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Posts posted by Vagrant.7206

  1. On 3/9/2022 at 7:37 PM, MrForz.1953 said:

    Rangers dealt with that kind of fiasco until the pet was made pretty much irrelevant (Druid), or conveniently got out of the way (Soulbeast). Right now Mechanists discover the joys of AI much like Bladesworns discover the shortcomings of kits.

    Core engineer, Scrapper, and now the Mechanist have all had to put up with bad AI (Turrets, gyros pre-rework, and now mech). They keep trying this over and over, and it keeps failing spectacularly. 

    The only engineer spec that didn't have to deal with AI to begin with was Holosmith. Now that scrapper has also joined the field, it's seeing some usefulness.

    • Like 1
  2. On 12/20/2021 at 4:45 PM, coro.3176 said:


    I mean, playable is a matter of opinion. It is much much worse than any power option. Blowtorch misses all the time and is on a ridiculous cooldown. Grenade / shrapnel condi procs are straight up worse than just speccing power and having the initial hit do more damage. If by some miracle the condi all manages to tick for its full duration, you were STILL better off hitting the same number of skills with power and killing in a fraction of the time.

    I would agree that it's playable in WvW, where you can get some tankiness to go with your condi, or run cele, but in PvP it's a liability because it can't touch any build with cleanse, takes longer to kill than power, and is generally taking huge risks for no benefit.

    It also is missing a lot of the sustain that power builds get.

    Having played condi engi for years (can't now, gives me finger cramps at this point), I can tell you that it's one of the hardiest builds in PvE. I have lasted longer on it than any other build, because it's FANTASTIC at kiting mobs and self-healing. It's a selfish build at its essence, and kiting mobs makes it ridiculously tanky. Glue shot, glue bomb, smoke bomb, ice mortar, flashbang mortar, and frost grenades mean enemies basically can never reach you or hit you if you have enough space to move.

    It's just extremely user-unfriendly as pointed out by Infusion.

    I agree with @ThrakathNar.4537 when the problem is the core trait lines. Most of the core traits are extremely weak or too situational. The elite spec trait lines are generally well-designed and cohesive, whereas the core trait lines have a bunch of random stuff thrown at the wall that doesn't make much sense. 

    In vanilla GW2, when you could select any traits you wanted out of the list (provided you met minimum requirements), core engineer was significantly more powerful as you could pick traits that made a cohesive whole (notice that certain tiers of the core trait lines are more powerful?). But when they did the update to traits before HoT, we got railroaded into specific trait setups that they never revisited.

    There are also plenty of core skills that need revisiting, but the traits make a HUGE impact.

  3. 2 hours ago, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

    one possible solution for mechanist


    give us:

    f4 = "mech return to me immediately"

    f5 = switch mech battle aggro range (after that he'd stop chasing and just return to players side)

    part this in 3 ranges, ~200, ~500, ~1700 (or sth similar to these)

    f6 = summon/desummon button, as u won't use that one anyways not thaaat much

    F6 is a bit of a stretch. Both literally and figuratively.

    • Haha 1
  4. On 10/29/2021 at 7:19 AM, Nephalem.8921 said:

    Unbuffed golem but buffed player. golem gets stats from might conversion. Obviously using f skills aswell.

    There is no vid with buffed golem but just test it. Bring a friend into golem area that buffs it while you have buffs aswell. 15k+ from what i have seen.

    Ok, so I believe those numbers now. That seems accurate.

    Problem is... it's literally the core condi 4-kit piano engineer has had since vanilla, but with a mech now! 

    Call me crazy but... I don't want to go through that again. I've had enough finger cramps already.

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  5. 9 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

    Condi mech can do 40k dps actually. 47k if you manage to buff the golem which is impossible in full groups because of boon prio.

    The problem is that the dps rotation is just core condi with added golem clunkyness. Not a single matching cd on the skills. its all over the place. A buffed golem does 15-17k dps on its own. unbuffed just 8k.Anet really needs to fix their broken pet systems before they add new pet specs. Fortifying bond baseline as a start.

    Signets are weak and not worth using for dps.

    I would need to see a video of this or some kind of proof. 40k-47k DPS on a golem is incredibly high.

    And I literally just tested an unbuffed golem. It does not do 8k DPS. Tops is 5k.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Inventrix.3158 said:

    I also play engi.

    Sure, but maybe you're looking at this from a different perspective from me. I generally don't do open world content (mostly because I find it boring and easy). I spend most of my time playing between fractals and PvP.

    Is the mech tougher and stronger than a typical pet? Sure. In the open world, the mechanist makes it easy mode. This is a good thing for people who have disabilities and struggle with some of the more fluid play in GW2.

