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Posts posted by Vagrant.7206

  1. @DonArkanio.6419 said:Well, we might wait for it 3 months. Or 6. Or 9. Or never. - We have no idea.

    Yeah, I don't think it's right for the screaming and echoing to stop during the 15 minute match. These things need to go on for a few months to drag out the content while animators work on new material.

    I think once all the echoing and screaming's done, engineers should be able to fly.

  2. @foste.3098 said:

    @Vagrant.7206 said:Still relevant.

    And where exactly did i ask for nerfs? i said that the elite spec is a failure because it is designed to be a bunker but is used as a burst/dps spec instead because it works better that way, overlapping its role with holosmith. What's even the point of engineer having 2 elite specs when they both are the exact same thing?

    I think you missed the point of my post.

  3. @"MrAmputatoes.6031" said:I take my vote back, Holo is honestly the biggest outlier. 1.5k -2k autos from 1200 range w/ blocks, invulns, invis, stability, imob, great melee damage w/ burst and stupid cc combos because of 25 might constantly. Decent mobility because of the low cd holo leap. Holos downside is " oh overheat." Yeah any player whos played 2 games with holo knows not to overheat.

    I love my builds that contain 5 traitlines and 6 utility skills, tbh. Don't nerf it.

  4. @Nilix.2170 said:

    @"Chaith.8256" said:No idea why Photonic Blasting Module wasn't updated to shield the Holosmith from being Toolbelt locked, just like it shields the Holosmith from direct damage and prevents loss of heat therapy.

    Photonic Blasting Module is supposed to remove the drawbacks of overheating. This is more of a bug than a feature. Expecting fix

    Reason why I don't think this is simply oversight is because this is just too huge of a change. It's clear they wanted a downside that actually mattered and this really does matter a lot. Letting PBM go free would make just about every Holo run PBM, if you weren't running it already.

    But the change to overheating was intended to punish PvP players. So either they're lying, incompetent, or both.

    Was the meta ECSU? Even then, they probably didn't want it to end up as "Everyone migrates to PBM to get around this pretty big change" and kept it across the board.

    The PvP meta has always been Thermal Release Valve. ECSU has never had a place in either game mode except in niche builds.

  5. @Nilix.2170 said:

    @Chaith.8256 said:No idea why Photonic Blasting Module wasn't updated to shield the Holosmith from being Toolbelt locked, just like it shields the Holosmith from direct damage and prevents loss of heat therapy.

    Photonic Blasting Module is supposed to remove the drawbacks of overheating. This is more of a bug than a feature. Expecting fix

    Reason why I don't think this is simply oversight is because this is just too huge of a change. It's clear they wanted a downside that actually mattered and this really does matter a lot. Letting PBM go free would make just about every Holo run PBM, if you weren't running it already.

    But the change to overheating was intended to punish PvP players. So either they're lying, incompetent, or both.

  6. @"Crab Fear.1624" said:I don't feel like holo really got brought to a reasonable level with this last balance patch.

    Still seems to easy to do everything, and who overheats anymore?

    Most of the nerfs affected PvE holo more than they affected PvP holo. PvE builds relied upon Photonic Blasting Module as part of their rotation, which means intentionally overheating.

    However, there was one nerf in PvP that did reduce the overall damage holo does -- that was the nerf to laser's edge. Dynamic damage increases are less reliable, and almost always mean you will never do the exact maximum listed because you never can do anything at 100% heat without overheating and facing much harsher penalties.

    The multiplicative bit is a very tiny buff, but not as important as the dynamic scaling, because if you do the math, it's a relatively small improvement. Say you have a sigil of exploitation (+5%), rune of strength (+5%), and the laser's edge buff (at maximum), your damage would be calculated like this:

    • Additive Example: 1 + 0.15 + 0.10 = 1.25
    • Multiplicative Example: 1 x 1.15 x 1.10 = 1.265

    Even in hypothetical, ideal scenarios, the multiplicative buff never increases damage by more than a percentage point or two.

  7. @LazySummer.2568 said:

    @LazySummer.2568 said:prot holo is still around and equally braindead as scrapper before the patch.

