some Open World PVE players to never learn how to actually play their class despite maybe having hundreds to thousands of play hours on it.
  6. These are CM raids and they're self-imposing restrictions on themselves to make it harder..... They're also running comps that are way more DPS focused (e.g. way more glassy, way more easy to die) as they're trying for speed runs, not to just finish the boss. The newest Raid wing was so easy groups were able to figure out the mechanics and beat them in a day, whereas previous raid wings took quite awhile before a group could do it and figure out the proper comps, proper mechanics etc (still IMO not long enough especially for CM). Raids are NOT difficult out of the box. If they're difficult for your guild it's either a comp issue or a lack of understanding of skill mechanics, or both. If you're taking your build from meta battle there's a good list of the proper rotations you should be trying to follow to optimize your dps, support etc. Basically... a learn to play issue if what I read from your post...
  7. Not only that, but VPNs allow you to manipulate routing in kind of a backwards, uncontrollable way and some of those core ISPs will give Layer 3/4 encrypted traffic higher priority just based on their QoS policies. Most VPNs are going to cut your throughput by 30% at a minimum if not more, as your encapsulating your data into encrypted packets which have higher overheads and of course could have congestion on their own network. This isn't that much of a concern for gaming though, you only really need at best 1-2 Mbps of throughput available for GW2 at most unless your patching updates. Gaming is all about latency, the actual throughput when using GW2 is small (just barely in the Kbps most of the time).
  8. 1) No company is ever going to punish anyone for using a VPN. That said, some countries like the UAE punish/disallow these but that's only if you actually are living/staying in the UAE and even then I do it quite often whenever I am there and have never been hunted down.2) VPNs reducing latency to GW2 is entirely up to the VPN you choose, and possibly the routing you set it (e.g. some VPNs like PIA allow you to select which endpoint your traffic will exit on), so while you may now have better latency to American servers which are AWS instances located in Virginia, you could suffer additional lag elsewhere to more local destinations (e.g. rather than using a google.com that's near NZ, you would be using a google.com that's near the endpoint of your VPN, thus now you not only get the USA version of google but you have additional latency to using google as well).
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