    But I just did a DPS test on the mech alone against a golem. It never went over 5k DPS by itself  while I was unbuffed (power and condi, tested both). This thing is not a powerhouse. It's just very durable and does ok damage. When I added myself into the fray (still unbuffed), I got 7k DPS for condi, and 6k dps for power. Those are very low numbers compared to what a holo can do unbuffed (last I tested ages ago was 12-13k unbuffed DPS). 

    (I also got 20k DPS fully buffed condi. On holo power fully buffed, I usually get between 30-35k DPS. The numbers are just generally pretty low)

    TL;DR - Mech is great for open world. Everything else is a resounding meh.

    • Thanks 3
  7. 11 minutes ago, Inventrix.3158 said:

    Right, that's what I said and that's what I expected. But there's a difference between "this is better than ranger pets" and "I barely even have to play when my mech is there", you know?

    Perhaps, but you're comparing apples to oranges in this case. Core ranger and mechanist are in no way similar. Mechanist lacks both weapon swap and pet swap, and all of the other stuff I previously mentioned. Plus it's an e-spec.

  8. 37 minutes ago, Inventrix.3158 said:

    I totally understand and agree that the engi mech needs to be Really kitten Good. It's replacing an entire core engi mechanic and you only get the one and it doesn't have any of the synergies that ranger pets gets. I expected it to be a bit better than the strongest ranger pets. But.


    This is too much!


    The ranger and pet are meant to be equal partners (obviously changes depending on build, but I mean conceptually).

    The mech and engi are not meant to be equal partners. A mechanist by themselves (without the mech) is substantially weaker than a core engineer:

    • One traitline is entirely devoted to the mech instead of the 3 core traitlines. The mechanist traitline only enhances the mech, not the engineer.
    • All the utility skills have half of their utility without the toolbelt skill. This means that even kits are weaker on mechanist than on core engineer because their toolbelt skills are absent.
    • Signets are a piece of passive gameplay that primarily enhances the mech. Engineer weapons are generally weak and ineffectual compared to most other class's weapons (by design, to encourage kit use).

    In other words, the engineer is acting more like the mech's minion than the other way around. So the mech kitten well better be more powerful than a ranger's pet - a mechanist has little else going for them.

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  9. I spent some time with the Mechanist earlier this week and I've had some time to think about my feelings on it.


    The Good

    - This e-spec meets the engineer fantasy that I think turrets were supposed to have, but fell short.

    - The e-spec is simple to operate, which I think is good especially for players who might have disabilities


    The Bad

    - An AI-based spec. AI in this game is notoriously bad (rangers/necros/scrappers/turrets can attest). It suffers from difficulty with control, and feels unresponsive. This also means that mechanist basically won't exist in PvP, and only in limited forms in WvW. There needs to be more control functions for the golem to allow more versatile play - options such as lock target, return to me, switch between ranged/melee, and placement of the mech.

    - The mechanist itself doesn't offer anything particularly unique, other some buffs that engineer didn't have access to before.

    - The mech will likely get nerfed (see turrets) because of its more passive playstyle. Signets make this passive playstyle even worse.

    - Many traits and utility skills simply are worthless because of a lack of synergy with the mech and no toolbelt skills.

    - When the mech is down/dead, you are basically a really bad core engineer who is missing a traitline and the toolbelt. It doesn't feel very good.


    The Ugly

    - The mech itself. Without customization options, it completely misses the mark on aesthetics.

    - You can "rename" the mech, but the renaming doesn't persist.

    - It's just boring to play. You are the mech's minion, not the other way around. It just follows you while you support it.

    - Lack of a toolbelt basically means that core engineer has almost no interaction with the mechanist. This is like its own class rather than an espec. 

    - I just don't see much of a place for this in high-end PvE, PvP, or WvW. It seems mostly like an open world spec.

    - The mace is just completely forgettable and underwhelming. I had to come back and edit this post after I remembered it was added as part of the e-spec. It also really highlights the problems that core engineer has with weapons.

    • Like 7
  10. 37 minutes ago, Aedil.1296 said:

    I do understand your frustration. 

    What I don't understand is why the pets AI is not efficient in Gw2. 

    I get that is a different game but back in GW1 we had 7 heroes in a party maganed by AI and only 1 real players and they were working amazingly. So definitely Anet knows how to handle AI but probably there are problems in GW2 for which they haven't found solutions as of yet. 

    Maybe now they did tho cause 2 specs now will rely heavily on pets! 

    So let's just wait to play the beta and then we will see 😊

    The AI allies in GW1 weren't particularly good either. They often required micromanagement to perform as expected. They didn't move intelligently nor attack intelligently.

    The only exceptions were the AI interrupters - they could react with inhuman speed, and were part of the reason you barely saw any mesmer mains in GW1.

    AI is notoriously difficult to balance and design in games, especially MMOs. I'm replaying STALKER right now, where the enemy AI is significantly smarter than most game AI these days. The AI can flank you, grenade you while you're in cover, etc. But it can also pull crazy crap like shooting you through multiple bushes.