    Easy to say if you haven't played it.

    Played it plenty. There's nothing hard about dropping a bunch of pulsing fields on point that makes it so enemies can't play and gives you boons while simultaneously spamming the usual holo shenanigans, and it's also neither weak to power nor condis by default. It has the special bonus of being able to cc and decap other bunkers off point too just like scrapper.

    Sounds like you haven't played it against competent players then.

  8. Played condi engi again tonight.

    My fingers started hurting after about 20 minutes. It's been a few years ANet, my fingers aren't what they used to be.

  9. @Nephalem.8921 said:

    @"archmagus.7249" said:I was playing for the first time post patch and I overloaded. I was just above 25% health when the initial damage packet hit, and it hit me for most of what I had left and I was downed by the DoT component. As part of their "Making overloading more dangerous" thing does the overload initial damage now scale with your maximum health? I can't account for the DoT because I was downed. I was in full marauders with durability runes.

    PBM still shows the overload damage being directed to enemies as your base health, though.

    Overheating without PBM should do close to half your health. With PBM, it should only be about a quarter.

    which is still way too much. lowest dps and sacrifice 1/4 of your health. just why?it was sold as a risky glasscannon but its just a risky wet noodle AGAIN. was like this at the start of pof aswell. Why is overheating SOOO punishing when the spec is so not rewarding in the first place.The devs should really get forced to play engi in raids/fractal cms without a dev sign. Really want them to experience the super dull new rotation, failed sword design as a whole because there isn't a proper offhand to support it and its basically just auto attacking with pressing instant toolbelts off cooldown.And you will even get outdamaged by decent banner warriors all the time. Some raid commanders will seriously insist on swapping when playing engi. Probably wont be able to even join decent fractal cm groups as engi anymore.

    Welcome to engineer, where we were forced to play the same build for 3-4 years before and after HoT dropped. Scrapper has never been useful in high-end PvE content. They just took a dump on holo now too.

  10. Just looked over it -- looks like a modified core condi engi. Designed for hybrid damage, not really either power or condi.

    I wonder how powerbomber compares. Time to get cracking.

    Edit: Out of sheer boredom (or stupidity) I tried ye olden power bomber build. Almost identical DPS to my "surprise mechanic" build.

  11. I forgot just how many buttons I had to press to operate core condi engi. Cheers to you ANet, you've gotten me the build I played for nearly 3 years straight through HoT. Carpal tunnel, here I come!

    (This build, in case anybody is wondering.)

    Never forget this thread:

    Engie is literally in a league of its own. It almost isn’t even fair to compare the complexity of engie to other classes. It has the most actions per minute AND has to manage hidden cool downs along with endurance management. It simply isn’t playing the same game as the other professions. If you take Engie out of the list, they all seem a lot closer together, though it should be said the gap between the lowest APM and largest non-engie is almost 50%. Anyone who can pull off strong parses on engie in actual raids is without a doubt an objectively good player.

  12. @archmagus.7249 said:

    @archmagus.7249 said:I was playing for the first time post patch and I overloaded. I was just above 25% health when the initial damage packet hit, and it hit me for most of what I had left and I was downed by the DoT component. As part of their "Making overloading more dangerous" thing does the overload initial damage now scale with your maximum health? I can't account for the DoT because I was downed. I was in full marauders with durability runes.

    PBM still shows the overload damage being directed to enemies as your base health, though.

    Overheating without PBM should do close to half your health. With PBM, it should only be about a quarter.

    Well, yeah. But I've been under the impression that the damage done is based on your base vitality, not your current vitality (what your vitality is after gear and buffs). So an engineer with no extra points in vitality would take a full half of their health from overloading without pbm, but one with a lot of extra points of vitality, and/or straight up health bonuses might only take 40% (or so) of their health from overloading without pbm.

    Nope. It's always been relative as long as I can remember.

  13. @MrForz.1953 said:

    @Obtena.7952 said:As always, I will play the contrarian.

    Barrier triggering on damage is the best thing that has happened to this class. It's changed the feel to live up to its name. I WANT to be in the fight and stick in there. Sure we lost some DPS ... well, it's pretty obvious why.