  11. 11 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    My hope would be a pairing with necromancer for some nasty conditions stuff... like a radiation theme which shrouds us with the fallout of the jade tech (that stuff really looked like Canthan nuclear energy) to make enemies around us sick.

    Bonus points if the spec uses corruption skills (harm yourself with radiation to harm the enemy even harmfullier) and gives us more access to boon hate.

    Get out of here STALKER!

  12. Warrior -> Weird Holo/Engi?
    Guardian -> Thief/Shiro Rev
    Revenant -> Guardian-ish?

    Thief -> Scourge
    Ranger -> Warrior? Bunny Thumper?

    Engineer -> ?
    Elementalist -> Scrapper? Hammer war?

    Mesmer -> Not sure on this one. Maybe Harbinger?
    Necro -> Condi Engineer


    The only classes not really seeing any cross-representation are Ranger or Mesmer, so it's likely going to be based on one of those.

    I do find it interesting how 3 of the new e-specs seem to have some basis in engineer though.

    • Like 1
  13. I suspect all this lack of synergy is because turrets are considered their own entities, and technically aren't the engineer itself. 


    The only real way to resolve that is to actually make the engineer the turret itself and cut out the AI - I always thought shoulder-mounted turrets would've been a smarter idea anyway.

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  14. 4 hours ago, MrForz.1953 said:

    Shield is perhaps the Engineer's best weapon right now in PvP ironically. Doesn't have much in the way of offense of course, but its skillset, especially Static Shield often makes enemies frown and is a good setup for punishment while remaining defensive, the lack of internal cooldown means that you can potentially strip stability and defiance bars off of fast-attackers in a flash.

    It's also solid in PvE if you need CC against an enemy that attacks frequently. I run it on my scrapper healer and the CC works really well for some enemies.

  15. I think any one of those bottom 3 icons could belong to engineer. The top row is too obviously not ours. 


    As for the name... I doubt it's innovator.

  16. @kharmin.7683 said:Is this another I don't like the way other players use their skills to beat me so they must be nerfed threads?

    Yeah, pretty much. Throw mine isn't bad, and can be used effectively, but it's tricky. The risk-reward is spot on with it, in my book.

  17. @"Taril.8619" said:So... Turrets become Virtues?

    I dunno... I mean, it could work since it bypasses the AI nature of them which means ANet will actually allow them to be at all relevant... But it kind of defeats the purpose of being "Turrets" as well as the fantasy of being an Engineer that sets up defences (But I guess ANet will never let that be a thing anyway...)

    I guess at the end of the day, Turrets are always going to be kind of meh in their design. Since, as long as they're actual Turrets, ANet won't let them be at all relevant and if they're changed from being "Turrets" to something else, then it'll just be essentially replacing Turrets with a completely different skill...

    To be honest, I still wish they'd make Turrets better as Turrets. Along with changes to make them less set and forget so they can be actually allowed to be viable.

    For example;

    • If they worked similarly to the Turret thing you get in Kourna where they constantly drain health (Similar to Spirits) but you can use (a buffed) Tool Kit to repair them.
    • Allow Magnet (Tool Kit 5) and Magnetic Shield (Shield 4) to pull Turrets to you so you can move them.
    • Maybe replace Box of Trash (Skill 2) on Tool Kit for a skill that has a secondary effect of being able to Overcharge Turrets.
    • Make Turret active skills provide active effects instead of blowing them up (So that there's more relevance on keeping Turrets alive as opposed to just set them down then blow them up after a few seconds).
    • Most importantly, make turrets scale off your stats, for the most logical way to deal with the issue from a while back when Bunker builds in PvP were doing relevant damage due to Turrets and their independent stats.

    Get a bit of TF2 Engineer gameplay all up in this game, whacking your stuff with your wrench inbetween shooting at enemies with a pistol and shotgun...

    I believe that was the original intention of engineer, but it just never panned out that way due to balancing issues revolving around AI in GW2. In TF2, it works because the sentry has limited detection radius, is easily destroyed from distance, and you can LOS it easily. It also takes a lot to upgrade fully. But in return, it does crazy damage and area denial. Ultimately, you can't have the tradeoffs present in TF2, so you can't have the perks either.

    Hence why I figure it just ought to be attached to your engineer. Like a backpack turret or something.


  18. @Noah Salazar.5430 said:Well ther was actualy idea to replace them with mech-scorpions, so turrets at last culd be mobilebut also x2 health pull culd be nicesame as dmg multiplicators

    other idea was to make turrets some kind of bannerslave kitwhile aliveflame turret +150 condi dmgRifle turret +150 precisionRocket turret +150 powerNet +150 expercisethumper turret +150 ferocityfor all team (no stack with other engineers)

    The problem with them being banners is that most banners are not that relevant outside of PvE. If we want to make turrets relevant, we should be attempting to make them useful in every mode.

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