    Oh it's definitely cool by concept. But generating barrier in PvP is not easy, it's also in very low amounts, cancelled pretty much by retaliation.

    Or kiting. That's all an enemy has to do now, especially if they're condi.

  14. @"Lady Vanithy.6495" said:What do you think of the "drunk scrapper" using elixirs? Saw it posted and gave it a try. Had some laughs and it was stupid fun in bitterfrost doing my daily berries runs but of course did no hard things.I have been waiting on your update here though so thank you!

    I toyed around with my "surprise mechanic" variant in the raid DPS arena. Obviously made some modifications for PvE. I was able to sustain about 20kDPS.

  15. @coro.3176 said:

    @"lostinoz.8659" said:Generally, I would agree with your assessment. The function gyro could use more health. Of the times I have used it in WvW I think only once has it not been cleaved down instantly. I would like to add a 4th option to your proposed Impact Savant changes: Convert 15% of ALL outgoing damage into barrier and reduces vitality by 300. Remove the strike provision and open it up to include condition damage as well. This would open up build diversity and play styles.

    It's not just condition damage either (although, it really really needs to work with condi ..).

    "Strike" damage doesn't include stuff like ground aoes. I tried my old combo: Minesweeper dodge back, then Magnet my target through the mines for damage and got .. 0 barrier.

    If the balance team has decided that non-strike damage would be OP somehow, maybe it could still function at a lesser rate? 10% of all non-strike damage to barrier?

    Weird, I've gotten it to proc on retal. Maybe I'm just reading the numbers wrong?

  16. @"Hannelore.8153" said:Half of the problem is, they don't want toolbelt to be a thing for Holo, but are scared to just remove it. They're not just trying to make core specs viable, they're trying to make the elite specs something else entirely (see Berserker and Scrapper getting negative stats in their minor traits).

    Yes, it sucks for now and needs some adjustments, but I don't disagree with the direction because elites were ruining the game for years to the point where alot of people felt the expos were basically P2W especially in WvW/PvP game modes.

    Without this direction, they wouldn't be able to add more elites in the future, because each elite becomes a tumor.

    I'd say it's probably a little too late to make that claim. It's been nearly 2 years since PoF dropped, nearly 4 since HoT. If they really wanted to stop the "tumor" they should've acted sooner.

    I'm more likely to believe they're dropping new elite specs soon, which is why they're nerfing existing ones.

  17. @"archmagus.7249" said:I was playing for the first time post patch and I overloaded. I was just above 25% health when the initial damage packet hit, and it hit me for most of what I had left and I was downed by the DoT component. As part of their "Making overloading more dangerous" thing does the overload initial damage now scale with your maximum health? I can't account for the DoT because I was downed. I was in full marauders with durability runes.

    PBM still shows the overload damage being directed to enemies as your base health, though.

    Overheating without PBM should do close to half your health. With PBM, it should only be about a quarter.

  18. @wiazabi.2549 said:After playing around i knew pretty much exactly what that video would sadly show and it just sux it comes out as an extended cooldown on barrage and big old while also locking us out of any utility we might have on belt.

    Even if i wanted to save big old for cc or to avoid knocking stuff back i actually now cant do that without loosing to much dps in which case why bother with holo at all.

    What if you used med kit and overheat you now cant use the self heal on yourself as its the F1 skill all while taking damage from overheat.

    Use AED for CC ? well to bad if you are in overheat.

    The amazing thing about it all is just that it locks us out of so much. The entire class mechanic is toolbelt -- that's what defines engineer. It's the justification for why we don't have a weapon swap.

  19. @Tapps.1479 said:Since they removed all the other physical gyros and made them well centered on the scrapper why not make the function gyro a well that stomps/resses and is not cleaveable. The res part would work like necro res skill or the toss elixer res skill. The stomp would be like the buff in coloseum, make some clear (but not that huge) animation for it stomping and it can be avoided with stealth/teleport ect. This way in larger fights the function gyro won't get deleted instantly in cleave.

    It would certainly be consistent with their last changes.

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